Age of Conan Impressions!

It's a small 80gb hd.
Before my new computer a few months ago I was using my laptop with an external hard drive plugged in with 180GB combined space - it was unbearable I don't know how you get by with 80GB.
Too bad I'm without cards of any kind. :p
Also, I don't even download porn.

Mostly all blue prints and games that I regularly play.
It's a small 80gb hd.

I have a 120G HD ..the beta was oaround 57G ..I had to make room ..not that big a deal

and you can buy a credit card that has a set amount ..kinda like a gift card ..ask your bank
Well, tbh, I haven't even been gaming much lately.
I have quick half-hour sessions of CoD4 and TF2, that's it really.

I've got a debit card right now, but I'm not wasting my credit on things I don't actually need.
then what are you complaining about since you wouldnt buy the game anyways?

your pc runs cod4? if so you shouldnt have a problem with AoC
then what are you complaining about since you wouldnt buy the game anyways?

your pc runs cod4? if so you shouldnt have a problem with AoC

I didn't really want my little comment to escalate an entire conversation. :p
Just hoped it would generate one response and that would be it.

I would seriously buy this in a heart beat if I had the time and money to do so, though.
It looks very fun.
I didn't really want my little comment to escalate an entire conversation. :p
Just hoped it would generate one response and that would be it.

you dont know me very well do you? ;)

one comment

edit: after rereading my posts, I kinda come across as an ass ..not my intention ..I just wants people to like AoC :)

I would seriously buy this in a heart beat if I had the time and money to do so, though.
It looks very fun.

it is fun, now go get a better paying job/prostitute yourself for money and make it happen
I don't understand the fuzz over what OmegaX said. He didn't say he would pirate the
game, he said he just wouldn't play on official servers. As long as he pays for the game
in a store, he pays them enough to cover the costs of creating the game, if he does not
play on official servers he is not burdening them, so I see no problem with him playing on
private servers.

If anything if it turns out to run almost as well as on official servers
it would expose overpricing by the devs and force them to set a fairer monthly fee,
for the customers which chose to go with them.
I don't understand the fuzz over what OmegaX said. He didn't say he would pirate the
game, he said he just wouldn't play on official servers. As long as he pays for the game
in a store, he pays them enough to cover the costs of creating the game, if he does not
play on official servers he is not burdening them, so I see no problem with him playing on
private servers.

If anything if it turns out to run almost as well as on official servers
it would expose overpricing by the devs and force them to set a fairer monthly fee,
for the customers which chose to go with them.

why would you think he would start paying for games with AoC?

OmegaX said:
Well the truth is I don't pay for hardly any PC games. MMO's especially.
I have no idea, why I thought it. Probably because I didn't bother to read before I posted. But we'll never know.
I'm just being honest. I have a feeling I'm not the first to pirate games here, and If I had a lot of money to spend... I would be buying these types of games. Hell, If AoC didn't have the monthly fees I would have already bought it.
I'm just being honest. I have a feeling I'm not the first to pirate games here, and If I had a lot of money to spend... I would be buying these types of games. Hell, If AoC didn't have the monthly fees I would have already bought it.

just pirate a gaming card ..that should give you 2 months worth of game time

I have no idea, why I thought it. Probably because I didn't bother to read before I posted. But we'll never know.

I lol'ed, my coworker asked what was funny and I made up some half assed lie about missing files
I've got my PoM to level 18 now. I'm having fun, but damn does the interface need work. My complaints:

-Why is there no simple "add friend" button on the friends list?
-The guild list should have a separate window from the friends list.
-Why will the quest log not tell you what's finished?
-No shift+click like wow to find out what class and level is talking.
-No way to mouse over and see which class a person is playing.
-Changing chat channels is a pain in the ass.
-It just feels clunky.

But I digress. I'm having a great time.
I actually like most of the interface because you don't have to manage windows and drag them around for the most part.

There should be an add friend button, I'm sure they'll add it sometime. Also agreed on the guild list.

In the quest screen there is a "completed" tab that shows all your completed quests. You can right click on someone's name and click player information to see what class they are, a bit clunky but it works. Agreed at changing channels needs work.

Started playing again, got the barbarian up to 17 before I got dc'd from the server and stopped playing. Should catch up to your 27 sternn in not too long :p

edit: up to 20 and out of tortage
I'm level 20 and out of tortage as well. I'm on Tyranny though, which most of you aren't I think, heh.
Any improvements made once you leave Tortage yet? I played the game (somewhat) extensively in beta/launch and couldn't be arsed to log in much after I finished level 20 because the rest of the game seemed like unpolished bullocks next time the introductory zone.
pfft, yeah right. It takes awhile lol. Besides I'm gonna be gone for a few weeks so you'll have plenty of time to catch up lol.

I was trying to do the cistern and main system quests yesterday with a group but they have some serious issues. First of all there's only like 2 instances so it's extremely crowded. Secondly all the bosses you have to kill in there have extremely long respawn timers... I finally gave up on one after we waited for like 40 minutes for one to spawn. And lastly there's a ton of lvl 70+ people who like to hang out in there for no apparent reason which makes it even more difficult to get your quests done. Hopefully by the time I try to do it next they'll have patched it to fix some of these problems.
I'll catch up eventually ..probably just in time for all the content to be put in for higher lvls

also has anyone tried the apprentice feature in AoC? it allows higher lvl players to group with lower level players by temporaily bumping the lower lvl players stats to within 1 lvl of the higher level player .....would make grouping far more interesting as I can do some of the later quests without having to reach the lvl first
yeah, I've done apprenticing a lot in groups to make it a bit easier to do the dungeons. It doesn't give you more health or skills or anything but it calculates all the damage and defense ratings as if you were that level so you don't get owned as much
yeah, I've done apprenticing a lot in groups to make it a bit easier to do the dungeons. It doesn't give you more health or skills or anything but it calculates all the damage and defense ratings as if you were that level so you don't get owned as much

that's good to know ..perhaps you can give me a tour of the higher content stuff when you get back from your vacation/time at rehab ;)
Just installed it today and hit lvl 9. Really love the combat athough the controls feel a bit clunky at times, and you the GUI could do with some patch work, not to mention I encountered a bug once where it wouldnt let me switch my weapons.

But yeh, great game, having a lot of fun at the moment. Have to run it on low mind to get a decent FPS but still looks great.
yay for new patch today, too bad I can't play for awhile :(

I want the horse even more now D:
They got a massive update posted in the newsletter. Let me find it


Did you know that the majority of Age of Conan players is playing on servers flagged for player vs. player activities? We do, and this month we are about to introduce a slew of drastic improvements that will breathe new life into this important gameplay feature!

Following the launch of Age of Conan we sat down immediately and started fleshing out some ideas for what we wanted to do with the PvP (player vs. player) features in the game, and now we are ready to reveal it to you. All of these changes, additions and improvements are expected to hit within the end of June or very early July.

Here are some of the exciting things you will see pop into the game any day now.

PvP consequences ? the fugitive system

No longer will evil misdeeds go unpunished. Of course, Hyboria is ruthless and barbaric so don?t expect anyone to deal out justice just because someone smacks you about with a very heavy axe, but some justice is actually now being introduced to the world.

This is where the fugitive system comes in, presented in a set of colors defining your fugitive status ? from blue to orange and eventually the deadly red.

Everyone is by default classified as ?blue?, but your actions as a player killer will affect your fugitive rating. If you kill someone way under your level, you will notice that you will very quickly move to red. So will actions such as killing someone repeatedly, or other general unfairness. The more serious the crime, the quicker you rise in fugitive.

Obtaining red status will be quite painful to you. This means that other players can kill you without rising in fugitive level, and if they manage to kill you while you have red fugitive you will actually drop one of your better items and gold that they can loot!

Of course, turning red will be a double-edged sword. Sure, it will get you a lot of attention and many will probably see you as a danger to be avoided. But at the same time, people will hunt you down for your items and your gold so be very, very careful!

PvP levels, ranks and PvP gear enabled

Now it is very important that we underline the fact that the fugitive system is not meant to punish player killing. It is only meant to punish unfair player-killing. Player killing in general is a central part of Age of Conan, so we also want to reward you for it!

That?s why we are now activating PvP levels. Soon you will be able to gain PvP levels by simply engaging in such activities, and there will be 10 such PvP levels in total.

However, that?s not all. Once you have reached the 10th PvP level you will be able to earn special PvP ranks beyond that. These are very hard to acquire, and you will lose ranks if you get defeated so it?s a constant battle to keep you rank up. And you will want to both gain PvP levels and keep your PvP rank up, as this will give you very exclusive benefits.

That?s because we will be introducing PvP specific gear in this update. You will be able to seek out a special vendor that sells this gear, and if you can afford it and you have the required PvP level (or PvP rank for some higher level items), then you can buy it!

PvP gear will come in all shapes and sizes. Some will be class and race specific, while some will be usable by everyone. Below you can take a look at some of the gear that we have available in our internal builds right now. Of course, a lot more will be available!

General fixes and improvements to PvP

Of course, improving PvP in Age of Conan is not only about introducing such high-profile features and content. It?s also about making various small changes, fixes, improvements and additions needed to make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

We will be doing various fine-tuning, and the patch notes for this update will of course contain the specifics. But let?s take a look at some of the changes that we are making.

First off, we are introducing a dueling functionality. This allows players to duel each other, both on PvP and PvE servers, without any serious repercussions. It also allows players on PvE servers to engage in PvP without having to go into the PvP mini-games, allowing them to test their grit (or solve an argument) against each other directly!

We are also doing major changes to the way damage is handled in PvP (without going into any more specific details right now), and we are also making it so that you can not attack members of your own guild (now you can duel instead, of course).

Other changes you will observe are for instance improvements to the ?charge? ability that all soldier classes have. If you charge someone you will stun them, making it much more useful. Casters will also see major improvements, so keep your eyes out for more news!

PvP evolved – To the Death

The great combat system in Age of Conan has taken MMO fighting to a new level of fun, and Player versus Player combat plays a major part in this. As a result, a massive new PvP update is planned for late June. Aptly called To the death, this update brings more consequence and rewards to PvP, and an important part of it is the Fugitive system. The more lower level players you kill, the easier it is for others to hunt you down. In addition, ten PvP levels with additional ranks will be introduced, as well as specific gear and weapons for PvP.

Guild Alliance Warfare

Preproduction has started on a MASSIVE free update which will come later this year. Currently titled "Kingship!”, large clusters of guilds will be able to form alliances, and rule and conquer on a massive scale. Everyone in a guild alliance will play a part in this system, and together they can even erect unique looking alliance Battlekeeps. The alliances can also fight over, and build, culture-specific "wonders of the world”, with a direct link to higher powers! As part of the system Funcom will also facilitate larger amounts of players in massive battles.


This fall, a unique reward and character evolution system called Powerpoints will be introduced. This rewards active in-game behavior, and allows for gathering points through numerous methods, including owning a Battlekeep, playing the end-game at level 80, winning PvP matches, or simply being an active guild member or subscribing to the game. There will be many ways to obtain Powerpoints, and numerous rewards, ranging from exclusive Powerfeats to weapons, armor and potions. Powerpoints may even allow you to level faster!

New areas and dungeons

You won’t need to wait for an expansion pack to explore exciting new areas. In the next period, Funcom will include several new areas, as well as evolving already existing areas. This includes a brand new dungeon in Aquilonia, reshaping three dungeons in Stygia, and an entire mountain range in Cimmeria!

Improved player-made villages and Battlekeep systems

While the guild alliance system brings a whole new level to the game, Funcom will continue to expand the existing player-made areas and the systems running them. A focus on evolving the massive elements of the game even further continues, ranging from placing NPC’s in the cities to more choices and benefits.

Social updates

An MMO is nothing without a good social scene. While Conan is all about crushing your enemies, social enhancements are also getting some love. A fun example is the combo-based dancing system which is now coming to the game, and it’s entirely motion captured by professional dance artists.

More adventures

Age of Conan has received tremendous praise for immersion and the great voice-over quests. This is but the start of the adventure, and numerous new quests are coming into the game, spread across the entire world and across the level ranges. Soon 60 additional quests will also get full voice acting, further improving immersion.

Embracing community feedback Since launch several enhancements and fixes have been implemented to Age of Conan, and Funcom has continuously staffed up the service departments to improve customer satisfaction. This has already resulted in a better game experience, but the work will continue. At the heart of all of this stands the Age of Conan community. A lot of the upcoming improvements to the game will be based directly on community feedback, and the wishes and concerns players have when it comes to the future of the game will always be taken into account.
I hope you don't get up to orange and red status for simply fighting people that are ~your level or higher every so often. I don't like the idea of having my money and items at risk because I kill a few people in fair fights.
I hope you don't get up to orange and red status for simply fighting people that are ~your level or higher every so often. I don't like the idea of having my money and items at risk because I kill a few people in fair fights.

it'll probably be a few lvls either way..they cant give too much leeway as 5 lvls can make a huge difference in terms of abilities, stats, gear
yeah, the only time +- 5 levels matters is when you're < 25 or so.

The changes sound awesome though
Also need to make it that, if you are attacked first even by a much lower level you can fight back without punishment.

And they need to make it so attacking a just re-spawned character is not a good idea. Or one maybe in the middle of a fight.
I'm officially cancelling my account. After reading this bullshit, I'm done with AoC:

Funcom said:
Introducing Powerpoints
Posted: - 13.06.2008

In an effort to reward those investing time and effort into Age of Conan, thus allowing Funcom to put even more resources into adding and improving upon the game, we are now introducing a points system that will give you tons of exclusive benefits!

These are exciting times in the world of Hyboria, and adventurers are in high demand to fend off the forces of doom and evil that is invading the lands. In an effort to attract a steadier stream of heroes willing to lay down their lives, Conan is handing out points to anyone who can prove their commitment to surviving in the brutal world of Hyboria!

Okay, so that’s the in-character version of it. Funcom is now introducing the concept of Powerpoints. These can be spent on various different exclusive benefits, services and items! Powerpoints are generated over time in various different ways, as detailed later.

Let’s first take a look at what these Powerpoints can get you:

* You can buy Powerfeats – exclusive feats that can buff your character and provide you with new and very powerful spells and abilities!
* You can take gathered pearls and turn them into Powerpearls. These can be put into weapons and armor to make them even more powerful!
* You can obtain special offers that we will put into the game regularly, but only if you have enough Powerpoints! This can be anything from mounts to spells!
* You can convert Powerpoints into so-called rested experience, effectively allowing you to level up faster than you would otherwise!
* You can purchase exclusive weapons, armor, potions, recipes, ingredients, and other times using a mix of ordinary gold and Powerpoints.

The good thing is that Powerpoints are retroactively applied to new characters. So points you have generated will also befall new characters you make, making it easier to level up and play with new characters. This is simply to improve replayability for you.

So how can you acquire Powerpoints? Here are some of the ways:

Having an active subscription

You will earn one Powerpoint each week for all characters on your account as long as you have an active subscription. You do not have to actually log in and play the game; we will simply reward you for your aid in allowing Funcom to improve Age of Conan.

Having many guild members

Once your guild reaches a high number of members, you will start seeing the benefits. If one hundred unique members log into the guild at least once every week, all members in that guild will be granted one Powerpoint that week. So make sure your guild grows!

By owning a battlekeep

If your guild is lucky enough to own a battlekeep, every member in your guild will receive one Powerpoint every week you have that battlekeep. Of course, holding on to such a keep will prove to be a formidable task, so be sure to protect your property!

Post-level 80 reward system

Okay, so you have reached level 80 and there are no more experience levels to reach. But with the Powerpoint system you will now earn one point each time you were supposed to reach a new level, effectively rewarding you for continuing to develop your character!

By winning PvP mini-games

After having reached level 40, you will get one Powerpoint for every 40th mini-game you win. This is basically a way for us to reward you if you put a lot of effort into partaking in mini-games with other players and, of course, making sure you win as well!

Please keep in mind that these details might change over time as the game grows. We might also choose to include new ways of earning Powerpoints later.

Please note that you can start earning Powerpoints once your free month of play is up, but the actual benefits will not be available in the game until later this year. However, we encourage you to start saving up Powerpoints as soon as possible! When we do launch this service later, you will be at a serious advantage if you have points to spend!

You will start accumulating points once your free month is up, but please note that we have not implemented a tracker in the interface yet. This will appear at the end of June.

Think what you will of it. I have, and I'm not spending a cent more on this game.
Wait, so if you join a zerg type guild, you get free PP?

And being able to purchase rested xp is weird as hell.
Haha thats so flawed, everyone will be joining random guilds with loads of members and a battlekeep just to get rewards. They havent really thought about this.
Hahahaha, I got about this far:

Conan is handing out points...

Okay, so that’s the in-character version of it.
This was problably already asked, but does age of conan bring any kind of friend/guest key? And if so, could anyone be so kind as to give me one?
They aren't released yet. There are over 500k keys from Collector's editions alone and they don't want the servers to asplode.
yes and no ...yes they have buddy keys but no you cant have one because they havent opened up the servers to trials as paying populations are already straining servers ..another month or so
Quick question, I started again as Gaurdian and I want to start using polearms, I picked one up around level 5 but it was greyed out, requirement said that I couldnt use it. Anyone know where I can learn to use polearms?
you cant can either use a pole arm from the beginning or you cant ..I think the conqueror and Dark templer can