About the easter egg..

has anyone opened the vids with a hex editor and checked for comments?
Finally, the easter egg was just the delayed release... well done guys
Now that I think about it...

I can see the story going something like, Barney Calhoun (I didn't know there were so many people named that...google it and see:) ) dressing like a combine solder and having to expose himself to get out or he was found out somehow...I don't know, but it sounds resonable.
Originally posted by Defiler
and having to expose himself to get out or he was found out somehow...I don't know, but it sounds resonable.

Ex Black Mesa security guard in flashing shocker :D
does anyone have a manuscript of what Gabe said? i'd like to use it as a kind of 'rule book' when analysing.
the water figure is not gordon, look at how the arms are, on the hips, its obviously alyx

and that whole barney wearing combine clothes was discussed weeks upon weeks ago, im suprised so many people didnt know about it
Originally posted by snoggle

And I read somewhere that Gordon has no memory of what happened in HL1.

never heard of that, where did you hear this. i find it EXTREMELY unlikely since he accepted the gmans offer and is now working for him
as ive bene registered since july and you have only registered in september... and you are already a zombie where i became a zombie in september...

proves that you have posted a continuous stream of shite and i have post shit everynow and again...
im usually on here either everyday or every other day...

but when i make a post... its normally worthwhile...

where as yours probably go along the lines of



yur my idol, i mean, wow, u contribute so much, yur posts r worthwhile while mine r shit... yur a blessing to the community.
Originally posted by JonTheCanuck
yur my idol, i mean, wow, u contribute so much, yur posts r worthwhile while mine r shit... yur a blessing to the community.

thats the ticket now you've figured it out... maybe you should go sit in a corner to contemplate your actions...

yea i know... i apologise for the spam... but it was necessary it was my way of relieving delay tension which i knew was coming... :)

found out the easter egg yet people?
Heh I figured it out. Wow it was stupid. Since I suffered so must u. Good luck and keep a gun away from you when u figure it out.
G-Man to Gordon thoughts...

Seeing that some have mentioned a curiosity of a possible relationship between Gordon and the G-Man. I'm curious if any others have put any thought into the opening of Half-Life where it discusses Gordon's info.

I recently started replaying through HL...patiently waiting for HL2 and thought this was curious (it probably had no real fore-thought in it's creation but still):

Apparently in order to work at Black Mesa (at least as a Scientist) you needed to have someone vouch for you.

In the informationals that popup during the Tram ride it mentions something to the affect of Gordon's Sponsor but the name of the sponsor is Classified.

Edit: It seems odd that the Sponsor information would be Classified. Who sponsored Gordon and why would it be classified? Perhaps they just didn't want to come up with another personality.

I only mention it here as the speculation on their relationship (whether by blood or what) has been brought up in this thread.

I apologize if this has been brought up before. I did not peruse through the forum looking to see if it had been.

well, i for one think that there is more than one easter egg. i mean, you guys have already found about 5.

and theres about 3 more you guys havent even mentioned!
Ever notice they all seem to know gordon before his first day of work has even started? They seem to be super friendly. Maybe he was some kind of General in the army and got tired of the militarys BS, or he knew too much? Maybe thats why the millitary wants him dead so bad.