A message to the moderators...

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Quick, someone edit my username to be all smilies!
ComradeBadger said:
When I first saw you posting here, I liked the fact you had a smiliey in your name, made me happy whenever I saw it :eek:

Seriously? Thats actually really a very nice thing to hear. :)

Heh, I actually put it in because Marksman was taken and I guess MarksmanHL2 was taken too. OR I couldnt be bothered to risk checking for MarksmanHL2. :p

But I did think it would be a nice thing to put in. And a change from what I normally see in forums... stuff like "Death something" or "Kill something" etc.

No offence to those who have those names. I have nothing against them, I mean I have Marksman in mine! :p

Its Marksman because my name is Mark btw... in case you didnt know. :)
I personally think names like 'RAMPAGE' 'ASSASIN' etc are boring. Names that are fun are much more origanal and nice.

And yes, I did think that :)
ComradeBadger said:
I personally think names like 'RAMPAGE' 'ASSASIN' etc are boring. Names that are fun are much more origanal and nice.

And yes, I did think that :)

Yeah, exactly..

Heh, as you know (Played you on oposing force and prolly CS etc) My new name I have used for a while now is GingerNinja!

Heh, I like to stand out as a funny guy. And yeah.... I have ginger hair. And yes. I am indeed a ninja. ;)
I prefer MarksmanHL2 :) tbh.

I think it suits you :p plus I call you mark anyway :E
ComradeBadger said:
I prefer MarksmanHL2 :) tbh.

I think it suits you :p plus I call you mark anyway :E

Heh, what about "GingerNinja :)"


Hmmm..... I will have a think about that one. I just think GingerNinja is me all over. I am proud to have ginger hair... and I love martial arts. :)

(ok ok, you got me. I aint no ninja! I'm a thai boxer! :p)

Marksman was first thought of when I first ever played on the internet and decided i needed a name other than "player" lol

EDIT: Anyway, I think I have to go to bed now. My posts prolly seem very lively. Thats because my brain is. But my body... thats a different story..

Especially my eyes.... they... are... closeing.....
Pi Mu Rho said:
People probably haven't noticed, but anyone saying that gets their post edited by me..

u know.. with the forum policies this forum has.. i would think the staff would do something more than that.. especially considering that thread we had back in April about spaming and post counts..

but whatever...im not gonna argue about it.. but yeah.. the "in before lock" posts are as annoying it gets.
/me points to his name

Helloooo! My name is a number spelt with words!
Back to the subject, I closed that CS: Source/NDA thread because yes, I thought there would be restrictions on the media sharing, since it is a beta (How am I supposed to keep track of every tiny tidbit of information that's released, I didn't know there wouldn't be an NDA, big deal) - the secondary reason for the close was because it was requesting media for a game that's still weeks and weeks away. A pointless thread, and in my opinion, justified for closing.

We mods put alot of work into this site, yet recently all I've seen is people bitching and whining about every aspect of what we do. It's tiring enough having to deal with working to kill every null thread and crap post, let alone having everyone questioning the ethics that you work upon. Those kind comments are always appreciated, though.
im suprised the mods act like that sometimes, it's like a 1 - 1000 ratio of them
Well, I didn't mean to make it more stressful for you Abom. Either way, I'm feeling a little happier about HL2.net as of now. Even if nothing has changed, atleast people know there are people considering leaving the community if everyone keeps up their attitudes (I'm not talking mods here, moreso flaming members)
Onions said:
i'd like to think that any community member can approach me in confidence to talk about any problems they have and not be afraid of getting punished for it :/

gotta love the birds with the pink hair (sorry if i offend people with the derogatory term "birds") and/or the blue hair :)

I found in some forums that part of the problem is the mods are not strict enough, some tend to try not cause friction or let some minor misdemenours slip through. This may sound nice, no dictator mods but also has the side effect of not knowing the definite boundries.

Imagine how this would effect a poster :

Poster A posts a topic that becomes popular fast, but it infringes on a forum regulation but Mod X lets it slide, its harmless anyways. Poster B posts a topic that also infringes in the same manner and Mod X slams the gate on Poster B's topic....how would Poster B feel?

Some of the better forums are, and proud to be dictator moderated but in return once you know the boundries you rarely ever be a victim of moderation, so you don't feel the heavy hand of the dictator mods.

I haven't been part of these forums long enough to make a fair statement regarding the mods here, but I felt my input may be intresting.
I was a member of an old CS forum (sadly its closed now) and the mod had a method of controlling spam that was very effective...he made a spam thread. It was where the members could simply post crap like "SPAM!" or other random posts such as pictures, links, etc...the only things he didnt tolerate in it were flaming, racial comments...that sort of thing. It controlled it well since everyone could go to this spam thread and get it out of their system. To prevent over-spamming that would slow down the entire server, he made the time limit between posts around 40-50 seconds. Believe me, if one of the mods made a spam thread, it would GREATLY cut down the number of spam threads mods would have to close, and greatly ease some of their headaches.
Lethal8472 said:
I was a member of an old CS forum (sadly its closed now) and the mod had a method of controlling spam that was very effective...he made a spam thread. It was where the members could simply post crap like "SPAM!" or other random posts such as pictures, links, etc...the only things he didnt tolerate in it were flaming, racial comments...that sort of thing. It controlled it well since everyone could go to this spam thread and get it out of their system. To prevent over-spamming that would slow down the entire server, he made the time limit between posts around 40-50 seconds. Believe me, if one of the mods made a spam thread, it would GREATLY cut down the number of spam threads mods would have to close, and greatly ease some of their headaches.

People would use it to up their post count. Which i think is just silly....

Also, I just think thats a good excuse to behave badly...
I've got no real problems with the mods here (There's one who's a bit strict, but hey, he gets the job done...).

I go to other forums for a look around. Then I come back here very quickly. It's scary out there...

Oh, one thing: I reckon there seem to be too many times when there seem to be no mods around. But maybe that's just me...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
People would use it to up their post count. Which i think is just silly....

Also, I just think thats a good excuse to behave badly...

Forgive me for nay-saying but I honestly don't see what the big deal is about post counts or care if someone feels the need to up there's for whatever reason. If someone has a high post count, oh well, doesn't mean anything at all.

Quality > Quantity
Six Three said:
I am part of the HL2.net community, and I'm not one who supports you.

If you read it properly it says anonymous hl2.net members, meaning certain people, not the entire community.
ACLeroK212 said:
Forgive me for nay-saying but I honestly don't see what the big deal is about post counts or care if someone feels the need to up there's for whatever reason. If someone has a high post count, oh well, doesn't mean anything at all.

Quality > Quantity

Oh I completely agree with you. But there are alot of people that dont. And I wouldnt want new members to think that those people are the number one contributers to the comunity.
I shaln't ask, then.


I've not been active here for long, but I like HL2.net as it is now, although new mods would be kinda useful for individual boards. Should give the staff some bloody time to work on the contnt!

A post in the new, comprehensible and efficient TGB-list format. Here follows the list of statements:

  • I have no problems at all with the moderation
  • Sarcastic remarks and comments in the closing post for a thread are good, we need more.
  • People should stop going out of their way to be nice to badger. It's annoying (ie. I r jelus 'cause the fat lazy badger with the white gay shoes gets more attention)
  • Postcounts should be turned off.
  • I like these forums. And the irc channel too. Aww how cute.
Well, that was certainly a lot more readable than my usual rambling.

Thank you for your time.
guinny said:
If you read it properly it says anonymous hl2.net members, meaning certain people, not the entire community.

ffs guinny, calm down... I don't really care what you said, all I meant to say is that I don't agree with you. If a silly thing like that bugs you...
Just found this thread... Thanks to Fenric's sig.

Instead of postcounts, we could have another type of ranking system.

It would take alot more work on the moderators side, but, here it is.

Rank is based on how good a community member you are. I believe the mods have a fairly good idea of how we would rank. People that really contribute nicely to discussions, who are kind to others, and who respect moderaters, and perhaps even have good grammar. :p

It will take some work, and get-to-knowing eachother, but hey.

Plus I think I would rank pretty good. ;)
vegeta897 said:
Just found this thread... Thanks to Fenric's sig.

Instead of postcounts, we could have another type of ranking system.

It would take alot more work on the moderators side, but, here it is.

Rank is based on how good a community member you are. I believe the mods have a fairly good idea of how we would rank. People that really contribute nicely to discussions, who are kind to others, and who respect moderaters, and perhaps even have good grammar. :p

It will take some work, and get-to-knowing eachother, but hey.

Plus I think I would rank pretty good. ;)

But then you get thousands of people complaining why they aren't ranked higher, because the mods can't see every good thing that a user does..
keep it like it is, these forums are a lot better than most, it's just a bit of a tough patch with stuff happening so rapidly, you can't expect a forum around the potential release date of a game (not to mention its main competitor going Gold) to not have a few niggles. People are just excited, chill out and it will pass.
Rupertvdb said:
keep it like it is, these forums are a lot better than most, it's just a bit of a tough patch with stuff happening so rapidly, you can't expect a forum around the potential release date of a game (not to mention its main competitor going Gold) to not have a few niggles. People are just excited, chill out and it will pass.

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better...
One of the moderators is an incompetent fool in my opinion. The person has proved it some times every now and then during my days as a forum member, but he really exceeded what a moderator is supposed/allowed to do one day in an extreme case, which made me leave the forum for a few days. I'm not really eager on staying here anymore, except to communicate with the other forum members on here.

From what another moderator said, there is apparently nothing to do about it, except "avoiding" the person in question. I can't be arsed to do any more about it and frankly it doesn't really matter whether I do or not, but my respect for the staff has been greatly reduced.
This only applies on ONE moderator, not all of them. The rest of the staff is a very good bunch of people, however allowing this type of behaviour made me question their competence aswell. But all in all, they're great, and please note I don't encourage any bashing on any of the staff members.

I want to thank the staff member who bothered spending time to speak with me about this matter and being on the neutral side instead of trying to "protect" the moderator for one reason or another. You know who you are, I consider you being a great friend and if any reason it's for you I've decided to keep sticking around here. :)
CrazyHarij said:
One of the moderators is an incompetent fool in my opinion. The person has proved it some times every now and then during my days as a forum member, but he really exceeded what a moderator is supposed/allowed to do one day in an extreme case, which made me leave the forum for a few days. I'm not really eager on staying here anymore, except to communicate with the other forum members on here.

From what another moderator said, there is apparently nothing to do about it, except "avoiding" the person in question. I can't be arsed to do any more about it and frankly it doesn't really matter whether I do or not, but my respect for the staff has been greatly reduced.
This only applies on ONE moderator, not all of them. The rest of the staff is a very good bunch of people, however allowing this type of behaviour made me question their competence aswell. But all in all, they're great, and please note I don't encourage any bashing on any of the staff members.

I want to thank the staff member who bothered spending time to speak with me about this matter and being on the neutral side instead of trying to "protect" the moderator for one reason or another. You know who you are, I consider you being a great friend and if any reason it's for you I've decided to keep sticking around here. :)
Stop hiding behind some kind of barrier and name me, for crying out loud. It doesn't make you any more mysterious by saying 'one of the moderators'. So I did something you disagreed with, you really don't have to go around mentioning it in every damn post you make. I'm not apologizing for what I did, because I thought it was justified. In fact, I don't even know why you're bringing it to the forum - it was done in the IRC channel! Jesus, some people.
Abom said:
Stop hiding behind some kind of barrier and name me, for crying out loud. It doesn't make you any more mysterious by saying 'one of the moderators'. So I did something you disagreed with, you really don't have to go around mentioning it in every damn post you make. I'm not apologizing for what I did, because I thought it was justified. In fact, I don't even know why you're bringing it to the forum - it was done in the IRC channel! Jesus, some people.

Mysterious? It's about something you clearly have no idea about, PRINCIPLES. You had no idea of PRINCIPLES when you posted a private message conversation publicly because you "assumed" it would turn out the same if the person wasn't banned, and you have no idea of PRINCIPLES when you're asking me why to keep you anonymous when posting my opinions about you.

So you mean the IRC-channel is a place where you can do and say all kinds of shit without being held responsible for it? 99% of the #halflife2 participators would like to know they're speaking to the same Abom as the Abom on www.halflife2.net, and your actions do not represent the Abom on #halflife2, more likely they represent you as a person, who represent all the Aboms on the internet, wherever you hang out.

Yes: Jesus, some people who are experienced in the ways of internet community rules might question your ways of moderating, better ban 'em quick so other ones won't suspect anything. There should be a small button next to my name or in the moderator/admin control panel, click it if you'd like. I, for one, wouldn't be surprised.
Take it to private message or keep it in IRC CrazyHarij.
Chris_D said:
Take it to private message or keep it in IRC CrazyHarij.

To be fair, it sounds like Abom brought it out of there and into this thread in a recognizable way to begin with, not Harij. But I'm a disinterested third party, so I'll defer.
CrazyHarij said:
Mysterious? It's about something you clearly have no idea about, PRINCIPLES. You had no idea of PRINCIPLES when you posted a private message conversation publicly because you "assumed" it would turn out the same if the person wasn't banned, and you have no idea of PRINCIPLES when you're asking me why to keep you anonymous when posting my opinions about you.
I'm not going to argue about this; I've explained my reasons for doing so in the IRC channel, but I can't seem to drill it into your head. I can't be bothered to try it all over again on the forum.

So you mean the IRC-channel is a place where you can do and say all kinds of shit without being held responsible for it? 99% of the #halflife2 participators would like to know they're speaking to the same Abom as the Abom on www.halflife2.net, and your actions do not represent the Abom on #halflife2, more likely they represent you as a person, who represent all the Aboms on the internet, wherever you hang out.
Fine, kick up a fuss wherever you want to. It seems like you're just on your own, anyway, so whatever. I'm the same Abom on both the forums and IRC, and so is Cybernoid - he acted the way he did on both the forums and IRC, which is why I decided to paste the abuse he hurled at me into the channel - just to show how pathetic he was being. But no, lord CrazyHarij has a problem with doing that kind of thing, I must bow down an apologize this instant!

Great, you just made me bring it up again.

Yes: Jesus, some people who are experienced in the ways of internet community rules might question your ways of moderating
Start making sense; are you talking about moderating the forums, or operating the channel? Because I thought we were talking about the channel right now. Decide, and then we'll talk.

...better ban 'em quick so other ones won't suspect anything. There should be a small button next to my name or in the moderator/admin control panel, click it if you'd like. I, for one, wouldn't be surprised.
Again, you've used this kind of attitude every time you bring up this subject. You know I don't ban anyone without just cause, so you might as well stop trying to be funny now.
CrazyHarij made the first references to it, but tbh it'd be better for both of them to "take it outside" I guess. Your choice peoples.
Chris_D said:
CrazyHarij made the first references to it, but tbh it'd be better for both of them to "take it outside" I guess. Your choice peoples.

All the same, the thread has gone woefully off-topic. That would seem to indicate an easy way to promote taking it outside...? ;)
The only flaw I have to blaim the mods for is not banning Eber until this day....

Sure, many ppl abuse their power, but who are YOU to blaim them? You would too...
I find it laughable that people think we need to abuse our power. We do what needs to be done to make this site what it is and we try and make it as fair as possible.
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