A Serious Discussion About Drugs And Alcohol

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Originally posted by el Chi
There's a reason weed supposedly leads onto harder drugs. It's because it's the first drug people take, usually. I doubt many people's first experimentation with drugs is cocaine. Marijuana is a relatively harmless, weak drug that helps people relax.
Therefore, it's very easy to say: "People smoke dope and then go onto other things" because, yeah sure they do but that's not necessarily the REASON they go onto other drugs. It's not cause and effect as such. Yet people say it's a "gateway"...

im on your side.
You know, theres one thing that I really dont like. There's these statistics saying that "80% of all cocaine consumers started with marijuana". Great. They're looking it from the exactly right direction.
And how many that started smoking marijuana actually continued to harder drugs such as cocaine?
The reason its considered the gateway drug is because its the easiest drug to get, if coke was easier to get than weed, coke would be the gateway drug.

I dont use drugs to relax or as a way to be social. I use them because I like the effects when taken. Someone said "im surprised your not dead yet". Man...I have met 1000's and 1000's of people over the years in my own city that do the same thing. The notion that your going to die from taking drugs once or twice a few is crap. You die or shorten your life when you do them everyday for extended periods of time. Cocaine was used in hospitals for decades to treat patients and for anysthetics, but because of street use they made it illegal.(same thing with K and X)

The only drugs i recomend people not doing are herion and crack, these two i have stayed away from, herion i tried a couple times(snorting) and its a complete garbage downer, makes you sick if anything, so for me there was no point of trying doing it anymore.

This thread i believe was put here to ask whether he would die or something by taking Xtasy for the first time.
1 outa every few million will die because of some allergic reaction, of course tv commercials and other ways of advertising will make it sound like 1 outa every 2 will, to get there "anti drug" message across. What i always do when trying something is take it in small amounts, the first time i did X i broke off a 1/4 of the pill and waited, if you feel good then take the rest of it!.

What i listed i have done is not what i do everyday, I havent done anything in about 5 months since nothing is really available in my area right now. Weed i quit smoking 4-5yrs ago so thats no use to me, i dont drink anymore either. But when something comes around I do it is basically what im saying.
Bottom line is that there are always going to be dangers and unknowns when it comes to experimenting with drugs... Always.

Your highest priority when trying something new is that you're in an enviroment you enjoy and are comfortable in, and that you're happy and comfortable with the people around you. Be sensible about your choices, always make sure you've got people to fall back onto and can rely on if anything unexpected happens.
Originally posted by Murray_H
Both are as bad as each other :(

Incorrect. very incorrect. Drinking is addictive. It can get you so screwed up, its not even funny. Do they have rehab centers for weed? No. Why? 1) its not addictive 2) the only thing thats really bad about it is short term memory loss. 3) No one cares cuz its just great stuff. If you know how to control yourself and not go beyond weed, then its alright. Not sure how you come to the conclusion that weeed is as bad as alcohol. At least you have some comprehension when you're stoned.
Yeah, and you have to smoke quiete a lot of weed (or special, stronger indoor weed etc.) to really have memory loss. If you smoke it and drink alk with it, then a memory is possible.
Personally i only smoke light one. I dont have memory loss, nor am I really that stoned. As I said: just a bit quiet and strangely happy.

And imho thats ten times healthier than getting drunk.
Originally posted by Shockwave
umm you think im the only one in the world that has done this or soemthing?. probably half the kids in your school do the same thing. What do you think kids do when they go out on friday and saturday nights?, have lan partys?.

Yes I am a loser that makes 50k a year and im 25, oohh wow i suck..gg

i was gonna try to read the whole thread before posting but i just can't do it anymore.

i got thru the stupidness of Bass and Tr0n, but this post just made me want to puke.

there are two rediculously stupid statements in this post:

umm you think im the only one in the world that has done this or soemthing?.

wow...despite the mispelling, you used a period AND a question mark. that aside, no...obviously he doesn't think you're the only one that's tried all those drugs...that's obviously not the case. he was just pointing out that you've obviously got some problems and that he thinks you're a loser for doing it.

probably half the kids in your school do the same thing.

please, if 50% of people were like you we wouldn't be here...everyone would starve and be useless.


i'm not here to judge you, but you're obviously mistaken about what people do for fun.

back to the thread :\

personally, i've done a lot of drinking...and i still like doing it socially or for health reasons (any other reason and you're pretty much an alcoholic :p ).

i've also smoked weed, and every other time i feel like crap doing it...so it's not worth it for me...other people love it and do it every day...those people run into problems.

to me anything beyond weed is stepping over a line most people wouldn't want to cross.
you're only 15 dude, you can have fun other ways besides taking drugs. i didn't start drinking and never smoked weed until after high school and i still had fun (in high school)

i still have fun without drinking/smoking...learn how to have fun without drugs...you'll be happier and better off :p

take up a hobby like rock climbing or something...it's much more satisfying
Originally posted by :>~
Yeah I know, water poisoning or something.

Anyway, it's a really tough decision if to take it or not, I need advice ;(

btw I'm 15 if it matters.

DON'T DO IT!!! :eek: :O :angry: :frown:
The thing that gets me is the people saying don't do drugs because of this and that, when they themselves have never tried it. That idiotic. Unless they've done they're homework and researched all info about drugs thoroughly and theire affects, there is no room for them to argue. A simple "drugs are bad for you" is stupid. So if you have never smoked pot or whatever, read up on it first.
Originally posted by Agent4054
The thing that gets me is the people saying don't do drugs because of this and that, when they themselves have never tried it. That idiotic. Unless they've done they're homework and researched all info about drugs thoroughly and theire affects, there is no room for them to argue. A simple "drugs are bad for you" is stupid. So if you have never smoked pot or whatever, read up on it first.

Well I never shot myself in the head with a high caliber weapon.
So I shouldn't comment, but I'll go out on a limb and say that it might kill you.:dozey:
See there's a difference with that. Thats just straight out COMMON SENSE!!
I only have three things to say about drugs.......

1.) Balls to the wall.

2.) Never Drive faster than you can see

3.) Never look back.

Having said that you must be this tall to ride this ride...15 is too young...give it awhile..you've got your whole life to make mistakes...
If you choose to ignore this advise just remember rule #3.
Originally posted by GJaaGular
I only have three things to say about drugs.......

1.) Balls to the wall.

2.) Never Drive faster than you can see

3.) Never look back.

Having said that you must be this tall to ride this ride...15 is too young...give it awhile..you've got your whole life to make mistakes...
If you choose to ignore this advise just remember rule #3.

true..but 15 is the usuall starting age for alot of drugs..At 15 i did acid,shrooms, weed(weed when i was 11 for the first time). At that time when i was 15 i could easily point out or name at least 200-300 people that were doing the same thing.
Originally posted by Agent4054
The thing that gets me is the people saying don't do drugs because of this and that, when they themselves have never tried it. That idiotic. Unless they've done they're homework and researched all info about drugs thoroughly and theire affects, there is no room for them to argue. A simple "drugs are bad for you" is stupid. So if you have never smoked pot or whatever, read up on it first.

Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Well I never shot myself in the head with a high caliber weapon.
So I shouldn't comment, but I'll go out on a limb and say that it might kill you.:dozey:

Hahahah Adder nice one! Owned.
I have known far too many people whose lives have been totally destroyed by drugs and alcohol.

To that guy that uses the argument that he makes 50K a year and he's 25 years old:
I knew a guy that was going nowhere but up... he was making millions in his 30s.
He got addicted to alcohol.
Subsequently, he went to jail several times and lost his job and almost all of his money.
He got off the beer and started making money again... he was getting his life back on track... for a while... then something got him drinking again.
He went to jail a few more times (once for biting a man's nose off in a fight)... and he has never recovered since then.

I know several people that where either killed or crippled by drunk drivers or were the drunk drivers...

I know a lot of people that say "weed is harmless" but if you look at them... it is very obvious that they are totally screwed up... probably for life.
Some got kicked out of school and can't get a job.

The ones that are into the harder drugs are the worst.
They don't usually last long... and if they do they are just shells of people.

Anyone that thinks the drugs don't harm them (and they are just using the drugs because their lives are so ****ed up) are horribly disillusioned and should seek help.

I've seen what drugs and alcohol do to people... people that I knew... my friends and family... and I will never do any of them.
Originally posted by OCybrManO

I know a lot of people that say "weed is harmless" but if you look at them... it is very obvious that they are totally screwed up... probably for life.
Some got kicked out of school and can't get a job.

I partially agree to that. I have a friend who has been smoking weed ever since he was in 6th grade. He is EXTREMELY paranoid, smokes 4 packs of ciggies a day, and snorts cocaine every now and then. But he's smart as hell (really really really smart).

When you say some got kicked out of school... Ok, yeah that can screw up your life pretty bad, true. But thats not a direct effect of weed. Go to a place (like BC) and its not that harsh. It won't physically screw up your life. True, there is damage if taken excessively. But you'd have to smoke like a pound a day every day for at least 2 years to get really ****ed out of your mind.

Although, sometimes weed is very good. I was about to fail highschool (thats tough to do) and so I went and tried weed seeing as I had nothing better to do. Well that just totally turned my grades around for the better. Or maybe that was just a fluke.

Either way, there is a good and bad side to it all. It's your choice whether you want to do it or not. The law officals SHOULDN'T tell you what you should and should not do to yourself. Its something that you should choose for yourself. After all, it is YOUR body. Face the music.
Agent, it's pretty obvious that the only reason you think it's not that bad is because you dont want it to be because you take it. I don't understand why anyone needs drugs to be happy. If you do you need serious help.
Yeah Im glad drugs are illegal , I dont want a bunch of coke/crack/heroin/meth heads running around my town. Weed is acceptable , I dont do it and dont see the point , but if its what youre gonna do , too many people do it for me to stop you. Also X is extremely stupid (not to mention stupid household drugs with no 'high' ie painkillers).
Originally posted by Shockwave

Yes I am a loser that makes 50k a year and im 25, oohh wow i suck..gg

Brag more dickhead. Youre the person noone likes because youre a stuckup bastard. Also I dont respect you because you do those drugs. Loss of respect , theres a downside.
I DON'T need drugs (weed. not the other addictive drugs) to be happy. I see it as an added bonus to life.

"Agent, it's pretty obvious that the only reason you think it's not that bad is because you dont want it to be because you take it."

Nooooo.... I not quite sure i understand what you're trying to say. I'm not trying to convince myself thats its not bad because I don't want it to be bad. Thats dumb. I just don't think its all that bad. I'm allowed to follow my own opinion. Just as you are. Feel free to counter my arguments. But saying something like that does not hold any of my respect for you. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but if you make a point that successfully counters my beliefs, more power to ya.
The school part is only a small aspect of how weed can screw you up.

Surveys showed that 79% of children believed that cannabis was 'safe'.
Only 2% understood correctly the severity of the health risks associated with smoking the drug.

Marijuana is by no means "safe".
So far, no recreational drugs are safe.

A study by the British Lung Foundation found that just three joints a day cause the same damage as 20 cigarettes.

It contains 50% more cancer causing carcinogens than tobacco.

Also, THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, decreases the function of immune system cells that help protect the lungs from infection.

The only reason more people have serious problems with cigarettes is because tobacco is more addictive and they end up smoking it for many years.

Personally, I don't care what you do to your body... but I do care when people try to convince others that weed (or any other drug, including alcohol) is harmless.
Originally posted by OCybrManO
The school part is only a small aspect of how weed can screw you up.

Surveys showed that 79% of children believed that cannabis was 'safe'.
Only 2% understood correctly the severity of the health risks associated with smoking the drug.

Marijuana is by no means "safe".
So far, no recreational drugs are safe.

A study by the British Lung Foundation found that just three joints a day cause the same damage as 20 cigarettes.

It contains 50% more cancer causing carcinogens than tobacco.

Also, THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, decreases the function of immune system cells that help protect the lungs from infection.

The only reason more people have serious problems with cigarettes is because tobacco is more addictive and they end up smoking it for many years.

Personally, I don't care what you do to your body... but I do care when people try to convince others that weed (or any other drug, including alcohol) is harmless.

If you want to take drugs to make yourself feel better I suggest smoking or drinking instead. It's relatively safe and you will also become a better person by quitting later.
"The school part is only a small aspect of how weed can screw you up.

Surveys showed that 79% of children believed that cannabis was 'safe'.
Only 2% understood correctly the severity of the health risks associated with smoking the drug.

Marijuana is by no means "safe".
So far, no recreational drugs are safe.

A study by the British Lung Foundation found that just three joints a day cause the same damage as 20 cigarettes.

It contains 50% more cancer causing carcinogens than tobacco.

Also, THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, decreases the function of immune system cells that help protect the lungs from infection.

The only reason more people have serious problems with cigarettes is because tobacco is more addictive and they end up smoking it for many years.

Personally, I don't care what you do to your body... but I do care when people try to convince others that weed (or any other drug, including alcohol) is harmless."

Thankyou! A perfect example of a good argument. Although, from experience, I still do not agree that weed is not safe to an extent. I'm not trying to convince others, sorry if it sounds like I am.
eh, drugs are bad =\

I dare not try any as family member s of mine have abuse problems. cigarrettes and alcohol at least. plus, I'd rather always be in my right(I use right loosly) mind. Through thick and thin, y'know?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
If you want to take drugs to make yourself feel better I suggest smoking or drinking instead. It's relatively safe and you will also become a better person by quitting later.

Ok, too many arguments against me, so I'll bow out for now.

Why do something that will harm your body permantly and hold a higher risk of death? Smoking is so much worse than smoking weed its not even funny. The most harmfull thing weed can lead to is cancer, but only in very rare cases. Breathing thru a straw seems much more horrible IMO.

Thats it. i'm out
Did you read Orgys post? Weed has as many or almost as many carcinegens as cigarettes.
hey there..

ive done ecstacy quite a few times over the last 2 years (50+) and i can tell you a few things about it.

but first of all, your 15. your body is still developing and you shouldnt be ****ing with drugs at all and if you do, wait till your older.

ecstacy can kill you in 3 main ways - 1. too much water (been discussed) 2. your body can have a reaction to it. 3. you get a dud pill and it's all over red rover.

the other negatives to x is that the next day you have a comedown. this is due to the fact that your brain was in overload the night before and all your happy juice (seretonin) has been squirted out and needs to be regenerated. The comedown can leave you feeling like something is missing, or wrong in your life and can generally leave you feeling like shit.

If you have any mental or physical disabilities DO NOT even THINK about taking ecstacy. This includes depression.

DO NOT take ecstacy if you are feeling down or if something is ****ed up in your life at the moment.

Stay away from locals or "speed bombs". Speed sucks.. dont go near that stuff.. ever.

anyway now the positives:

Ecstacy (MDMA) is an amazing drug. When taken properly and in moderation and if you are sure it is 100% a good pill and its pretty close to pure MDMA (not mixed with a lot of other things) then your in for an amazing time.

15-40 minutes after taking the pill you will start to become very happy and all your senses (touch/scent/sight/hearing/taste) will become very sensitive and everything will be beatiful and lovely for the next 3 hours..

If you do decide to take it, have half a pill then see how you feel then have the other half later on. Dont take more than one your first time.

Make sure you do it with happy people and people you feel comfortable, experiment indoors, dont drive and when you know your limits then venture to clubs and stuff when your older.

I'm sure most people who have tried X will admit to it being a wonderful drug when taken properly.

Don't forget what i said - your 15 - keep well away from ANY drug till your older.

Also do your research on the net, there is a lot to learn

try www.erowid.com

good luck.. dont die on us :)
Originally posted by jemook
hey there..

ive done ecstacy quite a few times over the last 2 years (50+) and i can tell you a few things about it.

but first of all, your 15. your body is still developing and you shouldnt be ****ing with drugs at all and if you do, wait till your older.

ecstacy can kill you in 3 main ways - 1. too much water (been discussed) 2. your body can have a reaction to it. 3. you get a dud pill and it's all over red rover.

the other negatives to x is that the next day you have a comedown. this is due to the fact that your brain was in overload the night before and all your happy juice (seretonin) has been squirted out and needs to be regenerated. The comedown can leave you feeling like something is missing, or wrong in your life and can generally leave you feeling like shit.

If you have any mental or physical disabilities DO NOT even THINK about taking ecstacy. This includes depression.

DO NOT take ecstacy if you are feeling down or if something is ****ed up in your life at the moment.

Stay away from locals or "speed bombs". Speed sucks.. dont go near that stuff.. ever.

anyway now the positives:

Ecstacy (MDMA) is an amazing drug. When taken properly and in moderation and if you are sure it is 100% a good pill and its pretty close to pure MDMA (not mixed with a lot of other things) then your in for an amazing time.

15-40 minutes after taking the pill you will start to become very happy and all your senses (touch/scent/sight/hearing/taste) will become very sensitive and everything will be beatiful and lovely for the next 3 hours..

If you do decide to take it, have half a pill then see how you feel then have the other half later on. Dont take more than one your first time.

Make sure you do it with happy people and people you feel comfortable, experiment indoors, dont drive and when you know your limits then venture to clubs and stuff when your older.

I'm sure most people who have tried X will admit to it being a wonderful drug when taken properly.

Don't forget what i said - your 15 - keep well away from ANY drug till your older.

Also do your research on the net, there is a lot to learn

try www.erowid.com

good luck.. dont die on us :)
Yes father, I'll try not to take any drugs untill I'm older.
Originally posted by jemook
Don't forget what i said - your 15 - keep well away from ANY drug till your older.

Amazing. You call that advice? What's wrong with you? Are you on PCP or something?
para - of course i added in a few things to get people talking and to get a reaction.. i call it ADHD not pcp..
I tried weed yesterday actually. I had smoked it 8 times before but never gotten much of a reaction. But yesterday.. It hit me. Like lightning.
It was the worst experience ever.

I was so dizzy I could barely stand up. It felt like my leg was gonna fall of at the knee. My chest was really 'light'.
How people can enjoy this is beyond me, I mean I spent the whole night trying to sit right up, but I always felt like I was falling to the side or some shit.

As for other drugs, I took 2 zopiclone and drank 3 beers.. That ****ed me up pretty well.
And as for alcohol, well, I hate that stuff.
Actually I hate all sentral nervous stimulants now that I think about it.
All they ever do is **** you up.
I'm going sober, from all that shit, and I suggest you never try anything.
There really is no point.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov

Originally posted by OCybrManO
The school part is only a small aspect of how weed can screw you up.

Surveys showed that 79% of children believed that cannabis was 'safe'.
Only 2% understood correctly the severity of the health risks associated with smoking the drug.

Marijuana is by no means "safe".
So far, no recreational drugs are safe.

A study by the British Lung Foundation found that just three joints a day cause the same damage as 20 cigarettes.

It contains 50% more cancer causing carcinogens than tobacco.

Also, THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, decreases the function of immune system cells that help protect the lungs from infection.

The only reason more people have serious problems with cigarettes is because tobacco is more addictive and they end up smoking it for many years.

Personally, I don't care what you do to your body... but I do care when people try to convince others that weed (or any other drug, including alcohol) is harmless.



" pwned "

Originally posted by OCybrManO
A study by the British Lung Foundation found that just three joints a day cause the same damage as 20 cigarettes.

I imagine you're telling the truth m8 but none the less - direct link to this information on their website please.
Tsk tsk, double posting, D33 ;)

Tobacco is more harmful. I have done various tests into this. Not arguing.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I don't see how that chart can be useful because we know a heck of a lot more people smoke and drink alcohol then take illegal drugs.

It may have it's side-effects but by harmful I don't want anyone getting the idea that weed is leathal.
Originally posted by D33
It may have it's side-effects but by harmful I don't want anyone getting the idea that weed is leathal.

Well, I have not seen anyone die from a cigarrette either. Cancer, afterall, is a side-effect.
THC is a bronchodilator, that basically means that when you smoke pot, more bad stuff gets to your lungs and faster. However, the amount of smoking is quite different between pot and cigarettes (well I hope so...).
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