A Serious Discussion About Drugs And Alcohol

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Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Well, I have not seen anyone die from a cigarrette either. Cancer, afterall, is a side-effect.

Erm, that means they died from smoking a cigarrette then.. Weed side-effects are things like low/mild ( if any ) addiction, and long term smoking weed leads to paranioa.. both aren't leathal.

Smoking cigarrette's can cause cancer, etc, etc. Some side-effects non-leathal, some leathal.
Hey its like ive said this already , weed has carcinagens too , these cause CANCER. If you smoke (inhale a burning substance) anything , its not going to be healthy
Originally posted by D33


" pwned "


Ok lets see here.

Most smokers smoke 1-2 packs a day
Most smokers smoke everyday
Most smokers smoke their entire lives
There are MANY more smokers

Weed smokers smoke one joint a day if they are total pot heads
Weed smokers dont usually smoke everyday
Weed smokers usually dont smoke for a large chunk of their lives
There are fewer habitual weed smokers.

Dick , it would have been all cool without the personal dig you immature guy.
You have obviously never been around people who smoke weed. Weed smokers don't usually smoke everyday? I know several people who are doing bongs every five minutes of the day.

Yes smokers smoke more but that's not the point. The point is that Cannabis on it's own is not leathal where as cigarettes are.

immature guy? This is coming from a guy who quotes someone and says the very mature word, "owned." ?

Sheer irony.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Brag more dickhead. Youre the person noone likes because youre a stuckup bastard. Also I dont respect you because you do those drugs. Loss of respect , theres a downside.

Watch your language and attitude.
Hey, DimitriPopov, maybe you should try smoking weed. For one, it'll lower that attitude of yours down a couple notches. Don't be an ass.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Hey hey , I have tried it , not my cup of tea. If you smoke weed everyday you have a problem , thats all.

Im bowing out because I cant debate D33 , he`ll bring up something I posted a long time ago and go moderator on me.

BTW- These people should tone down their language too: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/sea...y=lastpost&sortorder=descending&pagenumber=89

Loads of people debate me. As for you, thus far I've never used moderator powers. No edits, no closed threads, no deleted posts, etc, etc. Even that above warning wasen't official.

So much for that excuse.
Originally posted by D33
You have obviously never been around people who smoke weed. Weed smokers don't usually smoke everyday? I know several people who are doing bongs every five minutes of the day.

Yes smokers smoke more but that's not the point. The point is that Cannabis on it's own is not leathal where as cigarettes are.

immature guy? This is coming from a guy who quotes someone and says the very mature word, "owned." ?

Sheer irony.
Yep I totally agree....all my friends are alcholics,drugies, and smokers.Trust me...none of them are addited to pot.My brother for one.He smokes weed like once about every 2 weeks.How do I know this, well....*cough*..back on point.Cigrattes are stupid.They don't give you a good high and you get addicted to them.If I were to smoke anything it would be pot.Not additcting, better high, and easy to get.
Drugs suck (even soft ones like alcohol and tobacco). Just say no.

Personally, I don't like beer either, I just drank it when I was in UK... you know... the pub thing... talking with friends... black beer... but not when I am in Spain. I don't like spirits.

And about weed/x/any other drug. they just suck and many of them cause damage to brain and such.

And if you're 15.... ffs don't get them, and drink soft drinks, or well, just a little of alcohol, but not too much. If your friends don't accept it, then, perhaps you should reconsider if they're your friends and want you as you are :)
I socially smoke a bit of skunk every now and again.

Hasn't done me any harm, and I certainly don't crave it or 'need' it. It's just nice to sit with a few friends and chill out, relax and listen to some music with a spliff.
Personally I hate soft drinks... they rot your teeth :flame:... anyway.... stop flaming each other, ok? or I'll close/delete this thread... okie?

I'm 16, and I drink with my friends, not to get drunk, just socailly, and cos I like the taste. I don't do drugs due to personal preference, but some of my friends do, and thats fine.
Originally posted by D33

Hey , yeah it was official to me , the lowly peon ;) D33 lets just not worry about it , Im not going to get into an eternal debate over drugs/alcohol. If you want to do it , do it , if not not. If you do do it its up to you to know the risks/harm.Anyway Truce is all Im saying.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Ok lets see here.

Most smokers smoke 1-2 packs a day
Most smokers smoke everyday
Most smokers smoke their entire lives
There are MANY more smokers

Weed smokers smoke one joint a day if they are total pot heads
Weed smokers dont usually smoke everyday
Weed smokers usually dont smoke for a large chunk of their lives
There are fewer habitual weed smokers.

Dick , it would have been all cool without the personal dig you immature guy.

I'm not gonna argue about the first part, but the second part... well let me just say this: weed is just as much addictive as tabacco. All of my friends (are potheads yes but it's france what do you expect) smoke at least 7 to 8 joints a day. One of them went to university with me and at 8 o clock in the morning he would have had already smoked 2 jays. Now not all smokers are like this, but they become addicted if they smoke long enough and they will smoke about 5-6 grams a day (hashish that is). And on a side note, I quit on the first of january this year, because it made me so paranoid and stupid that I lost all self-respect and dignity. It's just not for me. Some people like that guy from Uni, well he passed with honors... and he works part-time at a bank. But others become total vegetables; I have a childhood friend who sits all day watching Dragon ball or whatever the hell it is in front of his tv and smokes about 10 to 15 jays a day. The moral of the story is: D.A.R.E... drugs are too expensive! lol : ) went offtrack there but seriously weed isn't a wonderdrug like some people think, it will mess you up depending on your personality.
Dude, not trying to offend you here, but your friends are COMPLETE stoners. More than a tiny possibility they're psychologically addicted?
ANY drug will mess with you depending on your personality. Including alcohol (and I should know).
I hit the sauce every so often. Not weed or anything...because I'm going to school to be a pilot...so...that's something I can't mess with. Booze is a different story. As long as I'm totally sober 24 hours before a flight I'm good to go.
Here is some advice that I wish that I was given when i was in your position: Only use drugs for mental growth. Meaning, use them to expand your mind, but don't do them just for fun... THAT'S how you're going to get hurt.

Here's my list (in the order that I tried them):
Crystal Meth
Opium (I know heroin is an opiate, but not the same)
Salvia Divinorum (Look it up, it's legal in the US).
Various Pharmacuticals (sp?)

Take my word for it, there are only a few on that list I would recommend to my friends. You don't need to be messing with anything right now. Not weed, or drinking, or anything. Wait until you feel like you have a VERY good grasp on who you are and then I could only recommend Weed, Mushrooms, and Salvia Divinorum (Click here to inform yourself). And I would use all three of those with great caution and, like I said, only to expand your mind. If any of you have questions about any of these then feel free to PM or e-mail me, and I will do my best to answer your questions. If you are going to do these things INFORM YOURSELF. Never think that just because someone else does them that you'll be okay. I'm now "clean" except for the occasional few mg's of salvia divinorum that I use for self-exploration.
Expand your mind rofl. You know how .. crazy that sounds right?


Crystal Meth
all make you a reckless stupid sob. Those are the drugs you obviously shouldnt touch.
Is Salvia Divinorum better than weed?

It depends on what you're looking for. If you just want to chill and relax, then no. But If you're wanting to have a totally unique experience, where you can completely seperate from this world and see things in your own mind that might change your view on life forever, then yes. In TOOL's song Third Eye, MJK has a quote that i think explains it all perfectly.... "PRYING OPEN MY THIRD EYE!" He screams it over and over and over. Very moving if you've ever tried a very psycoactive drug. What are you looking for?
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Expand your mind rofl. You know how .. crazy that sounds right?
Crystal Meth
all make you a reckless stupid sob. Those are the drugs you obviously shouldnt touch.
I see where he's coming from, even though saying "don't do it for fun" is a bit strange when you're talking about E for example... But have to say that:
a) I respect him for the way he went about his post - in particular the offer of advice etc. via his personal e-mail addy. Congratulations on being one of the more mature people on this forum (let alone this thread) and acting your age.
b) I myself would be very interested to experience the effects of heroin/similar opiates or LSD/acid. I must admit I'm too pussy to try them and the opportunity hasn't arisen so far (I wouldn't actively go and seek them down as I'm not THAT bothered), however I wouldn't consider myself a "reckless sod".
Although, Dmitri, I see where you're coming from to an extent. I have friends who do coke and I'm a tad worried about that, but I believe them to be responsible enough. Heroin and other such highly addictive, (potentially) highly addictive drugs wold worry me if friends of mine were doing them.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Expand your mind rofl. You know how .. crazy that sounds right?

Then you've obviously never used them in that way. People like you are the ones that I think need to try them the most. I think a good 6 hour trip on mushrooms would be very good for you (not being sarcastic at all).

Originally posted by DimitriPopov

Crystal Meth
all make you a reckless stupid sob. Those are the drugs you obviously shouldnt touch.

How many time have you done opium? I've never done opium and been wreckless or stupid. It's very much like lucid dreaming. Maybe you could post some of your wreckless and stupid experiences with this drug, they would be a good read.
Originally posted by el Chi
I see where he's coming from, even though saying "don't do it for fun" is a bit strange when you're talking about E for example... But have to say that:
a) I respect him for the way he went about his post - in particular the offer of advice etc. via his personal e-mail addy. Congratulations on being one of the more mature people on this forum (let alone this thread) and acting your age.
b) I myself would be very interested to experience the effects of heroin/similar opiates or LSD/acid. I must admit I'm too pussy to try them and the opportunity hasn't arisen so far (I wouldn't actively go and seek them down as I'm not THAT bothered), however I wouldn't consider myself a "reckless sod".
Although, Dmitri, I see where you're coming from to an extent. I have friends who do coke and I'm a tad worried about that, but I believe them to be responsible enough. Heroin and other such highly addictive, (potentially) highly addictive drugs wold worry me if friends of mine were doing them.

Yeah chi , you probably dont want to do heroin lol. Take one look at a crack addict , a heroin addict , or hell even an OxyCotin addict ( I know one) and they are certainly not the best people. crack and heroin addicts look like they are already dead. Thats why these are stupid and wreckless. I will admit hes been very mature. But with the effects these drugs give , just think that they have to CAUSE them somehow , this is obviously not good for the body. Many of these drug have relapse effects. The pharmacutical drugs are on my list because.. what kind of a high do those really give. Anyway you should be able to 'free your mind' through REAL experiences not some BS chemical helper , thats how I live my life.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Anyway you should be able to 'free your mind' through REAL experiences not some BS chemical helper , thats how I live my life.

I used to sound just like you when i was younger. I really do wish that I could be with you the first time you realize that what you think you know isn't real at all. You think you know whats going on, or at least have a decent grasp of things, but if you were to really open your mind with "some BS chemical helper" then you would see everything in a new light. In most every "natural culture" (such as tribes of people in south america and africa where they have shunned almost all modern ways of life) they have a ritual where they take the young people who are ready and give them a very potent psycoactive drug that make them "trip" for hours on end. Everyone goes through this and it is considered that persons rite of passage into adulthood. and then it is used many more times through that person life for healing and self-exploration. This is something that almost every one of our ancestors did. These people aren't dying at a ratio of 1:4 with cancer and heart disease because they are living in tune with nature. Think about that.
Originally posted by N0N1337H41
I used to sound just like you when i was younger. I really do wish that I could be with you the first time you realize that what you think you know isn't real at all. You think you know whats going on, or at least have a decent grasp of things, but if you were to really open your mind with "some BS chemical helper" then you would see everything in a new light. In most every "natural culture" (such as tribes of people in south america and africa where they have shunned almost all modern ways of life) they have a ritual where they take the young people who are ready and give them a very potent psycoactive drug that make them "trip" for hours on end. Everyone goes through this and it is considered that persons rite of passage into adulthood. and then it is used many more times through that person life for healing and self-exploration. This is something that almost every one of our ancestors did. These people aren't dying at a ratio of 1:4 with cancer and heart disease because they are living in tune with nature. Think about that.

The fact that you use a chemical to get there makes your new perception false. Its merely a result of youre increased and diverted brain activity. Doing nothing , If I come to see things differently , its because something real happened. Something I realized myself, in the real world.
Originally posted by Bass
never knew we had so many junkies on here
yay for junkies! ;)

Yeah I was thinking the same thing , quietly of course though lol.
To be honest, I have agree with Dimitri Popov. Why should you have to use dangerous substances to help you experience life better? Why should you have to use a drug to make you feel that really uplifting feeling when all the weight on your shoulders has just been lifted off, when you get those unexplainable feelings of love, when you feel depressed and lonely (Manics Quote: 'I'm happy being sad'), and when you feel hope and a chance of a brighter future. Maybe I'm just talking out of my arse, but I don't see why I should have to use dangerous/illegal substances to 'enhance' the feelings I come into contact in life. Pretty much anyone who I meet and I find out that they use drugs/smoke I usually lose pretty much 100% respect for them. I'm not going to make anyone change the way they live their life. I'm not going to make you stop smoking or taking drugs or whatnot, but if you want to 'live your life on the edge' and 'enhance your lifestyle' and 'whatever bollocks you want to send me about how great drugs are' go ahead.
N0N1337H41, some tribes use circumcision in their rite of passage into adulthood. Yet I won't do it even if they are very in touch with nature. I respect however people decision to use drugs, but I don't need it to "open my mind". I think we all know people who regulary take drugs. A friend of mine smoke marijuana 2 or 3 times a day. Let me tell you that he isn't all there. It's hard to have a normal conversation with him. Right, he may be an extreme case but stoned people don't impress me. That's why I reduced my drinking a lot, even in a party, we all just look too dumb when drunk.
Originally posted by Alzxul
To be honest, I have agree with Dimitri Popov. Why should you have to use dangerous substances to help you experience life better? Why should you have to use a drug to make you feel that really uplifting feeling when all the weight on your shoulders has just been lifted off, when you get those unexplainable feelings of love, when you feel depressed and lonely (Manics Quote: 'I'm happy being sad'), and when you feel hope and a chance of a brighter future. Maybe I'm just talking out of my arse, but I don't see why I should have to use dangerous/illegal substances to 'enhance' the feelings I come into contact in life. Pretty much anyone who I meet and I find out that they use drugs/smoke I usually lose pretty much 100% respect for them. I'm not going to make anyone change the way they live their life. I'm not going to make you stop smoking or taking drugs or whatnot, but if you want to 'live your life on the edge' and 'enhance your lifestyle' and 'whatever bollocks you want to send me about how great drugs are' go ahead.

I've never said that I used them to take weight off of my shoulders. I once had a trip on LSD so horrible that it took me weeks to get over it. That was when I realized that I didn't have enough physical proof to continue my belief in my religion. It was something that was in the back of my head for a while, but when I was tripping i realized VERY clearly that the only proof I had been shown was a book. I had never really thought about it as just a book because that kind of thinking was "bad". I'm not trying to tell anyone to take drugs, and I say if you are against them then don't do them. But if you are interested in them and of sound mind, then there are certain ways that I think you should go about taking them, and you need to inform yourself about what they can do to you. Some people CAN'T handle what they experience when they are on certain drugs and they end up freaking out so bad that they are depressed for weeks and sometimes months. There certainly are bad things that can happen even when taking the ones that I would recommend to my friends. This is the chance you are willing to take, although there are things that you can do to try and ensure that you have a helpful experience (mindset, setting, and amount are the big three for me). You may think that someone like me is still living in my moms basement or in some rundown apartment with tie-dyed posters hanging up everywhere, working some crappy fast-food job. In reality I'm married, have been in the NAVY, live in a nice 2 story house on a cul de sac, have a major in Business Management, and a minor in Computer Science and Music Performance, am a Financial Service Specialist (that's the person who was the glass office on the bottom floor of your bigger bank branches who tries to help you decide what you should invest your money in) for one of the major banks in the southeastern US. I am in no way trying to brag or blow myself up, I'm just trying to make the point that I've done all of those things and the people I work with and the people I help set up trust funds and such, have NO CLUE that I've done these things or continue to do them. There are many people like me, but you have no clue who they are. Believe me when I say that there is much you have left to learn when you make statements like, "Pretty much anyone who I meet and I find out that they use drugs/smoke I usually lose pretty much 100% respect for them."
Originally posted by Morbo
N0N1337H41, some tribes use circumcision in their rite of passage into adulthood. Yet I won't do it even if they are very in touch with nature. I respect however people decision to use drugs, but I don't need it to "open my mind".

I'm NOT trying to talk anyone into doing ANY drugs! Please realize this. And I'm not saying that you "need" drugs to open your mind. I've found that you can do it quite well though self-guided meditation, and I'm sure that there are other ways. I'm not pro-drug, but there are some substances that should be legal for the consumption of consenting adults. There is no way for me to change your mind about this (or anyone else for that matter), but what i have done is planted a seed in your mind and sometimes that's all it takes.
Originally posted by el Chi
Dude, not trying to offend you here

None taken. Most of them deal with it pretty well, they go out to bars and nightclubs, some of them became vegetables. The thing is the more you smoke the more you need to take in order to get high.

Did you know that in terms of %/population: males between 15-25 smoke more in france than in Holland? it made me realize that I was indeed surrounded by potheads lol : )
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
I'm not gonna argue about the first part, but the second part... well let me just say this: weed is just as much addictive as tabacco.

Dude, that is so wrong its not even funny.
Originally posted by Agent4054
Dude, that is so wrong its not even funny.

First of all don't call me dude, I'm not your pal or anything. And weed can and does cause addictions. Obviously you're don't realize this now, but you will later on.
Can cause addictions to other drugs. But weed itself is not addictive. And I call everyone dude, its just a habit. chill out

don't know what you mean by "later on", but I've been smoking weed for years and years. I know what it can and can not do.
Quite sure... I stopped smoking for 3 months this year just to prove to people (as much to myself) that I wasn't addicted. I felt no urge to smoke a joint, I even, currently, turn it down every once in awhile.
Originally posted by Agent4054
don't know what you mean by "later on", but I've been smoking weed for years and years. I know what it can and can not do.
Yeah, people say that but never actually try to stop. So you may not really know what you can or cannot do. People try to stop and sooner or later fall back on it.

My niece is 21. Smokes pot, is an alcoholic, and screws around with other drugs. She just totalled her third car, was arrested for DWI, got a blood test which will show pot at the very least. And this was after getting drunk and being in a fight at her place of work which police were called in on. We have been expecting to bury her before she's 25.

When you have years of perspective you see these things as mini-suicides and attempts to "escape" from the fact that they can't deal with real life. They need fantasy and blackouts to get by.
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