Adrian Shepard(spoilers)

Id love it if shepard came back.

now i must be the 11,000,000 person to say that hey!

if so many people dont want shepard, but then almost the same amount do, what is a developer to do? do u think they read these threads when deciding if a particular expansion will do better in the market than another?

The shock rifle rulz MP5 anyday. Hakzors
While Adrian was a pretty cool character, bringing him into the HL2 universe just wouldn't work. He is too different from the combine forces to be part of Gordon's opposing force again. Perhaps maybe he may appear later, we'll just have to sit in darkness and wait.

*gets impaled by crossbow*
special-ed said:
one thing is for sure, Adrian looks a helluvalot cooler than gordan

He doesn't have a look, he is just your usual generic Marine with combat armour.
Samon said:
He doesn't have a look, he is just your usual generic Marine with combat armour.

He looks cool with that combat armour, helmet,gas-mask,eye-goggles, pants, boots and gun.
Shepard is the coolest dude in all mods HL1, as well as in the original first game, Gordon Freeman is not that cool, i hate his stupid nerd glases...

Blasphemer! Gordon makes labcoats, nerdy glasses, goatees, crowbars, science, clumsiness, and nerds in general look good :). That's why we love him... he gives us geeks hope to be cool. In our minds, he proves that we would singlehandedly win out over battalions of soldiers any day (assuming we had an HEV suit and a crowbar).

Adrian is what... a soldier? A highly trained soldier at that? How can we identify with that? Soldiers have been glorified in enough places as it is, anyway. And yet, we all know that Gordon would whoop his ass royally. Gordon is an uncommon hero, yet somehow the best there is.
I with the "Shepard Rocks!" group.

Thing is I'd much rather play as Shepard than Alyx.

Don't know why in all honesty.
is there a toll on who would you rather play as in hl2expansion adrian/alyx?
Pai-Mei said:
Blasphemer! Gordon makes labcoats, nerdy glasses, goatees, crowbars, science, clumsiness, and nerds in general look good :). That's why we love him... he gives us geeks hope to be cool. In our minds, he proves that we would singlehandedly win out over battalions of soldiers any day (assuming we had an HEV suit and a crowbar).

Adrian is what... a soldier? A highly trained soldier at that? How can we identify with that? Soldiers have been glorified in enough places as it is, anyway. And yet, we all know that Gordon would whoop his ass royally. Gordon is an uncommon hero, yet somehow the best there is.

In addition to Adrian just being a soldier, thats it. You put any one of the 1000s of American soldiers in there they'd fight. But Gordon Freeman is simply an ordinary man. Not many scientists have the ability to pick up a crowbar and fight.
Pai-Mei said:
Adrian is what... a soldier? A highly trained soldier at that? How can we identify with that? Soldiers have been glorified in enough places as it is, anyway. And yet, we all know that Gordon would whoop his ass royally. Gordon is an uncommon hero, yet somehow the best there is.

i can identify with him, even with the fact that i am not a soldier. :cool:

PS: my name is Adrian in real life ;)
Aidrian was indeed quite cool, the soldier who almost killed the nihilanth.

He actually probably had more character interaction than Gordon, and that is what defines his character. The fact that he doesn't know his orders but has them hinted to him leaves a moral ambiguity to him that the player him/herself can decide. Does he kill the scientists who saved his life?
Also, the g-man's interaction with him is much more involved than for gordon, which gives us some insight into not only his purpose within the g-man's scheme, but also of the events of the first game.

He's really the perfect sequel character. Imagine how much we could learn by seeing HL2.5 through the eyes of a combine at work.
It's kinda wierd that Shepard didn't get role in HL2, but Barney did. Alltough Opposing Force was more popular game, well least many critics have sayed that Opposing Force is better than Blue Sift, and probaply Opposing Force is know better than Blue Sift. So all ppl dont even know Barney? But im just guessing.
Mechagodzilla said:
The fact that he doesn't know his orders but has them hinted to him leaves a moral ambiguity to him that the player him/herself can decide. Does he kill the scientists who saved his life?
Erm... One of the biggest flaws of Opposing Force was that it exposed the linearity of the Half-Life series even more. It's all very well claiming that the player had some kind of moral decision to make over whether to join forces with the Black Mesa Scientists, or eliminate them, but when the game won't actually advance unless you choose the former, it doesn't stand up to the reality.

Oh and Alyx is a far better character than Shepherd because Girls > Boys.
So all ppl dont even know Barney?

Uhm... because Barney was your "sidekick" in the original Half-Life? I like to believe that the Barney in HL2 wasn't even the Barney in Blue Shift.

Notice how he owes you a beer and remarks "Just like old times, eh Gordon?" when you're both fighting. This means he interacted with you in the past, particularly fighting-wise, which can only be one of the coterminus sidekick-Barneys.

In an expansion, I would rather play as Shepherd than Alyx, but that doesn't mean the Gordon isn't the coolest FPS hero ever... much moreso than Adrian.
Pai-Mei said:
Notice how he owes you a beer and remarks "Just like old times, eh Gordon?" when you're both fighting. This means he interacted with you in the past, particularly fighting-wise, which can only be one of the coterminus sidekick-Barneys.
Unless the remark is either not to be taken as seriously as that, or Barney owes Gordon a Beer from before the events of Half-Life 1. I mean, it is very much a Security Guard thing to owe people beers - in fact, Barney is probably relying on Gordon's apparent memory loss because he actually owes him a whole crate by now.
Ok I go to look at the Single player new posts and to my horror IT's THE DAMN SHEPHARD THREAD.....GET OVER IT HES DEAD G MAN HATES HIM THERE IS NO SANTA CLAUSE OMFG !!!!!!!!
I'm only going to say this once. He is NOT dead, the G-Man doesn't hate him. You don't know that for sure. Shephard was placed somewhere by the G-Man where he could do no harm and nothing can harm him. Think before saying.
MarcoPollo said:
Ok I go to look at the Single player new posts and to my horror IT's THE DAMN SHEPHARD THREAD.....GET OVER IT HES DEAD G MAN HATES HIM THERE IS NO SANTA CLAUSE OMFG !!!!!!!!

if you dont like it, then go the hell away :flame:
Hey n00b ^^^ if your gonna flame me at least give some evidence of me being next time i want to see something like this

Op For Guy

OMFG j00n are teh suxxers yarg gg fik u joo stoopid f00got /!!!

GMAN HAS SEX WITH SHEPHARD !!!!11!!!!one!!!11!!!eleven!!!!
Seriously, just because you don't like Shepard dons't mean you have to be a big annyoing fool.

You troll.

Adrian Shepard won't ever come back because his time is over. Opposing Forces was an expansion about just that, the forces opposing Freeman. In HL2 the Combine are the OpFor, so it would make more sense to make a Combine OpFor expansion than to resurrect some washed up Marine Commando who's only brush with Gordon was on a mission to silence the Black Mesa facility.

Adrian Shepard has no place in the HL2 universe. Opposing Forces just gave you an opportunity to witness the events of Black Mesa through the eyes of another character.
poor guy, nobody wants him..........
kupoartist said:
As much as I could care less about Shepherd, and I also don't think we'll see him again anyway, the "Gearbox owns the rights to Shepherd" issue doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Opposing Force was a mod for someone elses game, authorised to use the liscence for that game. Surely, the ownership of any characters and story elements would revert back to the owner of the Story liscence, i.e. Valve?

I suppose this is just a little bit of legal theory that Valve isn't willing to test. Like a number of the Anti-Shepherd crew around here, the benefits of bringing such a "transparent" character back are far outweighed by even the smallest possibility that Gearbox can sue them for it.

a month or so ago, i sent Marc Laidlaw an email about the Adrian Shepherd IP and he couldn't shed any light on the character's situation and declined to comment on whether Opposing Force was the last we have seen of Adrian Shepherd.

i think the first part of ur post makes alot of sense just because Valve has always been very careful in what they have done but even if Gearbox owned the rights to Adrian Shepherd, i don't think it would be so difficult to acquire the rights.. question is, does Valve want to? i hope so.
even if there is going to be an expansion there is no need to keep going on about it

there are about a hundred other threads like this one, go read those if it makes you happy.
Whatever go make ur stupid shephard expansion for HL2 that would make no sense but if it makes all you adrian fanboys happy so be what WOULD be reasonable would be OpFor Source (like BM: Source)
You may have a point about an OpFor: Source, that would be interesting. But we just want to play a HL2: Opposing Force.
like shephards illegitamit love-child as a rogue combine solider?? Or better yet Shephard's clone made from a DNA sample (cloning is reality by then right?)

His name would be like optimus prime

Edit:Sry, i was watching transformers when i wrote that^

2ndEdit: Damn you shephard lovers made me want op for 2

Or shepard himself. At the end he was, like freeman, in a slow-time-warp.