7000 posts. Thanks.

not28 said:
jesus, what makes him so special to you guys?

Its.... just because. You need to know him better. There are very few trully decent people in this world. And he is one of the best.

Thats about the only way I can explain it right now... :)
qckbeam said:
Well, 7000 posts...wow :p

ComradeBadger, you are one of the best people I've ever known in all my life. You have a great sense of humor; you're a giving, caring person, and I've never had a single moment spent with you I did not enjoy (considering I've seen you almost everyday on MSN or IRC for the past year, that's pretty damn impressive :p). Your friendship means more to me than you'll ever know. I realize you created this thread as a thank you to everyone, but in my case, it is you who deserves the thanks. You have been there for me when I needed you most, thank you. Thank you for being such an upstanding person Harry.

Here's to another 7000 posts!

* qckbeam raises his glass and accidentally spills beer all over himself
That post made me cry. ;( Here's to Badger! Live long and prosper!
/me tries hard to find Majestic XII somwhere.... tries.....

Oh well, i think ill got to bed now... crying myself to sleep... again :(

(congratz anyways stupid tealand person :p)
You forgot to thank the people that don't like you. ;(

It's us that balance the equation, to keep the world revolving, etc.

Happy 7000th post, hopefully i'll never get there :p
Congratulations Badge, even if you are a spamming bastard ;)

May you continue to stay on these forums for a long, long time and help govern what must be one of the finest communities on the intarweb!
Yay Badger! Yay Spam! Yay Communi.. err ComradeBadger will outrank it. :farmer:
Aren't you the one who closed my one year party thead? We we're jammin. Then you post a similar one and it's not closed. I feel hated.
Does this mean I too can make a 7,000 posts thread here in a month or two!? ;)
Congrats badger, LONG LIVE HL2.NET! :thumbs:
I can't see anything in here worth posting that much about (even considering that I've been posting for a year).

Hooray for your lower standards! :E

Might I just be the first one to say... this thread is so much better than CrazyHarij's :D:p:p

nw, we still luv ya, but bobo's getting slow. Monkeys are supposed to be more highly evolved creatures than badgers... so you gotta wonder if it's time to let him go ;(

WE LUV YA BADGE!! Threads like this make me actually wanna get involved in the community, instead of just spamming the forums and making wisecracks on IRC :D Although that is entertaining...
thanks badge the universal compliment is most welcome here, congrats on post 7000 :), I guess
omg! :(
Badger didn't mention me ;(

/me runs out of the thread sobbing
Srry for not noticing this thread earlier :) Congrats on your 7000th post man.. hah.. remember the good old days? reaching 1000 (was it 1000 or 2000) together :) that was fun, and we didnt got banned or so.. gheh.. must be our spanking personalities :D

I am glad I noticed this forum and got to know you.. you have a wonderfull character and are a damn good friend. I wish you the best in life, and hopefully we will be friends for many many many.. many years to come

lets drink for the next 7000 post's and a long friendship :)

Congrats ComradeBadger, i agree with qck and Pendragon, it's you who should be thanked for being a great friend and a great person. Thanks Harry :)
ComradeBadger said:
Sorry if I forgot anyone.. I didn't mean to ;(
Yeah you cheeky sod!
No I'm only kidding - you know I love you really:)
Well done on having such a huge post count - the forum would be worse off without your participation.
*Icarus takes his small post count and no mention and sits in the corner, playing with his "ComradeBadger Fan Club" avatar.
You know the rules.

Make a thread advertising your enormous post count and it will be taken away from you ;)
I love you badger :)

I'd like to give you a big thank you also, for being an awesome moderator(despite the great personal pain you caused me while doing such ;P), being an awesome guy, and being one of the three in a coincidental effort to introduce me to death cab for cutie, which is an awesome band.

have a cyberhug :p
I thought these kind of threads only have one purpose. SPAM.

But this is different.
Ah, so what you're trying to say is that badger is hosted by Angelfire eh? ;)

/me thanks Badger for being so great again.

Going to London now, yay! :E Seeyall on tuesday!
Congrats Badger, I hope you have another 7000 posts to look forward to :)
Congrats Badger, with your 7000.... errr 0 posts :p
Heheh, that sort of thing happened to me when I made a simple comment that I'd hit 6000... some joker of a mod pushed it back to 5999...

Or was it when I hit 5000? I can't remember...
I lov you to badger ): but ya I guess I dont post as much as some of those dudes :p
It's standard procedure. Just that some people are harsher than others.
Zerimski said:
It's standard procedure. Just that some people are harsher than others.

Did Badger actually phone you? :p
wtf?? thast really harsh!! this thread maybe a spam collector, but the origonal post was actually a worthwhile thankyou.

i mean come on, CB is one of (if not the most) origonal members of this community, and he has supported it many times, as well as entertaining us with his unique and warming sense of humour.

This thankyou thread is a very formal way of saying a well needed thankyou, as for many poeple (including CB) this forum means a lot to them and their daily lives. so how can this heart-warming post be ragarded as spam for comradebager, when if he had said EXACTLY the same thing, just without the words "7,000" and "post", it would have been perfectly fine and no penalties would have been made. Plus it doesnt even increase his post count by a lot... the people who reply to the thread saying "congrats" and nothing else are the opnes that should have their posts deducted... (not really im just making a point :p)

but putting aside the objection, i think i speak for everyone when i say that CB is one of the most respected and applauded members of this forum, who has even had a fanclub, his own special cartoon and a p0rn site named after him. that demands respect ;)

p.s. thankyou for including me in the list :)
Badger is teh spam, he shouldnt post threads like this . Naughty badger!