A riddle to curve the boredom!

Originally posted by Orange
the horses name is friday

The horses name is not Friday because the author of the riddle would have made the letter 'f' capital case.
Originally posted by craigweb2k
:cheers: grats!

Riddle 4

I have thirty pence in my pocket (30p), however one of the coins isnt a twenty pence piece (20p).

What coins do I have in my pocket?

I don't know that currency, so you win.
i dont know how pence come. what denominations sheeut
you have 3, 10 pence pieces i think, i have no idea about forign currency.
Originally posted by The Terminator
wtf i dot know this pence crap

current UK coin denomination

1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, 100p (1 pound).

Out of them I have thirty pence in my pocket... work it out ;) using the riddle of course :D
Originally posted by craigweb2k
:cheers: grats!

Riddle 4

I have thirty pence in my pocket (30p), however one of the coins isnt a twenty pence piece (20p).

What coins do I have in my pocket?

Dude, if your going to post riddles, atleast post them correctly. Anyone could have gotten that Friday one, but you used improper punctuation which made me disqualify the name being Friday.
i already answered it, you said nothing about how many coins you had.
there are a bunch of ways to have 30 pence in your pocket
60 2p
6 5p
3 10p
combinations of that. im missing something
Originally posted by craigweb2k
current UK coin denomination

1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, 100p (1 pound).

Out of them I have thirty pence in my pocket... work it out ;) using the riddle of course :D

Gah!, Missed a bit..

okay, again lol.

I have thirty pence in my pocket (2 coins), one of the coins IS NOT a twenty pence piece. What coins do I have in my pocket?
You have anything higher than 30 pence, you never said it was exactly 30.
here's a mind blower:
a guy is in jail, and in the cell there is nothing but two halves of a table. how does he escaep? (yes, this is a fully locked jail, no strings, blah blah blah)
Originally posted by Daiceman9
nw909, he said one wasnt a 20p!!!

lol, its 4.28am so cut meh some slack! and yes, one isnt a twenty pence piece, correct :D
Originally posted by nw909
You have anything higher than 30 pence, you never said it was exactly 30.

Its *exactly* 30p i'm looking for.
a 20 and a 10 piece :D
you have an IOU? ;D

EDIT or bills?
Originally posted by Orange
i dont know how to give this riddle well, ah well
drunk homeless guy goes into a subway station and dies taking a piss

he was not on the tracks or hit by a train
He pissed on the tracks?
Next riddle
There is a road which splits into two lanes, each lane disappears into a dense forest and then into town.
One lane runs through quicksand within the forrest.
There is a house at the split in the road, in it live two men.
One only ever tells the truth and the other only ever tells lies.
You dont know which is which.
You have to get to town and you only have one question to ask - what do you ask? (theres no 'cheat' - you have to select a lane from the answer to the one question).
Originally posted by Dr-X

gah, talking about putting the table together, or putting 2 coin halves together?

how does a full table get you out of prison. dumb person needs explanation. :dork:
Originally posted by The Terminator
ok, ONE is a 10p the other one is a 20p

Correct, the obvious 'riddle' being one *isnt* twenty pence. Never said both werent :D
ask a math question (2+2= what bitch?) cept you wont know which way
then :\

edit:eek:k that coin one is damn evil lol :devil:
Simpler one:

If I was to send you the following message, what time of year would it most likley make it?

The message:

ask one fo the men "if i asked the other guy if the right lane is correct, what would he say?"

then do the opposite.
Originally posted by craigweb2k
Simpler one:

If I was to send you the following message, what time of year would it most likley make it?

The message:

