A preview of things to come

lol but they said they're releasing it this week? man.. with the gravity gun..the possibilities of whatever deathmatch are just endless
I'm gonna get the super gravity gun and start launching people at other people
what if two people picked up the same object at the same time
with the gravity gun?
rocklegendfm99 said:
what if two people picked up the same object at the same time
with the gravity gun?
A large, 3D red error message would appear.
rocklegendfm99 said:
what if two people picked up the same object at the same time
with the gravity gun?
Hmm..maybe it'll just suspend in mid air? Should prove interesting. Also, I wonder how long they've been working on this, because weapon balancing usually proves to be a bitch. But I suppose we're the perfect beta team :p
ne thing seems obvious to me: the combine team won't get the grav gun, which will piss people off.
I doubt it, its just for the sake of a Screenshot

heh should be fun, i HOPE theres some bot support, my dialup would cry over the net. Heh haw many people remember that room as the exact same one you fight the second giant ant lion. :)
I dont believe they will include the super gravity gun, it is just too powerful.

if that is a true description of the game, then it definately has tdm in it (but so did the original hldm i think, something like if you choose the same model as someone you are on their team, i havent played in a long time), and dm, and i hope some other modes
if There Is A Godamn Toilet In The Center Of The Picture I Dont Care If There Is Flowers In It But Its Not A Good Sign!!! Subliminal Messages!!!


bbyybb said:
I dont believe they will include the super gravity gun, it is just too powerful.
I agree, especially in outdoor levels where players could potentially be hurled anywhere.
JimmehH said:
Barrel'ed as in 'just got hit by a barrel'.

Presumably because it sounds much better than toilet'ed.

really? :P
i thought it was barrel'ed as in "barrel of fun!" :E
anyway this is neat!! :thumbs:

Audiophile said:
no, this is HL2DM.

Cliffe confirmed it.

link please?
not that i don't believe u...i'd just like to see it for myself :)
Combine will probably get pulse rifle and rebels get a grav gun \o/
The Mullinator said:
heh, ya I remember some people telling everyone after it was confirmed that it wouldn't have its own DM with the initial release that there had really been zero evidence to say there was one and that any one who did believe there would be one was just a moron and hanging onto nothing.

I love how they were proven wrong.

Mully all due respect buddy, but when Doug Lombardi was asked about a future DM for HL2 after the game had been released, he flatout said "theres no plans of it" or something like that.
he could have easily said something to the effect of "theres something in the works but i have nothing to comment on it at this time"

anyway, i am glad something like this is being done..especially remembering all those DM threads right around release time.
Doesn't seem like we're all jumping for joy or anything! This is what HL2 lacked and now it is here! Now at least one of my friends will most likely buy the game instead of pirate it, b/c he was mad at Valve for "cutting corners; they didn't make a HL2DM!" Well, here it is, buddy...
By not giving a commitment date they dont get blasted if it is a day late.

*_-SpAcKeL-_* said:
The full SDK has not yet been released. I believe they specifically held back its release for this reason alone.

That's a good point. Still, they were not entirely honest and I personally know one team putting a lot of time and work into planning a HL2DM mod.

And as another person pointed out when asked valve said nothing was in the works at this time.

I'm still excited. I just don't understand the deception.
Pro[pH]et said:
That's a good point. Still, they were not entirely honest and I personally know one team putting a lot of time and work into planning a HL2DM mod.

And as another person pointed out when asked valve said nothing was in the works at this time.

I'm still excited. I just don't understand the deception.

I don't understand it either. It shoulda been in the original release, IMO, and despite how much the single player game kicks ass I was pretty pissed about lack of DM. But now that it is coming I am definitly excited.

All those DM mods now have the opportunity to expand on a solid structure. I was concerned that there would be a large, but shallow pool of DM mods that would compete with each other to the point of irrelevence. With a base DM code for everyone to actually work off of, modders can focus on making changes to the gameplay ala BubbleMod, AGMod, Sev's Mod, Oz Mod, and all the other mod's for the original Half-Life that were so popular. I know AGMod's team is working on a Source version, I'm sure having a base to work off will make things much easier for them to put it out.

i take back what i said about the DM coming out in January :E

yes, i can admit, Valve ownz meh :)
Dr. Freeman said:
Mully all due respect buddy, but when Doug Lombardi was asked about a future DM for HL2 after the game had been released, he flatout said "theres no plans of it" or something like that.
he could have easily said something to the effect of "theres something in the works but i have nothing to comment on it at this time"
I was reffering to right after we found out from the PC Gamer editor that it wouldn't ship with DM. That was before what Doug said and that was when so many people kept on saying "I told you so" stuff.

After what Doug said I also completely gave up on DM being implemented though.
so can us people who said there would be one, actually say we told you so :) to those who said there wouldnt be