A preview of things to come

spamdog said:
I remember being told so smugly and authoritatively by certain people on this board how CS:S was the only MP and how wrong I was for thinking that it would be released.

Where are you all now, huh?

Yah, w00t, bring it on punks! :sniper:
Cliffe would pwn CliffeB

CliffeB cares too much for his goatie.
So will there be a model for Gordon or is he still that silver thing....
spamdog said:
I remember being told so smugly and authoritatively by certain people on this board how CS:S was the only MP and how wrong I was for thinking that it would be released.

Where are you all now, huh?

Lol, I second that!

Brassedmonkey (or whatever your name was) where are you, you smug git?
Hah, so much for all the skeptics who kept saying "there is practically no possibility that the surprise will be HL2DM."
pwned :D
spamdog said:
I remember being told so smugly and authoritatively by certain people on this board how CS:S was the only MP and how wrong I was for thinking that it would be released.

Where are you all now, huh?
heh, ya I remember some people telling everyone after it was confirmed that it wouldn't have its own DM with the initial release that there had really been zero evidence to say there was one and that any one who did believe there would be one was just a moron and hanging onto nothing.

I love how they were proven wrong.
Yay :D

Will it be for free or will you have to pay for it? :o
Just imagine:

DM on the coast.
DM in the sand traps with Antlions turned on (players will be FIGHTING over things to walk on).
DM in nova prospekt with cameras all over the place.

Great news for you HLDM fans. :)

Myself... Well, I will for sure test it out though.
its gonna be ****ing awesome! I think after this sites that give hl2 a lower mark for not having a original deathmatch should take it back and re-review
Curious that Doug Lombardi indicated that Valve was not planning to release Half-Life 2 deathmatch. Guess the bastard was caught in another lie.
ya cliffe confirmed it, and by the name of the picture and the public outcry, i think it is hl2dm :)
I just had a glimpse of playing CTF and launching the flag with the grav gun. OMG that would own so hard. :cheers:
WOOOHOO, Great news , thanx ValVe :D , now i only got myself a *me want NOW* feeling:P , wonder when its gonna get released and i hope the pic comfirming that a release is just around the corner, if not im gonna go koko waiting:p
For those of you who were dissapointed because there was no deathmatch :) Here yah go
I don't want to bum anyone out or anything but look at the picture. It's concept art and not a screenshot. They may only be beginning development. On the other hand it could be all done and released this week. I wouldn't get my hopes for an immanent release up too much.
JimmehH said:
I don't want to bum anyone out or anything but look at the picture. It's concept art and not a screenshot. They may only be beginning development. On the other hand it could be all done and released this week. I wouldn't get my hopes for an immanent release up too much.
Actually, it's not concept art. It's just a bit touched up.

This is IT!! This is the "suprise". And they said the full SDK and the "suprise" (HL2 DM) are coming out THIS WEEK.


:D :D :D

Thankyou Valve, I love you.
*is excited* :cheers:

It's all a bit suspicious though....
JimmehH said:
I don't want to bum anyone out or anything but look at the picture. It's concept art and not a screenshot. They may only be beginning development. On the other hand it could be all done and released this week. I wouldn't get my hopes for an immanent release up too much.

Actually, it is very very possible that HL2DM could be released very shortly. They have all the content right at their fingertips.
Remember, CS:S was built off of the same thing that CS was, The Deathmatch Engine.

And just for pure speculation and fun lets name some possible single player locations that would be great for HL2DM!

There are so many possibilities. They can cut out an area and block it off and they have a DM map.

By the way, let us not forget the use of vehicles...Airboat and Buggy wars anyone? :cheers:

-dm_jail; The jail in Nova Prospekt
-dm_coast; The coastline (use of antlions in DM?)
-dm_citadel; Obviously the Citadel, INCREDIBLY large, 64 players riding around in the coffins...
-dm_ravenholm; the obvious stealth choice, and SAWBLADES and the EXPLOSIVE GAS TANKS!
-dm_plaza; The plaza at the beginning of the game, except the surrounding buildings can now be inhabited. The ultimate Sniper map.
dm_rubble; The area of the game where there are striders galore and you are told to go to the horse statue
dm_strider; My wish of being able to commandeer a strider! :cheers:
dm_bridge; the bridge where you must walk on the support beams. Prepare for 2491246 fall deaths per round :p

I cant wait! :cheese:
dm_train; The trainyard
lol, all this and I haven't even played the Single-Player game yet. :laugh:

Christmas will be fun.
I think it is bs that Valve said nothing was in the works a month ago. So all these moders went to work creating DM for HL2. Now Valve will release HL2DM?
Pro[pH]et said:
I think it is bs that Valve said nothing was in the works a month ago. So all these moders went to work creating DM for HL2. Now Valve will release HL2DM?

The full SDK has not yet been released. I believe they specifically held back its release for this reason alone.
alphadec said:
Name of the place is NOVA PROSPECT and that is where Valve is gonna send all of you non belivers. :D

Valve have maybe created the best game ever and they get 98% in almost all game reviews I have seen. And all you non belivers are still vining about noe MP, who gives a shit if it does not have MP in my mind MP is something I don't like at all.

MP to run around like a idiot where u have no chance to win the game that is what u want go figure.

But guess Valve finaly maybe said: hell we'll give em it.

As someone else already said : Nova Prospekt. And does it makes sense to you that if YOU don't give a horse's ass about what anyone else wants, that everyone else doesn't give a horses ass that you don't want HL2DM? So next time you got something in your mind like that, keep it there.

on topic: YAY!
Oh and yes it does appear they will release it. And why show a lot of screenies? I want to experience it all in-game!

They did say
Next week we will be releasing the Source SDK, along with a surprise for the community.

It better be TDM. If its just DM then that will get boring quickly.
"Half-life 2: We were wrong, we should fire the kid who reviewed it and generally stfu all together."
hmmm notice how there's only one player with the grav gun. Maybe it's like counter-strike where only one player from the rebel team will get the grav gun? one thing seems obvious to me: the combine team won't get the grav gun, which will piss people off.
Or maybe this is co-op and not DM ?
now that valve has done a good job in getting all this hyp up for hl2dm they will proceed to delay it another year!