Aliens have been stealing our women?

Maybe the woman got tired of the men and left the city ((like the amazons or something))
Frank said:
I don't think there is a man on this earth who doesn't like breasts...especially those without any clothes on them.... :thumbs: :bounce:

A gay man maybe???? :|
Certianly there is a lack of Female characters that we've seen, but Alyx isn't running about in a skin-tight latex catsuit, so that puts it above quite a lot of games out there :)
Pressure said:
A gay man maybe???? :|
But even as a child this gay man would have sucked on his mothers ripe nipples. The infant would be craving for the goodness that flows from them. Even if he had been bottlefed his little instincts would tell him to lick his mother tits. So even a gay man couldn't deny with absolute surety that he never enjoyed the sweet taste of a womans nipple.
Sparta said:
it would be real cool to see women fighting next to you though. Add's more realism to the game. Even if the game is already realistic enough (aliens invading aint that realistic if you havent noticed....unless you're one of those conspiracy theory freaks on the Art Bell forums)

No you are wrong, they would not fight next to men as they would be in the kitchen where they should be, or maybe in the lounge ironing the hazard suits....
Anthraxxx said:
Damn! All this talk about aliens, boobies, pr0n stars, and HL2 is making me crave a doughnut!!!

lol we have aliens, boobies and porn stars in this thread.. and all we were missing was a Chief Wiggum line :LOL:
Okay then:

"No jury in the world is going to convict a baby ... Maybe Texas."
Mr-Fusion said:
But even as a child this gay man would have sucked on his mothers ripe nipples. The infant would be craving for the goodness that flows from them. Even if he had been bottlefed his little instincts would tell him to lick his mother tits. So even a gay man couldn't deny with absolute surety that he never enjoyed the sweet taste of a womans nipple.
Titar said:
Sorry to double post but, Riddle me this. How could Valve go to the effort to make EVER LAST NPC unique, yet never ask themselves "Why is every citizen/prisoner of this city male?"

Maybe all the citizens are male because the combine took all the females away to *conduct very sensitive* tests, and make a hybrid race? get it? "The Combine"?
Most of what we have seen in screenshots have been battle scenes. Remember, you can always learn from your past. In the past, during any resistance movement, female combats have been kept to a minimum. Sure, we have a few famous individuales, like Molly Pitcher. But that is why thay are famous, becuse they are female combatants. Most female members of a resistance group stay back at a command post. They usually gather intelligence, make sure the combatants are well supplied and the such.

Now, before anyone goes and calls me sexist (I don't think what I said was sexist, but I know someone would accuse me), I have to say that as an ex-military infantry soldier, personally, I think women should be allowed in combat. Most of the time when people debat about weather women should be allowed in combat, the make the poor assumtion that men and women would be fighting next to each other. If women are going to fight in combat, they should be all female companies. I sure as hell know I couldn't trust myself to order a member of my squad to assault an mg bunker if I was attracted to her.

Bloody aliens... Come over here, taking our jobs and our women... <Grumble Grumble Grumble>

Over paid, over sexed and over here!
Never mind the fact that most women I know fight nastier and dirtier than men...
Brian Damage said:
Never mind the fact that most women I know fight nastier and dirtier than men...

Hey! You've Fought Caite Aswell!?
why do you hate your sister so much? did she give you Friggy or what?
No. I'm still not quite sure how Friggy got here.

She's... Overbearing. Bossy. Irritating. But then, what little sister isn't?
I'd reccomend doubling your stock of Duck Tape
Hog tie her and throw her in the hall closet for awhile, that'll teach her not to mess with you...well, physically I guess. Ofcourse, women can do a lot of psychological damage, so maybe thats not such a good idea. =)