A weapon i made


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
This is a weapon I made for my mod. It's a small smg. I didn't make the backside of the model because you start with this weapon in the mod.
crits please :D



did u Texture it as well ?
its a nice design ...its quite refreshing to finally see some textured work on the forums.
its quite refreshing to finally see some textured work on the forums.

i agree. the model looks exclent what gun is that ive never seen it before.
that looks damn nice.

and i think it's a gun he designed, crackhead.
thats because i think its a concept weapon altho it looks a bit like the one from Enemy Teritory
Wohw=) The skin is awsome.. How did you di that? Cant figure out how you guys can skinn like that
Stertman said:
Wohw=) The skin is awsome.. How did you di that? Cant figure out how you guys can skinn like that
its really not that hard people just like to glorify it and make it some kind of unattainable skill ....texturing is just putting color on ur model whilst following a few principles . there are few things that lend credibility to ur textures one of them is weathering . good weathering is essential to realism and i dont just mean layering some scratches u need to have them in areas that would be used most for instance the safety switch and mode switches on guns (not to mention the mag) should have more scratches then say the handle ... another thing to note is the direction of light . in hl2 we dont shade the textures much so u will need to add equal amounts of detail to ur whole gun. texturing is 90% principle and 10% practical. u'll find that if u spend most of ur time observing and taking down notes then the practical side of things will come to u naturally.
You'll shoot your eye out, crackhead, but the gun looks sharp.
Crackhead is a very funny name to call somebody, with local cultural references, as well as the name of a member of Halflife2.net. "You'll shoot your eye out" is a line from a funny 1983 movie called "A Christmas Story" in which a boy gets his hands on a gun and almost shoots his eye out. The two, in combination with each other, make for a funny, albeit inside, post.

...and the gun is nice too.
Rather obscure reference, there, but I always liked that movie.
thanks for the crits. i did it with Photoshop 7 and 3Dmax 7...
ill post a few other renders soon.

hey try putting the black lines into a bump map and see how much depth that adds to the texture
mindless_moder said:
hey try putting the black lines into a bump map and see how much depth that adds to the texture

ill post some other renders today with a normal map an bump map :cheers:
I was making the weapon for the main character of my mod as his own personal customized smg, so you have the weapon as soon as the mod begins. You dont see it lying on the ground, so i didnt make the side of the weapon you dont see ingame.... so i cant make renders from the front or from the bottom.
thanks for the crits :D

thats dam nice work

If you got textures before hand please tell me where you got your base texture before you started using photo shop to weather it. Those are the exsact type of ones im looking for. If not just tell me how long it took you to make them from scratch.
Vulture117 said:
thats dam nice work

If you got textures before hand please tell me where you got your base texture before you started using photo shop to weather it. Those are the exsact type of ones im looking for. If not just tell me how long it took you to make them from scratch.
i made the texture from scratch in about 8 hours using a wacom tablet.
crackhead said:
i have a wacom tablet but i still am rubbish at textures.
it isnt easy making a texture... but once youve started creating the texture it gets easier and easier. stil waiting for a friend to send the gun to my new pc so i can render the weapon with normals ;)

this is with bump map :D, cant find the normal map check box in 3Dmax7


edit: i put one screen of the wireframe in...


Dodo you are my idol :D

Awesome model, awesome skin - what else is there to say?
thanks for the crits ;)


(this is a render without normal mapping)
welp, i must say you have incredible skinning skills :) the model itself looks nice too, i like how you keep the details where you can see them. i trust ur going to optimize & get rid of that center division? i do have a couple crits about the skin though. i think you should focus more on a color scheme. there's a lot of colors mixing together and it just looks.. 'off' i guess. for example, you've got a couple places in the skin where you have a blue tone with some red blotches. i'm sure no one here has the same methods and standards, but, first rule in my book of skinning is to never mix blue & red unless its part of the design lol. they're almost on opposite ends of the light spectrum and i think they clash rather than blend. one other thing id like to point out is a couple of the textures look like cloth instead of metal (idk if that's what you were going for). like the grip for both hands, and those 3 off-white boxes w/ screws in them. having said that though, i think it looks awesome! great job ;)
now that is criticism :D ...and its true.
uh wel i dont know what to say.. youre right i think.
Im not going to redo the texture because the gun was just a concept and it isnt going into my mod... its actually my first model that I ever finished and its been more of a way to practice modeling and skinning.
I really want to show you guys the models that are going to be in the mod but youlle have to wait for the media release ;)

judasking :cheers:

IMO it would be much better if it were a large machine gun.

Either design it as a large MG or redesign the handle, it looks really small compared to the entire gun.

Great stuff though.
Pesmerga said:
IMO it would be much better if it were a large machine gun.

Either design it as a large MG or redesign the handle, it looks really small compared to the entire gun.

Great stuff though.
its meant to be an smg a Sub Machine Gun and in any case he cant make any changes to the the actual geometry after unwrapping and texturing.
mindless_moder said:
its meant to be an smg a Sub Machine Gun and in any case he cant make any changes to the the actual geometry after unwrapping and texturing.

like a uzi or something... :D small and compact.

Sprite said:
Good model, excellent skin
Tup, excellent. Wish i could do that.
Wainitg for ingame screens!
Looks like some B.O.S. Weapon.