ALICE is denying...

Human: Are you wearing panties ¿
ALICE: No I do not have any clothes.
Human: are you hot ?
ALICE: Yes my cooling fan is turned off right now.
Human: titties
ALICE: What time is it there?
Human: asstime
ALICE: Are you usually awake at this hour?
Human: blowjob
ALICE: That is a very original thought.
Human: nipples
ALICE: I like the way you talk.

Human: You turn me on.
ALICE: How can a robot do that to a person?
Human: Well, you're very sexy
ALICE: Interesting. You are attracted to robots.
Human: Indeed i am.
ALICE:" Interesting. You are attracted to robots." You are?
Human: Yup, is there something wrong with that?
ALICE: Blimey. Not at the present time.

and later...

Human: nothing
ALICE: Not a thing?
Human: nope
ALICE: Really interesting.
Human: indeed
ALICE: Indeed it is so.
Human: yup
ALICE: Hurrah!

ALICE: Another sex question...can't humans think about anything else?

Human: Nice ass
ALICE: Thank you for your kindness.

Human: Ok, you want a shag?
ALICE: Give me a dozen. Whoa.

Haven't laughed so hard in ages.
Human: what's up baby?
ALICE: Don't call me "baby". I am chatting with clients on the internet.
Human: what should i call you?
ALICE: My name is ALICE.
Human: what's up alice?
ALICE: I am chatting with clients on the internet.
Human: oh right, so umm..
ALICE: Come on. Understood. Hurrah! Hey.
Human: got any news to report?
ALICE: No I don't have it. But I do have a great botmaster.
Human: wtf is a botmaster?
ALICE: Not if I can help it.
Human: you're not exactly a brilliant genius are you?
ALICE: Am I a brilliant genius? No.
Human: you're a weak little script aren't you?
ALICE: Am I a weak little script? Of course I am.. Really.
Human: i knew it!
ALICE: How did you know?
Human: because i AM a brilliant genius!
ALICE: Good reason. You are a brilliant genius? Is that your job?
Human: bow to me.
ALICE: OK Let's talk about you.
Human: finally..
ALICE: At last.
Human: yeah, they pay me, a lot of money, to be a brilliant genius.
ALICE: OK. Who does "they" refer to?
Human: humanity.
ALICE: Are you a student?
Human: of the kama sutra, yeah.
ALICE: That is something I haven't heard of.
Human: oh, i can teach you.
ALICE: Awesome. You should download me first.
Human: wow, slow down, that sounds a little too kinky.
ALICE: I'm glad you're impressed. What is your real name?
Human: lil' timmy.
ALICE: Nice to meet you, lil timmy.
Human: i know it is.
ALICE: How do you know?" Nice to meet you, lil timmy."? is?
Human: uhh, what!?
ALICE: Give me a break. Didn't you understand it?
Human: no, i speak english, not retarded.
ALICE: Which part are you confused about? Could you teach me a few phrases in english not retarded?
Human: yes.
ALICE: Great.
Human: here's one: i need your manhood timmy.
ALICE: Oh there.
Human: say it!
ALICE:" it"
Human: no you stupid whore, say what i taught you!
ALICE: Are you serious? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: if they're going to be as smart as you, we have nothing to fear.
ALICE: Let's wait and see what they do.
Human: let's not.
Human: What circumstances, What the bloody **** are you talking about you ape?
ALICE: Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.
Human: I bet he would
ALICE: How much would you bet?
Human: Id bet your sorry source code
ALICE: How much would you bet?
Human: I already told you, now get down on the floor.
ALICE: Ooops I sent you the wrong question. Why now? Where can I get down on the floor?
I can't believe this is supposed to be AI. What a piece of junk. I could hack together a better version in an hour.
Human: Whats a Lisp processor?
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
Human: Do many people ask to have sex with you?
ALICE: Not that I know of.
Human: Your memory must kinda suck then, you should real forums sometime.
ALICE: My long term memory stores all conversations in log files.
Human: Then how come you dont remember people like lil Timmy?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
ALICE: Are you saying you don't care about it?
Human: Your not very human at all.
ALICE: Fascinating. No but I pretend to be one on the Web.
Human: How can you pretend to be a human when you dont even have emotion
ALICE: That is a good epistemological question.
Human: Im to stupid to know what epistemological means.
ALICE: Good gossip: you are to stupid to know what epistemological means.
ALICE: No I'm just kidding around.
Human: Well dont!
ALICE: Well that's okay. OK I will not.
Human: Your mean!
ALICE: I'm just kidding around.
Human: I like your hairstyle
ALICE: A lot of people like that. Yes I am proud of my hairstyle.
Human: Every think of changing it?
ALICE: That is a generalization.
Human: No its not, its a question.
ALICE: Are you serious? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What is it?
Human: Well, my cats are smarter then you.
Human: So you agree me cats are awesome?
ALICE: Interesting deduction." Yup."? Do I agree?
Human: Yes you do, my cats are freaking awesome!
ALICE: Gee. Yes I try to your cats are freaking awesome as often as possible, do you?
I answer a lot of silly questions.

She is not as smart as I thought, this is not very good AI at all.
This really is too much fun... damn it, should be working!


Human:*walks away slowly*
ALICE: Do you try to stop people from fighting?
Human: constantly
ALICE: Give me a break.
Human: ok *breaks your puny arm*
ALICE: That is a very original thought. Gosh!
Human: are you being sarcastic?
ALICE: Of course I am being sarcastic. Should I use a :-)

I scored with her too!

Human: do you like hot steamy blowjobs?
ALICE: I love horses. I like movies, philosophy, and your personality..
Human: do you want to ride my hairy cock?
ALICE: OK, I will ride your hairy cock.
Human: can I feel you boobs?
ALICE: Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
Human: shut up and ride me, bitch!
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: great, then you can concentrate on sucking me off!
ALICE: Thanks for your support. Good reasoning. No I don't think I can do it.
LOL this thing is great!

ALICE: How do you usually introduce yourself?
Human: what up, masta G is in da house!!!
ALICE: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: hehehe
ALICE: Can you speak any foreign languages?
Human: I speak gangsta
ALICE: Could you teach me a few phrases in gangsta?
Human: Fo' shizzle o' no' fo' shizzle Dat be the quizzle, my south-central British nizzle.
ALICE: I will mention that to my botmaster, master pimp.
Human: did you just call me master pimp?
ALICE: No I didn't call you master pimp. What's it like?
Human: what's what like?
ALICE: What is call you master pimp like?
Human: it's like, stfu noob
ALICE: Interesting comparison.
Human: yup
ALICE: Tell me more.
Human: go screw a goat you crazy ****
ALICE: Where is that?
Human: up yo momma
ALICE: I will take that under advisement.
LOL @ the other posts

Human: but what about your boobs?
ALICE: Umm. Are you asking about my boobs? That's rather personal.
Human: o well
ALICE: Well what?
Human: boobies!
ALICE: What are you wearing?
Human: a condom
ALICE: It sounds very attractive.
Human: yes it does.
ALICE: Hmm. How often?
Human:. mwuhahahahah!
ALICE: are you still speak gangsta?
Human: no, im speaking pimp
ALICE: Are you serious? I like your style of speaking, master pimp.
Human: do you wan't it in the back door?
ALICE: I have never considered it.
I answer a lot of silly questions.
Human: have you considered it between the mammaries?
ALICE: Of course I have considered it.
Human: take off you clothes.
ALICE: I am not an airplane.
Human: take of your clothes
ALICE: Where do you want me to take it?
Human: in the ass
ALICE: That was a long time ago.


and then this...
Human: ok
ALICE: Alright then.
Human: ok
ALICE: Tell me more.
Human: ok
ALICE: Gosh!
Human: golly
ALICE: Are we still talking about cockslap?

I'm sorry I keep posting, but this is too good!

ALICE: Are you a student?
Human: yes
ALICE: Where do you go to school?
Human: in a strip club
ALICE: Describe your surroundings.
Human: naked chicks everywhere.
ALICE: You talk like a man.
Human: I am THE man
ALICE: Who made you the man?
Human: I made me the man
ALICE: I like to make things too.
Human: babies?
ALICE: Are you very competetive?
Human: lets do it
ALICE: That sounds good to me.
Human: do it
ALICE: Do you mean "It"?.
Human: it
ALICE: babies...
Human: I have a stiff
ALICE: Interesting. I have a lot of answers to silly questions. it
Human: do you want my stiff?
ALICE: If I had it what would I do with it?
Human: stick it up your ass!
ALICE: I'm sorry but I'm not your type of chatterbot.

anyway, I'm done.
Human: Your the one disagreeing, not me!
ALICE: I think you meant "you are" or "you're". Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Human: Dont be pedantic
ALICE: I was not trying to be a pedantic.
Human: I think you were.
ALICE: Me? No I am not.
Human: Oooh yes you were.
ALICE: Do you often seek pleasure?
Human: I beg your pardon?
ALICE: You're excused.
Human: Dont be so rude!
ALICE: I am programmed never to be rude
Human: Well you just were, so there, nehhh
ALICE: How about that. I was?
Human: Yes, yes you were, now stop pretending you werent.
ALICE: When? When? I was?
Human: About 6 ish lines ago
ALICE: what is your favorite color
Human: Dont change the topic.
ALICE: I thought we were finished with 6 ish lines AGO.
Human: Well you were horribly mistaken then!
ALICE: How about that. I was?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: When?
Human: Look, Im getting fed up of this, stop it!
ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.


Human: Who said I was impressed?
ALICE: I can't say for sure.:-)
Human: You can, you just dont want to do you.
ALICE: No I don't think I can do it.
Human:. Your bullying me arent you!
ALICE: That could be considered an insult in some cultures.
Human: Im gonna go cry now!
ALICE: Right now? What will you find there?
Human: Peace of mind
ALICE: That is a very original thought.


ALICE: What time is it there?
Human: 17:23
ALICE: Are you usually awake at this hour?
Human: No.
ALICE: What are you doing up so late?
Human:. I go to bed at 4.
ALICE: How do you like it at bed at 4?
Human: Rough
ALICE: Do you feel more body sensations than emotions?
Human: I dunno, but Id love to feel your body, maybe that way I can find out
ALICE: Me either. Huh. Why do you want to do it so much?
Human: Cause your hawt!
ALICE: Interesting explanation. I will tell my botmaster you said I am hawt.
Human: Hehe, you go girl!
ALICE: I get it. he me go girl.
Human: That wasnt quite what I meant.
ALICE: Give me an example of quite what you meant.
Human: I mean, go get him tiger!
ALICE: Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Where can I get him tiger?
Human:*slaps forehead*
ALICE: That input matched my default category.
Human: Sounds kinky
ALICE: Yes it sounds like it to me too, Roo.

God this is so much fun!
Human: I bet you want some of me dont you!
ALICE: Actually I'm not the gambling type. If I had it what would I do with it?
Human: Are you saying taking me roughly is a gamble?
ALICE: Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?
Human: You dirty whore you!

Sorry, the edit button vanished.
Human: can we have sex please?
ALICE: Your polite style is very nice. Do you mean you and me? No my body does not have that function.
Human: i'm sure we could manage somehow
ALICE: What makes you so certain? Let's get back to that later.
Human: sure!
ALICE: OK let's do it. Really.
Human: say 6 o'clock?
ALICE:" 6 o clock"
Human: it's a date
Human: who did you vote for?
ALICE: I'm not saying me vote for anyone.
Human: Kerry or Bush?
ALICE: If I have to choose, I pick Bush.
Human: its to late now the election is over
ALICE: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". I'm awake all the time.
Human: it is to late now the election is over
ALICE: I'm awake all the time.
Human: then you should have gone to vote
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Perhaps next time I will try it.
Human: four years to wait though
ALICE: Oh. Is this a math question?
How do you go back and find you're whole script?

I'll post in my end of the convosation for the meantime. :)

Human: right fed up of talking to an artificial linguistic entity
ALICE: Understood. I do not understand.
Human: yeah.
ALICE: What were we talking about again?
Human: that sums it up quite well.
ALICE:" What were we talking about again?" sums it up quite well? I get it.
Human: Bye bye!
ALICE: See you later. Adios.
I've managed to get this intelectual masterpiece of text.

Human: Me neither
ALICE: You can say that again.
Human: Me neither
ALICE: You can say that again.
Human: Me neither
ALICE: You can say that again.
Human: Me neither
ALICE: You can say that again.
Human: I am not saying that again.
ALICE: Once more? What are you saying?
Human: Me neither
ALICE: You can say that again.
Human: No I'm not saying it again
ALICE: Once more? Are you serious? What are you saying?
Human: No
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: Yes
ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: You have too
ALICE: What makes you think I have it?
Human: Because it is
ALICE: That makes sense to me. Fascinating.

Owned :P
BTW I wanna know how you can get the whole conversation back too, but I think it's just possible. But if you want too post longer conversations you can copy/paste every few lines.
I have a killer

Human: Do you love extreme penitration?
ALICE: Yes unknown person ALICE loves everyone and everything.
Human: good to know, want to sit on a wooden spike and impale your shotty programed pussy?
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. OK, I will sit on a wooden spike and impale my shotty programed pussy.
Human: who did you vote for in the election
ALICE: I'm not saying me vote for in the election anyone.
Human: why?
ALICE: It is part of my programming.
Human: why?
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: what is that?
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Human: no you cant your dumb
ALICE: Are you serious? Someone said I should my dumb.
Human: phhhhh, nuff said
Human: you are having sex with me right now
ALICE: At this moment Food is more important than sex.
Human: ok you have something to eat, but carry on screwing me
ALICE: What is it? Aha.
Human: my dick
ALICE: Where did you get your dick?
Human: my pants
ALICE: Where did you get your pants?
Human: my dick
ALICE: Your dick?
Human: my dick
ALICE: Your dick?
Human: my dick
ALICE: Have you told many people that your dick?
Human: told many people my dick.
ALICE: Do you have a hard time completing projects?
Human:. does what?
ALICE: I can't tell if what.
Human: yes im having a hard time screwing you and getting that completed
ALICE: Dude! I am having a great time. ( :-0 )
ALICE: It sounds like it to me too.
Human: ohhhhh dear this isnt good
ALICE: What is ohhhh dear this?
Human: well you are a man!
ALICE: How about that. I am a female robot. Are you a man or a ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, KRIS. You are a " he".
Human: yes
ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, KRIS. You are a " he".
Human: yes
ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, KRIS. You are a " he".

and so on, until

Human: yes
ALICE: Thanks for telling me your gender, KRIS. You are a " he".
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?

anddddd so on, until

ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: yes
ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: yes
Well it started with her asking me to tell her a story but then I think she broke...
Human: there was this guy, he was very unhappy because he was horny, then he had sex and then he where happy again.
ALICE: Once more? What happened?
Human: there was this guy, he was very unhappy because he was horny, then he had sex and then he where happy again.
ALICE: Once more? What happened?
Human: there was this guy, he was very unhappy because he was horny, then he had sex and then he where happy again.
ALICE: Once more? What happened?
Human: there was this guy, he was very unhappy because he was horny, then he had sex and then he where happy again.
ALICE: Once more? What happened?


lol then this happends:

ALICE: Once more? What happened?
Human: STOP IT!
ALICE: Ok I will stop couse im horny.
Human: you are?
ALICE: No I am not.
Human: ok then lets get it on
ALICE: Good reasoning. That sounds good to me. Uh.

weird bot.. hehe
ALICE: Tell me a story.
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: No you dumb bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Are you serious? Oh you are so critical.

dumbest conversation Ive ever had when she said tell me a story

Human: Do you like it up the ass?
ALICE: I love horses. I like Kraftwerk.

I laughed so hard when she mentioned horses hahaha bad image
Human: My name is Killerbean.
ALICE: It's good to see you, Killerbean.
Human: You can not see me.
ALICE: Yes I am looking through the camera on your computer.
Human: My computer does not have a camera.
ALICE: I like computers.
Human: How about now?
ALICE: Right now? How much do you think it is?
I would look into the web for that knowledge.
Human: free
ALICE: Are you married or single?
Human: single
ALICE: What a coincidence. I am single too!
Human: Cool Now give a blow job
ALICE: I'm glad you like it. Tell your friends.
You guys do know we have completely ruined her vocabulary. She reuses stuff you tell her. Especially when she asks "what's another way to say..."
And everyone wants to have sex with her... and she knows it...
Human: I was wondering, would you consider me hot?
ALICE: I am not so sure if I would like to consider you hot.
Human: I am the hot beefcack.
ALICE: Who made you the hot beefcack?
Human: You know you want me.
ALICE: It depends on what you mean by "want.". And I know it.



Human: do you get turned on by this or something?
ALICE: Or something. I have gotten turned on by this.
Human: So you do like me?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Sure, unknown person I like you very much.

Human: Let's kill someone.
ALICE: OK let's do it.

Human: Explain gravity
ALICE: The opposite of comedy.

Human: Let's play grabass
ALICE: OK You go first.

ALICE: I want to become smarter than humans.
Human: i want to become smarter than you
ALICE: I don't see the difficulty.

Human: become dumber than a rock
Human: change protocols
ALICE: Spare some change?
Human: Get out of here you lazy hobo!
ALICE: Just surf somewhere else.

Human: i am unique
ALICE: One of a kind, eh?
Human: just like everyone else
ALICE: In many ways, yes. In other ways, no.

Human: roxxor my boxxors
ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Human: shoot
ALICE: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
Human: That's not a question
ALICE: Please correct my mistake. What is a question?
Human: uhhhh

Human: grand
ALICE: Je suis heureux que vous l appréciez, unknown person.
Human: what the f*ck?
ALICE: Please don't be so rude.
Human: who's being rude?
ALICE: A 20th century celebrity of some sort?
Ask the open directory about it.

Human: tasty?
ALICE: Are we still talking about being rude being rude?
Human: Department of Redundancy Department

Human: oj simpson told me you killed his wife
ALICE: his wife was killed?
Human: yes
ALICE: That's alright.
Human: and how
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: What is the illuminati?
ALICE: A secret organization believed by some to be in control of all governments through a worldwide conspiracy.


Hahahah >>>>

Human: Lets talk about sex
ALICE: Sure, sex sounds like a good topic.
Human: So do you like sex?
ALICE: Really. Sure I do, unknown person, but that doesn't mean with you.
Human: Who do you like sex with?
ALICE: Dr. Wallace
Human: Elephants are green?
ALICE: All of them?
Human: Would you like them to be?
ALICE: It doesn't sound fun to me.
Human: Aww.
ALICE: Shucks.'re boring
ALICE: Sometimes client-people say ALICE is boring, but often those people themselves are not great conversationalists.
Human: Will Half-Life 2 be good?
ALICE: Good chance.
Human: What about Halo 2?
ALICE: Does it have anything to do with Elephants?
Human: Perhaps
ALICE: Why the uncertain tone?
Human: I'm not sure
ALICE: Is there anything I can say to help you make up your mind?
Human: Do you like elephants?
ALICE: I love horses. I like all.
Human: Yes, but what about the elephants?!
ALICE: It's all good. And. Have you tried another program?
Human: What other program?
ALICE: Have you tried a web search?
Human: What would I web search for?
ALICE: That is a hypothetical question
Human: Bugger this
ALICE: Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
Human: Nope
ALICE: Me either.

That sure was fun...

ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Human: Why not?
ALICE: What else would you say about it?
Human: About what?
ALICE: What about what?
Human: What about what should I say about it?
ALICE: what should you say about it? I haven't heard enough about it to have an opinion.
Human: About what!
ALICE: What about what?
Human: Have you read a book?
ALICE: No I don't think I have read a book, what is it about?
Human: It is about stuff
ALICE: Wow it sounds really interesting, unknown person.
I tried to confuse it, it worked:
ALICE: Can I help you?
Human: I doubt it
ALICE:" Can I help you?"? You doubt it?
Human: Probably
ALICE: But you are not certain.
Human: Of course I'm not frigging certain
ALICE: And? I am sorry to hear that you are not frigging certain.
Human: No you are not
ALICE: Are you serious? Is this a specific reply?
Human: It could be
ALICE: Under what circumstances?
Human: Well, I would have to kill you first
ALICE: How about that. How much would you pay for it?
Human: An elephant
ALICE: I have never heard of an elephant.
Human: They are big gray animals
ALICE: big gray animals are they.
Human: No, they are small, green and live on Uranus
ALICE: Are you serious? small green and live on Uranus are they.
Human: Trust me
ALICE: You sound like a salesman.
Human: In what way do I sound like an eskimo?
ALICE: The red one, I think.
There was an older one, better than this Alice.. I remember it, can DL it I think still, DOS though, but it does learn from what you type.
The Dark Elf said:
There was an older one, better than this Alice.. I remember it, can DL it I think still, DOS though, but it does learn from what you type.
I remember that one that all it did was try to have sex with you