Acctual map of where GF travelled...

ríomhaire said:
Unless I'm doing something wrong here Water Hazard is defanatly the most inconsistant chapter.

Heh...thats wierd, because it felt like it was the most normal map layout in the whole game...
I have a request. Please, all staff: follow through and make a "maps" section with these pics. That would be completely rad.
Don't have the power to do that myself, but I think it'll happen when they all get done. :O
ríomhaire said:
Unless I'm doing something wrong here Water Hazard is defanatly the most inconsistant chapter.
Try using the wall-map texture as a guide, and leave gaps between problem sections for fixing later.

So just go on until something doesn't fit. Then start a new map of the broken part onwards.
Mechagodzilla said:
Try using the wall-map texture as a guide, and leave gaps between problem sections for fixing later.

So just go on until something doesn't fit. Then start a new map of the broken part onwards.
Can someone extract that and pot it. To get cfg loader to work I have to download some microsoft file that's a bit large for my connection.
This is really top-notch work guys. I'm serious, this is more than I expected to happen with this thread.

I can't wait until the map is finished. :)

I have done the last part of c17 now. Only some network-troubble avoiding me from uploading it (larger images I had to use a program on another computer) will fix the problem soon, and show you my work.:bounce:
Nothing but the last Water Hazard map seem to line up with the big one(I must be doing something wrong)

I did find this map interesting though.
The first time I saw that map, it was in 2003 :p

The last time, was when I played Water Hazard.
Can anyone tell me what that map means? I do understand nothing of it, where is the map over? What is interesting whit it? (usually I'm a master on maps)
Fonaki said:
Can anyone tell me what that map means? I do understand nothing of it, where is the map over? What is interesting whit it? (usually I'm a master on maps)
It shows us that C17 is on a peninsula.

Edit: Water Hazard is being hosted.
ríomhaire said:
It shows us that C17 is on a peninsula.

Edit: Water Hazard is being hosted.

Wherewherewherewhere???:bounce: :bounce:

Edit: I will upload th c17 part tomorrow, even if have to use an floppy to get it back on this computer...
You weren't kidding about the continuity errors.

Yet out of all the maps that have been done thus far, Water Hazard appears to be the easiest one to follow, thanks to being so big and bright.
It probably didn't originaly have those continuality errors but a few maps were probably gotten rid of without Valve thinking it would could overlapping. I believe the maps go something like 11 13 14.
Can you (or someone) post that map texture too?

Maybe I can figure something out.

By HL1 standards though, that's quite minor error-wise.
If you do this process with Black Mesa, you get a terrible pretzel from hell.
Someone actually did this with Black Mesa way back when (1999 or so). It actualy does make sense, but it's pretty hard to display properly in two dimensions because the levels aren't all flat like the HL2 ones. Too many stairs and ladders and elevators. And random falling.
safetyswami said:
Someone actually did this with Black Mesa way back when (1999 or so). It actualy does make sense, but it's pretty hard to display properly in two dimensions because the levels aren't all flat like the HL2 ones. Too many stairs and ladders and elevators. And random falling.
I heard the original overlaped terribly.
Is somebody going to make one XXXXXXL picture of this? It would have been cool to see all the pics we have, putted into one big one.

100. reply to this thread:)

Edit2: WHAT!!! It wasn't the 100. post:( hmm... *thinking*

101. reply to this thread:)

more edit that I was to lazy to make a new post to: Yes, I had to say it, MuToiD_MaN:p
Fonaki, *sigh* You had to say it, didn't you ...

You guys are doing an excellent job of this! I especially liked the coast map!
So is anyone going to string these together to make one mega sized map? :p
I have actually made a map of his traves by taking map overview shots.

Essentially this is what it looks like:


     c                                             cit
     o                                       ts
     a                       canals
     t          rh bme

I think this should give you the basic idea , (Ill post the picture later if anyone is interested, there is one part I havent fixed yet (turned the wrong way)).

Amazingly alot of it is pretty close to the maps valve has for the "coast" and "canals" sections ingame.

The only piece of inconsistency that I can find is looking over the dam to ravenholm and seeing what appears to be a citadel on the 2d skybox. The citadel is actualy behind gordon at this point so im not sure what we're looking at.... nova prospekt is really far away....
Hyperion2010 said:
The citadel is actualy behind gordon at this point so im not sure what we're looking at

Well, I'm sure they ment it to be THE citadel (the main one)... But isn't there more than one?

If so, let's just assume that that's suppost to be another one, and still give Valve credit for being awesome.
TheMastahC said:
Well, I'm sure they ment it to be THE citadel (the main one)... But isn't there more than one?

Not in City 17.

And, thats part of Ravenholm, I assume. The Citadel does not have a circular dome on its top.
Hyperion2010 said:
I have actually made a map of his traves by taking map overview shots.

Essentially this is what it looks like:


     c                                             cit
     o                                       ts
     a                       canals
     t          rh bme

I think this should give you the basic idea , (Ill post the picture later if anyone is interested, there is one part I havent fixed yet (turned the wrong way)).

Amazingly alot of it is pretty close to the maps valve has for the "coast" and "canals" sections ingame.

The only piece of inconsistency that I can find is looking over the dam to ravenholm and seeing what appears to be a citadel on the 2d skybox. The citadel is actualy behind gordon at this point so im not sure what we're looking at.... nova prospekt is really far away....

I just hope you remembered that the coast is scaled down to 1:4 and the rest is 4:4...did anyone understand that? no? the coast is cl_leveloverview 20, all others is cl_leveloverview 5....good to see someone actually doing this, keep up the good work!
Yeah, does anyone know how to reduce something's size exactly 4 times in Photoshop?
Get a calculator, take the original width of it, then divide that number by 4, and then put that as the new width (and retain proportions). Zing. Sheer mathematical genius.
Has anyone put the chapter overviews together? Do they make sense? LIke does Nova Prospekt go out over the coast parts? I'd be really interested to see how the overall map turns out. It would be cool to have a map for walkthroughs. Keep up the good work guys.
I think they make sense (at least they don't overlap). I dunno if anyone is putting everything together, maybe ríomhaire?
Fonaki said:
I think they make sense (at least they don't overlap). I dunno if anyone is putting everything together, maybe ríomhaire?
I doecided that I won't unless they're all my own shots(don't ask). Maybe some other time.

When I can I'll see if LC lines up(once I have it downloaded fully of course)
ríomhaire said:
I doecided that I won't unless they're all my own shots(don't ask). Maybe some other time.

When I can I'll see if LC lines up(once I have it downloaded fully of course)

Lost coast is only one map/level/part/loading/whatnot
It definately doesn't. That wouldn't make any sense. All the gaps in the coast map are filled up.
Lawnmower233 said:
It definately doesn't. That wouldn't make any sense. All the gaps in the coast map are filled up.
Think about it. There's no buggy in LC which means it must have been one of the firs/last maps of the coast. I think it was the original link between Ravenholm and the Coast. So it may slot in to an area just below where the coast levels start on te map or something like that.

To the far right of the Coast map there are industrial compounds/refinery structures. and the fact that outside the mine is full of railway tracks and warehouses demonstrates this. So we can surmise that ravenholm doesn't connect to the coast. This industrial district is the link.

For an example of what the hell im talking about look to your right at the start of Highway 17 before you get the buggy and you see in the distance (skybox) these industrial smockstacks and tanks/refinery buildings. So where would saint olga (the small fishing village in the lost coast) fit in?

It can't be at the other end of the map, after nova prospekt because I'm pretty sure valve intended this church in the lost coast to be near ravenholm (the headcrab cannister launcher). I suppose this was to reveal more of the storyline, how ravenholm was shelled in the first place. I'd say its just made up and isn't meant to fit in anywhere.

By the way a person posted like on page 8 or 7 that they had made an overview of the whole game. Hyperion2010 i think. Could you show us this. I'd be really interested to see it. As far as we know the only inconsistencies are the lab teleport in the second chapter and two in water hazard.

Is this project dead?
Lawnmower233 said:
Is this project dead?
I justfunished my own coast map at the size of cl_leveloverview 20 as a matter of fact. I'm continueing this on my own(at a crawl)