- Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

Mul's Action

Mul looked around the room. The dead bullsquid was making him retch, so covering his nose he edged his way towards the terminal. He sat down and punched in his codes.

'ZZ9...ZPluralAlpha...' he muttered. The console flashed up, ready to be used.

Rebel Network... accessed. User: 'Orange'



'HQ! HQ, do you read? I need a status update, NOW!'

(Applause for Lambada, who can even make being unconscious intresting!)
"SHITTTTT" Kent Austin Yells as he runs (literaly) into the cp makeing all three (sorry Lambada) Fall to the ground. "Owch" thaught kent "note to self don't do that again". Kent painfully gets up and sees the cp (not lambada) starting to get up too. "Arse"
kent thaught angrily as he punched the cp in the face knocking him against a wall. Kent then proceded to punch him in the stomache untill he fell to the ground. "damn combine" Kent said as he bent down to check the body for anythign usefull.

(damn that sounded familiar. Sorry bout that lambada)


"This is HQ. Uh... we currantly have a combine assault squad enroute, a giant hole in the side of the base, and someone has let the bullsquids out. We would advise you assist the squad we sent to attack the camp. You may be able to catch them."

(for the purposes of game balance ill give you 2 rpgs)

The two rockets streak towards one of the APCs. The first one richochets off the APCs slanted hull and flys into the distance, its guidence knocked out. The second rocket swerves underneath the vehicle and the back is blasted clear off the ground.
It flips over and lands in the path of the second APC. It swerves and drives into a bog. Almost immediatly 11 soldiers and 1 elite pile out and lay suppresing fire. 2 of your rebels are hit, one of them has a RPG.
You notice that two of the soldiers have sniper rifles (anyone know what these look like? lol).
Your about to give your next order when, out of nowhere, an energy core comes rocketing towards your sqaud...


Your almost back at the base after releasing your bullsquids in the camp.
You drive up near the entrance and see a fire fight between an assault sqaud taking place. Then an elite fires a shock core at the small sqaud going right for... Shuan.


(Kents perspective) The CPs SMG clatters to the ground, the body falls limp. You search him and find another security card, its a sargents one, you could access restricted files, or the exit with this. You turn around to pick up the SMG and find it in your face, held by none other then your hostage.

(Preferably can lambada answer first, he has the "initiative")

ps. who is from australia here?
Ian drifted in a state between reality and unciousness, feigning sleep as his captor dragged him bodily through the Combine outpost. As the sedative kicked in, he felt the mental barrier of the conditioning treatment fade away, to be replaced by clouded images of unrecognizable people and places, but all seemed hauntingly familiar...

The visions dancing before his eyes were shattered abruptly when Ian was thrown roughly to the ground. Jolted from his semi-stupor, Ian curled instinctively into the foetal position as he heard sounds of combat overhead. With a sound like a lead pipe hitting meat, a Combine Civil Protection officer was slammed with brutal strength against a wall just above Ian. The luckless CP slumped to the floor, his SMG clattereing to the floor from a limp hand. Darting forward from his prone position, Ian snatched up the weapon, and turned groggily to face his attacker.

After padding down the CP's body for any useful items, the Convict turned to face Ian, only to find the cold muzzle of an 15mm SMG poking into his forhead. The man raised his hands very slowly into the air, letting the items in he had retreived from the fallen Sergeant fall to the floor. As the two locked eyes, Ian realized that his one and only avenue of possible escape was quickly dissapearing. Thinking fast, he took the weapon from one hand and offered it back to the rebel, butt first...

"Next time, you had better check to make sure the person you attack is actually dead..."

If you want to see what a Combine Sniper looks like...
fair enough.

Shauns actions

He dives out of the way, just, but is mortified to see Bob (the one with the RPG) disintergrate. He calls for backup over the radio, then tells the rest of the squad to take out the snipers.
Mul's action

'Right, command. I'm on it."

Mul raced towards the armoury, grabbing a RPG and a shock core or two from it. But how to get out of the base? He headed towards the garage, hoping to find some mode of transport there. He was scared, scared for his life, but there were others in this base, even more defenseless than he was. He wondered about the CP's sometimes, in the dead of the night. Were they still people, under those masks? Then he shook the thought from his head and ran towards the garage.

There was enough blood on his hands already.
Stefan knows he can't fight the Combine by himself, even without guns of any sort. Mul always joked he was good with a gun, he'll be with command...

Stefan turned the bike around and sped towards Outpost 4, going to pick Mul up.

(P.S, i'm from Australia,are you wolfy??)
we = waiting for Wolfy
tommorow i guess.

Many australians... interesting
I am sorry to say that from Friday till Monday afternoon I will be unable to post on the forums. My family is taking a short trip during a 3-day weekend to visit some relatives.
Sorry about this, I'll try if possible to post in this time using another computer but no guarantees...
we might have to hold up the game or mabye keep your character knocked out/ whatever :P

also monkey, unless you read he gave you the gun back. Ill give you time to repost incase you didnt know :P

(sry bout the hold up guys, been doing things)
I'm going on a week-long school camp
on sunday, I’ll be able to post for two days, then I’m going hiking, so we’ll have to either have me knocked out or pass my actions onto Wolfy…
Arr. This be bad, quite a few people are going away... for a while...
Kent stood there dumbfounded then lowered his hands to the gun. "Ok i'll check next time".
"now maby you can tell me why the hell you were looking for me" Kent said angrily.

(sorry bout that didnt see that he gave me the gun :S what can i say i was tired)
Finnally we continue

or we would, but noone can reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wawawawawawawaaaa!!!!!!!

vote, TRY and contuie without lambada or evil, or go on!

you decide :P
i think we should go on, shoot them in the foot or something, send them to the medi bay or something of the like.
Leave them where they stand, or drag them around :D
...no, its just not right lam :P

(most people cant do much it mostly relies on 1 or 2 people.)

The boxes you're hiding behind are being totally riddled with plasma and bullets. You could feel the heat generated on the other side slowly building up. Someone had to do something soon, otherwise they'd totally vapourise the box. You see the one remaining RPG off to your left. If you reach for it your hand will get shot to peices. You couldnt reach it anyway. What happened next totally shocked you. For no reason at all, one of your sqaud mates jumped right into the open and kicked the RPG to you. He was riddled with bullets and fell to the ground. The RPG span to a halt at your feet. Now the problem was getting a clear shot.

Fearfully you reach for the garage door. You turn the handle and push. It doesn't move. No matter how hard you try it wont open. Going back to your previous explorations of the base, you remember accidently falling down the garbage disposal and eventually coming out somewhere near the entrance. You'd hoped you you would never need to repeat that experiance. well...

You begin driving towards outpost 4. You miss seeing one bog and drivew right into it. You flip over the handle bars and hit your head on a rock in the mud. (unconcious)

You hand the CP the gun. "Now mabye you can tell me why the hell you were looking for me!" You say

"Now mabye you can tell me why the hell you were looking for me!" demanded Kent.

HeHe have fun :)
Mul's action

...too bad. He definitely didn't want to add falling down resistance garbage chute to his resume - twice. He still had a grenade around, somewhere, and judging by the materials the base was made of - it looked like half of it had been scavanged from a farm, and judging the current status of the resistance it probably had.

Ah, there it is. Now, let's see... pull the pin, toss the red flashy grenade thingy at the door, and... well, let's see...
Shauns actions

He decided that his best was to wait until the box was about to be destroyed and take a shot, timing was crucial, he could get one of the few teammates to spot for him. "now" he heard. he took the shot and didn't hang around, diving for the next useable box he felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder.
Ian felt his tense muscles relax as the man eyed the gun carefully, then handed it grudgingly back to him in a silent gesture of mutual trust. For a moment neither of them spoke; human and near-human stared silently at one another as each regarded the other carefully.
"Now maybe you can tell me why the hell you were looking for me!", demanded the man finally, still glaring suspiciously at his former captive.

Ian thought silently for a few moments before finally admitting, "If I am going to escape from this place, I will need one hell of a distraction, and to be frank, I will need help. That is where you come in." Ian paused, his eyes clouding as he recalled the man's file. "A convict awaiting termination and with Rebel sympathies seemed ideal."​
The man's eyes narrowed as he opened his mouth to utter a furious reply. Ian forestalled this by holding up a hand.
"Believe me, you are not merely my escape package, I plan to free every person possible in this facilty." Ian shivered suddenly, as dark memories rose unbidden to the surface of mind. "To leave them to the whim of the Combine would be...worse than death."​
now we waiting for monkey.

Another vote time!
When there is a conversation between 2 PC's (Player Characters) should we let them finish it or make them say 1 thing per round?
Let them finish it, the story needs to progress.
(sorry bout that i was caught up with school)
Kent slowly smiled gaining trust with the cp. "Sorry bout the whole trying to kill you thing" said Kent "Its good and all that you want to release the other prisiners but I thaught the combine screwed peoples brains over so they'd be The perfect soldiers... So why are you trying to escape?"

(man i sound like a retard)
Ian's eyes clouded over as dark images and forgotten atrocities began to cloud his brain. Dozens, hundreds of faces, all begging for mercy. Bloodstained hands, his hands...The sinister shape of stun stick rising and falling over a quivering body. Shaking his head clear of the dark tendrils that had crept unbidden to his mind, Ian replied coldly, "I'm pretty damn sure I never 'volunteered' to became the...abomination I am today."

Glancing down at his Civil Protection uniform, Ian felt a sudden loathing for the irretreivable piece of humanity that the Combine had forever stripped from him. Ian made a motion as if rip the blue horseshoe-like off of his uniform, but checked himself, and with a visible effort, continued.

"All I know is what I read on my CSV...The Combine selectively deleted parts of my memory. I remember things that could be bluntly reffered to as 'raw data': history, geography, most aspects of human culture, my language...Perhaps they thought my knowledge would prove useful. But my personal past is...gone." Ian turned away for a moment before continuing, "I was 'augmented' by the Combine in Nova Prospekt. Conditioned to the perfect killing machine: pliable, loyal, and without mercy..."

The man's eyes softened somewhat, and he regarded Ian with something a slightly less hostile expression.

"About a day ago, maybe more, the fog in my brain just...cleared. It was as if I could see clearly for the first time in years. Do you have any idea how terrifying it is to suddenly 'wake up' without knowing who you are?"

Turning away, Ian bent down to remove his erstwhile colleague's sidearm from his belt.

"Personal introductions aren't important now. If you trust me, then we had better get the hell out of here."
Wahoo, we're moving again!

Wolfy, over to you.
You duck around the corner, the grenade goes off with a defining bang! When you peak around you see the door is still there but has incaved on itself. You go to push it and it opens about a foot before jamming. You can see natural light in the garage.

You sqeeze through the gap and see a massive hole in the side of the garage. Obviously caused by the tank at the far end. The explains the explosion. You can see that nothing in here would have survived that. You run outside and start sprinting towards the front. When you get there you see two combine APC's, one upside down with dead Combine scattered around it. The other on its side with crushed Combine underneath it. There were 4 Soldiers and an elite using it as cover to keep a squad of rebels suppressed at the entrance. Then one of then lobbs a grenade over the barricade...

Your rocket struck home. you crushed the soldiers directly behind the APC as it flipped over, but the elite and four others survived. Luckly, the shot that hit you was a plain lead one not a plasma round, as you still had some movement in your arm.

You were about to make your next plan when with out warning a flashing object flew over your barricade. It hit the ground with an ominous *tink*. "Aaaaah, tinkle berries..." (sry couldnt use anything to much more forceful, we're on a public server :P)

evil sloth is still away (unconcious in the mud)

and lambada and monkey have to work togather to decide what they are gonna do, ie. make an action. then i can give you you next thing. right now your standing in a corridor that leads to a door the goes into "reception" and the exit. just as a hin.
Seeing as you have that fancy sargents card just remember the resricted options in the console menu.

Thats all from me. Have Fun!
tinkle berries indeed...

Shauns actions

"RUN" was the only thought that crossed his mind, so he did. Firing his SMG wildly behind hin, hoping to nail one of the b*stards. he took a dive to distance himself and then BANG.

P.S. i am near the base aren't i? for future reference
your right in the enterance. so i assume you ran further into the base?
The bitter actions of Mul

Damn it, assess the situation! he screamed at himself in his empty mind. Assess! Assess! ASSESS!

Ok, he thought, feeling unnatural calm desend. A apc here, surrounded by dead guards. An APC. an APC with weapons. Dead guards. Dead guards... with weapons.

He sprinted towards the APC as a resounding BOOM went off near the rebel's position. He could hear the sounds of the soldiers cheering a little, one of them doing a little jig of victory. Assumed? Or unassumed? He didn't know. They still had the knowlege left of how to dance in victory, the knowlege to celebrate victory. A violent rumble, a sudden hiss; the soldier fell, twitching to the ground. The other ones didn't move. Didn't so much as look at the dead one. They did their jobs, the way they were trained to.

Without so much as looking at their dead comrade.

He had reached the other APC by now. He needed to be cautious, although he didn't think that the Combine would flip over an APC and kill a whole bunch of men just for him. He wasn't *that* high on the bounty list. He peered inside.
"Hmmm tough life ay?" said Kent "Oh well. Dont worry weve all had tough lives thanks to the combine". "Hey waita sec... I picked this up from this guy just a few seconds ago. You'd know more about it then me".

(sorry tired)
Damn it, assess the situation! he screamed at himself in his empty mind. Assess! Assess! ASSESS!

Sounds like someone from the IRS going postal. :laugh:
Nice posts all around!

As the man offered his condolences, Ian smiled briefly, something he had almost forgotten to do in his years serving the Combine. For the most part, he had worn a face of perpetual boredom, punctuated by the cruel smiles he had bestowed on his victims...How many? 20? 30? 100? Ian did not know, and at this moment did not care to contemplate.

"That card is a Sergeant-Level acess slip. It will allow us to get into the Combine mainframe and help us plan our escape." Ian did not mention the primary reason he wanted to return to the database: to find more out about his past.

Turning away from the exit, Ian and his newfound comrade walked back towards the computer console, Ian wielding his 9mm pistol and the convict still carrying the SMG. They arrived after a short walk at the console once more, and Ian swiped the card through its slot, gaining access to almost all the files stored on the computer.

"This is a map of the facility," said Ian shortly, taking a plastic flimsy from the printing slot and handing it to the Austrailian. As the man moved to see the map in clearer light, Ian defly acessed the personal history console to read his file, only to be frustrated as the red light of a critical error blocked his path...
Darkwolf, Darkwolf, where are yoooouuuuu????