6th grader stabs family of ducks to death with pencil


May 5, 2004
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tommorrows serial killer is today's mallard mass murderer?

WICHITA, Kansas (AP) A sixth-grader stabbed to death a mother duck and two ducklings that had nested near a school, distressing the other children and alarming officials who said the boy needs mental health treatment.

Students at Wilbur Middle School had named the mother duck Lucy and were monitoring her and her brood, making sure no one disturbed the nest in a grassy creek bed. Their mutilated bodies -- stabbed with a pencil -- were found this week.

An announcement over the public address system led the boy to admit the killings, officials said. They said he had also talked about the act to classmates and didn't understand why it was wrong.

holy **** is he ever demented ...bet he played duckshoot ..in all seriousness I'm surprised they didnt end the article with a :

"police issued a search warrent for the 6th graders bedroom, video games are expected to be found. In other news resident wacko Jacko Thompson said the boy trained on Halo 2, a murder simulator made to train children into becoming duck killing machines. Soccor moms collectively gasp"


poor wittle ducks
How does killing animals instantly mean you have mental health problems these days?

If humans do not act like a perfect model they clearly have mental problems, i'm not condoning what he did or anything but saying he needs mental health treatment on that incident is a bit extreme.
How does killing animals instantly mean you have mental health problems these days?

If humans do not act like a perfect model they clearly have mental problems, i'm not condoning what he did or anything but saying he needs mental health treatment on that incident is a bit extreme.

well they say the kid didnt feel bad for that so sure he may escalate in the list
well, if your a kid nowdays, you dont exactly need to go off killing ducks with yer pencil, so might be a problem in yer head
Terminator supports stabbing of ducks with pencils!!
srsly, wtf is wrong with that kid.
How does killing animals instantly mean you have mental health problems these days?

are you for real? or just a composite of ah-nold chuck norris, steven segal and other mental midgets of that ilk?

seriously what isnt crazy about a child stabbing to death a mother and it's chicks and then thinking there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT?

If humans do not act like a perfect model they clearly have mental problems, i'm not condoning what he did or anything but saying he needs mental health treatment on that incident is a bit extreme.

and you're qualified to make that assessment? ........Tom Cruise is that you?
well they say the kid didnt feel bad for that so sure he may escalate in the list

Does a lack of remorse killing an animal make you mentally unstable?

Mabye he has an increadibly strong hunting instinct?
sure they will let the kid go will find one whit the logo school as spray in css and will use tazers guns
Does a lack of remorse killing an animal make you mentally unstable?

Mabye he has an increadibly strong hunting instinct?

he left the ducks there so I dont think he was for hunting

cuz hunters eats the animal they hunt isnt?
he left the ducks there so I dont think he was for hunting

cuz hunters eats the animal they hunt isnt?

A fed dog will still chase rabbits, shake them to break their neck and chuck it to one side.

Satisfaction of hunger does not lessen the hunting instinct, in both dogs and humans.
This is why you get safari hunters trophy hunting "for pleasure" as their instincts are satisfied yet they do not consider eating the animal.

For the same reason it is likely this kid felt an urge to kill the ducks, yet did not want to eat it.
I personally kill animals but i do eat everything, as i said earlier i do not condone the killing of these ducks i just don't think they should instantly think he has serious mental issues, he should just be in trouble for killing them as it's illeagal.
I don't know, I'd think it would take a pretty crazy person to kill ducks with a pencil and then just go on with your day.
He's a little psychopath, remove him from society, and send him to Siberia's to rot out his days.
In fact, I'd go so far to say that he should be rewarded for his excellent hunting instinct.
I agree. If he ever got caught out in the wild, all he'd need would be a pencil. And maybe a pencil sharpener.
what kind of pencil was it?

imagine if we gave him a metal pencil D:
At least he didn't blind horses with a metal spike.

But honestly, that is more than a little odd.

Most kids just rip the wings off flies, you know? We all know it's okay to kill insects because they have too many legs.
Your point?

He has no concept of what death means or is.

Should we wait for him to kill some people when he is 16 before we let him know that murder is wrong?

In fact, I'd go so far to say that he should be rewarded for his excellent hunting instinct.

This wasnt ****ing hunting. The animals had a nest in their school yard, and the kids knew them well enough to have named them. The kid walks over and jabs a pencil into each of them for no reason.

I agree. If he ever got caught out in the wild, all he'd need would be a pencil. And maybe a pencil sharpener.

Yeah, so you wouldnt starve to death. How about you go into the woods outside your house with a pencil? Would you kill some squirrels despite having had breakfast a few hours earlier?
seriously what isnt crazy about a child stabbing to death a mother and it's chicks and then thinking there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT?

I don't mean to start anything here, but he has some points, what about kids who use magnifying glasses to fry ants? Do they have mental health problems, or are they curious? You can't tell me you've never killed a bunch of bugs when you were a kid just to "see what would happen".. every kid does it.

I think that in this particular case, the kid is fvcked, but just because a kid kills something doesn't always mean they're mental.
I don't mean to start anything here, but he has some points, what about kids who use magnifying glasses to fry ants? Do they have mental health problems, or are they curious? You can't tell me you've never killed a bunch of bugs when you were a kid just to "see what would happen".. every kid does it.

I think that in this particular case, the kid is fvcked, but just because a kid kills something doesn't always mean they're mental.
There's a large difference between ants and ducks..
So, it'd be ok if I killed a midget, and left the tall guys alone?

It's not the same, but the same principle.. He's a little kid, most don't know what they are doing.. But the kid in this case is still a dick, who the hell kills DUCKS?!
So, it'd be ok if I killed a midget, and left the tall guys alone?

It's not the same, but the same principle.. He's a little kid, most don't know what they are doing.. But the kid in this case is still a dick, who the hell kills DUCKS?!
Ants smoosh, ducks bleed. A ducks personality and comparative intellect are much more evident. It's not even close to the same principle.

And it's not that he killed a duck, it's the manner and attitude with which he killed a duck.
tommorrows serial killer is today's mallard mass murderer?

holy **** is he ever demented ...bet he played duckshoot ..in all seriousness I'm surprised they didnt end the article with a :

Duckhunt. The NES game was duckhunt lol!

How does killing animals instantly mean you have mental health problems these days?

If humans do not act like a perfect model they clearly have mental problems, i'm not condoning what he did or anything but saying he needs mental health treatment on that incident is a bit extreme.

Because it shows a lack of empathy. People who don't have empathy are fucked up and can't function in a society. You do have mental health problems if you are capable of doing this.

I don't mean to start anything here, but he has some points, what about kids who use magnifying glasses to fry ants? Do they have mental health problems, or are they curious? You can't tell me you've never killed a bunch of bugs when you were a kid just to "see what would happen".. every kid does it.

I think that in this particular case, the kid is fvcked, but just because a kid kills something doesn't always mean they're mental.

Sigh. So all life is equal eh? Guess what? It isn't. Killing a duck is completely different from killing an ant, you might as well have said 'skin cell'.

You can kill ants because you can't relate to them, they're way too far from what we recognize as living beings with feeling. Ducks are much closer to us in that regard, throw a rock at them (or stab them..) and they will show something which humans will recognize as fear and pain, they make sound, they're built much more like humans, they got 'cuteness'.
We humans base our empathy with things on how much we can relate to them, killing an ant is absolutely not equal to killing a duck.

If a duck doesn't trigger an empathy reaction, you were one fucked up little kid.
I already said, clearly, I don't want to start something, I was just stating an opinion..

My main point was just because a kid kills something doesn't automatically mean they are mental. Vets euthanize (sp?) all kinds of dogs and cats and little bunnies, are vets mental? no.
yeah the kid prob has problems

no it's not actually that unatural. that's why people are so freake out, they can see themsleves doing it.
Have any of you considered that the duck(s) may have threatened him? I know some bad mother ****in ducks. D: D:
I already said, clearly, I don't want to start something, I was just stating an opinion..

My main point was just because a kid kills something doesn't automatically mean they are mental. Vets euthanize (sp?) all kinds of dogs and cats and little bunnies, are vets mental? no.
Oh my god. That's because it's the VET'S ****ING JOB.
Holy f*ck.

It was an example you dick.

What about hunters, then? It's not their job, some kill for the "sport" of it. Not all of them are mental.

You missed the point of that post.