All i want to say is: screw you valve


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
i am not a mean person. I appreciate that the people at Valve have and are putting a lot of effort into Half-Life2, but i ask this question for the last time, what pushed valve, a week - before completion - to decide to delay the game for what will effectively become a year. A year of pain, sadness and multiple cases of unfairely raised hopes.

I am prepared to vow my life on the fact that something big happened, and that i) they didnt plan for this delay and ii) the leak had very little to do with the delay.

Exhibit 1 for case i): Valve had mentioned during that blissful period between E3 and fateful september, valve mentions and is thanked often for not announcing the game years before its release; ala Doom 3.

Exhibit 2 for case i):No company in its right mind (and yes, it could be agued that valve isn't in its right mind) would wait a week before announcing that their game will not be released soon.

Exhibit for case ii): Well, from what i understand, Valve taught those "Vampire: the masquerade" people how to patch up their code after the leak within a number of weeks, and they wouldn't have given dirty aim-bot type people more than a weeks headstart, so i doubt they would care.

Well, I may have perhaps missed the biggest issue in the saga, but i call it like i see it, and it looks bad....
Money? That would be what gets my gear's roleing.... Nvidia's crappy performance in hl2 anyone?
Damn just wait, you aren't going to die. There are lots of other good games out there to play, you can even play HL over again. It may not have even been Valve that delayed the game, and do you think that they are just sitting on their asses letting the game rot? Hell no, they are making it better.
I don't really care about the delay, but it would be great to have a little info fron valve on upgrades/modifications they have made.
im not saying i cant wait, but rather that im pissed valve wont tell me why exactly[/U] i have to wait. im waiting too see what they say at E3 to explain themselves to the countless people whose questions to them can't just be deleted on reception.
You'll be kissing Gabe Newell's big fat ass when HL2 comes out like evryone else....
It's not as big and fat as WhiteBoy's sig! :)

Anyway... yeah... that's nahstee...
I'm Gabe Newell always pale, got a big fat ass but my game company sucks so I hate my life.. OOOHHFFF!!
I love delays, seriously, there is nothing better to hear that a game is delayed. If I were Gabe I would delay it until we died.

HL2 will eventually come out...just keep that in mind....they can't keep it from us forever!
jimbones said:
I'm Gabe Newell always pale, got a big fat ass but my game company sucks so I hate my life.. OOOHHFFF!!
But I'm sure he feels GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I don't think its right to make fun of Gabe, or say F*^%K off to him or his company or anything (I'm not accusing any of you).
But it IS messed up for Gabe to keep his fans in the dark like this after he lied and whatnot...
No its not messed up, someone in the community betrayed VALVe's trust in a way, with the hacking. So I mean they can close the supply line if they want, because they don't want to be betrayed again.
DiSTuRbEd said:
No its not messed up, someone in the community betrayed VALVe's trust in a way, with the hacking. So I mean they can close the supply line if they want, because they don't want to be betrayed again.

the delay(s) weren't from the hack. And I doubt the hacker was even a "fan".

edit: to make myself not llook like an asshole
THE VALVE IS LEAKY (heheh get it ?)

How about a big "what the friggen hell" ? Can anyone come up with an idea as to why Valve couldn't tell us anyhting?

It blows my mind, Yeah they do have a great game but what's it hurt to give real info? Who gives a rats ass about Nvidia or ATI. They don't make games, Vavle makes games. Although I wonder about legal problems they may have I don't see why they can't release info. I have said before that I will buy the game regardless, but talk about bending you over a barrell.

First off I give no sympathy to a company that is that dumb in marketing. Does the movie industry release info about their movies then give you a release date then break it. HELL NO. Who would have gone to see Lord of the Rings (the two towers) if they told you the release date was in sept then MOVED it a year ahead and VANISHED with absolutly no real PR. It's insanity, and I wish I could tell them how dumb that is. Maybe enough people signing a petition could get them to SPILL THE BEANS. who knows.

The second worst thing besides waiting for HL2 is the people who are jackasses and say this "it's just a game you can wait". Well no shit we can wait and we will wait but that's not the point. I sigh everyday I look for more info and see nothing. Why doesn't Valve slap together a demo were we can run aroung a room playing with the physics. It would take a days worth of work and it would tide people over till release. (do they want to keep this game that secret? ) what are they really keeping? when they do release it someone will RIP right through it and give all the plot in a day. The second day someone will have made cheats for it. The third day someone will cheat in multiplayer.

It just bothers me that Valve is acting like a prissy catholic school girl who won't put out. In the end all they care about is hauling in the green and we will be glad to pay for it. It just bothers me that no one there has the time to give us what we really care about now which is info. They're hippocrites and everyone should realise that they obviously don't care about the community as much as they think they do.

Ranting is fun :devil: .............................................--------o-------
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Obviously, they want to keep the game a secret so there are my suprises and you are blown away by the game.
herbster said:
im not saying i cant wait, but rather that im pissed valve wont tell me why exactly[/U] i have to wait. .

1. One word. STEAM.

2. Condition Zero.

3. HL2 was no where near finished, and definitely not up to the standard that the E3 videos promised.

Valve put one over us all.

End of discussion.
wonkers said:
THE VALVE IS LEAKY (heheh get it ?)

First off I give no sympathy to a company that is that dumb in marketing.

Ranting is fun :devil: .............................................--------o-------
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accually, they are very sneaky and thought out marketers.
Think of all the pre-orders they are taking in. Not to mention the ATI buisiness team up, sell more radeons bundled with a free half-life 2 coupon.

Maybe they are just adding a hell of a lot of content, longer game, more features, tweak the hell out of steam.
The only problem I see is the lack of communication from the developers to the community that they say they respect so much(lets hope its besides cashing in on more and more people who are in it for mods and the engine)

So I dunno, I don't mind a wait, its just lame how they don't tell us anything. heh, the only thing that douche ?lombardi? says is "no info till E3"
If they were making this game for money the game would be out about 4 years ago.
Foxtrot said:
If they were making this game for money the game would be out about 4 years ago.

So, it's going to be freeware?

Why the hell do you think they want to have Steam up and running so they can distribute HL2 through it? It wouldn't be to maximise their profits now, would it?
Non-Sequitur said:
1. One word. STEAM.

2. Condition Zero.

3. HL2 was no where near finished, and definitely not up to the standard that the E3 videos promised.

Valve put one over us all.

End of discussion.

The 'beta' build pre dates E3, anyone and their grandmother knows this, so point 3 is utter drivel. :dozey:
We don't have to screw Valve at all. They are scewing themselves with the delays. As time goes by and other games, such as Doom 3 and Stalker are released which have all the next gen stuff HL2 has and amazing stories, sound, music, immersion etc it will make the HL2 experience seem far less unique and interesting. PC magazine reviewers will judge it as such saying "It's got nothing we haven't seen before" calling it average "been done before".

The pre-September 30th hype is completely dead now, had HL2 been released then sales would have been astounding. The game was clearly ahead of it's time at that stage. That kind of hype is rare in the computer gaming world and it's very unfortunate Valve and Vivendi couldn't capitalise on it. The hype and excitement will not reach those levels again for HL2. If Valve decide to delay the game to 2005 which is very possible it will be the last nail in the coffin for Valve. One would imagine that funds from sales of HL1/CS/DoD will dry up sometime in the near future. And what about those poor bastards who bought the ATI cards with HL2 vouchers? By the time HL2 is released those cards will be horribly out of date, i'm sure that'll annoy the people who only bought the card for HL2.

So we, as fans and consumers don't have to do anything. Valve are quite capable of destroying themselves.

I've said it once, i'll say it again. IT IS POINTLESS TO ANNOUNCE A GAME 1-2 YEARS BEFORE IT'S RELEASE!! Game companies should know better!! Who are the twits forcing them to spill the beans? Is it the marketers? They clearly have no clue. A games existence could be announced 3 weeks before it's release and be marketed and advertised very well in that span of time. The internet is great in that information gets around quicker than my ex-gf.
Kadayi Polokov said:
The 'beta' build pre dates E3, anyone and their grandmother knows this, so point 3 is utter drivel. :dozey:

Did I say the pre-E3 build was all they had in September?

I'm sure they had those E3 levels completed... I meant the rest of the game would have been nowhere near complete. Meaning... AI and physics... and the rest of the levels.
If they were making HL2 just for money they would have released it on September 30th or they would have not made their engine and they would have released it 4 years ago. And about steam, I think it is a great idea, stores will sell out of the game fast and people will want the game, so they can just download it. And Valve is not screwing themselves by delaying the game, if you want the game they had on 9-30 then just download it, it is all over the internet.
Foxtrot said:
If they were making HL2 just for money they would have released it on September 30th or they would have not made their engine and they would have released it 4 years ago. And about steam, I think it is a great idea, stores will sell out of the game fast and people will want the game, so they can just download it. And Valve is not screwing themselves by delaying the game, if you want the game they had on 9-30 then just download it, it is all over the internet.


I don't think you understand business... The game would not exist if there were no prospects of cash after they finish it. If Half-Life 1 had not made any money, do you really think they would be making HL2 now? Seriously?

The reason they want to distribute through Steam is to avoid the retail process - TO MAXIMISE THEIR PROFITS.

And someone just pointed out to me that the pre-E3 build was not what they had on Sept. 30... Every man and his grandmother knows that.
I don't think you understand business, they would not have went to all this trouble and they would not be keeping things so secret if they were in it just for the money. The game would not exist if people did not like it, and they would not be putting in so much work and detail if they were doing it just for the money. If they were doing it just for the money they would not have spend a week(or however long) on a ship modelling it plank by plank, they would not have hired specialists on emotions either. They would have also used someone else's graphics engine.
Foxtrot said:
I don't think you understand business, they would not have went to all this trouble and they would not be keeping things so secret if they were in it just for the money. The game would not exist if people did not like it, and they would not be putting in so much work and detail if they were doing it just for the money. If they were doing it just for the money they would not have spend a week(or however long) on a ship modelling it plank by plank, they would not have hired specialists on emotions either. They would have also used someone else's graphics engine.

I'm sure they'll gladly take your money... they do need to survive. That's usually why people go to work. That's the driving force behind businesses. I'm sure if Gabe told everyone at Valve tomorrow that HL2 was going to be a charity game, and no money would be made after its release, no one would come back to work on it the next day. I assure you.

They're spending this much time on the game so their product is better than the competitors, so they get YOUR money. It sems to be a pretty good tactic, and hell, they've somehow fooled you into thinking they're doing it for "the greater good" or something...
Face it, they know how to market a game, in fact, they're probably laughing at us right now saying how blown away we will be and we'll forgive them.

This makes sense, why spill all the dirty details about a game being delayed? Reel them in and keep them, I say. He weighed and Gabe picked the lesser of two evils, A) Leave them in the dark, causing a minor wound and then they'll flip out when we release the game, or B) Tell them all the details, maybe causing mass loss of faith in VALVe and then people won't buy HL2.

If you ask me, if I were Gabe, I wouldn't tell you nincompoops anything! *devilish grin*
They make lots of money off leasing the engine to other companies, that's another reason to work on it so hard. ?:) ?)?)))LLll?lld,d,d

Business is all about making money. Never forget that. It's capitalism. Sometimes capitalism can destroy games (glares at Lucasarts evily) as they take shortcuts everywhere to get the game out as quick as possible to make quick bling bling.

Other companies like Blizzard and Valve spend as much time as they can on a game moulding it into perfection, or as close as they can get so people love the game and sales skyrocket. Fair enough.

I just despise this practice of announcing games sooooo early in their development and having to endure the inevitable year long delays.

Goddamn my opinions are just oxymoron after oxymoron. /jabs philips head screwdriver into femoral artery.

What's more important?

Short development time + bad game
Excrutiatingly long development time + possible good game?

*stares at wall*
Sprafa said:
You'll be kissing Gabe Newell's big fat ass when HL2 comes out like evryone else....

well said... when it goes gold everyone will be going mad again and it would be like non of this has ever happend
fishymumma said:
well said... when it goes gold everyone will be going mad again and it would be like non of this has ever happend
such is the life of a fan boy consumer
Valve isn't pumping this game out for their love of money, and I think they would finish up the game if they weren't getting any money from it. Have you even watched any of the interviews yet? If they loved money so much they wouldn't be game developers :P
fishymumma said:
well said... when it goes gold everyone will be going mad again and it would be like non of this has ever happend
Don't think so.

Only an idiot would forget what happened. I'll always remember this. Like i'll always remember when Lucasarts cancelled Obi-wan for PC and moved it to X-box. That was crushing. What a bunch of assholes lucasarts are. I suppose it was comforting that the game sucked on the x-box...

I'll also never forget Blizzard and the Diablo 1.10 patch fiasco. The patch was in development for 18 months. As hackers, d2jsp botting whores, cow runners and ith wielding twats ran riot on the realms.

I'll never forget the bullshit John Romero pulled with Daikiatana.

I'll never forget the crap still going on with DNF.

I will certainly never forget the way EA constantly whore and rape the WW2 First Person Shooter genre with an endless suppy of Medal Of Honor games. I won't ever touch an EA product again.

Fanboys can have fun living in stupidity and ignorance. But i don't forget the way companies treat consumers. Questionable at times.

Valve is an interesting situation. On one hand they have been consistently supporting and updating Half-Life and CS over the years showing a huge amount of devotion and dedication to keeping us happy.

On the other hand the delays with everything Valve related (HL2, CZ, SDK!!!!11) and lack of game status information is very hard to endure. It tests our patience at times.
Lol I think Obi-Wan would have sucked no matter where it went, you must be a real dumbass if you were looking forward to that game.
It was supposed to be the successor (in terms of gameplay) to Jedi Knight (one of the greatest star wars games ever!! Of course i was looking forward to it!
csmighty1 said:
I love delays, seriously, there is nothing better to hear that a game is delayed. If I were Gabe I would delay it until we died.

HL2 will eventually come out...just keep that in mind....they can't keep it from us forever!

wonder how many times that was said on the DNF forums

valves full of shit. they waited just a week before the release to announce the release cause they were shameless looking for more preorders its plain as day.

the point about the vampire game would be true had the game Multiplayer. its a rpg without mplayer i think, correct me if im wrong.

plain and simple valve is just as much a seedy money-before-fans company as other game companies out there, they arent geared toward the community much more then any other company. in fact i'd say less cause they knowingly deceived people and led them to believe things so they would buy upgrades and whatnot of people partnered with valve.

in conclusion, ya i'll get HL2 when it comes out, legally or not depends, but i have no respect for valve anymore and i simply do not care what people say, fan boys pick away at my post and defend your precious valve with nothing to back it up except for HL1, numerous delays and blatant lies from valve.

and btw i dont care how long its delayed im not pumped for the game anymore. i'll play other games that are actually released not vapoware.
Oh ok, sorry for that statement then Mr-Fusion, I had never even heard anything about the game until I actually played it on the xbox.