A riddle to curve the boredom!

yay paradox correct you'll never reach the door

k heres anotherWhat is greater than God.
More evil than the Devil.
The poor have it.
The rich don't need it.
And if you eat it, you'll die?
fuk, im too tired, im going to bed its been good guys, peace out. But ill leave you with THIS RIDDLE:

Is this statement True or False?????????

Ill tell ya in the morning if no one gets it/googles it.
Originally posted by 0zz0
yay paradox correct you'll never reach the door

k heres anotherWhat is greater than God.
More evil than the Devil.
The poor have it.
The rich don't need it.
And if you eat it, you'll die?

how about this:

I am one simple word, but I mean different thing
One of my meanings brings great forceful swings
The other of me, may have curve, like the first.
But only one meaning can help quench a thirst.
One of my meanings will often bring cheers.
Either of them could hold a few beers.
this one really only works verbaly but ill try it anyways

You are driving a bus and you make 3 stops. The first stop 3 people get on 1 gets off. 2nd stop 4 people get on 5 get off. 3rd stop 5 people get on no one gets off.

ok How old is the bus driver.
Originally posted by 0zz0
this one really only works verbaly but ill try it anyways

You are driving a bus and you make 3 stops. The first stop 3 people get on 1 gets off. 2nd stop 4 people get on 5 get off. 3rd stop 5 people get on no one gets off.

ok How old is the bus driver.

he's 23...cause that's how old i am
I am one simple word, but I mean different thing
One of my meanings brings great forceful swings
The other of me, may have curve, like the first.
But only one meaning can help quench a thirst.
One of my meanings will often bring cheers.
Either of them could hold a few beers.

New Riddle

An old man has a boat and needs to cross the river, the problem is he has three things that he needs to get across the river, a chicken, a dog and a sack of grain.

He has three problems:

1. His boat can only support himself and one item

2. The dog cant be left alone with the chicken

3. The chicken cant be left alone with the grain

How does he get all three accross intact :D?
I'm driving it, so I'd say 17.

he's 23...cause that's how old i am

yea its too easy when you read it
Originally posted by 0zz0
I am one simple word, but I mean different thing
One of my meanings brings great forceful swings
The other of me, may have curve, like the first.
But only one meaning can help quench a thirst.
One of my meanings will often bring cheers.
Either of them could hold a few beers.


Originally posted by craigweb2k
New Riddle

An old man has a boat and needs to cross the river, the problem is he has three things that he needs to get across the river, a chicken, a dog and a sack of grain.

He has three problems:

1. His boat can only support himself and one item

2. The dog cant be left alone with the chicken

3. The chicken cant be left alone with the grain

How does he get all three accross intact :D?

Have the chicken eat the grain and the dog eat the chicken
Bring the chicken across, then go get the dog. Leave the dog, and take the chicken back. Then take the grain across, and leave the chicken, Then go back and get the chicken.
wurm was i right?

EDIT sorry i got impatient i feel so proud
Originally posted by 0zz0
wurm was i right?

EDIT sorry i got impatient i feel so proud

don't blame ya...i was staring at my screen for five minutes trying to figure it out
Originally posted by Driftlight
Bring the chicken across, then go get the dog. Leave the dog, and take the chicken back. Then take the grain across, and leave the chicken, Then go back and get the chicken.


Nice One!
Runs all day and never walks,
Often murmurs, never talks,
It has a bed but never sleeps.
It has a mouth, but never eats.
aight well its beddy by time lates all and gg on teh riddles
Originally posted by Driftlight
A river

Edit: How many of these do I need to get before I win something?

yes it is, but i have no idea what the grand prize is
lol, well no one has worked out the death sentance one yet!
Originally posted by craigweb2k
lol, well no one has worked out the death sentance one yet!

Pick out the death one and swallow it before anyone can read it, the guard will think you picked freedom and let your ass go.
The one I posted a few pages back now... heres a good one however..

The Missing Dollar

Three friends check into a motel for the night and the clerk tells them the bill is $30, payable in advance. So, they each pay the clerk $10 and go to their room.

A few minutes later, the clerk realizes he has made an error and overcharged the trio by $5. He asks the bellhop to return $5 to the 3 friends who had just checked in. The bellhop sees this as an opportunity to make $2 as he reasons that the three friends would have a tough time dividing $5 evenly among them; so he decides to tell them that the clerk made a mistake of only $3, giving a dollar back to each of the friends. He pockets the leftover $2 and goes home for the day!

Now, each of the three friends gets a dollar back, thus they each paid $9 for the room which is a total of $27 for the night. We know the bellhop pocketed $2 and adding that to the $27, you get $29, not $30 which was originally spent. Where did the other dollar go????
The dollar didn't go anywhere. The three friends only think that they payed $27 ($9 each) to the motel, but they actually payed part of that to the bellhop.

to clarify: $25 to the motel + $2 to the bellhop + $3 back to the friends = $30
Originally posted by thewurm
The dollar didn't go anywhere. The three friends only think that they payed $27 ($9 each) to the motel, but they actually payed part of that to the bellhop.

Incorrect. Its *fact* that they each paid $9 ($27) total.

Its again *fact* that the bell hop pocketed $2.
i think its just the wording at the end of the riddle. it should be worded like this: the ladies get the 3 bucks back = 27$. and the hotel dude gets the 2 which then makes it 25$, which is how much its supposed to cost.
Originally posted by Mac
i think its just the wording at the end of the riddle. it should be worded like this: the ladies get the 3 bucks back = 27$. and the hotel dude gets the 2 which then makes it 25$, which is how much its supposed to cost.

yeah...you shouldn't be adding the $2 to the $27...you should be subtracting it.
man that was driving me nuts till i figured it out