A quick little thing


Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
I downloaded milkshape 3d a bit ago, and decided to use it for something. Obviously, I'm not a moddeler, and jsut did it for fun. It's not textured or anything. Anyway...
http://img234.imageshack.us/img_vie...=lawmas8lm.png&gal=img234/8016/doomguy1jn.png (wip shot, had a real blocky stock and no barrels)

It's based off of a LAWMAS, and it originally had a buttstock, but my computer decided to restart itself after I had finished it, and I hadn't saved :( So you get a regular handle. pff. So, here. I'd appreciate any comments, maybe someone could tell me how to texture it or something.
um, no, that picture's actually from a custom map, showing a load point...

so, how would I go about posting the renders?
i dont supose milkshape can render ?
well u can export it ..hand it to me and ill render it for ya or go get a job at mcdonalds ...save up for a yr or two ....and buy 3dsmax.
Now, I'm really sorry, but I absolutley suck at using computers, and I don't know how to get the file to you. I think I should zip it, but I don't know how to get the zip file to you.
Eh, at least you can type, that's more than a lot of people who claim to be able to do a lot more. :)
erm meet me on msn or email it to my gmail.
[email protected]
and here we go


and last but not least my patented fps test
i dont like the gun design so much actually but it looks good in fps .. i cant understand why you do a lot of things ..like the little notch in the rail and the sights ...you cant actually look through the ironsights lol ..it looks like ur take on an mp5 but hte mp5 has a cylindrical bored iron sight ... that you can look through .
id love to skin it if u could unwrap it.

It was based off of this picture. It happens to be the only picture of it in a google image search for "lawmas".
And, what do you mean by "unwrapping" it?

oh, and btw, those renders look great!
thats odd .... well the sights on that gun have holes aswell as for unwrapping . unwrapping is the process by which 3d co-ordinate information is transformed into 2d maps to be painted on.
if you want a few tuts please just search this froum ive posted many here.