Ages ? Seems to be a big Q

I'm 20, my birthdays in March. The 5th of March, actually. Now that you all know that, I expect presents.

EDIT: Interesting bit of British law. It's legal to drink in your home as long as you are above 5 years old.
17. Hoozah! I dont wanna turn 18...something about this innocence... ...this... .. uh..

Puberty! <runsaway>
K e r b e r o s said:
17. Hoozah! I dont wanna turn 18...something about this innocence... ...this... .. uh..

Puberty! <runsaway>

Puberty continues up to the age of 21, sometimes even longer. :)
Your all a bunch of young wipper snappers!
Why back in the days of my youth (The Pea pickin days, Before the cotton pickin days) We used to push hoops down the roads with sticks.
thenerdguy said:
Your all a bunch of young wipper snappers!
Why back in the days of my youth (The Pea pickin days, Before the cotton pickin days) We used to push hoops down the roads with sticks.
How old exactly are you?
21, and proud to be an underage, uhh... potsmoker?? sure, cause it'll KILL ya, so you have to be DEAD, don'cha-know.

somehow I always thought the average age was lower that what I'm seeing. Wow.

btw, I'm kidding about that first comment (that-is-if-I-ever-posted-my-real-name-or-address-on-the-forum-in-which-case-I'm-actually-a-volumteer-um-coordinator-or-something)
really i am.
"...and thats why Rome fell."

ha, ha, ha, Funny, if you know Rome was the longest empire in history.

Headcrab why is that under my name? I rather have Combine or Civil Protection then Head crab.
"18 .. but im still a child! I LOVE SAILOR MOON !"

Yeah I do omit that was a good anime, I do miss it too.

What I herd the originals was more violent, and when it came to the USA, it was modified (this is what I heard).
I am 19.

Roman Legion said:
What I herd the originals was more violent, and when it came to the USA, it was modified (this is what I heard).
They are always edited when they come to the USA. Also they get really bad actors to dub in English voices over the originals. The only way to watch anime is in Japanese with subtitles.

They also remove a lot of the scenes with blood in them.
I thought everyone was in thier 20-40's.

Im turning 30 in a few days.

The only reason Im looking forward to my B-Day is because Gran Tourismo 4 comes out.
I'm 18 for a while, 19 on August 25th.
Yep...still 19. I don't think that's goin' away for at least 10 months.