Always bet on Duke

Damn right.

But from what I saw of the 2001 trailer and the few things after it, it looks like 3DR wanted to do a lot more than make a straight up shooter. Thus more game mechanics, and more constraints on the control scheme.
Goddamn Im just HOPING that the ideas they showed in the 2001 trailer made it into this version, even if they did have to start over at some point. Some of those scenes were just too awesome to not come to fruition.
This better have an SDK on PC so someone can mod it to be like it should be.
You can't get all that vapor back to condense.
Some people can't seem to grasp the nature of this project. 2K doesn't let GBX finish DNF, so that the world can finally play this game. They want to recoup some of the millions they invested in this money pit. A PC-only game would be a bad idea because it would simply mean less sales.
Dunno if this was posted yet but ...

How Duke Nukem Forever Was Brought Back To Life

The events of the spring of 2009 seemed, to outside observers, to destroy Duke Nukem Forever. The truth is that the game lingered on.

One of the co-creators of the well-known Duke Nukem character, Allen Blum, was among the 3D Realms developers fired in May of 2009. He was a veteran. "He couldn't let it go," Pitchford said. "I wouldn't either. He decided to keep it going." So, post 3D Realms, Duke Nukem Forever development continued in the apartments of some of the laid off staff. It became, essentially, a garage game. "I got wind of it," Pitchford said. "I came around and checked things out."

The ex-3D-Realms guys didn't have much hope of getting Duke Nukem Forever released. They didn't have the contractual, legal rights to release the game. But 3D Realms co-owner Scott Miller worked out an agreement with Blum so that they could continue creating Duke Nukem Forever, Pitchford said. They could work on the game. But with lawsuits flying, who was going to put this thing out? Miller contacted Pitchford to see if the latter could turn this project into a reality.
I bet it all on Duke, and all twelve of my yachts are in dry dock getting their engines changed.
I bet it all on Duke, and all twelve of my yachts are Micro Machines.
This game will be a huge letdown, I'm calling it now.

They have to do something really good after all this time, like Valve did with Half Life 2.
>=[ Don't call it now, at least wait for it to come out.
I didn't bet it all on Duke, and am still waiting for this version of the game to flop.
I bet it all on Duke's twelve-inch yacht, but I only got a ride on his micro-machine.
George "I'm full of myself" Broussard on shacknews gave a comment on why there was only 2 guns, and he hinted it at being a controller issue (special thanks to "StingingVelvet" on the PC Gamer forums for spotting the post):

"Yeah, blame us for it if you want. It may change in the future and I don't know what will happen with it, but it was us. I stand by it too, as you cannot discount designing games for a modern world and part of that world is consoles where the bulk of the sales can be. And on those consoles you have a controller. We tried for a long time to support lots of guns but we simply could not find a nice way to map it to a controller, despite trying 4-5 designs. We gave it enough time and decided to stop swimming against the current and adopt what was basically the "standard".

It's not 1996 anymore."

And there you have it, from the horse's ass.....I mean mouth.
"It's not 1996 anymore"

Then how about you leave Duke the **** alone and make something new instead of trying to cash in on the old game's success while simultaneously ruining it.
Always bet on Gearbox to make a shitty console port.
I think people are taking this way too seriously. It's a weapon carrying mechanic. Carrying all the weapons at once wasn't exactly a defining feature of Duke Nukem, so much as the design standard at the time. What defines Duke is basically decent gunplay, fun level design, and a sense of humour. Whether we're using a selection wheel or a binary swap or a simple series menu is completely perpendicular to the spirit of the game, and largely unimportant when talking about significant changes to the series. Complaining about this is a little like complaining about making a move from on-site filming to producing on a set. Sure there's a qualitative difference, but you still write your script the same, you still act the same - you just work a little differently with the camera.
Well he is the T-6000, internet insulting machine.

Internet insulting machine? I thought I was the harbringer of human destruction?

Sorry about sounding a bit hostile, I'm rarely like that. It's just that George is so damn arrogant. Sure, he's a skilled programer and has helped the industry tremendously but these past years he's just been too egotistic. I can deal with the 2 weapon carrying mechanic (though I disagree with it, I can handle it), it's just that his post rubbed off on me the wrong way.
I think people are taking this way too seriously. It's a weapon carrying mechanic. Carrying all the weapons at once wasn't exactly a defining feature of Duke Nukem, so much as the design standard at the time. What defines Duke is basically decent gunplay, fun level design, and a sense of humour. Whether we're using a selection wheel or a binary swap or a simple series menu is completely perpendicular to the spirit of the game, and largely unimportant when talking about significant changes to the series. Complaining about this is a little like complaining about making a move from on-site filming to producing on a set. Sure there's a qualitative difference, but you still write your script the same, you still act the same - you just work a little differently with the camera.

you summed that up pretty well
"It's not 1996 anymore"

Then how about you leave Duke the **** alone and make something new instead of trying to cash in on the old game's success while simultaneously ruining it.

*couch* *cough* I beat you to it.

Remus said:
Yeah... OK... I hope he realises the same argument could be used to justify not making this game at all.
wtf, a gun-swing melee attack? GOD DAMN

This is definitely an interesting development. As far as Gearbox being the developer behind it...well, I suppose there are worse studios that could perform that task (and apparently, some of the 3dr developers are still on board, still looking for proof of that though).

According to that Gamespot interview, they are currently in the "polishing stages" which I guess is a good thing. Actually getting this game out is an accomplishment in itself.

is something quite different and the kind of thing I'd get angry about.

Also this. Duke doesn't buttstroke. Halo is a kind of guy who would buttstroke. Duke has Mighty Foot, goddammit.
Yeah, and its not the gameplay element thats wrong. Its signature to his character. Just like his cigar, tank-top, and cracking his knuckles. Its like taking away the 360 sword spin attack from Link, or the ability to jump on top of enemies to kill them for Mario.
The keen observers at Destructoid have found some gameplay footage amidst Talk-Fest 2K10

> Keen observers at Destructiod have found gameplay footage

> Massive screen in a packed auditorium with the words "DUKE NUKEM FOREVER DEMO" and the whole place in uproar.

> Keen observers
Damn, beat me to it. I just found this today as well.

EDIT: Love the line from the marine at about 0:40 in the second video
"Hey I'm not even gonna talk any more cause you've been jerked around enough, right? Okay so... I'll just keep talking for a few minutes then. Cause we're gonna show you the game. Now. Right now. Totally not stalling for time... okay so here's Duke pissing and drawing a dick lol. Welp don't want to overload your senses so we'd better shut it off again for a bit."
