A message to the moderators...

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Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
PLEASE dont take this the wrong way, but several people have talked to me from the forum and im going to step up and speak for all of us. Mods have been incredibly rude lately. Closing threads that dont diserve closing (the CS:S having an NDA thread for instance), deleting and editing posts because the mod didnt like thier POV, and lately alot of mods have been hypocritical and having double standards. And what's with the remarks every time a mod closes a thread? On other forums mods act like part of the community, not the gods of the forum. Sorry if I get banned for this but I'm speaking on behalf of MANY, many that won't say anything straight to your faces but here it is in plain english..or sorta...english.

Thanks for listening.

-Anonymous HL2.net community members.

....besides me :p
Wrong forum, n00b ;)

Anyhow, I concur. I'm contemplating completely dropping out of this community because, quite honestly, HL2.net has gone down hill. It's not fun as it once was.
though this thread has been made before, i will just add my agreements.
I'll just step up and say pretty much everyone except you. I don't know you personally, or any of the mods for that matter, but I've definitely seen a serious decline in attitude in recent days. Maybe it's the influx of new members triple posting, maybe it's the 10,000 duplicate threads on Doom 3 going gold.. I don't know. But it's just.. it doesn't feel like the happy community it once was
I know what you mean, but I haven't noticed any much, if any, of that on these boards, and that might be due to the fact that I rarely revisit locked threads. Some threads that might have been considered closed in a rude manner are the countless "OmGz!! Doomz iz gold!!111!!" threads, and I can understand the Mods getting a little annoyed after the first 20, in the wrong section.
I'm aware it's degrading a lot. The forum rules and moderator Code of Conduct is having a revamp tomorrow and I'm going to be enforcing them a lot more. There's a lot of things some moderators should be doing right now that they aren't and it will be resolved. You have to give it to them though, the forums have seen a huge increase of spam posts and random ramblings recently to take care of with a lot of new members repeating discussion that already appears 5 times on the threads listing. If you have links to posts or actions of moderators you disagree with please message me with them and I'll be able to action it faster.
i'd like to think that any community member can approach me in confidence to talk about any problems they have and not be afraid of getting punished for it :/
I think I only have problems with the active moderators. The way they handle things these days is starting to get to me. I have no problems with Munro, or you, Onions.

Just change the way things are done. If a thread is locked, it's locked. It SHOULD be fairly evident why it was locked, it does NOT need a snyde comment at the end unless it's REALLY warranted.
lmao the thread was moved....sigh lol. you crazy mods you. :p
Closing threads that dont diserve closing (the CS:S having an NDA thread for instance)

That's subjective. You didn't think it deserved closing. The moderator did.

deleting and editing posts because the mod didnt like thier POV,


and lately alot of mods have been hypocritical and having double standards.

I hope you guys wont name names. Just send Munro a PM, that way no ones egos gets bruised
Pi Mu Rho said:
That's subjective. You didn't think it deserved closing. The moderator did.

It's not subjective, though. The CS:S beta won't have an NDA on it, VALVe's Kellie Cosner already confirmed this to be true.
If a moderator is going to have a know-how on situations, they should at the very least keep up with the latest HL2 information. This includes information in the VALVe info thread.
Shuzer said:
I'll just step up and say pretty much everyone except you. I don't know you personally, or any of the mods for that matter, but I've definitely seen a serious decline in attitude in recent days. Maybe it's the influx of new members triple posting, maybe it's the 10,000 duplicate threads on Doom 3 going gold.. I don't know. But it's just.. it doesn't feel like the happy community it once was

im not trying to defend the mods here.. i don't think i need to.. they are frankly quite capable themselves.

but.. i'd imagine dealing with duplicate threads all day long does get annoying.
mods are here to do a job.. but they are also like u and i.. they too want to join in and post and share a laugh like the rest of us.. but if they spend half the time modding.. i can see how frustrating that can get.

i think for the most part.. there are a few new members with negative attitude who have bothered me recently.. the mods know this since i use the report button when i feel its neccessary.

i guess the advice about not making remarks before closing should be noted.. other than that.. i think they have done a good job considering the situation.
Shuzer said:
It's not subjective, though. The CS:S beta won't have an NDA on it, VALVe's Kellie Cosner already confirmed this to be true.
If a moderator is going to have a know-how on situations, they should at the very least keep up with the latest HL2 information. This includes information in the VALVe info thread.

I don't have first-hand knowledge of the thread in question (not being the one that dealt with it). I'm just pointing out that usually, whether a thread "deserves" to be closed or not is subjective. I'll happily admit that there's cases when it's not.
meh, if you don't like whats going on in general discussion then just do what I do and stay out of it. Wait out the storm. If you need the HL2 discussion though then try and ignore the flame threads.

EDIT: And be nice to the mods, you have to understand that they don't have the option of simply ignoring those threads that are annoying, useless, and repetitive.
For my tuppence worth I'd just like to say as I have said many times before if anyone has a problem or complaint to make, then make it. pm munro, starmonkey or myself and we will listen. I'd much rather that was done than any perceived problem let to stagnate.

but frankly you have to remember we're kind of in the nothing new period. People have nothing much to talk about and it shows in some of the discussions / bitchiness in some of the threads and chances are the next flurry of new stuff will be the run up till release.

But as i say tell us in pm if you have a problem.
Either way, the biggest problems I have right now:

1) Members flaming. Big example would be last night's "New HL2 video thread." That was disgusting. This isn't a problem with the staff, just the members. Lighten up, stop flaming, it's driving people away (including many long time posters, such as me). Moderators should simply delete flaming posts, issue a warning to the parties involved, and let the thread continue. Closing a thread because of users flaming eachother is stupid, if you ask me.

2) Moderators always dropping a comment in on close. Chris_D often times simply says "Closed ." Is it necessary? Is he trying to raise his post count? What? If it's closed, it's closed. You don't need to post saying it's closed, as it's evident by the simple fact that it IS closed. The ONLY time a comment should be warranted is if it's ABSOLUTELY necessary, IMO. Threads getting closed without a statement is the best way to do things. Moderators also should not have prolonged conversations inside closed threads.

3) The way news posts are written. It's great that you're posting news, and all, but if you're going to do it can you guys be a. on time about it? and b. grammatically correct when doing so? I can't count the number of times I've seen news posts that are poorly worded or crappily written. Some even include run-on sentences, or misuses of certain words (such as the difference between then and than).

I think those are the 3 biggest problems I have with this site/community at the moment. Fix those, and I'll be a happy camper.
Wow, just found this thread.

I have to say that.. yeah. The forums are definatly getting tence, hectic, not much fun and some threads seem to be closed because the moderators cant be bothered with moderating the thread in question. (I personally dont blame you one bit. You probably dont even realise your doing it to be fair)

But I think its just the constant moderating and not so much taking part in the community that has made the current moderators behave like that. I mean they rarely have the chance to take part in any discusions because they are dealing with soo much stuff all the time.

I propose a simple solution. Or at least on a trial. I think you should hire a few more moderators. Maybe with very limited powers, but most of all authority. That way our current established staff can relax a bit and take part more.

I have to go now. But please consider what I have said. I think our guys need a break. They have an incredible work load that they do in their spare time. I think they should be given more of a chance to take part in the community they help run and helped create. :)
2) Moderators always dropping a comment in on close. Chris_D often times simply says "Closed ." Is it necessary? Is he trying to raise his post count? What? If it's closed, it's closed. You don't need to post saying it's closed, as it's evident by the simple fact that it IS closed. The ONLY time a comment should be warranted is if it's ABSOLUTELY necessary, IMO. Threads getting closed without a statement is the best way to do things. Moderators also should not have prolonged conversations inside closed threads.

You know what happens when we do that? Someone starts a new, identical, thread also demanding to know why their thread was closed.
If that happens, a comment is warranted on the second close. I just don't see a purpose in a moderator simply saying "Closed ." along with the closing.
What can we say :) ?

We're not going to catch every thread but there is a report post button and numerous mods and admins to pm about problem thread.

News posting .. well I can't comment on being on time to my knowledge we post as soon as we hear something and confirm it if needs be .. if there's another way to do that we'll gratefully listen.

And closing the threads .. well beleive it or not we do actually get some people who pm us asking why they cant post in a thread , not seeing it has been closed. I really dont see a problem in Chris saying closed when closing thread ;(

As always we're glad to take usefull practical suggestions about improving the site :)
Meh. Maybe I'm just too critical, I have to realize not everyone thinks the same way I think. I can't believe people wouldn't understand the "Sorry! This thread has been closed by a moderator!" message.. again, I guess not everyone is web savvy to begin with
In fact, I have recieved several PMs in the past asking why the thread was closed, a closing message sorts that.
Shuzer said:
If that happens, a comment is warranted on the second close. I just don't see a purpose in a moderator simply saying "Closed ." along with the closing.

It's so Munny doesn't have to go through the logs to see what which mod did what.

The mods are doing a fantastic job. Guinny, you do not speak for me.
I have no problem with a moderator giving a reason as to why it's closed. Let's say, it's been posted before, and a moderator is the first one to get their word in. A close message is warranted; however, as in a thread like last night, where countless users were requesting the thread closed, and past that, blatantly flaming eachother, Chris_D posted "Closed ." As if it meant anything beyond the obvious? My question is what's the purpose of a moderating simply saying "Closed." when he can just close it if that was to be the extent of his reasonsing?

Six Three said:
It's so Munny doesn't have to go through the logs to see what which mod did what.

The mods are doing a fantastic job. Guinny, you do not speak for me.

AFAIK, there's a log staring the moderators in the face on closed threads.
Actually, there is no log for Closed threads, only Deleted ones (visable from the forum page and not the modcp)

Bah, fair enough. Consider my argument on the closing dropped, then.
I still have issue with moderators chattering in a closed thread, but I guess it's within your perfect right.
There is a log , but look I simply don't see a problem with someone saying closed. I have done it on every forum I have ever moderated and I started out in some smelly dodgy places and honestly your the first person who has really complained about it.


Then yeah I'd take my thrashing stick and book a few hours of quality time .. but simply saying closed I dont have a problem with especially as when it really is needed with some of our less .. savvy members.
There is actually Badger. Moderators should be closing threads with a reason and a quote from our forum rules that applies to why the thread is being closed. It doesn't appear to be happening when it should.
lol, well, I'm just a little on edge because HL2.net isn't as fun as it once was.
Either way, consider my closed complaints dropped, as it's really a non-issue to me
Use my suggestion!

Six Three said:
It's so Munny doesn't have to go through the logs to see what which mod did what.

The mods are doing a fantastic job. Guinny, you do not speak for me.

I never said i was speaking for you six three.
Munro said:
There is actually Badger. Moderators should be closing threads with a reason and a quote from our forum rules that applies to why the thread is being closed. It doesn't appear to be happening when it should.

Not on the forum GUI Munro, iirc

Anyway, I shall try and be more helpful from now on :)
guinny said:
I'm speaking on behalf of MANY, many that won't say anything straight to your faces but here it is in plain english

-Anonymous HL2.net community members.

....besides me :p

I am part of the HL2.net community, and I'm not one who supports you.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Wow, just found this thread.

I have to say that.. yeah. The forums are definatly getting tence, hectic, not much fun and some threads seem to be closed because the moderators cant be bothered with moderating the thread in question. (I personally dont blame you one bit. You probably dont even realise your doing it to be fair)

But I think its just the constant moderating and not so much taking part in the community that has made the current moderators behave like that. I mean they rarely have the chance to take part in any discusions because they are dealing with soo much stuff all the time.

I propose a simple solution. Or at least on a trial. I think you should hire a few more moderators. Maybe with very limited powers, but most of all authority. That way our current established staff can relax a bit and take part more.

I have to go now. But please consider what I have said. I think our guys need a break. They have an incredible work load that they do in their spare time. I think they should be given more of a chance to take part in the community they help run and helped create. :)

I'm trully sorry, but I just want a response. Is this a bad idea? (I dont like being ignored. Even if its because I am being stupid at the time. :p)
ComradeBadger said:
Not on the forum GUI Munro, iirc

Anyway, I shall try and be more helpful from now on :)

Personally, I've always found you helpful. The smiles you put when you close/move posts make it seem friendly, as opposed to hostile :)

marksmanHL2 :) said:
I'm trully sorry, but I just want a response. Is this a bad idea? (I dont like being ignored. Even if its because I am being stupid at the time. :p)

You're not being dumb.. marksman for mod!
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