- Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

I shalt play, and i shalt defeat you all! RARR!

EDIT/ Let lambada play, s/he's in the right frame of mind.
Most certainly he! :naughty:
Thanks for the vote of confidence. :P
ok ppl playing are:

Ok scroll down to your character. Praferably dont read other peoples. I say this because you shouldnt be able to see from the other persons perspactive. If you read theirs your desicions will mostly likely be influenced by it.


-Stefan Najdecki- (evilsloth)

Here they come again. This was the third attack that the combine had launched against Outpost 4, one of the most hevily fortified places in Irland in the east of Galway.

Dust rains down on you. Your in a small room off the central corridor of the underground outpost. It is lit be a powerful lamp hanging from the ceiling. It iluminates a disection table to your right with a half cut up bulsquid on it. Just beyond that is a computer terminal that, with the right codes, could let you access the security network. You here a banging at the door. "Open up, its Mul. We need to get out of here now!"

What do you do now?

-Mul Kirtap- (Jintor)

You here the distant sound of gunfire as you wait impatiently at the door. When you knock on it there is a clatter of metal, seems you suppised someone. "Open up, its Mul. We need to get out of here now!" The combine must have reached the mouth of the corridor the gunfire was much louder now. Just as you were about to leave from impatience three CP's come around the corner. You have a knife, an ES- Five Seven and a standard SMG. They have Pulse Rifles and grenades. There is a small corrider to your right that goes down the the base's generators. The main corridor comtinues behind all the way to the control center.

What do you do now? (remember you aint gordon) ;)

-Shaun Bisley- (D.L)

You are fixing a jeep that had gotten waterlogged in your last expedition when the attack started. The CPs cut the lights of the garage and burst in through the roof vents. You counted about 5 of them, no dout there are more on they way and they probably hae night vision. Its totally dark, you know that the garage is littered with cars, parts and there is a loaded tank with a working turret in the vicinity of forward :). A door somewhere to your left will take you to the generators. Your currently holding a monkey wrench with other tools scattered around you. There is a torch in your belt. ;)

What do you do now?

-Ian Malcom- (Lambada)

You crawl out of the vent onto the second floor of prison 3549. The combine were looking for you. they didnt expect you to be here. The place had almost emptied for the attack on some rebel outpost so now is your chance to get out. All you need is the help of one person in particular. A rowdy "Australian" by the name of Kent Austin. You have crawled into a command room, to your left is an exit, and on the right is a rack of shotguns (no extra ammo) In front of you are some stairs the the bottom floor. Next to the rooms exit is a computer with inmate listings and security access. Using your pass might get you noticed so you could hack it.

What do you do now?

-Kent Austin- (Iamthemonley)

FINALLY!!! The bar broke. You'd been sawing it with a nail file, that you found in the bathroom, for months. Now the place was empty you could get out. You bend the bar out and clamber between the gap. You have no idea where to go, the prison is a maze of passageways and checkpoints, designed to keep people in. you can go left or right as you are on a catwalk. The right hand path goes around a corner so you cant see where it leads. The left one leads to stairs going down. You could alternatly jump off the catwalk to get to the bottom floor. :D

What do you do now?

Phew! Ok there is the start. What do you think?
Mul's action:

Mul looks around wildly as the CP's reach slowly for the weapon, and manages to get out a wild shot with his ES-Five Seven (assuming this is a pistol) before diving down the corridor to his right. Rolling upright again, he starts runing down the main corridor. It's good to be alive, and Mul wants it to stay that way.

Your move, Wolfy. Good job so far!

Now we can get this Party STARTED!

(Are ye going to accept applications for other members?)
Stefan's Action

Stefan runs over to the security consule.
-Request Shutdown all power systems, Outpost 4-

-Alert all Outposts. Outpost 4 is underfire-

He grabs one of the knives and cuts along the bullsquid's main blood vein, letting blood pour all over himself.

Stefan runs over to the drawer with sedative drugs, takes the strongest ones and hopes the Combine will leave him as a dead body.

(Jintor i think we have enough ppl already)
shauns actions

Uses the torch to find a cablefrom one of the tow trucks in the garage and pulls it across the door, the cp burst in, 1 trips over and the the others step back. picks up the smg(or whatever gun the cp was carrying) and finds a hiding place, waiting for them to come.
Ian Malcom winced as the vent clattered to the floor with an unbearably loud clang. For a few moments he froze, looking left and right, waiting for one of his erstwhile colleagues to investigate the source of the noise. All was silent...

In the last year of his life Ian had witnessed and commited unmentionable acts, the memories only now flooding back as his willpower finally overcame the insidious influence of the Combine neural implant. Appalled, he had immdiately formulated a plan of escape, while at the same time trying desperately to find about his past. The last memory he had before the nightmare of surgical tools and flashing lights was a Woman's face, streaked with tears and grime...

Escape... The thought repeated itself over and over in his mind. The prison was heavily guarded, and Ian knew the only way he would ever be leaving it would be with a Sergeant's chevrons or in a body bag. He needed help...quickly...before the Combine monitoring facilties noticed the malfunctioning implant.

Shaking away the dark thoughts that threatend to cloud his brain, Ian crept over to the console ahead, fumbling for his acess card. Midwayt to swiping his card through the acess port, Ian halted, suddenly realizing the Combine may have already been alerted to his presence. Instead he reached behind and triggered the manual override, attempting to use a maintenance subrountine to enter the Prison Security system. As the computer processed his entry, Ian glanced over to the rack of shotguns. If he was going to break out of this prison alive, he would need serious firepower...
ok thats great guys, but one question of preference. would you prefer it if i wait for all 5 of you to reply or give you more as you post? Lol your more ingenuitive then i thought :)


ps. dont you play cs jintor? the es-fiveseven is the pistol at the bottom of the ct list :) it looked futuristic enough to exist in hl2... in my opinion
I'm thinking if the outcome of a decision relys on more than one player, you need to wait for both players to reply.

Hmm. What do you think, guys, 5 awnsers then the next... uh... 'round'?

(I don't play CS. can't handle waiting around watching other people pwn.)
next round after we all do own posts, sounds good.

also could we make this a public group, but i don't know how.
Kents action. (wow i can do alot :) )

Kent Austin Hops up to his feet. Yes yes YESSS. He was finaly free. "But thats no good unless ya stay alive, I need a goddamn weapon" Thaught Kent as he ra around the right hand corner hoping to god that he doesnt die.
if all the characters are going to meet up, when they start to wait for all 5, otherwise when someone posts their actions reply(i'm impatient)
D.L said:
if all the characters are going to meet up, when they start to wait for all 5, otherwise when someone posts their actions reply(i'm impatient)

We really do have to wait for them...
Well,we are all finished the actions of the first round, so i guess we just have to wait for Wolfy
Oh, and try and make your posts like Lambada's. That one was 133+ h4x0r, in a story-wise sorta mode.
okeyday. okay new rule people. when you get knocked out or captured or something u stay out till u wake up again (sry) dont worry its only a round or two.

-Stefan Najdecki-

A black cloud rises up and fills your vision. You feel your knees buckle and lose consiousness.

-Mul Kirtap-

One of your bullets whizes through the air, it freezes... the camera does a 360 rotation, and it continues into the knee of one of the CPs. ( :farmer: ) You sprint off down the corridor. The two other CP's leave their comrade behind and chase after you. They strafe the corridor but luckly miss you as you burst into the generator room. This dimly lit room consists of to massive gas generators, an uncovered waste disposal pit on the left and and another corridor going to the garage and ventilation access. There is an emergency overide panel somewhere on the generators that will shut them down and put the base to emergency power. You dont have long before then CP's come in so hurry up ;)

-Shaun Bisley-

You wait in ambush by the door, waiting for the CP's to run in but they never come. You here a crash on the opposite side of the room. The CP's had lowered down from the roof. Now you are really screwed, you listen closer and count about five of them at the opposite wall. All u have is a wrench, a torch, a puny smg and... a tank. ;)

-Ian Malcom-

"Manual Overide Enabled Please enter emergency access code..."
You type in the code that you learned during your "training". Some alien text appeared onscreen so you typed in \lang_dsgnt plnt2342. A menu appeared on screen, in english with a list of possible selections.

UU Prison Network
Weapon Stocks
Facility Map
Human Induction Program RESTRICTED

Kent Austin

You sprint around the corner. The first thing you notice is the disinct lack of guards. In the distance you can see a window looking into a control centre. Your heart skips a beat when you see a single CP. You notice that he/she (who knows what they are) is intently focused on a console it (for purposes of simplicity) is working at. You can see that there are two right hand turns along the catwalk, you also suspect that there has to be at least one patroling guard. Mabye its time to go back to your training.

phew. thinking up storys is harder then it seems. good luck guys :)
Wait. I'm confused. This is a resistance base, should i -really- be shutting off the power?
"This is the perfect opportunity" Thaught Kent "Ok kent dont screw up". Kent slowly lies down and Crawls beneath the window to the door which is slightly ajar. "Perfect" Kent thaught gleefully as he chuckled silently. Slowly Kent rose and opened the door silently. "carefull carefull" Thaught kent as he edged closer to the cp. "YES! Sorry mate.... well actually im not" Kent Quickly Grabbed the cp and quickly and unceramoniously twisted his neck till he heard a snaping sound. "HAHA brilliant" kent thaught gleefully as he bent down to see what the cp was carrying.
Acess Denied. The words floated across the the holodisplay as Ian slammed the console in helpless frustration. His memories were nothing more than a collection of vague images bound together by brief moments of blinding agony...

There was nothing for it...His past life would have to wait. Biting his lip till blood flowed, he turned back to the submenu and ran a frustrated eye over his increasingly limited options. Suddenly he frowned as his brow creased in thought...

The prisoners... If he was going to escape, he would need one hell of a distraction. Acessing in inmate console, he quickly checked the Combine records to find the most rambunctious prisoner in the files. As he scanned the screen, one file caught his eye.
Two accounts of consorting with rebellious elements, three accounts of resisting arrest, and twenty accounts for carrying an illegal weapon. Perfect... The computer hummed happily as it printed off a thin plastic flimsy. Taking it, Ian read the name and cell block number.
Subject: Kent Austin
Cell designation: 42Prime
Status: Awaiting termination

Just as he turned back to the console to print off a map, Ian suddenly heard a sound behind him. Before he could react, he felt strong hands grip his shoulders and twist his neck. Fighting for air, he struggled violently, grappling helplessly with his unseen assailant.
His foe's grip was iron hard, and he turned Ian's head mercilessly. As Ian began to black out from black out from lack of oxygen, he felt the bones in his neck crack in protest.
Ian could do nothing but surrender to the blackness that engulfed him...
if its dark you can ambush people jintor, but you dont have to.
The actions of MUL: Precinct III, Beginnings.

I: and lo, Did Mul find himself in a dire predicement:

II: for the CP's were right behind him and there was only a few places to run.

III: but he heard the gas generators, and was releived.

IV: for there was his saviour, loud and bulky as it were.

V: Hidden behind the generators, Mul pulled out his SMG.

VI: and the sound wath muffled, and the CP's heard not.

VII: as Mul eased himself around the corner of the generator

VIII: the weapon leveled at the demi-humans

IX: his finger on the trigger

X: Should i really be doing this....


edit: interprate whatever way you want, wolfy.
Stefan's dreams were distorted, he saw visions of rock platforms floating in the air, of wierd plants beating at animals that passed them. He saw all the Xen animals pass in front of him. A Vort' walked up to him and talked.
The words were blured to Stefan, but as the Vort touched him he felt vaugely aware of everthing around him, every living thing.

(Darkwolf- i am i allowed to do that?)
itll be okay, its just a dream after all. that is... inless you use the teleport drugs, not the sedatives :P

ps. waiting on DL
sorry to keep you waiting.

Shauns actions

He climbs inside the tank, peering through the scope to see whats coming. He fires the shell at the CP, blowing a hole in the wall, incapacitating the cp at the same time. Grabbing the oppertunity he runs out through the hole into the light.
Hey I know this thread has been going a long time, but I've only just seen it. Please be advised, there is no such thing as the "English Isles".
Some Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Manx (Isle of Man) people would be very annoyed to see the British Isles described as such.

That is all!
Mul Kirtap

Your SMG fire minces the two CPs. But your gunfire was nothing compared to the earth shattering BOOM coming from the direction of the garage. It sounded like someone had to call for desparate measures. The lights flickered and came back on.

After sonsidering your posibilities you decide the best things you could do are:
a) Investigate the Noise
b) See if the CP's have got to the command centre yet
c) check on Stefan
d) Jump down the garbage shoot
e) commit suicide or do something else :P pong seems a good idea :)

Shaun Bisley

The roar of the cannon almost deafened you. After you recovered and the smoke cleared you saw what you had done. The shell had blown a hole in the side of the base and light was flooding in. There were Combine bodies, and bits of them, strewn all over the garage. Most of the debris and been flung against the far wall and the ex-jeep was blocking the door.

You run outside into the cool Irish air and look to the north. You can see the combine camp, however you can see 2 apcs speeding to the base with proper sodiers at the machine guns. That must mean the CPs were just recon. This force would be much tougher, you know you have to get back and warn HQ now! But how do you get there before the APCs. There is nothing outside that can help you but... the hole in the war could fit a motor bike or a buggy, mabye one surivived the blast.

Stefan Najdecki

The vortigaunt touches your arm and pauses for a moment, then you hear and gruff but monotonus in your head.
"To the one that will free our bretheren, you recieve the blessing"

You jerk awake. As soon as you regain your senses you vomit on the floor, partially from an near sedative overdose and partially because of the smell of bullsquid blood and guts.

You get up off the floor and feel this very peculiar what you thing is pins and needles all over your body, but nothing is numb. "What was that?" you ask yourself.

It sounds as if the gunfire outside had abated so you should have time to run to a proper place ie comand center, armoury, a cupboard (you will then be labled the "wimpering cupboard" that goes "chomp, chomp, chomp food for fishies") (sry couldnt help myself) or you could look for the others.

Kent Austin

On the CP's body you find nothing but an ident card that is the standard CP key card it has written owner details on it as well:

CP Unit 462A "Civil Protection Constable Ian Malcom"

After that was all for and usless stuff. You look around the room and see that the is a door at the back that goes to the prison exit. The is a card slot there. There is a shotgun rack on the opposite wall. The console the CP was at still had a menu open onscreen:

UU Prison Network
Weapon Stocks
Facility Map
Human Induction Program RESTRICTED

There was a plastic printed out card still hanging from the printer. Looking at it, you discover it is the record of... Kent Austin.

(cue dramatic music)

Ian Malcom

While your state of unconsiousness, a message apears on the inside of your visor:
Scanning............Tissue Structure Comprimised:
Aveoli Tissue: 60%
Vertebrae: 30%CRITICAL

Beggining Regeneration Process

Thats todays episode then, have fun.
Shaun's actions

after seeing the APCs he ran back inside and searched the wreckage for some means of transport. He found a Trial bike with barely any fuel, but it would have to do. He mounted the bike and slung the smg over his shoulder and set off. He didn't check if the combine were following, but they probably were.
Stefan stared at the bullsquid, remember what you were here for. The crystals.
-Stefan's Action

Quickly he grabbed one of the scalpels cutting a line down the beasts spine. The blade met resistance, the rebel tugged harder. The spine split open and Stefan received his prize a small Xen crystal, glowing a faint amber glow.

Stefan picked up his things and ran, not to a command center full of rebels, but to the animal enclosure. The crystal in hand had a calming effect on the beasts. He set to work on opening all the cages, he would need a good distraction, if he was going to pull this off.
Mul's actions

Mul looked around, breathing normally. That gigantic blast had come from the garage, but if it was a combine weapon, Mul wasn't really ready to face it just yet. Grabbing the pulse-rifles and grenades from the corpses of the demi-humans, Mul set off back the way he came, to check if the door had opened yet and the human on the other side was still alive.
Kent shocked at what he has just seen, stands thinking... but not for long. "ahh a shotgun i can have some fun with this" kent says to himself as he grabs one checks it for ammo and pumps it. "Hmm but what should i do with this one?" kent says to the unconcious cp. "better take him along too i can question him later" Kent picks up the cp and slings him over his shoulder. "hmm hes not as heavy as i expected" Thaught Kent as he heads towards the door.

(sorry bout that Lambada)
As he slipped into unconsiousness, Ian felt a distant prick of pain as his suit engaged its emergency first aid protocol. Ever Civil Protection suit was equipped with an emergency medical implant that was capable of distributing antibiotics, painkillers, or even chemicals to promote the regeneration of damaged tissue. Alerted by the increased heart rate and pain nerve impulses of its subject, the automatic diagnostic unit came online and analyzed the situation...

Pain... The word flared from every nerve and fibre of Ian's being as he slipped into lucidity once more. The suit's diagnostic console kicked in after detecting the increased brain function and distributed painkillers, easing the blinding agony to a dull throb. As he slowly came back to full awareness, Ian gradually realized he was slung fire-man fashion over someone's shoulder. Opening eyes caked with rime he peered dully at the name emblazoned on the back of the person's orange inmate uniform: Kent Austin... With a start of horror, Ian realized that he had been captured by the very individual he had planned to free. Ian tried desperately to open his mouth, but his suit deemed the pain too great to be acceptable and administered a sedative, sending him into deep, blissfully pain-free sleep...
Mul Kirtap

Looking into the room Stefan was in you see that apart from a now mutilated bullsquid corpse it is empty. Your about to go and look for him when you here the whine of a dirtbike engine from the base entrance. You dive out of the way of the bike and see Shaun is the rider.
"THE MILITARIES ATTACKING!!!" Shouted the blur.
These guys would be much tougher then those CP's... mabye its time to visit the armoury.

Shaun Bisley

You screech to a halt outside the command center and run in
"Yes? What is it?"
"I've spotted two APC's of assault troops enroute and a forward out post about 2 klicks out."
"I see, get a squad assembled. I need you to assault the camp while we hold them off. I don't care how you do it, but you have fee access to the armoury."


(i have no idea what your doing so this'll be short)
you let the Xen creatures out of their cages but they do not go on a rampage as you expected but come up and sit down like well trained dogs.

Kent Austin

You move down the corridor leading to the prisons exit the CP slung over your shoulder. Ocasionally he twitches or moves a bit, then stops moving for a while. You turn the final corner and walk right into a CP. "What the?"

Ian Malcom
sorry nothing for you now, your still half dead :S

(remember its monkey's fault :P)
-Stefan's Action
Stefan holds the xen cystal, from the bullsquid, in one hand and starts to wave it side to side. The animals follow the crystal. He starts running throught the rebel base, the tidal wave of animals follow behind him.

Stefan runs past the command centre and jumps onto the first thing he sees, a well used trail bike.

The engine reves (sp?) as Stefan kicks the bike into gear and drives it headlong into the Combine APCs over the hill.

The Rebel threw the small Xen Crystal into the Combine camp.
As he kicked the bike back to base, he muttered.
"This better bloody work, Hopefully the bullies' will be as angry at the UU as they are with me."

(make sence eh wolfy??)
um...... the camp was 2 kms away... and you might wanna really check yr spelling :P

and you keep going between past and present tense... lol
Shauns actions

He goes into the armoury and search for 6 RPGs for his team, he equips them with SMGs Pistols and the RPGs, he gets the team to drag an RPG ammo crate(am i allowed to do that, since it's my team?) outside and sets up a barricade of boxes and whatever he could find. They wait for the APCs, they come... but slowly covered in a manner of blood and guts. The 6 rockets fire at one of the APCs.
It was like 11pm when i posted, too tired to bother with spelling...