Alyx Dialogue "Easter Eggs"


Aug 17, 2006
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Apologies if this has been mentioned before - I did do a search.

In the developers commentary they mention how some of Alyx's dialogue is trigger based - eg. when she is in the dark she makes that fake zombie moan gag. They also mentioned that the writers "when a little crazy" and put triggers for Alyx dialogue all over the place as 'Easter Eggs'. I was just wondering what sort of things people have done to trigger an Easter Egg. The only two that I've found are
- When you get to the fence just after getting in the elevator and just before seeing Klinercasts for the first time, if you pick up one of the pay phones in that area she says, "Those things haven't worked in years"
- When you get to the rebel safe house there is a TV with the Klinercast playing. If you pick up the TV and unplug it she says something like, "Yeah, we probably don't need to listen to Dr. Kliner any more".
No the tv one is "Yeah your right, we dont have time to watch tv" or something similar.
In HL2, in Black Mesa East, when she says, "That's the old passage to Ravenholm, we don't go there any more..." If you go down the passage she'll follow you and say, "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm, it was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17. Believe me that tunnel is sealed for a reason."
Reeaaally....i will need to have a look at that the next time i go through Half-Life 2 =D
I also saw in ep1 was when your eyes are some where else Alyx just stares at you but when you look back at her she looks down, odd...


I haven't verified this, but I've heard that when you're in the darkened tunnels, if you keep you keep your flashlight off for a couple of minutes Alyx will freak out and start crying.
lol i doubt that, she usually says something like 'I cant see a thing without that flashlight on'
lol i think you have the best imagination ever, yeah I would agree it would be interesting to witness, it would be kinda strange at the same time, knowing that Gordon cant actually actively engage with the NPCs in that sort of way, but hopefully we will be able to in EP2 and beyond. Plus in the pic with G-Man looking over Alyx, it shows a tear falling down Alyx's right cheek, so you may have your wish granted in the next episode ;)
After the train crash and after you fight the zombies in the first tunnel section sometimes she says something about the guns, also if you turn your torch off and walk away shel start calling out to you.
Also if you keep pressing "use" on her she'l give you a "wtf" look.
After the train crash and after you fight the zombies in the first tunnel section sometimes she says something about the guns, also if you turn your torch off and walk away shel start calling out to you.
Also if you keep pressing "use" on her she'l give you a "wtf" look.

lol awsome
If you let your flashlight run out of batteries in the middle of the Lowlife tunnels, Alyx says that you need to speak with Kleiner about an upgrade.
Plus in the pic with G-Man looking over Alyx, it shows a tear falling down Alyx's right cheek, so you may have your wish granted in the next episode ;)

What? I just watched the trailer, and I didn't see that...
When you are in the dark tunnels if you shine you're flashlight on Alyx's face she will squint her eyes then hold up her hand to block out the light.
In HL2, in Black Mesa East, when she says, "That's the old passage to Ravenholm, we don't go there any more..." If you go down the passage she'll follow you and say, "We used to be able to go right up there to Ravenholm, it was an old mining town inhabited by some escapees from City 17. Believe me that tunnel is sealed for a reason."
she said that the first time i play hl2..
Theres a part in the secomd part of vent that you go through if you go right you crash through the ceiling and she says "back so soon?"
I had the flash light off in the dark for awhile and I started running in circles and just bumping into things. I think I bumped into here and she said "AHH! oh..."

And it looks like she has mega-breasts in the picture.
I haven't verified this, but I've heard that when you're in the darkened tunnels, if you keep you keep your flashlight off for a couple of minutes Alyx will freak out and start crying.

I seem to have been able to get that to work once.

As for the pic, some Alyx-obsessed guy called Major.Dump made it. In other words - Alyx didn't have a tear going down her eye in the trailer.
"Is Dr. kleiner really telling everyone to...get busy"?
"Er, dads Oddessa Cubbage."
I seem to have been able to get that to work once.

As for the pic, some Alyx-obsessed guy called Major.Dump made it. In other words - Alyx didn't have a tear going down her eye in the trailer.

Ok fair enough but why would he put a tear there, i think it was from the original trailer, ill pause it and have a look later
cos 'es well arty innit?

the zombine bit could be classed as one of these peices i suppose, i thought it was cute.
Yeah it was sweet, I think almost everyone who it just lets a smile
I thought i had a coincidence.. I watch Half Life 2: Episode 2, Trailer 2. Weird, eh?
Ok fair enough but why would he put a tear there, i think it was from the original trailer, ill pause it and have a look later

It's not, that guy is just fvcking obsessed.
why would someone to put a tear there because they are obsessed, that doesn't make sense to me really
Does not make sense to have a tear there, she is clearly passed out.
Anyway theres a part in the game where there is a zombie on fire and shes like "Chuckle, Zom-B-Q"
If you turn the flashlight off in Lowlife Alyx says "Gordon?" "Are you still there?" "Where are you?" "Come back!" "Don't leave me here!"

The first citizen you see on the surface fighting the antlions says she's going to stay there to help anyone else who's trying to get out of the city if you use her.

Also at the end of the game if you go down to where Alyx is before killing the strider she says "We can't leave till that strider's taken care of".
why would someone to put a tear there because they are obsessed, that doesn't make sense to me really

That's because you have no experience with these types, he is definitely obsessed.
The medic on the street says a few different things, actually. Something about the antlions, I think.
Lol... Anyone notice how in lowlife in the dark tunnel, if you turn the flashlight off, she starts breathing heavily? Like shes scared.. lawl..
can sombody make a video with these eggs in it for us who can't play the game till christmas when we get our super computer that has the same processer in it as anything nasa has? :p