6 Month ?

This is all old news dug up by Gamespot btw. Its very revealing but was news prior to when its current release estimate was released to the public.

I hope that if it is delayed Valve gives us reparations of some kind... like more CS levels or add more gameplay or something like that. Under VUG's expense of course.
DrPowers said:
If VUG gets money from steam sales I will find a game that fell off the back of a truck and mail 50$ to Valve with a note.

that would be stealing from an innocent store of whom that truck belongs.
I say let's all buy hl2 trew steam
Give gabe an email that he ask the game comunitie for help
Presure on vug fck em
So they wanna presure us with 6 moths delay
Fine but they will get no money then
Cause then everybody buys hl2 trew steam if they even buy it because then it will be old technoligie

ps sorry for my bad english
I just came back from the store I reserved HL2 at and took back my PRE-ORDER !!?!?! I got other stuff to buy and When the day comes that HL2 is out (6 months) IM ORDING IT threw steam ..

They will be confronted when their biggest developer (valve) leaves them for their own publisher (steam) Others will follow I'm sure and many will see this as retarded business practices (which it is) and not even sign a deal with them.... If you own stock in VUG sell it asap
Are we all so sure that Vivendi has the cojones to hold this blockbuster in their back pockets for 6 months? I don't think they do.
DrPowers said:
This is all old news dug up by Gamespot btw. Its very revealing but was news prior to when its current release estimate was released to the public.

I hope that if it is delayed Valve gives us reparations of some kind... like more CS levels or add more gameplay or something like that. Under VUG's expense of course.
And release CS:S to everyone, plus a HL² demo...
poseyjmac said:
that would be stealing from an innocent store of whom that truck belongs.

Its not stollen... It just fell off the back of a truck... and I happened to be walking by... .an estemed HL2 fan
DrPowers said:
This is all old news dug up by Gamespot btw. Its very revealing but was news prior to when its current release estimate was released to the public.

I hope that if it is delayed Valve gives us reparations of some kind... like more CS levels or add more gameplay or something like that. Under VUG's expense of course.
Who the hell cares about more Counter-Strike levels?
Yellonet said:
And release CS:S to everyone, plus a HL² demo...

I dont want a demo unless its a tangent to the original like the HL demo was.

AKA no HL2 storyline content.
DrPowers said:
Its not stollen... It just fell off the back of a truck... and I happened to be walking by... .an estemed HL2 fan

good luck on waiting for that to happen.
AJ Rimmer said:
Who the hell cares about more Counter-Strike levels?

All the fans of counterstrike. Is there something else they could release to keep us believing in the company?
AJ Rimmer said:
2. That's right

There is no October 8th date for Steam. The Steam version will only be launching at the same time as the retail version.

Two relevant snippets from the article everyone needs to take note of:

Gamespot said:
According to the two companies' current software publishing agreement, Valve cannot release the game via Steam until the retail version is brought to market by VU Games. That point was confirmed by Valve director of Marketing Doug Lombardi who said, "Half-Life 2 will be made available to customers who purchase via Steam at the same time it is made available at retail."

Gamespot said:
In other developments in the Valve versus VUG lawsuit, the judge hearing the case in District Court pushed the cutoff date for the two sides to present relevant documents (Discovery) from October 8, 2004 to December 31, 2004.

There is no magical October there's-supposed-to-be-something-happening-on-the-8th day anymore.
poseyjmac said:
good luck on waiting for that to happen.

Bah its sarcasm and a quick excuse for when the VUG police say:

"Where did you get that copy of HL2??? May we see a receipt!"

Just a joke thats all.
DrPowers said:
I dont want a demo unless its a tangent to the original like the HL demo was.

AKA no HL2 storyline content.
It would probably be like that. I'm sure they have a few maps that they didn't use in the retail game lying around.
DrPowers said:
They will be confronted when their biggest developer (valve) leaves them for their own publisher (steam) Others will follow I'm sure and many will see this as retarded business practices (which it is) and not even sign a deal with them.... If you own stock in VUG sell it asap

Um, they cant get rid of boxed versions just yet. Some countries it cost shitloads to get a decent speed net access. Like here (damn the monopoly telephone comany and bloody government).
um... for those of you that don't know...
discovery is for the 2 sides to give each other the info that they have so that each can start preparing arguments. Each document gets submitted as "evidence" and becomes officially part of the trial. Using info that did not come into the other's hands during discovery lead to mistrial and such.

That is not to say that they will not settle early, or that the whole case cannot be thrown out by the judge at that time. It's like the judge has seaid, ok i heard both sides, now, there's something there, what do you have to back up your side of the story.

nothing may even happen october 8th. of course they plan to release on steam...the contract with ati kinda says that they legally have to.
DrPowers said:
All the fans of counterstrike. Is there something else they could release to keep us believing in the company?
A million CS levels wouldn't be of the same worth as to merely watch the main menu of Half-life 2!
cadaveca said:
um... for those of you that don't know...
discovery is for the 2 sides to give each other the info that they have so that each can start preparing arguments. Each document gets submitted as "evidence" and becomes officially part of the trial. Using info that did not come into the other's hands during discovery lead to mistrial and such.

That is not to say that they will not settle early, or that the whole case cannot be thrown out by the judge at that time. It's like the judge has seaid, ok i heard both sides, now, there's something there, what do you have to back up your side of the story.

nothing may even happen october 8th. of course they plan to release on steam...the contract with sti kinda says that they legally have to.

This case is definately not going to get thrown out. They both have valid (and expensive) complaints. Hopefully they decide to release the game and sue after the fact!
Ever get the feeling with Half-Life 2 it's usually one step forwards, two steps back?

Let's hope Gamespot is talking out of it's rear end. That would be the most positive assumption I can take out of what currently sounds a mess.
AJ Rimmer said:
A million CS levels wouldn't be of the same worth as to merely watch the main menu of Half-life 2!

Damn straight. But A million CS levels is better than no levels and no HL2 menu
I hate VU Games so much, that I'm considering returning my pre-orders of Half-Life 2 and getting them only on Steam. Why would I want to give money to a bunch of retarded ass-hats?

It would be wrong to piss so many Half-Life 2 hungry people off because of this. Gamers = money for VUG. Pissed off gamers boycotting VUG = no money.
Vivendi Universal Games Contact Information:

International Headquarters
Bâtiment Energy 1 - Porte B
32, avenue de l'Europe
78457 Vélizy - Villacoublay Cedex
+33 (0)

Worldwide Corporate Headquarters
6080 Center Drive, 10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 431-4000
Nex321 said:
What most important is that 1st RC GOT REJECTED!!!

I think when they said final version they were talking about the GOLD version. There hasnt been any statement tat said the first RC was rejected.
Anyone still pissed? I know i am. I seriously cant stop staring at the article. I cant beleave just a few hours ago i knew hl2 will come out VERY soon. Now its like 4 months back when we knew nothing. Just this time its 100x worse. This is stupid.
STELTH said:
I hate VU Games so much, that I'm considering returning my pre-orders of Half-Life 2 and getting them only on Steam. Why would I want to give money to a bunch of retarded ass-hats?

It would be wrong to piss so many Half-Life 2 hungry people off because of this. Gamers = money for VUG. Pissed off gamers boycotting VUG = no money.

The trouble is, that's exactly the kind of fan talk which is going to fuel Vivendi's desire to hurt Valve's plans for Half-Life 2 on Steam. If they can.
STELTH said:
I hate VU Games so much, that I'm considering returning my pre-orders of Half-Life 2 and getting them only on Steam. Why would I want to give money to a bunch of retarded ass-hats?

It would be wrong to piss so many Half-Life 2 hungry people off because of this. Gamers = money for VUG. Pissed off gamers boycotting VUG = no money.
It's only a fraction of all the people buying HL² that will get it over Steam. Most people that will buy HL² haven't even heard about Steam.
Bottom line; VUG will get lot's of money from HL² no matter what.
Can't Valve just tell VUG to **** off and then go find a new publisher for HL2, or is it too late to do that?
I'm pretty pissed off. I hope valve either A. Releases a demo level that has nothing to do with the story and has no spoilers, ala the first game's demo, or B. let the CS:S beta be open for everyone.
No they can't - that would be a serious breach of their contract and would guarantee a MASSIVE lawsuit that would force them into bankruptcy.
cylyk said:
Can't Valve just tell VUG to **** off and then go find a new publisher for HL2, or is it too late to do that?
That was too late many years ago, when they signed the contracts.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Anyone still pissed? I know i am. I seriously cant stop staring at the article. I cant beleave just a few hours ago i knew hl2 will come out VERY soon. Now its like 4 months back when we knew nothing. Just this time its 100x worse. This is stupid.
Are you kidding? I'm really pissed. And I'm not talking "Boy that really ticks me off"-pissed, I'm talking "I will come to your house and rip you in half like a phonebook and then smash the brick walls to pieces like the incredible hulk while taking a dump on your harvard degree laying on your graffitied tombstone"-pissed.
What's this thing about World Of Warcraft. If that's what's holding things up for HL2 then They are really grubby money hogs. WOW will do very well which I don't really care for. They will get loads of money from both games respectfully. WOW has been in beta for months now and still no news of when it will go gold.
If you are so very angry, then take proactive action.

Write a letter - that's right, a LETTER NOT an email or a petition - those especially don't do a damned thing - to VUG expressing your dismay at the turn of events and letting them know that any attempts to delay the release of Half Life 2 will cause you to not support ALL aspects of Vivendi Universal's products: movies, tv shows, music, etc.

Be respectful but firm in the tone of your letter and don't come of as some L337 moron. If you do approach it seriously, you will make much more of an impact.
Yellonet said:
That was too late many years ago, when they signed the contracts.

Okay, I'm going back to the suicide bombing plan.
KagePrototype said:
It's like sitting on a briefcase of money for six months instead of opening it up now. It's just plain stupid thinking. I don't think VU are stupid enough to push HL2 for up to six months just to win the case.

Kage business doesn't always make sense...and while VU might be in need ot money.. they may sit this out to try and get a bigger slice of the pie.. since they already know they will be getting some sort of a share anyway.

Helevitia said:
A couple of thoughts...

1. VU Store has the game up for sale already for Nov. 1st(ETA)

2. Steam - Valve has already stated they will release the game via steam regardless of what happens October 8th.

3. Several magazines have reviewed the game

4. Several stores have been given a mostly green light for selling HL2 on or around Nov. 1st.

did u read the article?
it says in there somewhere that Valve cannot release the game on Steam before it goes retail.
that means.. if VU decides to sit on it, Valve cannot go ahead and do a Steam release... :(
AJ Rimmer said:
Are you kidding? I'm really pissed. And I'm not talking "Boy that really ticks me off"-pissed, I'm talking "I will come to your house and rip you in half like a phonebook and then smash the brick walls to pieces like the incredible hulk while taking a dump on your harvard degree laying on your graffitied tombstone"-pissed.

Rgr! Was wondering if anyone was as pissed off as me. Good stuff.