A message to the moderators...

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marksmanHL2 :) said:
I propose a simple solution. Or at least on a trial. I think you should hire a few more moderators. Maybe with very limited powers, but most of all authority. That way our current established staff can relax a bit and take part more.

I agree with you on that point.. Hire a few mods for now and keep 'em until 2 months after HL2 is released, then quietly dump them :p
I think there's some legitimate concerns here, but I think the largest problem leading to such a negative attitude is the fact that too many people try to BE mods when they're not (ie, constant posts on how someone should close a thread they don't like, telling other members what they should/should not do). Basically a lot of members just trying to enforce some type of authority when they really don't have any.

Sure there's a lot of n00bs that have started flame wars and whatnot but we're no better when it comes to responding to them. We honestly need to be more responsible in the way we react to these kinds of posts and threads, because honestly, any n00b (ourselves at one point too) is obviously going to get defensive any time they get proven wrong or are constantly reminded of their mistakes, and that helps no one.

I think if all of us start letting the mods actually do their job more and quit trying to fill in for them it will lead to a much more positive atmoshpere.
Six Three said:
I am part of the HL2.net community, and I'm not one who supports you.

In case you hadn't noticed, he said "anonymous members," not all of the members. :) Just pointing out that he didn't speak for the whole community, just some
The more mods suggestion ?

I dont disagree we could probably use a few more or perhaps a few more for specific forums like dicsussion and what not I'll raise the issue :)
www.halflife2.net has the best, most fair moderators and members of any forum I have ever visited, personally. I think, however, that HL2's delays have led to sourness between people, and people posting old news becase there really isn't all that much news in the first place.

My honest opinion on closing threads, however, is a short description on why the thread was closed, (somtimes I get confused when its suddenly closed without a Mod's response) in the nicest way possible. For example, someone posts something that had already been said the day before. The mod could say, "Sorry, but this was already discussed here." (with a link to the discussion) And, really, thats exactly what I have seen, so I have no complaints. I guess I can't say anything because I stay out of the HL2 forums due to the excessive flame wars and trolls in everything.

There are several occations where mod's comments could be a little nicer, but usually, I think they are fine. So there is my opinion, YAY!

:cat: "Meow"
I personally have a message for the community:

No more 'In before lock/close/whatever' posts.

They make Badger cry ;(
They make me cry too ;(

But, haven't people mostly stopped saying that?
We will be looking for more mods in the next couple of weeks too but please don't ask to become one. I very very very rarely appoint those who ask.
My two cents / pence / francs / euros / whatever follows:

Like Shuzer, I've lately contemplated taking a hiatus until after (perhaps several months after) the release of Half-Life 2. It seems like we've all run out of things to talk about, and when that happens the conversations become stale and the forum members and moderators alike become irritable. Now not only is the news sort of slow, but most new forum posts consist of ridiculous questions that don't merit asking, incorrectly placed posts that get moved, or rehashed information that attracts flames and gets threads closed. It's damn depressing to look at the front page of the forum and see five "closed thread" icons and as many "moved thread" icons. And the sad thing is, I don't anticipate it getting any better when HL2 is released.

I work in an environment where I'm used to talking to hundreds of people a day, so I'm familiar with the temptation to be quite undiplomatic, but I think giving in to that urge (if, in fact, that's what is happening) can only degrade the forum morale and consequently worsen the situation.
ComradeBadger said:
I personally have a message for the community:

No more 'In before lock/close/whatever' posts.

They make Badger cry ;(

People probably haven't noticed, but anyone saying that gets their post edited by me..
Nice to know my idea is appreciated and especially satisfying to know that you are actually getting more mods :p

Dont worry Munro, I wont be asking to be a mod. I dont really have the time to be a moderator even if it is the summer. I pretty much skrewed up my year in 6th form this year. I need to learn some crap for next yeah. :(

I'm here to help in whatever way I can though. Even if it is just suggestions like the one I made above.
One thing I've noticed on other message boards I've been to in the past is assigning certain mods, certain forums to watch over. This seemed to work really well, as it didn't leave the mods with a huge area of random threads and posts to watch over, but more of a specialty area or smaller area to cover so it wasn't too overwhelming. It also left the mods more time to participate in other forums, as they didn't have to constantly try and keep up with every single forum while they were on.

The only problem I see with this is obviously you can't have all the mods on at all times watching over their particular forum but with the addition of more moderators and maybe assigning double or triple duty to particular threads would make things much more organized and hopefully lighten the burden some mods seem to face.
I'd like to mirror what Onions said at the start of the thread and I would hope that there are people out there that if I offend, they will feel confident with speaking to me about it.

Some people have and the differences has been resolved.

We just want to do the right thing for the community :)
Adding more mods will most certainly help but I think the people who can make the real difference are individual members that can see this current problem and are willing to try and fix it. Set an example, work together, do whatever you can to be friendly and interesting/fun to other members. When more moderators are needed and there hasn't been a big increase in the number of members then it is usually a sign that the individual members have not been doing there job to keep the forum fun and friendly.

I admit I certainly havn't been helping, avoiding general discussion and taking part only in tense debates really dosn't help community relations. However I will be changing that habit. I encourage everyone else who is either a forum veteran or anyone who wants to see these problems fixed to do whatever they can to fix the current situation.
The Mullinator said:
Adding more mods will most certainly help but I think the people who can make the real difference are individual members that can see this current problem and are willing to try and fix it. Set an example, work together, do whatever you can to be friendly and interesting/fun to other members. When more moderators are needed and there hasn't been a big increase in the number of members then it is usually a sign that the individual members have not been doing there job to keep the forum fun and friendly.

I admit I certainly havn't been helping, avoiding general discussion and taking part only in tense debates really dosn't help community relations. However I will be changing that habit. I encourage everyone else who is either a forum veteran or anyone who wants to see these problems fixed to do whatever they can to fix the current situation.

I also strongly agree with this. I have been trying to be nice to new members recently. Heh, you might have noticed my "Welcome To The Forum" messages whenever a see a #1 post. :p

I might try and spend some more time in the newbies forum. Try and indoctinate our way of life to some new people. :stare:
bah, I dunno why you all treat new members differently anyway? Treat them as you'd like to be treated, that's my motto :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
People probably haven't noticed, but anyone saying that gets their post edited by me..
And me too actually :)

Anyway, I've said it before and I'll say it again, feel free to contact any of us with any questions or problems you may have :D
The Mullinator said:
Adding more mods will most certainly help but I think the people who can make the real difference are individual members that can see this current problem and are willing to try and fix it. Set an example, work together, do whatever you can to be friendly and interesting/fun to other members. When more moderators are needed and there hasn't been a big increase in the number of members then it is usually a sign that the individual members have not been doing there job to keep the forum fun and friendly.

I admit I certainly havn't been helping, avoiding general discussion and taking part only in tense debates really dosn't help community relations. However I will be changing that habit. I encourage everyone else who is either a forum veteran or anyone who wants to see these problems fixed to do whatever they can to fix the current situation.

Good point, and admiting we have our share in the problem as well I think is important. I know I've added my share of negativity at times, but now seeing what's happening will try to do my part to make this a better community.
i think part of the problem , inherent with specific game mods is that it's hard to talk about osmethingother than the game. When I compare our forums to ones I used to help mod or simply visited .. like the old blueyonder or barrysworld forums each game or league had it's specific section but it didnt feel as pidgeon holed as we do here sometimes.

Perhaps a revamped general forums ( the ones with offtopic ) could help or .. something :p
Shuzer said:
bah, I dunno why you all treat new members differently anyway? Treat them as you'd like to be treated, that's my motto :)

Are you saying that if you joined a DOOM3 forum and someone said:

Welcome To The Forums! :)

It wouldnt give you a nice friendly impresion and get rid of some of your fears or shyness with the new community. :p
No, lol, I'm not saying don't greet them.. I'm saying, why do people look down on them? I try and greet new members whenever I see them myself
Shuzer said:
No, lol, I'm not saying don't greet them.. I'm saying, why do people look down on them? I try and greet new members whenever I see them myself

It's because new members are stereotyped as the people who post about repeated/discussed topics, and then just disappear..
Shuzer said:
No, lol, I'm not saying don't greet them.. I'm saying, why do people look down on them? I try and greet new members whenever I see them myself


It makes soo much more sence now :p

Yeah, I think looking down on new members is just stupid. I mean if you look at some of the more prominant members of the community.. they havnt actually been arround all that long in comparison to some of the others..... such as me! :D

EDIT: Six Three: Perfect example. ;)
Lalalala *looks at thread* wtf? ... someone is going to get banned for talking to the mods... *looks away away pretty girl* o0o0o0o.
these problems plauge every gaming community ever. especially ones as well known and public as hl2.net, since the influx of new players and people just looking for info come here. it definatly happened at zone.com for awhile, which is why i left that. some of the moderaters irritate me with their arrogance, but i mean its to be expected. cant expect them to have a good attitude 100% of the time when this much trash is posted. if this turns into (insert any gamespy forum) im going to be pissed though.
Some_God said:
Lalalala *looks at thread* wtf? ... someone is going to get banned for talking to the mods... *looks away away pretty girl* o0o0o0o.

Erm, can you expand upon that. I didnt understand a word mate. :p
Pi Mu Rho said:
People probably haven't noticed, but anyone saying that gets their post edited by me..

Actually I did notice, you replaced Foxtrot's post with "I smell of ass." LOL :D
CB | Para said:
Actually I did notice, you replaced Foxtrot's post with "I smell of ass." LOL :D

Yeah, I saw that one too.

Allthough where does it say its been edited by who?

I mean, It used to be beneth the message... but I havnt seen it in ages. :(
If edited within the first few minutes, the "edited by *user* at *time" isn't included. It is included on first edit, however, if you put in a reason for the edit.
T'was my handiwork that, I did give a warning lots beforehand about those sorts of posts. I even left a reason :)
Alright, new end all solution to a more positive HL2.net:

mandatory smilies in all posts :)
ACLeroK212 said:
Alright, new end all solution to a more positive HL2.net:

mandatory smilies in all posts :)

lol, I like the sound of that one! :D

EDIT: Allthough I think I have included a smile in allmost every one of the 3000 odd posts I have ever made anyway lol!
DO you have to live in the UK to be a mod?... cuz im kinda not a mod... Lol OMG wtf errrrrrr rgr k thnx.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
lol, I like the sound of that one! :D

EDIT: Allthough I think I have included a smile in allmost every one of the 3000 odd posts I have ever made anyway lol!

Dude, your name even has a smiley in it.. you can't get much more friendly than that! :LOL:
Some_God said:
DO you have to live in the UK to be a mod?... cuz im kinda not a mod... Lol OMG wtf errrrrrr rgr k thnx.

lol, no you dont have to be in the UK. :)

You do have to have a reputation for being just, fair, a nice guy, a good judge, able to keep your head in all situations, etc, etc, etc... :p
i like it in here. good community with good people. not much flaming/spamming due to the good work of the mods. yes even you Pi :p
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I like to think so! :p :D
When I first saw you posting here, I liked the fact you had a smiliey in your name, made me happy whenever I saw it :eek:
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