A riddle to curve the boredom!

Originally posted by Driftlight
craig, I'm goin with Yes, because she doesn't like countries with I's in the name and London hasn't got one.

incorrect answer and reason :D
Berlin, Paris, and Madrid are COUNTRIES.... holy crap the US Education system DOES suck.. I coulda swore they were cities.. I WANT MY MONEY BACK US EDUCATION SYSTEM!!!!!!!!

and No she hates London b/c it is a capital... and she doesnt like capitals...
Eh, I read it fast, BackFyr. I know full well that they're cities. I'm tired, leave me alone.
Berlin is in Germany, Paris in France and Madrid in Spain, I really hope ur joking.
actually they're capitals. now back to the riddle about london :eek:
the girl scout one depends entirely on how its phrased. and interpretation.

no she doesnt like London b/c it is a capital...

hey man i was jsut joking around with ya... no hard feelings ok?
Simple Riddle

A policewoman enters a one room cabin on top of a mountain.

The door and window have been locked from the inside.

She finds a 5'5 man hanging from a noose from the 8' ceiling in the centre of the large room.

There is nothing else in the room except a small pool of water on the floor.

How did he get hung?
Originally posted by The Terminator
damn you drift

LoL, new one.

Two fathers and Two sons sit down for a meal.

There is a total of three eggs and yet everyone has one egg each.

How is this possible?
Terminator's got an addiction....

and u never told us what the London one was
Originally posted by BackFyr
Grandpa - Dad - Son

that makes 2 'fathers' and 2 'sons'


New One

On her first day at the adult education centre, a receptionist has to deliver an urgent message to Pete Smith in the car mechanics course - his wife has suddenly gone into labour.

The receptionist rushes into the classroom of some twenty people. How does she instantly know who to give the message to, even though she has never met the Pete before?
Originally posted by craigweb2k

New One

On her first day at the adult education centre, a receptionist has to deliver an urgent message to Pete Smith in the car mechanics course - his wife has suddenly gone into labour.

The receptionist rushes into the classroom of some twenty people. How does she instantly know who to give the message to, even though she has never met the Pete before?
See who is conducting class?
Originally posted by coolio2man
See who is conducting class?

Nope. The answer is more logical than that when you think about it :D
bah lookie me **shakes hand&** he IS the teacher... Pete is the teacher
This would be easier if he was in a carpentry class. Then, he could be the one who made a crib. As it is, I don't know.
Originally posted by BackFyr
btw what is the answer to the london one?

She hates london, because its a capital city! :D

/me sits in a corner dissapointed that you're all finding the current riddle so hard... its probably the easiest one yet!
whoo hoo i was right on the london one... thats 2 for the night and its bedtime...

no more shall my lack of a life haunt me as i press refresh after refresh trying to see who posted next on these riddles that are sooo very addicting
Oh, god. Craig, you're right, it is easy. I can't say the answer though, cause I got impatient and looked it up. :\
Originally posted by Driftlight
Oh, god. Craig, you're right, it is easy. I can't say the answer though, cause I got impatient and looked it up. :\

Originally posted by craigweb2k

New One

On her first day at the adult education centre, a receptionist has to deliver an urgent message to Pete Smith in the car mechanics course - his wife has suddenly gone into labour.

The receptionist rushes into the classroom of some twenty people. How does she instantly know who to give the message to, even though she has never met the Pete before?

Is the rest of the class women?
Theres a big hint in the actual riddle... and a very good reason why the person who wrote the riddle decided on a car mechanic course ;)