6th grader stabs family of ducks to death with pencil

What if that duck bit the kid? Then the duck just became a "pest" to him. What if that was the case?
I never put a human on the same level as a duck. But you did put a duck at the same level as a human.
Wow you're a moron. How did I possibly put ducks on the same level as humans? I'm the one saying ducks and ants are on the same level in a killing case, you're the one equating ducks with humans.
I was attacked by a swarm of ants when I was little and began systematically crushing them. One day I discovered large ants and upon seeing it crushed with it's vital fluids spilling out I knew that in a sense it was wrong.
They are just trying to live like anything else.

Wow you're a moron. How did I possibly put ducks on the same level as humans? I'm the one saying ducks and ants are on the same level in a killing case, you're the one equating ducks with humans.

It was a typo you asshole, and just show me where exactly I posted that humans are on the same level as ducks.
While in my opinion hunting for sport is disgusting you can't compare it to this. Because hunters get most of their pleasure from the hunt itself, the tracking of the animal, the setting up fro the kill. They satisfy their primal urges.

Now this kid, just killed the ducks for the sake of killing, the pleasure for him was in the killing part, watching the ducks die was what turned him. He simply enjoys the act of taking life.

Indeed. Most hunters have some respect for the animals they kill (or at least the ones that don't do it just for sport, and even sport hunters do understand the need to preserve nature and don't go out randomly killing nesting ducks). When someone stabs mother and baby ducks with a pencil for no reason... and according to the article, they were "mutilated"... that is messed up. A hunter does not take a stick and start poking at and mutilating the animal's body. Poor little ducks ;( .

I wouldn't go so far as to call the kid a complete psychopath, but he should get some help...
The problem with Americans is that they have so many Pencils in circulation that any psycho can get a hold of one and go on a duck killing spree. Damn you Charlton Heston!
People that can kill without having any emotions about it can make excellent killers.

the Iceman killed many many people, and he never felt anything.

If you show a normal person disturbing images of death and slaughter, they show significant signs of emotion in a test, but there are rare people that show no signs.

I used to kill and torture creatures when I was a child, and look at me, I'm fine now... er, nevermind, I'm ****ed up.
And that's why people like you don't make these type of decisions, because youd have a 10 year old's life shattered for killing some ducks.

Looks like you're the one who's got things twisted.

It's not about the fucking ducks. It's about how he could do this without showing emotion.

If you're capable of that, you are mentally ill. Discussion over.
Mentally ill, maybe. Predatory, probably. Remorseless, I think so.

I wouldn't want my kids to be around when his curiosity of human biology is aroused.
I used to blow frogs 'n shit up with firecrackers, but this...This is a little much.
It's not about the fucking ducks. It's about how he could do this without showing emotion.

If you're capable of that, you are mentally ill. Discussion over.
Jesus F. Christ, he's 10 years old. Kids don't care about anyone else but themselves, not to mention some ****ing ducks. If the boy starts doing it more often we need to see that he gets help, but now we should just leave him and let him mature.
Jesus F. Christ, he's 10 years old. Kids don't care about anyone else but themselves, not to mention some ****ing ducks. If the boy starts doing it more often we need to see that he gets help, but now we should just leave him and let him mature.

The other kids cared. And I would've cared at that age as well. And getting him help now is a thing called "prevention", often prefered over "curing".
The other kids cared. And I would've cared at that age as well. And getting him help now is a thing called "prevention", often prefered over "curing".
I just don't think we can judge whether he's in the need of help (or "prevention" as you put it), from the information we got.

Well, I'm off to bed! Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.
Yes in fact I do. And one of the childhood indicators of psychopathy is cruelty to animals.

Age is irrelevant, psychopathy cannot be cured, his desire to kill will remain no matter how much you treat him, you can try to suppress it, but eventually it will manifest itself. Thats because it's a born disorder, not a product of his surroundings. I'm not suggesting this as a punishment for the killing of the ducks, I''m suggesting it because he is beyond treatment and represents a treat to society, if left unchecked there is a high chance he will eventually resort to more killings.
If you show a normal person disturbing images of death and slaughter, they show significant signs of emotion in a test, but there are rare people that show no signs.
Normal people become emotionless and can even make jokes about such images if exposed to them for long enough. The time of exposure doesn't need to be that long either. Not really relevant to this topic but interesting nonetheless.

I just don't think we can judge whether he's in the need of help (or "prevention" as you put it), from the information we got.
No we can't but he is in the hands of psychologists and they can.
The kid's in the 6th grade so he's what? 11? 12 years old? He should know better.

The mother duck would've definitely put up a fight (albeit not a successful one) considering she'd have to protect her young, so the boy could've gone through some trouble to kill her which probably means that he was driven by a rather, for lack of a better word, powerful motive. I don't think this boy is a sociopath. I don't mean to go off on some cliche CSI psycho-analysis tangent but is it possible, just possible that he felt "ignored" and that the ducks were "treated better" than him? Perhaps he was picked on in school? Although, regardless of the kid's underlying psychological problems and chicken-shit hang-ups (whatever they may be), you don't take it out on a few ducks that haven't done anything to you.

Forget about expending time, energy and resources on this kid by "treating" and "testing" him in a psychiatric ward. Just take a pencil and stab him in the stomach, throw him in a 3' by 2' by 3' bamboo cage and drop him off 900 miles south-west of his home via helo-transport and leave him to rot, along with the people who object to the aforementioned. Yes, that's right. Because he will grow up hurting somebody with that mindset if he's that unstable. He should just be put in an unpadded, unfinished cell with the bare minimum. Actually, I retract my previous statement. In that case, just euthanize him. Sound 'harsh?' Well too bad. What about the murder of the duck and her offspring? Isn't it 'harsh' what he did to them?

I doubt society will be at a loss if he's gone.
Jesus F. Christ, he's 10 years old. Kids don't care about anyone else but themselves, not to mention some ****ing ducks. If the boy starts doing it more often we need to see that he gets help, but now we should just leave him and let him mature.
When I was ten I never did anything even remotely close to stabbing ducks with a pencil. I cared about a lot of things other than myself...
If the boy starts doing it more often we need to see that he gets help, but now we should just leave him and let him mature.

"Ok, Timmy, four more ducks and you're outta here!"

The magnitude of the stupidity is so large I think it will collapse in on itself, turn into a black-hole and suck all of Cyber Space in.

The kid will eventually think about causing harm to other animals and possibly humans as well.
The kid may or may not be a psycho, all I know is that some people here seem to think this is a phase every kid goes through. Well, it's not. At age 10 I cared enough about other creatures that I'd never kill an ant deliberately. The last time I hurt insects for fun was maybe when I was in kindergarten..

This kid needs some kind of help, and fast.