Ages ? Seems to be a big Q


Sep 2, 2004
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How old is everybody? On every post seems to be some questions about ages! I'm 17, 18 in december.
92 in november

i stormed the beaches of normandy for you kids!
18, slap bang in the middle of the average internet message board user demographic.
Thats because you eat tofu WhiteBoy :p

You will go through a phase of feeling like that. A lot of people feel they are getting old, and they also curiously think about death. Or rather, specifically avoid thinking about death but they can't help worrying about it and thought of non existence.
Farrowlesparrow said:
You will go through a phase of feeling like that. A lot of people feel they are getting old, and they also curiously think about death. Or rather, specifically avoid thinking about death but they can't help worrying about it and thought of non existence.

Isn't that mid-life crisis? I don't think you're supposed to get them when you're 16. ;)
19, 20 In Jan. Having mid-life crisis early knowing that in 11 years (10 soon) I will be 30...
KagePrototype said:
Isn't that mid-life crisis? I don't think you're supposed to get them when you're 16. ;)

No a mid life crisis is where you ponder over what you have done in your life. You regret not doing things when you were younger, and think that you can only get worse. You then go out and buy a new open top car, bleach your hair and do something else crazy. Or so I'm told...

The so called "baby boomers" are now reaching what was middle age, but a lot of them simply arent having a mid life crisis, as they don't see themselves as old or middle aged. In fact, they don't see them selves as anything with regards to young, old or that point in the middle nobody talks about.
23. Officially the 'old bastard' of this thread :(
Farrowlesparrow said:
Thats because you eat tofu WhiteBoy :p

You will go through a phase of feeling like that. A lot of people feel they are getting old, and they also curiously think about death. Or rather, specifically avoid thinking about death but they can't help worrying about it and thought of non existence.
I actually am in the middle of a that phase. About 6 or 7 months ago, I just got all mopy, thinking I was just wasting my life, so I decided to take control of my life, and not slack. One of the things I wanted to improve upon was how others, in every way possible, view me. If you could imagine it, my manner of typing used to be damn close to as bad as it could be, but I cleaned it all up.. Well I don't want to take this to far off topic, so.. :)
There are I believe a few people over the age of 35.

Badger, is that really the kind of thing you should be saying on this forum? Not because you are "staff", but because of the nature of this forum.
I don't advise anyone else to break the law :) it's there to help you.

I just happen to be 17 :) it's actually legal in my own home so ner :)

But yeah, underage drinking can ruin your life if done irresponsibly ;(

So don't do it.
17 and I too drink.

I blame that for my failure in life.

Oh wait... that would be the forums.. wouldnt it.... :LOL:
Yes, let us all blame the forums.

(By posting on them ;))

I drink, but I am 18 :p Although I did drink long before that, just not anywhere illegal. Its legal anywhere, except pubs and clubs. Unless you live in an area with old bi-laws.
18 .. but im still a child! I LOVE SAILOR MOON !
CptStern said:
older than everyone ...except that guy up there

You're old enough to be my dad.... are you?

Will you be my daddy?