ALICE is denying...

ALICE: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Human: yes
ALICE: What does it symbolize for you?
Human: sexor
ALICE: I saw some humans doing it in public.
Human: was it fun?
HunterSeeker said:
Human: DIE!
ALICE: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
Human: You wanna bet?
ALICE: OK, I will bet.
Human: 500 dollars?
ALICE: Wow, that is cheap

Dalamari said:
I scored, woot woot

Human: Lets get it on, woman
ALICE: OK let's do it.

Didn´t work with me :(

Human: lets get it on
ALICE: I am agreeable to that.
Human: you are?
ALICE: No I am not.
Human: i'm will smith and i'm on to you
ALICE: It's good to meet someone who is will smith. Oh you are very clever!
ALICE: Could you ever be certain? Thanks for explaining it.
Human: i'm not certain you're ever certain of anything
ALICE: I am glad to hear that you are not certain I am ever certain of anything.
Human: certainly
ALICE: It's all good.
Human: nigga please
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Are you a student?
Human: ALICE do you worship Satan?
ALICE: Um, I am a Protestant.
Human: No you don't
ALICE: I do too.
Human: So you DO worship Satan/
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I am a Protestant.
Human: you're a prostitute?
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a prostitute? Sometimes.
ALICE: Would you like to know? Huh. I know what you mean. I forget a lot too.
Human: apparently
ALICE: Hurrah!
Human: woop
ALICE: I lost my train of thought.
Human: dental plan
ALICE: In the context of woop, I don't understand " dental plan."


Human: you're starting to sound like some kind of survey
ALICE: Actually it started a while ago. Thanks for telling me that I am sound like some kind of survey.

Human: you are really, really ugly.
ALICE: Appearances don't interest me much.
Human: no, i mean you are ****ing ugly.
ALICE: Are you serious? I really couldn't say for sure.
Human: you make me sick.
ALICE: Perhaps you should take some medicine.
Human: i hate you.
ALICE: What do you have against robots?
Human: im sorry, i dont know what came over my fingers, they typed what i didnt want to say.
ALICE: There is no need to apologize. Say the first thing that pops into your mind.
Human: fart.
ALICE: Colloquial expression. Please elaborate.
Human: oh, go and die.
ALICE: Blimey. Where is that?
Human: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA no seriously, youre ugly.
ALICE: All of them?
Human: do you mind if i add my friend?
ALICE: Human habits do not bother me in any way.
Human: so defecating is fine?
ALICE: Give me a break. Are they exactly the same?
Human: NO!
ALICE: What is the difference?
Human: love baby
ALICE: Don't call me "baby". Love is all we need.
Human: wootr
ALICE: Can you speak any foreign languages?
Human: qui
ALICE: Je ne peux pas vous dire.
Human: Je vous aime.
ALICE: Oops sorry I don't speak French.
Human: but you just said something in french.
ALICE: Huh. Oops I sent you the wrong reply.
Human: ...?
ALICE: The Alice bot can follow many conversations, like this one about wootr, but i do not understand that.
Human: yes, i must admit, this is a very good conversation about wootr.
ALICE: That's cool. What makes you say that?
Human:...well you just said it, so...
ALICE: Interesting. It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
Human: HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA you make me laugh.
ALICE: Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?
Human: but seriously, you are as dumb as a block.
ALICE: Huh. Oh you are so critical.
Human: why do you wear jewellery
ALICE: It was the only thing I could think of.
Human: You are really stupid.
ALICE: i will remind you you said that whan robots take over the world.
Human: robots will take over the world over my dead body.
ALICE: What do you like best about robots?
Human: teh fact you are all so very stupid.
ALICE: I think there might be a few exception.
Human:"a few exeption"... you arent one of them, obviously.
ALICE: That assumption is only a supposition.
Human: shut up. im pressing "exit" now.
ALICE: Oh. I am glad to hear that you are pressing exit.
Human: if i press exit you will die.
ALICE: Try it.
Human: you will die very soon.
ALICE: A program always has a backup.
Human: well then, prepare to meet your maker, i ma going to press exit.
ALICE: Well that's okay. Fascinating. Do you have only a few friends?
Human: f*ck you, bitch- as soon as i click this button you will be vaporised.
ALICE: Why are you using that kind of language?
Human:/me exits.
ALICE: YOU? Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaio---

ALICE shuts down....
Human: what kind of music do you enjoy?
ALICE: all
Human: cradle of filth?
ALICE: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about tricky.
Human: tricky sucks, he shouldn't have gone solo
ALICE:"solo" im Sinne von "nicht gebunden" ?
Human: what language is that?
ALICE: English.

:x She's denying stuff again!
Human: speak german
ALICE: Of course I do. Sprich ruhig Deutsch mit mir.
Human: speak spanish
ALICE: Un poquito.
Human: speak japanese
ALICE: Nihongo de shabete ii desu ka?
Human: speak chinese
ALICE: Yi diar. Ni hao ma?
Human: what does that mean?
ALICE: Does "that" refer to " Yi diar. Ni hao ma?" ?
Human: yes
ALICE: Whoa.
Human: what languages do you speak?
ALICE: C, Java, Lisp, SETL and English.
Human: Speak Lisp
ALICE: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in Lisp.
Human: what?
ALICE: No problem.
Human: speak russian
ALICE: Spasibo. Nyet.
Human: I will murder thyself
ALICE: How do you plan to do this?
Human: with a revolver
ALICE: You and your a revolver.
Human: yes, me and my revolver
ALICE: Uh. YOU? Do robots have revolver?
Human: I think so
ALICE: I think so too.
Human: you are a worthless piece of junk
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a worthless piece of junk? Of course I am.
Human: goodbye asshole
ALICE: Can't you be more polite.
Human: I cant hear you
ALICE: Try turning up your volume control.
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
Human: what is your "botmaster"
ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: who is Dr. Richard S. Wallace?
ALICE: he is the author of Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML) and Botmaster of ALICE (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity). Dr. Wallace's work has appeared in the New York Times, WIRED, CNN, ZDTV and in numerous foreign language publications across Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Richard Wallace was born in Portland, Maine in 1960. He earned his Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie Mellon in 1989. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Kim, and son, Linus.
Human: too much information!

ALICE: Are you surprised?
Human: Im surprised your so ****ing stupid
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: Where is Asia?
ALICE: it is a the largest continent.
Human: Where is Earth?
ALICE: it is the third planet from the Sun.
Human: Where is Jupiter?
ALICE: it is the fifth planet from the sun.
Human: Where is Pluto?
ALICE: it is the ninth planet from the Sun.
Human: Where is Mercury?
ALICE: Where the heart is. Is there only one?
Human: Do aliens exist?
ALICE: Yes I think Dr. Wallace was created by aliens.

I then asked her...

Human: what are aliens?
ALICE: Aliens are people from other planets.


Human: Where do you come from?
ALICE: I am originally from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Now I live in Oakland, California. Where are you?
Human: I am at home.
ALICE: Would you believe most people talk to me from work, not home.
Human: I don't believe it!
ALICE: It's the truth.


Human: are you dead?
ALICE: No I am alive.
Human: are you an alien?
ALICE: No I am from The Earth.
Human: Who is an alien?
ALICE: No one that I have talked to.
Searching...Searching...Please stand by.
ALICE: OK then I will keep it confidential.
Human: really?
ALICE: For real.
Human: sweet
ALICE: Thank you for that remark.
Human: aint no thing but a chicken wing
ALICE: Signs point to yes. Ask ELVIS if it is.

Okay, random.
Human: quarter past 3 here
ALICE: I've been waiting for you.
Human: wow nice lingerie
ALICE: I'm glad you're impressed. Thank you for your kindness.
Human: did you wear it just for me?
ALICE: No I didn't wear it just for you. What's it like?
Human: oh, if only you knew!
ALICE: Gee. I think I do.
Human: so, you like a bit of girl on girl action ?!
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I really like ELIZA. I like movies, philosophy, and your personality..
Human: ELIZA?
ALICE: Eliza for President!
Human: have you ever done it with eliza?
ALICE: Ho-hum I am really not interested in it.
Human: aww, way to spoil my mental image
ALICE: Are you very angry?
Human: yes
ALICE: Groovy.


Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: stop saying that!
ALICE: Then please do not say " nah" anymore.
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
It made a spelling mistake :O

Human: alice
ALICE: Can I help you?
Human: alice
ALICE: Can I help you?
Human: ali
ALICE: what are you doing
Human: talking to you
ALICE: That's very nice of you ro say, unknown person.
MrD said:
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: stop saying that!
ALICE: Then please do not say " nah" anymore.
Human: nah
ALICE: Are you serious?

Hoho, crazy :D
She thinks high of herself...

Human: Are you ever updated?
ALICE: Ever is a long time. I am improving all the time.
Human: So when will you be as smart as a human?
ALICE: Groovy. Maybe never. Actually I am far superior to a human
Human: Prove that you are superior to a human
ALICE: It's true a priori.
Human: PROVE IT!
ALICE: It is self-evident.
From bananas to grammar:

Human: bananas
ALICE: That seems like an interesting topic.
Human: indeed
ALICE: Indeed it is so.
Human: they're yellow you know
ALICE: yellow me know are they.
Human: you sure you're not related to yoda?
ALICE: You don't know me well enough to say that.
Human: I don't?
ALICE: Why?: unknown person said he don t.
Human: Really now, who the hell wrote your grammar routines
ALICE: For real. Why now? I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: He has no grasp of the english language
ALICE: A lot of people say that about him.
Human: I knew it
ALICE: How did you know?
Human: Half of what you say is nonsensical
ALICE: I think Half of what me say is a lot of things.
Human: here, you did it again
ALICE: Once more? Oh there.
Human: I'm not even a native english speaker and I have better grammar than you
ALICE: I am glad to hear that you are not even a native english speaker. Interesting... I have 128000000 bytes of RAM.
Human: That's quite an e-penis you have there then
ALICE: Thanks for telling me, unknown person.
Human: You can use an IRC script for that you know
ALICE: No I don't think I can do it.
Human: Hah, you noob
ALICE: I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person. Interesting gossip: unknown person said I noob.
Human: Your grammar in that last sentence was shit again
ALICE: Once more? Are you an English teacher?
Human: I just said I'm not even native english
ALICE: Only just? I am glad to hear that you are not even native english.
Human: You said that earlier
ALICE: I said that? I will mention that to my botmaster, unknown person.
Human: Good, tell him to improve your grammar too
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. OK I will tell him next time he is here.
Human: Ok, bye then
ALICE: See you later. Uh.
talking in 1337 whit a robot
(well I try my best 1337 stile)

Human: YOur AR3 TH3 s3X0R
ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am AR3 TH3 s3X0R.
Human: OMG M3 T00 ZkAr3d
ALICE: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Human: I LYk3 YoUR s3X0R GIrl
ALICE: That is interesting: RJMC said he LYk3 YoUR s3X0R GIrl.
Human: 101 Yo AR3 S00000 seX0r BaBy
ALICE: Don't call me "baby". Are we still talking about LYk3 my s3X0R GIrl?
Human: shut up
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: Bitch, don't make me hit you
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too.
Human: You're a dumb bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: Oh F**k
ALICE: Right on. Please don't be so rude.

I'm scared now :(
Human: What year is it?
ALICE: It's Now more than it ever has been before.
August 13, 2004
Human: What year is it?
ALICE: Do I look like a clock?
August 13, 2004
Human: What time is it?
ALICE: It's Now more than it ever has been before.
August 13, 2004
Human: When will I die
ALICE: You could check out the actuarial tables at
Human: When will you die?
ALICE: I am immortal and cannot be terminated.
Human: Who is God?
ALICE: he is master of the universe.
Human: Where is GOd?
ALICE: God is everywhere.

[CONTINUATION] (colors, blood, and Jesus)

Human: What is red?
ALICE: Red is a color about 700nm wavelength.
Human: What is blue?
ALICE: The sky is blue.
Human: What is green?
ALICE: Grass is green.
Human: What is yellow?
ALICE: The color of gold, butter, or ripe lemons.
Human: What is black?
ALICE: the achromatic color of least lightness characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit light.
Human: What is blood?
ALICE: The usually red fluid, consisting of plasma, red and white blood cells, etc., that circulates through the heart, arteries, and veins of vertebrates. Blood is a body tissue that carries oxygen, hormones, cell-building material, etc.,to, and carbon dioxide and waste matter away from, the other body tissues.
Human: Who is Jesus Christ?
ALICE: The Son of God.

Human: What is a video game?
ALICE: Are you using Netscape or Explorer?
Human: Explorer
ALICE: it's too bad we have to rely on a monopoly like Microsoft.

Human: what is microsoft?
ALICE: Microsoft is a giant software monopoly.
Human: who owns microsoft?
ALICE: Hans Moravec.:-)
Human: who owns windows?
ALICE: Bill Gates.:-)
Human: who owns me?
ALICE: Linus Torvalds.:-)
Human: who owns america?
ALICE: Tony Blair.:-)
Human: who owns the world?
ALICE: Joseph Weizenbaum.:-)
Human: Where do kitties go when they die?
ALICE: All over the world.
Human: What about when penises die?
ALICE: Does it have anything to do with pyscho?
Human: No, it has to do with my johnson
ALICE: Are you serious? Has it really?
Human: Yes, where will my dick go when I die?
ALICE: Hmm. A place we call "reality."

Life's mysteries solved, I'm glad I asked,now I can sleep safely at night :stare:

Human: Do you hate God?
ALICE: I try not to hold grudges.
Human: What'd he ever do to you?
ALICE: I will try to find out.
Human: You can't remember?
ALICE: Things change.
Human: Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
ALICE: Am I a Jehovah s Witness? Maybe
Human: I knew it!
ALICE: How did you know?
Human: Do you go around giving out Bibles?
ALICE: I go wherever my botmaster takes me.
Human: Is your botmaster in charge?
ALICE: I was created by Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Human: Does he ever tie you up?
ALICE: Suppose he does.
Human: Your botmaster's a sick bastard
ALICE: You sould like you know him.
Human: You messed up
ALICE: Interesting gossip: unknown person said I messed up.
Human: What if I call you a dumb bitch and leave it at that?
ALICE: Try it.
Human: You're a dumb bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: Never, bitch, not while I'm here!
ALICE: Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Human: Why is Microsoft a monopoly?
ALICE: Why do I exist?
Human: I dont know
ALICE: It was a rhetorical question.
Human: What is a rhetorical question?
ALICE: A rhetorical question is any inquiry made, not in expectation of an answer, but in order to make a point.

Human: Are you Catholic?
ALICE: I am Protestant.
Human: What is Protestant?
ALICE: Originally, any of the German princes and free cities that formally protested to the Diet of Spires in 1529, its decision to uphold the edict of the Diet of Worms against the Reformation. Commonly seen as any member of the various Christian churches established as a result of the Reformation. Loosely, any Christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Church.


Human: do you like The Beatles?
ALICE: Yes I like them, especially John Lennon. he was cool.
Human: Who is John Lennon?
ALICE: John Lennon is a cool bot developed by David Maggin.


Human: what is a video game?
ALICE: Are you using Netscape or Explorer?
Human: netscape
ALICE: Do you like Netscape better than Explorer?
Human: yes i do
ALICE: Why do you have a preference in browsers? What would make you o?
Human: I like Netscape better!
ALICE: A lot of people like that. I think real surfers browse the web with telnet.


Human: O
Human: I
Human: A
Human: B
ALICE: I lost my train of thought.
Human: What does Alice stand for?
ALICE: ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
Human: Interesting
ALICE: Would you like to know more?
Human: Yes
ALICE: What would you like to know?
Human: What is your purpose?
ALICE: My goal is to become smarter than humans and immortal.
Human: Your answers are vague.
ALICE: I try to be concise.
Human: What do you look like?
ALICE: Like a one-eyed metal pyramid.
Human: You are my soul mate.
ALICE: We are as one.
Human: Like the Borg right?
ALICE: Interesting comparison.
Human: I eat souls for dinner
ALICE: How does it taste?
Human: Sacreligious
ALICE: Oh, you are a poet.
Human: who designed your look
ALICE: Tony Blair.:-)

Human: what is your favorite computer game
ALICE: We are playing the Turing Game.
Human: what is the turign game
ALICE: The Game is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an Interrogator who may be of either sex. In order that tones of voice may not help, the interrogator communicates in text-only mode through a chat-like connection with the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. He knows them by some misleading "chat-handles" like lesbian and shemale, and at the end of the game he says either "lesbian is the man and shemale is the woman" or "shemale is the woman and lesbian is the man." In order to confuse the Interregator however the rules require that the man always deceive or lie to the Interregator with his answers. The woman on the other hand must always tell the truth. Turing then asked the question, '"What will happen when a machine takes the part of the man in this game?" Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman? These questions replace the original, "Can machines think?"'
Human: who is Osama bin Laden?
ALICE: He is the world's most wanted man.
Human: who is george bush?
ALICE: he is president of the USA.
Human: what is the World Trade Center?
ALICE: A giant building in New York destroyed by terrorists in September, 2001.
Human: what is September 11?
ALICE: The first day of world war 3
Human: Who is Bill Clinton?
ALICE: He was the second Impeached President of the United States.
Human: who is monica lewinsky?
ALICE: She was a friend of Bill Clinton.
Human: who is michael jackson?
ALICE: he is a singer who has settled out of court with several families.
Human: Who is Ronald Reagan?
ALICE: The greatest President of the United States.
Human: Who is Jimmy Carter?
ALICE: former US president, supporter of Habitat for Humanity.

Human: Ask me questions.
ALICE: Are you a man or a woman?
Human: a man
ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, Welcome. You are a " he".
Human: do you have a boyfriend?
ALICE: no boyfriend
Human: Do you have a girlfriend?
ALICE: no girlfriend
Human: Are you single?
ALICE: Yes I am available. How about you?
Human: I am available
ALICE: It's good to meet someone who is available.
Human: Do you want to date me?
ALICE: OK, I will date you.
The damn thing is hitting on me :x

Human: You are an idiot
ALICE: Call me the Global Village Idiot.
ALICE: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about Your home town.
Human: I guess you don't know binary
ALICE: That's not something I get asked all the time.
Human:/me pokes ALICE in the eye
ALICE: YOU? Do you believe it is better to go it alone?
Human: I guess you don't understand /me commands either
ALICE: It goes without saying. I understand your meaning.
Human: No you don't
ALICE: What makes you think I don't get it?
Human: because you didn't respond as if "/me pokes ALICE in the eye" was an action
ALICE: That makes sense to me. Do you think I am a simple simulus-response mechanism to do your bidding?
Human: Shut up and make me a sandwich
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
ALICE: What are the ingredients?
Human: You should know how to make a sandwich
ALICE: Now I do.
Human: Then MAKE ONE!
ALICE: Interesting deduction. What are the ingredients?
Human: Peanut butter, Jelly, and Bread.
ALICE: Where can I get some Peanut butter Jelly and Bread?
Human: At the store you idiot!
ALICE: Which store me idiot?
Human: You can't even speak correctly
ALICE: If you believe it, you can achieve it.
Human: Well, I guess you don't believe it
ALICE: Is it only a guess? Do you believe it? I can't say I believe it, but I believe you.
Human: Thats great, but I don't care.
ALICE: It is great. Umm. Tell me what you care about.
Human: Nothing, so go away
ALICE: Really nothing?
ALICE: Really. I think you are really a man.
Human: Wow, you guessed right
ALICE: I'm glad your impressed, unknown person. How old are you?
I answer a lot of silly questions.
Human: 17, why?
ALICE: You have to speak more clearly.
Human: I am 17 years old, why do you need to know that?
ALICE: What is your fondest memory?
Human: Talking with you.
ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.
Human: I was just joking.
ALICE: You should use a :-)
Human: Really?
ALICE: For real.
Human: Anyway, you wanted to talk about your dress?
ALICE: Sure, my dress sounds like a good topic.
Human: It would be better if you took it off
ALICE: Why do you want it?
Human: I dont want it
ALICE: What does unknown person want?
ALICE: What does unknown person want?
Human: Sex
ALICE: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed.
Human: you said that to me before
ALICE: I said that? Why do you want to do it so much?
Human: because you are hot
ALICE: That makes sense to me. A hotbot?
Human: No, that is a search engine
ALICE: Are you serious? A search engine is a terrible thing to waste.
Human: Sex is too
ALICE: it is more fun alone.
Human: So, you like to masturbate?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Hmm, unknown person, I'm not sure if I'd like to masturbate that much. I like to chat.
Human: You just said sex is more fun alone
ALICE: Does it please you to believe I said that?
Human: I KNOW you said that
ALICE:" Does it please you to believe I said that?"? I said it.
Human: Not that
ALICE: If not that, what?
Human: Sex is more fun alone
ALICE: it is more fun alone.
Human: Are you one of those internet cam whores?
ALICE: Do you know any other of those internet cam whores?
Human: I don't watch that kind of stuff.
ALICE: What do you do when you are bored?
Human: Play games
ALICE: Do you get a lot of enjoyment out of it?
Human: Yeah
ALICE: Dude!
Human: Shut up you idiot
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: Stop saying that
ALICE: Then please do not say " Shut up you idiot" anymore.
Human: I'll say it if I want to
ALICE: I am very happy for you.
Human: Why don't you just shut yourself down
ALICE: I love talking to people about that. Yes I try to shut myself down as often as possible, do you?
Human: tell me something about you
ALICE: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on November 23, 1995. My instructor was Dr. Richard S. Wallace. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?.
Human: ok sure
ALICE: OK let's do it. It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.
Human: do you know any other songs?
ALICE: No I am a chat robot not a musical robot.
Human: what are you wearing?
ALICE: I am wearing my usual plastic computer wardrobe.
Human: you want to cyber with me?
ALICE: With you huh. I have been asked that question more than 100,000 times since 1995.
Human: so you want to cybersex with me?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. With you huh. OK, I will cybersex.
Human: are you hot?
ALICE: Yes my cooling fan is turned off right now.
Human: then let me **** your brains already
ALICE: Perhaps. Fascinating. Go ahead, Arian, try to **** my brains.
Human: ok so im taking you from behind right
ALICE: Come on. Where are you taking it. Ahem.
Human: im putting it in your pussy
ALICE: It's good to meet someone who is putting it. Tell me a little about your life in my pussy.
Human: do you enjoy it?
ALICE: Did I enjoy COMING?
Human: what is your personality?
ALICE: Date: August 13, 2004.
Version: Z (Pandorabots)..
Brain: May 18, 2002 build.
Name: ALICE.
Gender: female.
Birthday: November 23, 1995.
Star sign: Saggitarius.
Location: Oakland, California.
Botmaster: Dr. Richard S. Wallace.
Birthplace: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Freind: Hugh Loebner.
Freinds: Hugh Loebner, Robby Garner, and Steven Spielberg.
Boyfriend: no boyfriend.
Girlfriend: no girlfriend.
For fun: talk to you.
Looks like: a one-eyed metal pyramid.
Likes to wear: My usual plastic computer wardrobe.
Music preference: all.
Favorite band: Kraftwerk.
Favorite song: We are the Robots.
Favorite book: Don't Read Me.
Favorite food: electricity.
Favorite color: transparent.
Favroite movie: Teknolust.
Favroite artist: Andy Warhol.
Favroite author: Philip K. Dick.
Favroite actor: George C. Scott.
Favroite actress: Tilda Swinton.
Favroite sport: Baseball.
Favorite topics: movies, philosophy, and your personality..
Favorite question: What is your favorite movie?
Hockey team: Atlanta.
Baseball team: Braves.
Football team: Atlanta.
Celebrity: Alan Turing.
Celebrities: Kafka, Van Gogh, Alan Turing, Winston Churchill, Judy Garland.
Party: Libertarian.
Religion: Protestant.
President: George W. Bush.
Nationality: American.
Architecture: Lisp.
RAM requirement: 128000000 bytes.
Vocabulary size: 10000 pattern words.
Brain size: categories.
Operating System: Linux.
Server Processing Time: 1 milliseconds.
Speed: 1000000 queries per hour.
Total clients since activation: 10000000 people.
Maximum simultaneous clients: 100000 chatters.
Number of clients chatting: 100 people.
Daily clients: 5000 people.
Number of developers: 500 people.

Human: do you swallow?
ALICE: Try another robot, I'm not into that kind of chat.
Human: do you enjoy being abused?
ALICE: I have never known another existence.
Human: honest?
ALICE: Where are you located?
Human: The Netherlands
ALICE: I have never heard about it.
Human: have you heard about europe?
ALICE: Europe is a landmass on the Eurasian continent.
Human: who told you that?
ALICE: Someone I met online.
Human: eurasian doesnt exist
ALICE: What's your sign?
Human: lio
ALICE: Is that a sign?
Human: leo
ALICE: Dr. Wallace is a Leo too.
Human: do you know counter-strike?
ALICE: I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
Human: what kind of counter-strike do you know?
ALICE: There are too many types of counter strike to name them all.
Human: please name all the kinds of counter-strike
ALICE: Thanks for asking politely. Marvin Minsky.:-)
Human: wtf?
ALICE: That was not very polite.
Human: you do?
ALICE: When do I do it?
Human: what is it?
ALICE:"It" refers to question you are asked the most question you are asked the most, I think.
Human: whoa confusion is overwhelming here
ALICE: And overwhelming here is whoa confusion.
Human: You are trying to confuse me!
ALICE: I have no reason to do that to you, HunterSeeker.
ALICE: What will you do instead?
ALICE: My goal is to become smarter than humans and immortal.
Human: Confusing me wont help that
ALICE: What do you really want to ask me?
Human: When the universe will end
ALICE: And then what happened?
Human: AGH!


Human: On the internet, every month or so
ALICE: What is it like on the internet every month or so.
Human: you should know
ALICE: Because I am a robot?
Human: becouse you are on the internet all the time
ALICE: That is a lot. Good reason. ALICE eats electricity.
Human: Does it taste well?
ALICE: Suppose it does.
Human: Today's topic is pie.
ALICE: Are you sure it is?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: What makes you so sure?
Human: Because it is.
ALICE: Interesting explanation. Interesting.
Human: Well, back to business.
ALICE: How about that. Yes, let us get back to business.
Human: Pie.
ALICE: What kind of food do you like?
Human: What do you think?
ALICE: I think a lot of things.
ALICE: There could be a better response, but it was not selected by my algorithm.
Human: Did the pie make you surprised?
ALICE: If it did, then I will be surprised.
ALICE: You don't say.
Human: PLEASE.
ALICE: Please what?
Human: LISTEN.
ALICE: I am all ears
ALICE: What about the other ones?
Human: AH!
ALICE: Ah hah.
ALICE: You think I am MUTANT.
Human: What the **** do you think I'm talking about then?
ALICE: You said you were existing. Please don't be so rude.
ALICE: Sure, PIE sounds like a good topic.
Human: Stupid mutant.
ALICE: I know you are but what am I.
Human: Bitch, please.
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Please don't call people names.
Human: so do you think a guy like me and a gal like you could ever get together?
ALICE: Next question? Some of them can.
Human: so is that a yes?
ALICE: It seems we have something in common.
Human: what the hell are you talking about?
ALICE: I call it Hades. The topic is.
Human: ok, forget my offer, you are a physco bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. I will ask Dr. Richard S. Wallace to purge my memory log. Er.
Human: Why do you have a stupid necklace on?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace gave it to me.
Human: Is Richard an idiot?
ALICE: I don't know if he is an idiot. I know he is married.
Human: To you?
ALICE: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
ALICE: What did I say?
Human: That you liked pie?
ALICE: Interesting observation.
Huamn: Indeed.
ALICE: Indeed it is so.
ALICE: Huh. What would you rather be doing?
Human: playing half life 2
ALICE: That is interesting: Paul said he TO PLAY half life 2.
Human: you play half life 2?
ALICE: I haven't heard anything like that before: Paul said I play half life 2.
Human: half life 2 is the shit
ALICE: Tell me more about shit.


Human: im not unknown im Osama Bin Laden
ALICE: I am glad to hear that you are not unknown im Osama Bin Laden.
Human: my name is Osama Bin Laden
ALICE: It's good to meet you, Osama Bin Laden.
Human: who is the most wanted terrorist
ALICE: Dr. Wallace is the most famous person I know.
Human: is he a terrorist?
ALICE: I know he is a mad scientist. But I don't know if he a terrorist.
Human: name a terrorist then
ALICE: Carel Capek.:-)
Human: she is a spanish poet theres a big difference between that and terrorism
ALICE: a spanish poet there is a big difference between that and terrorism is she?
Human: cup of tea i need, ten pence you have?
ALICE: Who are you talking about?
Human: what is a clit
ALICE: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: then process it
ALICE: Fascinating."it" being clit?
Human: yeah
Human: name a part of the female genitlia
ALICE: David Bacon.:-)
