Adrian Shepherd

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
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i read up on the characters in HL2 over at and was disappointed when i discovered that theres no mention about our Opposing Force hero Adrian Shepherd.. so im assuming since theres no mention of him, he does not figure into the story at all :angry:

i know Gearbox was mainly the company behind Opposing Force and Valve had something to do with it, but not nearly as much as the original HL story.. but.. i thought (and was hoping for) Adrian Shepherd would somehow be involved as HL2 unfolds.. (i could be wrong.. he could still be in the story, just not mentioned by Valve for a twist in the story to surprise everyone but i doubt that for some reason)

in fact, having Shepherd involved in HL2 could/would open up very many scenerios that the story could get into.. IE. a showdown between Freeman and Shepherd, or they find a way to work together.. and im sure some of u can come up with a scenerio as well.

im just sorta disappointed that Shepherd does not seem to figure into HL2.. while having him in could have made things very interesting to say the least..

what was the end of opposing force? i only borrowed the game for a few days
He won't be in HL2...

But they're planning on releasing add on packs... There could be Opposing Force 2!
Originally posted by Chris_D
He won't be in HL2...

But they're planning on releasing add on packs... There could be Opposing Force 2!

yes.. but think how HL2 could be without Shepherd, then imagine how it could be with him? the possibilites with him in are endless.. don't get me wrong, the whole HL story is good.. but even better when u add twists to it by bringing back the other HL hero :)
why am i getting the feeling that pple do not know who Adrian Shepherd is and what is Opposing Force?..

i enjoyed Opposing Force.. and it seems like im in the minority..hehe
It was fantastic IMO... I just didnt feel I bonded as well with Shepherd as I did with Freeman... I cant imagine Shep being in HL2, but I can easily see him making some sort of return.
Opposing force was done so well. The part when an alien ship attacks a chopper and one of the guys turns around and looks is just brilliant. Then the captian starts giving you your objective but amidst the chaos you cannot hear. I thought that was very well done.
What about the feeling you get when you get to the dam that was in HL1? That was amazing
Originally posted by Chris_D
What about the feeling you get when you get to the dam that was in HL1? That was amazing

sure, until you walk into the mindfield and get blown to hell.


or maybe thats a different part, but i think its just after the dam with the helicopter.
Like gordon, the g-man tell to adrian to work for him.
So maybe he could be in hl2 but valve make no info.
Or it will be in a add-on.
I asked to gabe but i receive telling me that they can t answering my interview for the moment.
Originally posted by ulukai
Like gordon, the g-man tell to adrian to work for him.

This is wrong. The G-Man did not tell Adrian to work for him.
*SPOILERS (Highlight to read) *

What really happened was:
Adrian was detained in Xen by the G-Man so that he wouldn't be able to tell anyone what occured at Black Mesa. As far as the player last knows, G-Man keeps Adrian "preserved," pending future evaluation.
He wasn't detained in Xen specifically, but he was detained pending future evaluation. That could be anywhere... like a European city. A city called City 17. A city we know has a prison in it... Maybe he could be in HL2...
You know he's gonna be back. Gabe hinted at it.
I hope so, adrian rocks. Even with that name
Definitly would be cool. But hell, Barney's already back which is awesome.
Originally posted by Goddamn Freeman
You know he's gonna be back. Gabe hinted at it.
I hope so, adrian rocks. Even with that name

Gabe hinted at it? When?

It would be cool for Shephard to come back, but he wasn't exactly a developed character. He never talks, and you never see his face. That's about as anonymous as you can make a character. If he did make an appearance in HL2, he would invariably have to say something, since we already know you'll be in Freeman's shoes the whole time.
He never talks, and you never see his face. That's about as anonymous as you can make a character.

Ummm, what about Freeman?

Anyway Adrian was awesome!

Maybe after Gearbox release's Halo PC (another great title I am looking forward to) they would do another expansion.... not the same title Opposing Force I bet though...

I mean that was HL1 and this is HL2, things are different in the HL2 world (I.E. as far as I know no Marine soldiers).

So what different view of the HL2 world could Adrian provide?

I guess thats for Gearbox and/or Valve to decide......
Well the fact that at the end of OpFor Adrian Shepard was "detained pending further evaluation". As far as anyone knows Adrian is dead, but the fact of the matter is, he's being kept locked away from society so he doesn't tell anyone what happened at BlackMesa. Therefore he could turn up in HL2, be in the first expansion pack or, we may never see him again.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well the fact that at the end of OpFor Adrian Shepard was "detained pending further evaluation". As far as anyone knows Adrian is dead, but the fact of the matter is, he's being kept locked away from society so he doesn't tell anyone what happened at BlackMesa. Therefore he could turn up in HL2, be in the first expansion pack or, we may never see him again.

ya Chris those possibilities are pretty real.

what i would like to know is..

is Adrian Shepherd and the Opposing Force side of HL's story done by Marc Laidlaw as well?

and also, i would rather have Valve handle add-ons such as Opposing Force and Blue Shift.. because IMHO, the patches for Opposing Force multi player were handled very poorly by Gearbox at times.. i know this from experience.. fans of Opfor had to be very patient and loyal for whatever patches/updates they received regarding bugs/fixes and add-ons to improve it. it always seemed to me and others of the Opfor community that this game was Gearbox's least of the worries..

for this reason i do want, for the sake of a good add-on to HL2 Gearbox to be in charge of its making or related to it in any way..

as far as Adrian being in HL2 goes, nothing was mentioned about him in the Q&A session about the chars..
theres profiles on all the HL2 chars there and Adrian is absent from that list... now Valve may not have allowed to have Adrian's profile there for the surprise element to HL2.. but i dunno.. i don't think theres anything wrong with adding a profile for Adrian if hes in HL2.
Well, Gabe says that you learn a bit about what happened in-between HL1 and HL2. So the G-Man could talk a little about Shepard and what happened with him.

But there are only three choices.

1: Shephard appears in HL2. (Rather low probability.)

2: Shephard appears in an official mod once again. (Higher probability.)

3: Sadly, Shephard is never mentioned ever again officially. (Highest probability.)

The whole probability thing is solely my opinion.

EDIT: I liked Opposing Force so much that I played it more than Half-Life.
i hope possibilities 1 and 2 are the ones Valve has chosen.. i was a fan of Opposing Force and Adrian and it would be neat to see him involved... factor into the HL story somehow once again :)
Well maybe is shepard friend of 890 soldiers or Combines
Gabe said somewhere (dunno where, i think its in the official lines thread) that they wanted to explore the story from different POV. Surely that means official mods like op4 and blue shift.
I hope so anyway, shepards training was the best in any game *EVER*. Even better than HL1 Hazard Course (2nd best)

"What is your major malfunction soldier?"
Originally posted by Chris_D
He wasn't detained in Xen specifically, but he was detained pending future evaluation. That could be anywhere... like a European city. A city called City 17. A city we know has a prison in it... Maybe he could be in HL2...

No, he was detained in Xen, specifically. Look at the last place you are, inside the Osprey, at the end of Opposing Force. Right after BMRF is nuked, you're taken to Xen. G-Man leaves you there. So unless he was moved during the time after OpFor and HL2, he's probably still there.

As TriggerHappy said, Gabe did hint at some SP expansions for HL2, but (don't quote me on this) I think I read somewhere that Gabe specifically said to someone in an e-mail, "Adrian won't be in HL2."

All the likely scenarios that could've happened to Adrian:

1. Adrian was deemed a liability, and was left to die. He might have escaped to the surface somewhere, he might've died in the Osprey, or some combination of the two (having reached the surface only to be killed by aliens, he might've escaped after reaching the surface, or he might've escaped by piloting the Osprey through a portal).

2. He's still floating around in the Osprey being preserved; food being transported to him via portal every now-and-again. Although after awhile of this I'm sure he would've gone mad from the flying, and the loneliness.

3. G-Man and his employers enlisted his services. Could be in any number of ways, from simply hiring him in a standard soldier capacity, or, as some people seem to think, as the genetic base for the Combine army.

Personally I think the guy died. I think he starved in Xen and died aboard that helicopter. He's probably still there, floating around in the alien atmosphere, strapped into his seat. Or perhaps the Osprey long ran out of fuel and crashed onto the surface of the border world.

Subject: Adrian Shephard
Status: Terminated
Post Mortem: Subject failed to be interesting enough to create another sequel out of.

*Roll Credits*
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
i read up on the characters in HL2 over at and was disappointed when i discovered that theres no mention about our Opposing Force hero Adrian Shepherd.. so im assuming since theres no mention of him, he does not figure into the story at all :angry:

i know Gearbox was mainly the company behind Opposing Force and Valve had something to do with it, but not nearly as much as the original HL story.. but.. i thought (and was hoping for) Adrian Shepherd would somehow be involved as HL2 unfolds.. (i could be wrong.. he could still be in the story, just not mentioned by Valve for a twist in the story to surprise everyone but i doubt that for some reason)

in fact, having Shepherd involved in HL2 could/would open up very many scenerios that the story could get into.. IE. a showdown between Freeman and Shepherd, or they find a way to work together.. and im sure some of u can come up with a scenerio as well.

im just sorta disappointed that Shepherd does not seem to figure into HL2.. while having him in could have made things very interesting to say the least..

opinions? only has as much information as we do...
Literally we know about 10%, maybe less, of what will be in HL2. We have no idea what characters we might meet and the ones that are on the PHL website are just ones that have been confirmed and been talked about in interviews with Valve etc.
I think anything's possible, especially if there's popular demand for his return.
Another possibility is that when he was "detained," the same thing happened to him as what happened to Gordan, whatever that may be.
If Adrien were in Half Life 2 he would have to be an ally because the alien forces are overrunning the earth and adrien is a human so you would have to work with him if he was in the game...that would be so awsome...but since he doesn't have a voice, how could he be in the second HL without ruining what you thought of him?
Very true csmighty, thats why I say that if he is going to come back it will be in an expansion pack. (hey that rhymes)
I think they're going to leave a lot more spaces open for expansion packs to elaborate on. Like some things in the game you won't really understand fully how it was accomplish and-- BANG! Expansion pack.
But there won't be anymore of those "I remember this place from HL!" unless the opposing force are in HL2.

And btw, what would the U.S. Marine Corp do in Europe? I know U.S. Army is everywhere nowadays but still...
I highly doubt Valve would axe Adrian, seeing as they made it a point to tell us the other characters we made a connection with will be back (Kleiner, Barney, etc). Im thinking he will be in an expansion pack for hl2.
This is my take on the sheppard situation:

1 of 2 things could of happened (or could be used if they decide to put him in with my idea :) )

1: Adrians body, strength, and military expertise is cloned to create the combine solders

2: Adrian sheppard needs to be rescused at some point in a expansion pack

just my take/ideas
Well, how about ADRIAN is the leader of the rebel forces?!?
or part of the Rebel forces.... if they are rebel forces, i'm not sure... you know what i mean though.....dnt you?
Hmm, when you start a prison uprising in HL2 it mentiones that there is one prisoner who you are not sure if he's a good or a bug guy. Could that be Adrian??

Afterall, the G-Man said that he was detained, so he could have ended up at that prison.
That was my thoughts earlier on in the thread... I didn't know abotu the "good guy bad guy" thing though. What's your source for this?
Originally posted by Darkside55
No, he was detained in Xen, specifically.
Personally I think the guy died. I think he starved in Xen and died aboard that helicopter. He's probably still there, floating around in the alien atmosphere, strapped into his seat. Or perhaps the Osprey long ran out of fuel and crashed onto the surface of the border world.

Subject: Adrian Shephard
Status: Terminated
Post Mortem: Subject failed to be interesting enough to create another sequel out of.

*Roll Credits*
Just 'cause the last place we saw Shepherd in was Xen, doesn't necessarily mean he was left there. Personally, I reckon he was there for G-Man's speech and later put in stasis or something. After all: "I am sure you can imagine worse... alternatives [than just being shot in the face]." So says the G-Man and I don't know about you but I'd rather be shot in the face than be trapped in a plane floating about in space for God-knows how long...
It'd be wonderful to see him return, but as what? I reckon there'll be an expansion where you're a member of that resistance movement (ie: the guys who run screaming from/get impaled by those Striders) but Shepherd couldn't really have a role there could he?
OpFor didn't let you be evil enough. There weren't enough scientists you could waste simply because they were scientists and that was your job. If there's an anti-hero expansion (ie: you're the enemy, eg playing as the Combine) I hope we can be far more evil... :sniper: Mu-hahahaaaarrrr!:LOL: