6th grader stabs family of ducks to death with pencil

Thats scary. Some kids are seriously disturbed. In psychology we learned about kids that stapled dogs ears to their heads and other really awful stuff. Video games are obviously to blame.
Holy f*ck.

It was an example you dick.

What about hunters, then? It's not their job, some kill for the "sport" of it. Not all of them are mental.

You missed the point of that post.

He's just pointing out the fact that your example was completely flawed :S
no it's not actually that unatural. that's why people are so freake out, they can see themsleves doing it.
Neither me nor ANYBODY I know has ever killed anything larger than a ladybug FOR NO GOOD REASON.

If someone can take any sort of pleasure in harming a creature that you know has feelings (For absolutely no reason),
they need to know that they are f*cked up.
Holy f*ck.

It was an example you dick.

What about hunters, then? It's not their job, some kill for the "sport" of it. Not all of them are mental.

You missed the point of that post.

Imho hunters are mental. But i digress... and provocate...

The whole point of civilisation is to suppress the urge to kill for fun. I think. Possibly.
What about hunters, then? It's not their job, some kill for the "sport" of it. Not all of them are mental.

I would argue against that. :|

Did anyone else think of that scene from Butterfly Effect where the kid kills a dog when you saw this story?
Hey, we dont know the full facts of this case so whos to say it wasnt self defence? Theres been many a time ive been attacked by a hoarde of rampaging ducks and could only wish I had my pencil case with me.
Because it shows a lack of empathy. People who don't have empathy are fucked up and can't function in a society. You do have mental health problems if you are capable of doing this.

Sigh. So all life is equal eh? Guess what? It isn't. Killing a duck is completely different from killing an ant, you might as well have said 'skin cell'.

You can kill ants because you can't relate to them, they're way too far from what we recognize as living beings with feeling. Ducks are much closer to us in that regard, throw a rock at them (or stab them..) and they will show something which humans will recognize as fear and pain, they make sound, they're built much more like humans, they got 'cuteness'.
We humans base our empathy with things on how much we can relate to them, killing an ant is absolutely not equal to killing a duck.

If a duck doesn't trigger an empathy reaction, you were one fucked up little kid.

He killed ducks for sadistic pleasure (or killed them with no emotion at all which is worse), bragged about it and didn't see what the problem was. How can you people say that is not screwed up? Just the fact that the other kids were upset by it shows that he isn't exactly normal.
seriously what isnt crazy about a child stabbing to death a mother and it's chicks and then thinking there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT?

The fact that he was never aware that killing was bad.
Perhaps he just wasn't educated well enough by the parents about morales.
I honestly don't see the big surprise in this issue. Look at society today, society is HORRIBLE. We are HORRIBLE. Lots of people kill without remorse, its not like its not uncommon. Soldiers do it all the time. Terrorists do it all the time. Political leaders make decisions to destroy entire nations, and we don't call them demented, we just say its a bad decision. A bad move.
A family of ducks dead = Demented
655,000 deaths from 2003 (May) to 2006 (June) from the war in Iraq, and we call it a bad choice
(I know this comparasion is out of proportion in some people's point of view. But honestly, I've seen kids hurt and kill animals without remorse all the time.
I remember a group of kids in grade 6 who killed plenty of birds with a slingshot, they started throwing rocks at me and my friends one day too.)
Many of us would kill a little rat or mouse, foreign to us and in our home by any means possible, because they invade our space and do some crazy shit in our houses.

Now, think about this, would if the duck was invading the kid's territory and also planned to steal his PB&J sandwich, momma made for him that same morning!
Oh come on, 3 pages and noone's picked up on this? Sigh... I guess I'll do the honors.

MAN, that kid needs to see a QUACK.
i would like to pose the question....

if he would have shot them with a shotgun... would it have been any differnt?

if so why? isnt killing killg? brutal:ie /w a pencil or not AS brutal:ie /w a shotgun... its all the same to me. props to the kid. the ducks must have been dumb as shit in the first place...


on another note...:
i know ive shot plenty of birds.. only becuase i hate those ****ing flying ****ing nuisances.. but thats a completely different topic....
I already said, clearly, I don't want to start something, I was just stating an opinion..

My main point was just because a kid kills something doesn't automatically mean they are mental. Vets euthanize (sp?) all kinds of dogs and cats and little bunnies, are vets mental? no.

Vets euthanasia-a-niz0rz animals as an act of mercy, not cruelty. That example is invalid.
There's a large difference between ants and ducks..

No there's not. Killing both "just for the **** of it" is messed and rude. If he killed either just for the sake of it then he should get in trouble.

However, it is not necessarily (and note that word) a "MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE!!!"

It CAN BE a symptom of it, but it also just can be a kid breakin the rules and getting in trouble. You have to realize that while they may be cute or whatever it's still just ducks.
What a ****ing jackass! I would never do stuff like this to animals
No there's not. Killing both "just for the **** of it" is messed and rude. If he killed either just for the sake of it then he should get in trouble.

However, it is not necessarily (and note that word) a "MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE!!!"

Yes it is! Like I've explained before, ants don't trigger any sort of empathy in most people, while ducks do. This kid obviously felt nothing, that means he DOES have some fucking mental issues. This kid is broken in the head.
i would like to pose the question....

if he would have shot them with a shotgun... would it have been any differnt?

if so why? isnt killing killg? brutal:ie /w a pencil or not AS brutal:ie /w a shotgun... its all the same to me. props to the kid. the ducks must have been dumb as shit in the first place...
Seriously? If the kid went to his school with a shotgun and blew a ****ing duck to bits with it, you wouldn't have a problem with this?

Edit - And 3 seconds later I realise I may've read your point a little wrong. Still, there is a difference between killing something with a shotgun and a pencil. That's like comparing a serial killer who shoots people in the head with one who cuts em up slowly with a pen knife and saying they're equally deranged. Not that I'm saying this kid is on the same level as a serial killer (or even potentially, not going there :P), but he definitely needs to be examined atleast.
6th grader stabs family of ducks to death with pencil
I laughed hard when I read that.

The kid does seem a little wierd, but I won't go as far as saying he's mentally ill.
While in my opinion hunting for sport is disgusting you can't compare it to this. Because hunters get most of their pleasure from the hunt itself, the tracking of the animal, the setting up fro the kill. They satisfy their primal urges.

Now this kid, just killed the ducks for the sake of killing, the pleasure for him was in the killing part, watching the ducks die was what turned him. He simply enjoys the act of taking life.

That makes him a dangerous psychopath, trying to cure him is like trying to cure homosexuality. It is currently impossible, he should be removed from society or someone will pay the price later on.
not all hunters are mental, I am a hunter. and there is a big difference between ducks and people, ducks have feelings.
That makes him a dangerous psychopath, trying to cure him is like trying to cure homosexuality. It is currently impossible, he should be removed from society or someone will pay the price later on.

Mate do you even know what psycopath actually means?

I think your attitude is rediculous and an emotional reaction to the subject, it's a good thing you're not a judge!
That makes him a dangerous psychopath, trying to cure him is like trying to cure homosexuality. It is currently impossible, he should be removed from society or someone will pay the price later on.
The kid is what 10, 11? To say that he is beyond help is just silly.
Does a lack of remorse killing an animal make you mentally unstable?
Nope, it makes you a Replicant.

Though the kid apparently 'didn't see what was wrong', he did admit to having done it, which is in itself commendable. Besides, how many times has every other kid on the face of the planet done something questionable then categorically denied there was anything wrong with doing it, simply because they like to buck authority and be a right little shit, or because what's done is done and saying sorry won't help them out of the hole they've dug? If anything, this kid is just a dumbass who is trying to be the kid everyone looks up to because he's off the rails: that's not necessarily psychopathic, even if it is 'brick in the face' stupid.
You keep saying that this kid is not able to function properly in todays society. Then todays society is flawed. This kid is the perfect wakeup call. Figure it out.

Besides, he`d make the perfect soldier.
Mate do you even know what psychopath actually means?

I think your attitude is ridiculous and an emotional reaction to the subject, it's a good thing you're not a judge!
Yes in fact I do. And one of the childhood indicators of psychopathy is cruelty to animals.

The kid is what 10, 11? To say that he is beyond help is just silly.
Age is irrelevant, psychopathy cannot be cured, his desire to kill will remain no matter how much you treat him, you can try to suppress it, but eventually it will manifest itself. Thats because it's a born disorder, not a product of his surroundings. I'm not suggesting this as a punishment for the killing of the ducks, I''m suggesting it because he is beyond treatment and represents a treat to society, if left unchecked there is a high chance he will eventually resort to more killings.
Yes in fact I do. And one of the childhood indicators of psychopathy is cruelty to animals.

Age is irrelevant, psychopathy cannot be cured, his desire to kill will remain no matter how much you treat him, you can try to suppress it, but eventually it will manifest itself. Thats because it's a born disorder, not a product of his surroundings. I'm not suggesting this as a punishment for the killing of the ducks, I''m suggesting it because he is beyond treatment and represents a treat to society, if left unchecked there is a high chance he will eventually resort to more killings.

And you wish to do what, lock him away in solitary where he cannot do any harm to others? Ever considered that he might not even REALISE that what he has done is wrong? How could you punish a boy for doing something he perceives as perfectly innocent and maintain your case against monsters.
We all know it's okay to kill insects because they have too many legs.

BWAHAHAH I can't stop laughing at that.................................................................................................................................................................lol......................................... OKay I think I'm done

EDIT: nope. lol
And you wish to do what, lock him away in solitary where he cannot do any harm to others? Ever considered that he might not even REALISE that what he has done is wrong? How could you punish a boy for doing something he perceives as perfectly innocent and maintain your case against monsters.

Hitler didn't think he was doing anything wrong. No one does something to get that nice feeling of regret and guilt, they either don't feel anything or they feel joy. The fact that the kid didn't see it as wrong should be your concern. That he could do this signifies he has a problem with empathy, and he should be treated for that otherwise this disturbed behaviour might not be his last.
And you wish to do what, lock him away in solitary where he cannot do any harm to others? Ever considered that he might not even REALISE that what he has done is wrong?

But my whole point is that he does not realize that it's wrong. Thats what makes him a psychopath. You do not need society to teach you to feel bad about killing, every normal person knows it in his gut when something is wrong. The fact that he does not makes him a psychopath. The fact that he even enjoy's it makes him the most dangerous type. The only thing he has not yet understood and learned is to hide his true self from the rest of the world.

How could you punish a boy for doing something he perceives as perfectly innocent and maintain your case against monsters.

Hitler did not perceive killing millions of jews as a wrong thing, does that mean we should not have tried to punish him.
If I myself go out and kill a bunch of people because for me that is completely normal, does that mean I should be left alone

And I do not necessary want him to be locked(not licked, sry) up. Just sent away to a very remote place, like the arctic in a nice bungalow, with internet, hdtv. And I don't mind if my tax money pays for it, I do not fault him for being born a psychopath, in fact I feel sorry for him. But he is still a very real danger to society in my opinion, and he cannot be treated. So send him somewhere where he can do little harm.

(edit: sry pvtryan, when I was typing in my response yours wasn't allready up,
Internet message board debates: Six degrees of Hitler.
And I do not necessary want him to be locked(not licked, sry) up. Just sent away to a very remote place, like the arctic in a nice bungalow, with internet, hdtv. And I don't mind if my tax money pays for it, I do not fault him for being born a psychopath, in fact I feel sorry for him. But he is still a very real danger to society in my opinion, and he cannot be treated. So send him somewhere where he can do little harm.

(edit: sry pvtryan, when I was typing in my response yours wasn't allready up,

And that's why people like you don't make these type of decisions, because youd have a 10 year old's life shattered for killing some ducks.

Looks like you're the one who's got things twisted.
I don't think at this point the kid should be condemned for life. But I do hope someone sees he gets the proper care that he seems to be lacking at this point.

What's equally disturbing is some of these comments in the thread. If you were looking to get a rise out of some people, good job. If you really think like that, well...
And that's why people like you don't make these type of decisions, because youd have a 10 year old's life shattered for killing some ducks.

Looks like you're the one who's got things twisted.

No we should let mental psycho's like him who do not know the difference between ducks and ants make the decisions.
No we should let mental psycho's like him who do not know the difference between ducks and ants make the decisions.
I'm more inclined to think someone who puts a duck on a human level has something wrong with them, rather than someone who groups ducks and ants as one in the category "non-human animal"
The kid needs therapy and a good long (as in a year or more worth of sessions) talking to. He shouldn't be locked up, thats ridiculous. He should however receive help so that he can understand why its wrong to do what he did. Afterwards, he should be watched for signs that he may actually be a psychopath, and at which point he should be moved to somewhere where he cant hurt anything or anyone.
I don't see the difference, Killing an ant, then killing a duck...

Who decides what gets put higher on the list? "What living things are OK to kill, and which aren't?"
I'm more inclined to think someone who puts a duck on a human level has something wrong with them, rather than someone who groups ducks and ants as one in the category "non-human animal"

I never put a human on the same level as a duck. But you did put a duck at the same level as a ant(sry I typed human by mistake).

I don't see the difference, Killing an ant, then killing a duck...

Who decides what gets put higher on the list? "What living things are OK to kill, and which aren't?"

If you can see the difference between a duck and a human, then you can see the difference between a duck and an ant.

But lifting the question to a higher philosophical level, and excusing his behavior on the account of the inherent hypocrisy's of our society or whatever reason still doesn't address the main issue here.
Any normal child would not kill a duck for fun, would not see the act of killing itself as fun, the act of watching an animal die.
And it still doesn't dismiss the fact that childhood cruelty to animals, especially as extreme as this is a sign of a dangerous type of psychopath, and should not be ignored and/or dismissed.
Do you guys go out of your way to kill ants? How about ducks? The only reason we commonly accept killing ants is because they are in the category of "pests" and if you see them in your house you kill them because they can ruin things. If you see them outside where you are sitting on the grass or something, you might kill them because they may get into your things or crawl on you.

A duck doesnt go into your house, and a duck doesnt crawl all over you. A duck doesnt cause any problems to you, and you need to go out of your way to kill it.

Thats where the difference is.