99% proof of extraterrestrial life.

This is so dumb. There is a 1 in 10^40,000 that our life was created on its own, I doubt there was any alien life created.
Mithrandir2 said:
This is so dumb. There is a 1 in 10^40,000 that our life was created on its own, I doubt there was any alien life created.

Would you like to back up those claims?
It is conceivable that intelligent life would not want anything to do with us. After all, we are probably the 'Chavs' of the universe. Imagine a ship landing in Ordsall, near Manchester in the UK? Being confronted by a pack of baseball cap wearing braindeads with hoods on and white trainers? Nuff said.
Mithrandir2 said:
This is so dumb. There is a 1 in 10^40,000 that our life was created on its own, I doubt there was any alien life created.

Are you basing your fact on intelligent life or JUST plain life

How can you say that, when Scientist have only used facts based on limited experimentation and linear conclusions based on graphs and tally tables :E . There was an intersting experiment that was carried out 20 years ago. I think Argon was mixed with methane and nitrogen (If anybody knows what the experiment was and I made a mistake in the recipe, please correct), an electrical spark caused moss to form.
Just got my Disclosure Project DVD in the mail for donating some money to them. I finished watching it a few mins ago. Lots of good stuff, even some footage of a UFO that I had never seen that was quite cool. :eek: Its pretty awesome. The DVD contains:

- 2 Hour Disclosure Witness Video
- Witness Bios
- Briefing Document (500 Pages)
- Executive Summary (102 Pages)

Whether you're a skeptic, undecided, or believer, I think people should watch it. Remember: ABC will be doing a 2 hour program on the Disclosure Project in February 2005. :)
whoa... at 1:19:10ish the guy talks about zero point energy as the basis of the anti-gravity technology... :eek:
staticprimer said:
whoa... at 1:19:10ish the guy talks about zero point energy as the basis of the anti-gravity technology... :eek:

Crazy huh? :D
What the... a 6 year old thread revived by an actually relevant post? Whats going on here?

That guy is freaking ripped for a scientist or whatever he is.

This is a 1 hour and 9 minute video with Dr Steven Greer from July 2009, so much more up to date. It is quite interesting to watch.

i don't know why i'm watching this but i'm waiting for the inevitable face palm moments. i'm already annoyed with his "out of body experience".

Nothing else to do at work so whatever.
Ive noticed that some people really like conspiracy theories. It makes them feel they have some sort of important, special knowledge that other people will consider interesting.

Just nod your head, smile, and watch your wallet. They´ll quickly find someone else to impress.

That´s about it really.
Will someone shoot him?

Or close the thread, I'm not picky.
Exactly why I was watching. Why is an out of body experience necessarily a facepalm moment in regards to what he is saying?

Because he actually believes he was out of his body, as opposed to the common OBE that many people experience, including myself. It's a freaky occurrence but it's easily explained.

The video is almost done and I have to say this was the dumbest presentation I've seen in a while.
Mother ****ing gangrenous cocksucker!!

I read 6 pages of the thread before realizing it's more than half a decade old!

I was like...hey Mecha wtf are you doing here...
We should change the forum so that every time someone posts in a thread, that thread gets sent to the bottom after all the 2003 posts.
A period of time close to 6 months that disables the thread from being bumped by new posts in certain forums.
It's about a press conference given in may 2001, by dr greer and several witnesses. It almost didn't get any media coverage, due to the terrorist attacks in 9/11 probably.
I lol'd.
2 hour video, starting with an actor singing? I should take this seriously why?

Yeah, it wasn't the best way to start of the press conference, thats one guy that I would of had "silenced" :E
Wow, 400 people are willing to say they saw UFOs! You don't say?
Guys the other day I saw a ufo in my back yard he was just kind of sitting there chilling and I invited the ufo inside for some lemonade but he was just like "zoom zoom zoom" and he flew away and really you're just gonna have to take my word for it.