A question to you smokers: why?

Not to sound disrespectful to those who do smoke, but if I ever come across anyone who does, I tend to avoid them as I cannot stand the nasty smell. It's not exactly pleasant to have to walk behind several smokers on my way to class in the morning. I've also had smokers unconsciously exhale in my general direction as I've walked past them, and that irritates me to no end.

THC: I hope you'll understand that the adversities of smoking have been represented in a quite numerous amount of scientifically accepted books and journals.

This article compares the mortality rates of non-smokers vs smokers for a closed focus group of 34,439 British individuals from 1951-1991. The findings were not unlike what is commonly believed. The mortality rate of smokers was substantially higher than that of non-smokers for each age group.

The Japanese smoke twice as much as Americans and yet have half the number of lung cancers per 100,000 people.

While this may be a fact, the article you linked fails to mention the factors that may account for this discrepancy in lung cancer cases. I've located the journal that this statistic may have been pulled from, and I would like to direct your attention to the discussion portion of said journal:

There are several possible explanations for higher smoking-related risks in the United States than in Japan, beginning with the observation that mainstream smoke from American cigarettes may contain higher concentrations of toxic and carcinogenic compounds than that of Japanese cigarettes. Measurements made in our laboratories have found that the leading brands of United States cigarettes deliver 35% more benzo(a)pyrene and 170% more NNK than do the leading Japanese brands when measured in mainstream smoke under standardized experimental conditions (i.e., the United States Federal Trade Commission machine-smoking protocol; Ref. 35 ) despite similar deliveries of nicotine. This marked difference in delivery of two major classes of lung carcinogens is probably partly attributable to differences in the tobacco blends used in the manufacture of American and Japanese cigarettes and partly to the much wider use of charcoal filters in Japanese cigarettes. Samples of American blended tobacco contain 2.6 times the concentration of NNK and 1.4 times the concentration of nitrate as do samples of Japanese blended tobacco. Furthermore, for the past two decades, more than two-thirds of cigarettes purchased in Japan have had charcoal filters, compared with <1% of cigarettes purchased in the United States. Charcoal filter tips selectively remove certain gaseous/volatile compounds (e.g., hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein) in mainstream smoke that are known inhibitors of lung clearance; charcoal filters also have a tendency to selectively retain benzene and toluene. Doses of carcinogens "presented" to Japanese and American smokers may also differ because of differences in smoking topography (inhalation, puff volume, and so forth). We have found that American smokers of low- and medium-yield cigarettes (<=1.2 mg nicotine) inhale more than twice as much nicotine, "tar," and NNK as predicted by the United States Federal Trade Commission protocol; such measurements have yet to be made for Japanese smokers.

Both genetic and lifestyle factors may modify smoking-related lung cancer risk. A higher prevalence has been reported in Japanese of genetic polymorphisms in some P450 enzymes that catalyze activation of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as those found in cigarette smoke. Tyndale et al. recently found the prevalence of the (protective) *2 and *4 null alleles of CYP2A6 to be 21.2% in Japanese compared with 2.6% in Caucasians; this enzyme is one of several that metabolically activate N-alkylnitrosamines such as NNK. Polymorphisms such as these may be associated with as much as a 2-fold risk of lung cancer in both white and Japanese populations, but many other factors may also be needed to explain the 10-fold differential in relative risk observed by us. Marmot and Smith have pointed out that Japanese in general have a longer life expectancy than people in England, and possible explanations for the lower mortality in Japan could be the effects of different aspects of Japanese lifestyle. Wynder et al. have suggested previously that differences in diet, particularly dietary fat, may also contribute to the differences in lung cancer rates. Gao et al. using data obtained earlier from a Nagoya hospital population, reported a protective effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on risk of lung cancer. Ohno et al. also reported a protective effect of tea consumption against lung cancer in residents of Okinawa. All of these factors may be considered as candidate effect modifiers of smoking-related lung cancer risks in future studies.

I've edited out the citations for easier reading, but the source has all the necessary references if you are curious. The fact of the matter is, when alluding to a comparison between two completely different demographic regions, stating a single result doesn't mean that it is 100% conclusive.
jesus christ on a ****ing stick; the amount of decrepit narrowminded narcissism in this thread knows no boundaries

seriously, do you think a single smoker gives a **** what you think? go tell them, see what they do. I'd personally enjoy it, but I hope for your sake you don't get a fair kicking.

hello and welcome to the real world; to your left you'll find people who do shit you don't like, to your right you'll find people who do shit you can't stand.

Other than you enjoying some kind of ignorant celebral masturbation, you're not changing shit

There's far better things than smoking, but lord knows there are far worse. as socially accepted and legal as it is, people generally employ the decision to enjoy their personal preferences and not go on crusades to change everyone else, it doesn't accomplish anything except labelling you as a idiot. hence the major consensus on anti-smokers, fundamentalists, republicans, etc

Get over shit like this, my friend, because it has certainly gotten over you; if smokers gave a shit about your opinion, they wouldn't have started smoking in the first place.
In fact, if people in general really gave a shit about your opinion, you'd be surrounded by travellers from the far reaches of this planet, seeking just YOUR advice. This is not the case. If you're this uptight about most things, I'd suspect not even your close relatives give a shit about your opinions on anything, but whatever.


you know why people smoke? The best reason there is. The most valid argument one could ever make; Because they ENJOY it, and they CHOOSE to.
Apparently you do :eek:

No, not really. Just felt like putting my thoughts on what's going on here.

But didn't you just give us you're opinion? *shrugs*"

Oh, yes. I never said opinions were bad. You can say you don't like smokers how much you want. And when you offer silly-ass reasons, ridicule and rethorical questions, I'll respond with my opinion that you are a ****ing idiot. I don't expect you to listen to me or even give a shit. I'll respond because it's my right. :)

Anyways, I really don't care if someone smokes. However, I could never be in a relationship with someone who smokes, the smell would literally make me sick.[/quote]

fine and dandy, mate, I'm sure you're just surrounded by broads so it's not like you're limiting your available choices

I just don't understand why someone chooses to start smoking. The "buzz" from smoking in no way can be worth the money, health, and addiction.

"it's just smoking"
"they're just videogames"
"it's just religion"
"it's just a silly hobby"
"it's just art"

don't underestimate the retaliation of those whose lifestyle you deride.

I at least understand people who avidly use weed or alcohol for their desired affects, but ciggaretts?

where's the difference? nicotine is a physically addictive drug, so it's effect are highly noticeable.

Anyways, I have some friends that smoke, really doesn't bother me. But christ, theres so many downsides to smoking.
there's alot of downsides to life. there's alot of things that are good too.
not everyone considers life a race of the healthiest, but value the pursuit of personal freedom and enjoyment.
how the **** some people manage to be so serious about themselves, to the point of shutting interesting people and experiences out, I'll never understand

This thread is basically a circle-jerk orgy of self-righteousness. None of the anti-smoker people are listening at all. In other words, it's rocketing towards a close because the level of unreasonable, condescending intolerance here is almost trollish.


Though I am not a smoker myself, the OPs question is very easy to answer: Alcohal -you don't drink it because you want a bad headache or in extreme cases a liver cirroscis. Same prinicple here, smokers know the consequences, but they smoke for pleasure, not because they WANT black lungs.

I stuck up for you guys ;(
you know why people smoke? The best reason there is. The most valid argument one could ever make; Because they ENJOY it, and they CHOOSE to.

Like how an alcoholic just really enjoys alcohol, right? :LOL:

And I disagree with this thread being a anti-smoker circle jerk (I'm not anti-smoking, I just don't get it) but if you want it I'll give you some smug circle-jerking. Here's what a smoker looks like in my eyes:

PvtRyan, I am offended beyond words. You've crossed a line and have sunk my respect for you to its lowest depths.

I would only eat chocolate cake.
PvtRyan, I am offended beyond words. You've crossed a line and have sunk my respect for you to its lowest depths.

I would only eat chocolate cake.

I had some ****ing chocolate cake today.

That shit was the BOMB!

Wish I had some now :(
Like how an alcoholic just really enjoys alcohol, right? :LOL:

what does that have to do with the smoking majority? addiction, while under control, can be very pleasurable. I said because they choose to. there's always exceptions, so thanks for bringing one up.

it's not up to me to judge alcoholism accurately, but i believe the possible influences around (or behind?) alcoholism are the detrimental aspects of the activity. i.e escape, then you have to look at the reasons for the escape

I have a relative who suffered severe alcoholism, and the person had very understandable reasons for wanting to escape their situation. but in any case it's very easy to point fingers but hard to wear others shoes

with nicotine, it's physically addictive, but as long as you satisfy that addiction, you're going to be fine, and it's an additional pleasure within your day. if you're encountering health complications by smoking, go over to other forms of tobacco like the very awesome snuff/snus, I don't smoke nearly as much as I put a bag of snuff under my lip. it's a higher concentration of nicotine as well, booyah
Apparently you do :eek:
Oh that is such a ****ing c*nt response and you know it. Sorry, but my respect for anyone who uses this half-assed retort immediately drops 5 pegs. He cares about your opinion because he's responding to you? What the f*ck? He's responding because he doesn't want to hear your opinion.

Personal freedom is a one way street. You don't have to respect smoking, but you should respect their right to smoke without having to deal with whiny bitches like you lot telling them what they should or shouldn't do with their own body. If they're getting in your face with it, fine, but otherwise learn to f*cking live with it. Try getting a hobby maybe. Oh, I know, why not pick on fat people because they're endangering their own health by eating? That sounds like a fun idea, doesn't it?

A question to anti-smokers: why? Why tell people things they're already well aware of like they need to be told just one more time so it really sinks in? Like they wouldn't know their nose from their tit if you weren't around to inform them, you winner you. Honestly, what do you get out of it? Gratification? Do you honestly think you're helping these poor, helpless saps? A tip - acting like a self-righteous douche to others generally makes them a tad stressed. Why do they smoke in the first place again? Yeah. Thanks for contributing.

Oh, and I'm a non-smoker, but reading this thread kind of made me wanna take a puff. Spite is such a funny thing.
To be fair, taking the piss out of fat people would be a different comparison because fat people don't technically harm anyone else by - well, now I come to think of it, they are unattractive and clutter up the place, so maybe it's comparable to smelly smoke.

Anyway, it takes merely common human decency not to smoke copiously around people who find it unpleasant - and if that decency is lacking in a smoker, as it is frequently at many other occasions, then surely it is not an indictment of the drug/passtime itself. Getting all pissy about people blowing smoke in your faces is criticising the person not what they do. Otherwise you might as well start complaining about how eating is bad because people always do it disgustingly near you.

Like, yeah, smoking is something which inherently produces an unpleasant aura, but most people know that and should be reasonable enough to act accordingly.

EDIT: I would like to take snuff. It seems so awesomely old fashioned.
To be fair, taking the piss out of fat people would be a different comparison because fat people don't technically harm anyone else by - well, now I come to think of it, they are unattractive and clutter up the place, so maybe it's comparable to smelly smoke.
Actually they cause at least as much harm due to the extra NHS money spent dealing with problems stemming from obesity - at least smokers pay extra tax for their health-destroying habit.
You don't have to respect smoking, but you should respect their right to smoke without having to deal with whiny bitches like you lot telling them what they should or shouldn't do with their own body. If they're getting in your face with it, fine, but otherwise learn to f*cking live with it. Try getting a hobby maybe. Oh, I know, why not pick on fat people because they're endangering their own health by eating? That sounds like a fun idea, doesn't it?

A question to anti-smokers: why? Why tell people things they're already well aware of like they need to be told just one more time so it really sinks in? Like they wouldn't know their nose from their tit if you weren't around to inform them, you winner you. Honestly, what do you get out of it? Gratification? Do you honestly think you're helping these poor, helpless saps? A tip - acting like a self-righteous douche to others generally makes them a tad stressed. Why do they smoke in the first place again? Yeah. Thanks for contributing.


I can entirely understand people not liking when smokers blow smoke in their face. Hell, most smokers wouldn't like it if anybody did the same to them. People who are discourteous about where they smoke and who they're around aren't appreciated, which is why I always ask if it's acceptable to light up when I'm at somebody's house, and if not, then permission to use their balcony or deck.

Sure, I smoke in bars, clubs, and in the company of other smokers. But as far as I'm concerned, so long as it's within my legal right to fire up a cigarette in an establishment that allows it, that's something you can either accept or take up with the manager. Outside of that, I have shown nothing but respect in the way I handle my smoking in regards to others. So it gets me kind of ticked off when a topic about smoking starts up (here or in real life) and the non-smokers break into these smug lectures and character assumptions, regurgitating the same shit every smoker has heard time and time again. This one itself has had many of its posts starting off with either a health lecture or a statement of how inconsiderate, disgusting, and vile they consider smokers to be.

You say, of course, that your anger and insults are only directed at the bad smokers. I'd consider that fair enough if your immediate discourse with smokers here didn't reflect the assumption that we must be disrespectful assholes because of our personal choice. Most of you act like cocks.
Actually they cause at least as much harm due to the extra NHS money spent dealing with problems stemming from obesity - at least smokers pay extra tax for their health-destroying habit.
Damnit fat people!
The Japanese smoke twice as much as Americans and yet have half the number of lung cancers per 100,000 people.
The fact of the matter is, when alluding to a comparison between two completely different demographic regions, stating a single result doesn't mean that it is 100% conclusive.

True. The first study you mentioned has its own biases and assumptions.

Oh wow, are you ridiculously biased or do you just need to l2think?

It's an accurate statistic, at least according to the government. l2read?
yes but see it is irrelevant here my friend

It'd be an interesting statistic if 70% of all lung cancer occurs in non-smokers. Bbbbbut considering how many cancers there really are and their various causes, in addition to the fact that only about 20% of the U.S. population is made up of smokers, it's kind of... obvious. It's like saying that 70% of broken arms occur in non-smokers.

Yes, but I still think it's more due to the additives than to the tobacco itself. Smoking in general isn't necessarily automatically harmful. Marijuana has been shown to have a protective effect against lung cancer.
True. But the fact of the matter is that cigarettes do have those additives, and they're pretty harmful. If you mix weed with ammonia and smoke it, it's going to be bad for you :p
rolling your own cigarettes / smoking pipe ftw
Is smoking a cigar considered smoking? And since u are not suppose to inhale is at not as bad, as bad, or worse then cigarettes?