- Afterwards - A Half-Life RPG: Sign-Ups

yeah it's okay I've been rushing with post sorry.
John's Actions
*cough* "I only have what is in my holster." John still didn't dare move his hand to his gun. "What outpost are you talking about?" John started to get up... slowly...
Yay, some conversation! (just give us a few exchanges of words, eh Jintor?)

Stefan's Actions
The young man looked towards the handgun in the holster, then back to the man's eyes. He gave him a hand up, supporting the weight (sp?) onto his arm.
"Just don't f**k around with me... My name is Stefan by the way." He extended his hand out to the man in the CP uniform.
"Let's meet the rest of the gang, eh?" A small smile swept over his face as he waved back to Shaun and Mul, but frowned when he saw the stranger.

Man there's a lot of dialog here.
John's Actions
John hesitated a moment then grabbed Stefan's hand and pulled himself up. "Thanks, I'm John and what are those guy's story." John studied the three in the distance.
*was that sarsacm?*
Stefan's Dialog
"I'll just leave them to explain, one of them's blind, he survived a headcrab attack so don't go making blind jokes ok?"

*sorry Jintor, a bit rushed,it's Father's Day (as you should know) so i'm going out soon. I think we've finished out Convo*
I'd love to know how you guys knew each other way before Darkwolf or I introduced you guys (In game, that is).

Try and work it into some of your posts, eh?

Anyways, on with the show!

Konstantin (Boogymanx)

The stranger - Stefan, this Shaun guy had called him - looked at Konstantin with a puzzled face. He had apparently stopped pummelling the CP, who was no longer on the ground, and in fact standing up staring in at him. He looked... familiar, somewhat...

Stefan (Evilsloth)

The stranger stared at Stefan. Stefan tried to keep him and the new guy - John, he though, remember the name - within his vision at once. Dammit, with a party this size they were sure to attract attention. How could they move across the terrain with a party this size? He glanced around, the rays of the sun catching his eyes on a large building a couple of hills away, a road leading up the hill - into a garage.

Ian (I think)

Name: Unknown calls himself Uno
Occupation (former/current):none
Physical Description:Tall strong build good senses ok speed prone to headaches and anger fits
History:mutated and genespliced by combine part human part xen creatures part who knows what
Abilities/Skills:good tracker oversensitive hearing some lesser xen abilities when needed can move faster than a snipers bullet but gets tired very very very quickly if using this abilitiy
Motivations: wants to find the things that did this to him and overcome his anger thinks G-Man was involved in experiments e.g. ordered for tests to happen
well what do you think

please tell me what you think if you read this
Among other things:

You're a n00b. There's no guarantee you'll stay for the duration. You have a slightly un-realistic character, and your grammar and sentance structure is poor.

Try again maybe later?
Hey I can post every afternoon and I didn't find any mistakes in that plus I've read all the pages I know the rules the main reason I joined was to play this thing I've been thinking him up for ages and I've balanced him out if I said "He can use every xen ability and has the power to kill the G-Man" that would be unrealistic
So There
Name:Eugene Derik
Occupation (former/current): Was Working at a computer store and used to paintball alot with his friends...
Physical Description:History: Slim,Tall,Teen
Abilities/Skills:Has a knowlade of smuggling, and hand to hand combat...
For those who wish to join you probally need to wait for Jintor to get tired of waiting for someone and put them into stasis (or kill them off what ever Jintor wants).
TwIsTeD said:

I wouldn't say that if you wanted to be mature.
Faster than sniper bullets, "tired very very very quickly if using this abilitiy"
Very Very Very, Three times, eh?
Come on, a guy who thinks he was changed by the G-Man, could be changed by the Combine, but by G-Man, wha?
Just wait a while till Jintor (/the rest of us) has seen what you post, how much etc.

Also welcome to the Forums, read a Fan-Fic or few, Try and beat CptStern at politics, reason with The Dark Elf's art awsomeness or have fun in General Chat. Learn how this wierd and wonderfull place works, who the big guns are...
And btw, you're missing a couple dozen bits of essential punctuation.

TwIsTeD that is.

I would like to make it known that from now on I am not accepting posts from n00bs where this is their first post, or 5th post, or in fact have a postcount below 100 and/or still speak like 'hey look look my first character OMG rofl hax look ma no fullstops or commas'.

Yeah. Ignore punctuation, and grammar, at your own risk.
Anyway, back to the game

I'd love to know how you guys knew each other way before Darkwolf or I introduced you guys (In game, that is).

Try and work it into some of your posts, eh?

Anyways, on with the show!

Konstantin (Boogymanx)

The stranger - Stefan, this Shaun guy had called him - looked at Konstantin with a puzzled face. He had apparently stopped pummelling the CP, who was no longer on the ground, and in fact standing up staring in at him. He looked... familiar, somewhat...

Stefan (Evilsloth)

The stranger stared at Stefan. Stefan tried to keep him and the new guy - John, he though, remember the name - within his vision at once. Dammit, with a party this size they were sure to attract attention. How could they move across the terrain with a party this size? He glanced around, the rays of the sun catching his eyes on a large building a couple of hills away, a road leading up the hill - into a garage.

Kent (Iamt3hmonkey)

Ian hunches over the keyboard, typing madly. 'I can get out everybody in the cells, mate, but i'm not sure we should - not everyone here is a resistance member.' He glaves at you, grim-faced. 'Remember. Not everyone was forced to join the combine. Humanity isn't being kind - it's being brutal. But i still think we ought to find out who to free.'

He taps a couple of keys, and this menu comes up:

>Check zones

Scanning complete.
Zones 1, 2, 3 <Prison sector 1> <Prison sector 2> <Prison sector 3>

>Info zones 1, 2, 3
Zone 1: Rebel dissidents - Zone 2: Armed and Dangereous - Zone 3: Combine Killers

Shaun (D.L)

By the gods, the stench - and the mess! - here was completely disgusting. Stefan is standing over the new guy - the Combine Suited dude.... Mul's next to you, Konstantin staring at the new guy. You wonder if you should start wandering out on your own, as a group this side would surely attract Combine attention. How the heck is this helping to get home?

Suddenly, something in the wind catches your nose. You sniff, and note for a second. Where have you smelt that before? A creature... but which creature?

Jeromy (Darkwolf)

The man in front of you smiles, a big, wide smile. 'I just said, mate. Peter Gaughan. This is Cork City, rebel outpost delta - 224. Everything's made of metal because, my friend, Every-Thing's Made of metal. It just is. Accept it, mate - it's the most common resource around here. And you, my friend, are coming with me - debriefing, you know. To survive out here, we need every bit of skill we have.' He motions at the door. 'Let's go.'

John (Calscholar)

Woah, crap. Those 3 guys were - uh, well - 2 guys were just, really, 2 guys. Admittedly one was stumbling around like he was blind - according to, uh, Stefan, he was blind - so, there left the other guy.


Bloody - Konstantin - Vladilenov.

The day just keeps coining surprises, eh?
So i'm not good enough for bold?

Shaun's actions

He briefly scanned the area looking for the source of the stench, but nothing was in his vision. "Look this group is too big, we need to split up, unless we can get some transport". "bullsquid!" he thought "of course". "Can anyone see the bullsquid?
okay okay and i meant g-men for government men sorry i'll get my count up see ya
p.s try my rpg i'm good i have practised for ages but i just start and play i need gm
k bye bye
"Not everyone was forced to join the combine. Humanity isn't being kind - it's being brutal. But i still think we ought to find out who to free" Kent looked down at the screen then back to Ian. "Personaly i think we should release zone one first, then make our way to an armory to gather weapons". "From there we can come back here and release zone two and three". "Even if there are traitors to the human race here it still means less humans for the Combine Trans-human forces."

OOC: Sorry about the shittiness. Half studying for exams. and for future reference its Iamthemonkey (No three).
John's Actions
John looked around wondering his/their next move he looked around for a hideout, transportation, food, or weapons, anything to help them.
Stefan's Actions
Stefan turned to Shaun, then searched through his pockets for the Xen Crystal, slowly holding in out in frount of himself, turning it in his hands.

"I was thinking, have you ridden a Bull Squid before? It's tough stuff. From the surveys i've been doing the past weeks we know that there are only about five bullsquids per about 50km^2 (squared), one pack in each section." The bioligest (sp?, too tired) pointed to the garage. "Does anyone know how to drive any Combine vehicles? Cause we could move most of us, expect for the few riding the bulls..."
Jeromy steps through the door and Peter follows, "So... what is there to debreif exactly???" Staring questioningly at the rebel, "I've been in that combine prison for awhile now and I dont remember much before that."
Konstantin's Actions
Konstantin blinked a couple of times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. That face is familiar! "Isn't that John Basilone, a friend of my father?" Konstantin remembered how many times he heard the story about how they met during an exchange project. "Man, he looks different!"
Ok, that's everyone.

Hmm, I'm going to try a new format for this round, possibly only. Tell me if you like it.

>>Story Start:

Shaun looked around. He could see the surrounding area for miles in every direction - but so, too, could anybody in the surroundings see him. Especially when he was in such a large party as this. What's worse... he could smell bullsquid. Not a good smell, not a good taste, and they give you acid burns. Not ideal pets.

He snapped back to reality. "Uh... what the heck is that?" he asked, pointing at the Xen Crystal in Stefan's hands. "Looks... pretty damn alien. I saw that in a bullsquid's stomach, once."
"You mean... you actually dissected one?" asks Stefan. "Woah! That's awesome! What did it look like?"

John cut in. "Looks like that garage over there has transportation, at least. I think we could probably hotwire something, or at least make some" - he glanced at the crystal - "bullsquid carts." He shuddered a little.

"Hey, wait one minute" came a heavily accented voice, as Konstantin rose to his feet. "Aren't you... uh... John... Baslione? Uh... Moscow, 2003? ... I think... you might have met my father? Alexander Vladilenov?"

"What the ****'s going on?"

"Oh, yeah, Mul. Sorry, we sorta forgot about you in the confusion"

"What the hell am i doing on the floor? What the heck is this? Pig vomit?"


"Whatever you say, boss." Ian grinned, and punched a few keys. Immediantly, the shadowy, echoing voice bounced around the base. Zone 1, door: Release...

"Where are the prison cells, anyway?" asked Kent, levelling his gun at the nearest door. "This one? Or do you want to go to the armoury first?"

Ian tapped a few more keys, - Warning: All security doors - release - prison cell doors extempt - and looked up again, grabbing his SMG off the counter. "I think the armoury. We can pick up some weapons for the other guys. Uh... it's through that door, the one you're pointing at."
Yes that is ****ing awsome!! makes it feel so... real
could you also do (only when it's not much to do) a: "Stefan" and do some personal notes.
this is good. But how do we reply to this?
He writes what we RP'd earlier, and we reply to that. I think.
maybe just Jintor could just do some person perspecif notes, but i think we could just decide the action from that i'll take a crack at it.
EDIT: Just so i don't double Post.

Stefan's Actions

At Mul's comment Stefan was snapped out of his dreamy fixation with the orangey crystal.
"You ok Mul? Sorry to forget about you." He helped Mul up when his stomach started to grumble and collasped into Konstantin's pool of vomit. He slowly began to get up, crusing the whole way to his feet.
"Sweet Jesus, i'm hungry. Before we go anywhere i need some food, can't be going Combine hunting on an empty stomach, eh? There could be some food in the Garage, and we'll be out of any of those Trans-Hamies view."

*Note: I loved Mul's pig vomit comment, also this should work well, we might just have to inturpret what you mean in your writing. It'll be easier when we have a smaller group.*
Shauns actions

"where the hell is that damned bullsquid?" he thought. Not caring about anything else that was going on. A sharp squeal cut through the group. "Sh!t it's here!" Shaun shouted, diving for cover taking Mul with him.
Johns Actions
John turned to the voice, "Moscow...Alex...Wait you're Alex's son. No that can't be he never had a son...did he?" John stared at the boy in front of him. "He never told me about you."
Konstantin's actions
"Yeah, I'm his son. I'm not surprised he didn't tell you about me though, I'm not exactly the pride of our family. Nice to meet you."
Stefan's More Speech
"Seeing that we're introducing ourselves. I'm Stefan. Glad to meet you, all that stuff. But we've got to keep moving, plus i'm hungry!" Stefan began to get visibly moved to a bit of anger.
Shauns speech

"didn't you guys hear that goddamn bullsquid?" he said rising from the undergrowth. "it can't be in my head. Can it?" he thought.
Shauns speech

"It's a big hulking ulgy b*stard, you dont wanna get in ones way and i'm sure i heard one"
Stefan's Actions
"ok, guys just keep quiet,they'll folow me and the crystal, remember? I'll walk into the forest over there and see if they come out." Stefan slowly walked out calmly blocking out the others voices he had to do this.
His cold blue hands trembling by his side. He slowly reached into his pocket and withdrew the crystal. Breathing slowly he turned and waved goodbye to the others before sprinting out of their vision.

He was alone.

The way he liked it.

****please note this action was to removed me from the group as I i'm going hiking around the area near the base of the Blue Mountains, and will not be able to post.** Good luck boys, enjoy **
Righto. I'm going to update when i get home - i don't have time right now. Middle of class, you know?
BAHAHA - Go pritave schooling (in melbourne) , 3 weeks of holidays!