6 Month ?

Don't worry the more they delay the game the sooner the game will be copied and hacked and put on black market and file sharing network.
"Don't worry the more they delay the game the sooner the game will be copied and hacked and put on black market and file sharing network."

I think this deserves some from of punishment, don't you?
There is no logical reason for VUG to delay the game for 6 months purely out of spite for Valve. They will lose what little credibility they have as a publisher. It can only hurt them. If they are waiting for a Christmas release then that might make more sense, still , everyone's going to be pissed but at this point I don't think they really care.
Yombi said:
dude...300kb/s is 30KB/s there is a difference...it took me about 1 day (not straight hours since other people use the puter) to download 1 gig. Max i normally get on steam is 200kb/s (20KB/s)

edit: it would take about 12 hours to download @ 20KB/s (if it stays @ that speed)
What are you talking about?

300 kbit/s = 37.5 kbyte/s
200 kbit/s = 25 kbyte/s

1 byte = 8 bit

Edit: And kilo is always with a lower-case k.
Like I said in the other thread, here's their main office number if you want to complain ;)


i had a dream last night that hl2 got leaked, but only i knew about it and i had the original leak, but for some reason it was a hard boiled egg??? out of its shell. and i tried to give it to someone but it busted and the yolk all came out.
then i was talking down a hole in my floor of my house to a girl and then i found out her uncle had murdered someone about 15 years ago with a gun. for drugs. so my mum told me to stay away from drugs. yep. it's all making sense now. :|
VUG already told the Gamestop managers that the game will be on the shelves by Thanksgiving. Until otherwise happens, let's just go with giving 'em the benefit of the doubt.
They have the option of doing that, but why should they lose 10s of millions of dollars just for spite?
VUG already told the Gamestop managers that the game will be on the shelves by Thanksgiving. Until otherwise happens, let's just go with giving 'em the benefit of the doubt.
Where did you hear about this?
It was in a previous thread on this site. Give me a minute to look it up.
It was in a previous thread on this site. Give me a minute to look it up.
I must have missed it (how old was it?) Let us know if you find it :thumbs:
Sorry for the delay. It was someone at HL2 Fallout.com. Here is my original post:

"Over HL2Fallout, someone spoke to a Gamespot manager who was at a conference over the weekend and spoke personally to a VUG representative.

The VUG rep assured him that HL2 would be available for sale prior to Thanksgiving and that the gist of the lawsuit was that VUG wants Valve to serve out the terms of their original contract and not jump ship prior to then."
Sorry for the delay. It was someone at HL2 Fallout.com. Here is my original post:

"Over HL2Fallout, someone spoke to a Gamespot manager who was at a conference over the weekend and spoke personally to a VUG representative.

The VUG rep assured him that HL2 would be available for sale prior to Thanksgiving and that the gist of the lawsuit was that VUG wants Valve to serve out the terms of their original contract and not jump ship prior to then."

Let's just hope the original poster actually spoke to a VUG rep :(
sounds fair to me. withhold steam distribution on a large scale until hl2 is out the door.
id like to see how hl3 would fair on steam only release. or tf2. not as well, is my best guess.
Of course, an ironic element of this now is that the "raising the bar" making of book may be unfinished. Especially if the game is delayed a number of months after it's completion by another unresolved factor affecting release.
Sorry for the delay. It was someone at HL2 Fallout.com. Here is my original post:

"Over HL2Fallout, someone spoke to a Gamespot manager who was at a conference over the weekend and spoke personally to a VUG representative.

The VUG rep assured him that HL2 would be available for sale prior to Thanksgiving and that the gist of the lawsuit was that VUG wants Valve to serve out the terms of their original contract and not jump ship prior to then."

I would hope that is all its about and valve sticks to the agreement. I'm sure it would cause more trouble then its worth to jump ship before hand. But with all the crap VUG is putting valve thought I don't see them signing another contract with VUG in the near future. It would be great if Valve can take the money they'll make from HL² and go in it alone next time and cut out the need for a middleman.
I'm really supprised that someone hasn't tried to brute force the HL2 preload yet. Encryption is only good because rying all 2^128 combinations is a son of a bitch. However, there is a very easy way of cracking encryption, you just need to know what type of ecryption was used, and have some idea what kind of data a certian portion of the code uses(which is simple as **** since we have a leaked HL2 source code hidding somewhere online), and time.

You can either use a hardware based array of cheap chips that test about 4 bytes of data to see if they're 'interesting' and if they are, tell the Computer Overlord about it to it can test it further. This is what several computer experts believe the government uses to break encrypted documents in real time. It also works very nicely, and costs very little aside from R+D(maybe $15,000 if you want HL2 in a few weeks). But get some 3rd or 4th year CS/EE students interested and they'll build it for you for pizza and bawls.

The other method would be a modified Seti@Home style client-server distibuted procesing network. Give each computer a few billion RSA/DES keys and a small chunk of data to play with, then just spread them all over a computer lab or something. Hell, make a webite if VUG decides to pull another 'we'll sit on this because we're assholes'. HL2 Seti@Home running from a server in glorious Mainland Communist China, where US laws don't mean shit! It shouldn't take too long for the code to be broken, and the site can then release the game as it pleases, even charging for it.

Kinda sucks if that hapens though, since VALVe is out all the R+D costs and basically goes out of business, and VU(G) is just too huge to realy care since they have other prospects.

I'd like to see VUG's US offices get blown to shit by some irate gamer. "Games promote violence and death!" "NO, only when assholes keep them from us"
just think how pissed off ATI would be if it was delayed for 6 months! all those cards they sold as part of the original deal would be grosly outdated!

And they would earn more money beacuse everybody wants to have the latest graphicscard when playing hl2..
Yes prior to Thanksgiving means before Thanksgiving.

That's AMERICAN Thanksgiving - not the Canadian one :p
Stalin223 said:
I'm really supprised that someone hasn't tried to brute force the HL2 preload yet. Encryption is only good because rying all 2^128 combinations is a son of a bitch. However, there is a very easy way of cracking encryption, you just need to know what type of ecryption was used, and have some idea what kind of data a certian portion of the code uses(which is simple as **** since we have a leaked HL2 source code hidding somewhere online), and time.

You can either use a hardware based array of cheap chips that test about 4 bytes of data to see if they're 'interesting' and if they are, tell the Computer Overlord about it to it can test it further. This is what several computer experts believe the government uses to break encrypted documents in real time. It also works very nicely, and costs very little aside from R+D(maybe $15,000 if you want HL2 in a few weeks). But get some 3rd or 4th year CS/EE students interested and they'll build it for you for pizza and bawls.

The other method would be a modified Seti@Home style client-server distibuted procesing network. Give each computer a few billion RSA/DES keys and a small chunk of data to play with, then just spread them all over a computer lab or something. Hell, make a webite if VUG decides to pull another 'we'll sit on this because we're assholes'. HL2 Seti@Home running from a server in glorious Mainland Communist China, where US laws don't mean shit! It shouldn't take too long for the code to be broken, and the site can then release the game as it pleases, even charging for it.

Kinda sucks if that hapens though, since VALVe is out all the R+D costs and basically goes out of business, and VU(G) is just too huge to realy care since they have other prospects.

I'd like to see VUG's US offices get blown to shit by some irate gamer. "Games promote violence and death!" "NO, only when assholes keep them from us"
Not all of the HL2 content is available. Even if you were able to crack all of the encryptions, you wouldn't have a playable game.
paddy3k said:
yesterday i was so hyped [snip]... now.... there's no grimace which expresses my feeling

that is pretty much the entire HL2 story, happy today with the promise of things to come, frustrated with the reality of the situation tomorrow.

however all sillyness aside, IM sure this (if it were/is true) would piss off Valve the most.
this is one situation where I honestly feel bad for Valve...
And that is the other problem, they were smart enough to not give use everything right now because some insane bastard would try just that. Oh well.
Wait, can someone clear this up? Valve sued VUG in 2001? why? If valve neww that this could happen why did they choose VUG as a distributer?!

Anyways, VUG would not do that, waste of money, just to get valve mad.
ATI4EVER! said:
Wait, can someone clear this up? Valve sued VUG in 2001? why? If valve neww that this could happen why did they choose VUG as a distributer?!

Valve had a contract with Sierra, and VU bought Sierra. Valve have no choice but to have VUG as their publisher.
So, basically, VU is making everyone mad at them, just to get short-term gains?

Goodbye HL3, and any other subsequent Valve stuff. Goodbye game developers who don't want to get screwed. Goodbye fans, goodbye spoon. Goodbye revenue, goodnight moon.

As many have said before, VU's tactics here: Retarded.
Like I mentioned in another thread, contract's are not set in stone, if one side of the contract is being an "ass-hat" or unreasonable a contract can be over turned in a court.

Of course no one wants this because it'll get very messy and it'll take a lot of money, probably delaying HL2 passed the "six" month period, but VALVE could if they had sufficient evidence to prove VU is being unreasonable or not fulfilling their end of the contract to a satisfactory standard take the rights to publish HL3 away from them, or what ever title VALVE will be making next.
business is ALL about short term gains. didnt you know that? they dont care at all about long term.
Wesisapie said:
business is ALL about short term gains. didnt you know that? they dont care at all about long term.

haven't you ever heard the term investment? It's a very popular word in business.
Wesisapie said:
business is ALL about short term gains. didnt you know that? they dont care at all about long term.

glad you don't run things at valve....
Wesisapie said:
business is ALL about short term gains. didnt you know that? they dont care at all about long term.

I dont think thats true at all.
If you want to run your business well and please your stockholders and investors, then you'd better have a long-term strategy otherwise you're toast.
They'll be throwing away lots of $$$$ if they delay it like that....and I'll be pissed.

EDIT: If things keep continuing like this...HL2 may just be blinked out of existence much like DNF. They pretend it's coming out...but it really isn't. :p
AmishSlayer said:
They'll be throwing away lots of $$$$ if they delay it like that....and I'll be pissed.

EDIT: If things keep continuing like this...HL2 may just be blinked out of existence much like DNF. They pretend it's coming out...but it really isn't. :p

Been said a 1000x but its all good 1001 now :p
Sorry for the delay. It was someone at HL2 Fallout.com. Here is my original post:

"Over HL2Fallout, someone spoke to a Gamespot manager who was at a conference over the weekend and spoke personally to a VUG representative.

The VUG rep assured him that HL2 would be available for sale prior to Thanksgiving and that the gist of the lawsuit was that VUG wants Valve to serve out the terms of their original contract and not jump ship prior to then."

Let's hope that this is right. If not distributing the game on Steam is what it'll take to get a gold master produced as soon as it's approved, then that is a small price to pay.

I'm sure this will serve as a wake up for Valve when they got to write their next contract.
6 month delay = half life 2 forever?

in march 2005, hl2 is gonna be old tech. So Valve would throw source to the trash and start working with Unreal 3. Then, in late 2006, they would decide to move on to whatever engine with cooler physics and AI is out there. and so on.....haha of course that won't happen but what if it did?
Gorgon said:
if that happens...........a technology called P2P will help :p

no I would still be willing to pay for my copy of HL2 (if not only for the MP)
I just would not want VU to get any of my money, out of principle.. regardless of what impact it has on them, they wont get MY money.

however we are all jumping the gun, lets see what happens first.
Bright side: At least we know that VU can't delay it indefinately.
Feath said:
Bright side: At least we know that VU can't delay it indefinately.

Yeah, but to come this close just for another delay is just plain cruel at this point.

If VU delays the game for another 6 months, that'll be a year and a half from the original September 30, 2003 date.

I just hope that they release it by Thanksgiving... Spring 2005 would be too much deja vu to handle.
RhapSidious said:
Yeah, but to come this close just for another delay is just plain cruel at this point.

If VU delays the game for another 6 months, that'll be a year and a half from the original September 30, 2003 date.

I just hope that they release it by Thanksgiving... Spring 2005 would be too much deja vu to handle.

At least no one can blame Valve this time.