Achievment Hoaring


Space Core
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone else do it?

Before I never really bothered with it since really it is a waste of time, but lately seeing some of the funny Fifa 09 achievements I have been going full throttle to get them all, and it is quite satisfying, now it feels, that even though I game is completed, unless you have all the achievements, then its still not quite there.


I spent about ten minutes on an achievement server to get some of the more teamplay-unfriendly achievements for TF2, such as ubering scouts and the like. However, people who flaunt their achievements (V-Man) are... Less than impressive.
I knew hoaring didn't look right, my bad lol.
I will go out of my way to get some achievements, mostly fun little tweaks like in Fable 2 or Veteran on Cod 4, but I've never sat down and planned to get some ridiculously hard Achievement. I usually just let them come to me.
I went at Halo 3 trying to get all the awards but I got stopped by the last one, and now they've released more so whatever. I tried to get all of Bioshocks, too, but I kept forgetting to look for the audio logs whenever I started up a new game.

I always set myself out to try and get an entires game worth but I always get distracted when I'm actually in game. For the most part I just take them as they come.
If I see an opportunity to nab an achievement with a little bit of extra work, I'll do it. I won't go completely out of my way to get them, though.
I'm not bothered with achievements, they just kinda happen.
Yeah, I hardly ever go out of my way to get them. Most of the time it's just tedious shit like collecting a million stupid flags or something. Only expection being Call of Duty 4, where I completed it on veteran and ended up with like 900/1000 points - so I figured I may as well go for the full thousand for the first time.

What a pain in the arse that was...
Only achievement I really wanted to get was the one on CoD4, I think it was the mile high club or something like that. You need to save some dude in an airplane. It's an extra level. It was really a pain in the ass to do it on a 13" CRT tv :D
I played the sniper in TF2 for a few matches to get the gray matter achievement (which I wouldn't have otherwise done) - all the rest were achieved in due course. I'm with 'pitz.
Please don't spam.

I don't get the urge to follow achievements in most games, until a game gets a grip of me. E.g. Team Fortress 2, where I have 100% :( That's pretty bad, but when I'm playing L4D for example, I do try and get a couple (nothing choreographed though). The EP3 gnome one I have NO interest in doing!
Depends on the game. If I really enjoy the game I'll go out of my way to get achievements. Also, if an achievement in a game is especially difficult to get, I'll go after it. I enjoy challenges.
Sorry, I'll take note.

It's not that hard except there's no way to keep it in the damn car. Grubs is far worse. I don't see any way to get 100% for TF2 D:

Edit: to hectic
Reckon the only achievements i ever cared about have been in Cod4. Everything else is circumstantial.
It's not that hard except there's no way to keep it in the damn car. Grubs is far worse. I don't see any way to get 100% for TF2 D:
There's a spot in the back of the car that you can get the gnome to rest in. If all else fails just shoot him ahead of your position.

Grub achievement is hard.
Meh, I never seemed to find the right spot and it would fly out into the damn wilderness and take me like 5 minutes to find. I ended up punting it and that takes FOREVER.
I really dont like acheivements, because I always feel like I must get every single one, or the game is incomplete. So most of the time I look at games like Rock Band (which, despite hours of play I only have 3 acheivements) I get an empty feeling inside :(
If i'm really interested and have the time to play the game, i'll go to as much as googling "how-to's" for achievements if I am stuck. Need I say more? I'm an achievement WHORE!
Team Fortress 2 is the only game where I've worked at achievements, minus the majority of the heavy achievements, since most of them are extremely difficult to get. In that case, it's amazing what three minutes in a Team Fortress 2 server, with a good plugin, and typing !achievementsall will get you.
depends on the game.. GTA IV is more fun to get achievements in than PGR4
I don't show them off, but sure, I do try and get them once in awhile, if I can be bothered :P
If I really want an achievement in a multiplayer game like TF2, I change my playstyle a bit so I know that by playing like that, there will be a moment where I get it, without being useless to the team.
Also, it was really hard for me to let go off the gnome, really came attached to him while dragging him with me all the time.
Achievements haunt the completionist in me. I never have enough patience or (in most cases) tolerance to go after the more ridiculous ones, but it always bugs me when I give up on them. In most cases though, if I know it's going to be too much work I just don't bother trying.

Just like real life! :D

depends on the game.. GTA IV is more fun to get achievements in than PGR4
Except the ****ing pigeons. Got to about 50 using a walkthrough and gave up. It really irks me that I'll never have 100% because of that, shitty pointless secret items like that are the only thing I hate more than forced grinding.
If I see an opportunity to nab an achievement with a little bit of extra work, I'll do it. I won't go completely out of my way to get them, though.

This, but mostly I just get them by playing.
If I see an opportunity to nab an achievement with a little bit of extra work, I'll do it. I won't go completely out of my way to get them, though.


It really irks me that I'll never have 100% because of that, shitty pointless secret items like that are the only thing I hate more than forced grinding.

It's not like achieving 100% has a point ;)

Also, I don't understand people who play on achievement maps in TF2. Do you actually want to achieve something or have an achievement for the sake of having it?
Yeah the only TF2 achievements I'll ever cheeze are the ones that hurt the team or are completely random. Like heavy taunting while uber, or having someone take a deathcam shot while you taunt. Taunting is a waste of time.
Some classes in TF2 have unlocks, and as we all know, unlock = stat whoring.
Seriously 2.0 in Gears 2. Kill 100,000 enemies (applies to every mode). I'm actually enjoying it. Indeed.
It's not like achieving 100% has a point ;)
Except for another achievement, and the SANSE UV ACCOMPLASHMUNT. It just pissed me off that the only thing standing between me and "completing" the game was such a pointless chore, and as a completionist it really irks me whenever something like this gets in the way of finishing a game once and for all. It actually nags at me for a while after I put the game down. I know, it's lame, but whatever.

Seriously 2.0 in Gears 2. Kill 100,000 enemies (applies to every mode). I'm actually enjoying it. Indeed.
**** that. Brumak farming ftl.
I love the achievements on the Xbox 360. I'm up to 36,000 in gamerscore at the moment :D
Seriously 2.0 in Gears 2. Kill 100,000 enemies (applies to every mode). I'm actually enjoying it. Indeed.

How are you doing it willie?

Are you loading the part where you control a brumak over and over, or playing horde, or what?

Im doing the party like it's 1999 achievement, all it involves is leaving my 360 on all day.

Im with the guy that said about completedness, i love to get achievements not to show off - but so that i can feel that the game is totally played, i have done everything etc.
Im doing the party like it's 1999 achievement, all it involves is leaving my 360 on all day.
Which you'll be able to enjoy just as soon as it gets back from Microsoft in a box.
Theres a few games where ive strived to get as many points as possible out of them, but most games just give me achievements as I go.

Havent breached the 10,000 mark yet, but id like to. Only about 400 points to go..ish.
How are you doing it willie?

Are you loading the part where you control a brumak over and over, or playing horde, or what?

Im doing the party like it's 1999 achievement, all it involves is leaving my 360 on all day.

Im with the guy that said about completedness, i love to get achievements not to show off - but so that i can feel that the game is totally played, i have done everything etc.
Playing normally on the different modes. I got over 4600 kills just playing normally during the first weekend, don't ask.
Cool, a pop at the 360's reliability, well done you.
Thanks. :)

Also, if that came of as a fanboyish crack, I've already been through two 360s and still playing it, so yeah. Leaving it running for an achievement still doesn't sound like the smartest idea, but hey, it's your hardware.