- Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

Who of us are Auzzie s and who has exams?
And where in Our good land do we live?
Just for reference
SORRY BOUT DELAYS! had a busy week not due to exams. i dont have them. and im in perth :D:D:D
/me zwings out a lightsabre and starts practising with it

I bags Game Master for next... mission... whatever!
/me starts lightsabre dual with Jintor

/me "On Guarde!"
I wish to enter a realistic character. ;) :D

Name: Barry Rogers

Race: White

Age: 52

Occupation (former/current): Database programmer for a shipping company, also helped clean the guck out of his friends mouse (this wasn't in his job description, but he took extra long coffee breaks to compensate for this).

Physical Description: About 5'11, kinda overweight, bald, needs glasses, getting slow 'on the turns'. Has a bad knee from tripping on the stairs one morning, and a bloody patch on his head from walking into a doorframe.

History: Went to highschool, B average student, became an engineer, worked in programming, once fired a BB gun. He frequently stole stationary from work and browsed non-work related programming forums during work hours. Rebel!

Abilities/Skills: MCSA, C++, COBOL, VB.NET, Access, SQL. Can throw a paperclip up to 3 metres and puncture a (thin) sheet of paper! Also has an immunity to high frequency noise, as he is partially deaf.

Motivations: Barry dislikes the attackers because they seek to kill him. His objectives are to avoid this, as well as attempting to inflict some damage on them "because I can"
awsome char, DarkWolf might be able to put you in edgeways, but it's his call.
We do have enough people tho. I think
/me stabs evilsloth while he's talking to Bliiink

/me turns to the dark side!
/me tries to stab Jintor while almost dead.

/me is still on the Jedi side of things
sry about loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong delay, been a very busy week for me even though i havnt had exams :P.

you might have to wait till tommorow as a have to go out now. SRY

ps. Why dont you just play jk3?

* Darkwolf gets out his 1337 Kotor 2 silver staff lightsabre

* Darkwolf executes master flurry and decapitates Jintor and evilsloth while they are fighting, he shifts 3 points to the darkside making him neutral.
/me returns form the dead. Using some kind of Dark Power.
/me Jintor RISES from the GRAVE as the GHOST of EXAR KUN.

I mean... uh... Revan. Yeah...
Jintor said:
* Jintor Jintor RISES from the GRAVE as the GHOST of EXAR KUN.

I mean... uh... Revan. Yeah...

who the hecks "Jintor Jintor"?
*Darkwolf becomes one with the force and becomes an angry puppy (see avatar) The proceeds to wipe Revens mind... again

EDIT: And Drops an N2 mine on the Valley of the Sith Lords
Not bad, pretty easy in some cases
Anyhoo...Lets get back to buisness!
/me waits for Darkwolf impatiently while humming 'Imperial March'

Duh duh duh DUHDUHDUH
Duh duh duh DUHDUHDUH
Duh duh duh duh-duh duh duh duh-duhhhh...
Oh great, now it's a Star Wars RPG instead...

/me plays with his lightsabre while contineuing to hum imperial march
*D.L gets very impatient and starts to swear abusivley until eventually he is put into stasis for 20 years when he comes out the rpg hasn't progressed at all.
get the point?
The combine have lightsabres, i swear in that level {SNIP}

I offer to put my character in stasis and temporarily take over as game master (in a completely tyrannical and non-democratic way)
Ask Wolfy, but i don't think anyone / he would mind.
ok im about to go to band but as soon as i get home u have a promised update.

reason for no posts = busy week, then internet crash

ok here we go

The Elite staggers backwards, stunned from being hit so hard, the human didnt have any weapons so... It prepear to lunge at you with the sword until it realises it dropped it in shock. You both look at it, and dive for it.

Soon the bullsquid starts getting tired but the combine camp is in view. You get off and start stealthly approaching the base. When you get to the front gate you see that it is just a forcefeild to stop vehicles but there is a gap in the side that people could just walk through. You look in and see a horrific sight. In the middle of the camp is a whole pile of bullsquid and cp corpses, with a blue laser roaming over them. Looking harder you see a clearing in the corpses, with the crystal.

You wake to the sounds of a gattling gun. Abruptly it stops and you run to the, now potholed, cave enterance. On a nearby hill you s see Mul hit an elite over the head with a headcrab, "he aint gonna survive, i better help him you think." looking around you see an assortment of pulse and sniper rifles. In th emud at your feet is a shock core.

You are discussing plans when two CP's walk in, back from patrol. They stop dead, shocked to see you there.
Stefan walks forward, keeping close to the ground. Rememebring the stories about Combine Snipers he tries to look for the orgin of the laser.

(Wolfy where is it?)
Shauns actions

He grabs the first sniper rifle he could lay his hands on, lines up a shot and fires. The elite was still standing, no ammo, he didn't want to take his chances with the other guns, Mul wasn't going to last that long. He put the rifle in one hand and shouted to Mul
He launched the rifle at Mul. He didn't check to see if Mul had caught it, because that was the diversion. He ran full pelt towards the rear of the elite and tackled it to the ground in a style Martin Johnson would be proud of.
(Awsome post D.L / Shaun)

Looking around Stefan sees the watchtower, a blue light streaming out from the rifle. Only Human... Only Human... Stefan thought as his musles tensed.

The laser turned scanning the whole base.

Stefan ran and the Bullisquids ran behind him. Tripping over the Bodies of CPs and that of the remains of the Xenains. Stefan reached for the crystal hand out streched. His hand grabbed onto the Blood Slick rock.

Stefan's Heart skipped sevral beats. He hoped to any Gods that he still belived in that the Sniper wouldn't see him.
Suddenly there was an explosion of sound and movement as the Elite suddenly was flung forwards, right next to Mul as an unknown rebel came rocketing out of cover. 'CATCH!' was suddenly out in the air as a large metal object came flying towards him.

Mul reached out and caught it in one smooth balletic movement, slightly offput by the fact that the headcrab had also chosen this movement to leap at a large heavy balistic metal object. Whacking away the headcrab, he set the barrel to his shoulder, his fingers found the trigger, and down the iron sights was two people, in mortal combat....
Where Is Lambada And Monkey???? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellloooooooooooooooooo?????
taking a while.

Does anyone who is not playing read this??
Here, don't worry...
Trying to contact Iamthemonkey, but he doesn't seem to respond...
we are waiting for monkey, if he doesnt respond within 1 day you can take control of his character Lambada.