Alyx Dialogue "Easter Eggs"

As for the pic, some Alyx-obsessed guy called Major.Dump made it. In other words - Alyx didn't have a tear going down her eye in the trailer.

Ahhh yes Major Dump, that guy from PHW right?
Lol... Anyone notice how in lowlife in the dark tunnel, if you turn the flashlight off, she starts breathing heavily? Like shes scared.. lawl..
I don't think the breathing is from her. If you look at her then turn the flashlight off the breathing is coming from another direction. I did hear sobs coming from her direction though.
During the begining of Episode One, after you & alyx talk to Dr. Eli Vance & Dr. Isaac Kliener....During the sequence when you are supposed to get the car & if you don't go in the car Alyx constantly smile's at you for no real reason. Its just weird.



can sombody make a video with these eggs in it for us who can't play the game till christmas when we get our super computer that has the same processer in it as anything nasa has? :P


btw, that skin still makes her look scary :/
Prolly. Well, if you were in a post-apocalyptic world, I think id rather be smiling all the time, rather than crying and going insane.
can sombody make a video with these eggs in it for us who can't play the game till christmas when we get our super computer that has the same processer in it as anything nasa has? :P

don't make me ask again -.-
They are really nothing special, nice additions but nothing special. When I posted the thread I was hoping to find more interesting ones - the commentary made it sound like there were really cool ones all over the place but most of the stuff listed here you'll find in game without needing to go looking for them. My advice - wait till Christmas.

If you 'use' Alyx at the start of lowlife she will say, "Ewuu, that smell can mean only one thing - Zombies".
If you are near the death & you "E" Alyx she will say "Gordon, you don't look so good. We need to find you a medic."
If you browse the episodic\sound\vo\ folders the voices are stored in .wav format and there are plenty of Alyx's that I havn't heard in the game - amongst others.
Heh, I just played Ep1 through again and I bet this was just a random occurance but when I was in the part which you people refer to as "Kleinercast" I E'd Alyx right after the "...told us to get busy?"-line. What made my chuckle was her random response which was "You ready?".
The Hug scene was supposed to be more dramatic, Alyx supposed to say "Ohhhh Gordon your alright!!!", the "Ohhhhh Gordon!!!" but rather the "I was so worried!" then the laugh of shyness was chosen instead for the hug scene.

Also during the Citadel core Alyx supposed to say "Gordon, im not saying goodbye." but instead the "Gordon, I wish there was something else I could do to help!" was chosen.
Hmm i prefer what they chose, less cliched, I was actually expecting Alyx to say something like 'Im not saying goodbye' before going into the core, but 'Gordon, I wish there was something else I could do to help' was a comment i didn't expect so nice and original ;)
Those chose it so people who were obsessed with alyx wouldn't be able to get off to it so easily :|
The Hug scene was supposed to be more dramatic, Alyx supposed to say "Ohhhh Gordon your alright!!!", the "Ohhhhh Gordon!!!" but rather the "I was so worried!" then the laugh of shyness was chosen instead for the hug scene.

Your previous suggestion is too blatant, IMO. Valve likes to put in subtle hints and cover them up with conventional stuff (speech and all that).
Hahahahaha I'll have to try that.

It changes every time I believe.

I remember one line which I only managed to trigger once (I'm sure it's actually quite common) right at the start of lowlife when you exit the train and enter the first zombie tunnel, Alyx looks at the two turrets and comment on how they've run out of ammo. Only heard it on my first playthrough, never managed to trigger it again.
It changes every time I believe.

I remember one line which I only managed to trigger once (I'm sure it's actually quite common) right at the start of lowlife when you exit the train and enter the first zombie tunnel, Alyx looks at the two turrets and comment on how they've run out of ammo. Only heard it on my first playthrough, never managed to trigger it again.

Aha! I was beginning to think I dreamt that!
Actually she has made that comment everytime with me
It changes every time I believe.

I remember one line which I only managed to trigger once (I'm sure it's actually quite common) right at the start of lowlife when you exit the train and enter the first zombie tunnel, Alyx looks at the two turrets and comment on how they've run out of ammo. Only heard it on my first playthrough, never managed to trigger it again.

Yes! I've never managed to get her to say it again.
I can get Alyx to say "What is it?" like if the player was staring at her :P & she smile's when she says it. I can get her to say it but at the price of pressing 'E' a million times because when you press 'E' all her coments are random.

Here some just to name a few

1) "What is it?"(smile's)

2)"Yes?"(a little teasy smile)

3) "Hmm?"

4) "Im right behind you."

5) The WTF O.o look she sometimes gives

6) "You ready?"

7) "You need something?"
There's one in the sound files I never heard. She says, rather playfully, "I'm trying to find a way in there, now quit goofing around."

Gordon, goofing around? Does that trigger if you goose her or something?
Also I noticed something else in the sound files that was cut, If you throw'd an object at Alyx she would respond & say "Oww cut that out." or "That hurts!"
I haven't verified this, but I've heard that when you're in the darkened tunnels, if you keep you keep your flashlight off for a couple of minutes Alyx will freak out and start crying.

That's probably a load of bullshizzle
That's probably a load of bullshizzle

She cried in tears????? I want to see this!!!!!

Also, You guys know Alyx will cover her face because of the flashlight right? Well, Not very ofter she will slightly un-cover her face, & she will have a peak & look at you for a few seconds :naughty: & she smile's a bit then covers her face again to shield the light from the flashlight off her face.
That picture of alyx in the van, dear god that is the worst, most horrific smile ever! Btw, has anyone noticed that Alyx's rack gets bigger by each game? HL2:Not too big Ep1:Alot bigger Ep2:BAZOONGA!!!!!!!
Say something like 'those gun turrets must have been firing for ages, they are all out of ammo' or something like that, in LowLife in EP1
That picture of alyx in the van, dear god that is the worst, most horrific smile ever! Btw, has anyone noticed that Alyx's rack gets bigger by each game? HL2:Not too big Ep1:Alot bigger Ep2:BAZOONGA!!!!!!!

She is a growing girl. When I was a year 7 all the lasses had tiny boobs except this one girls who a bloody massive ones.
She is a growing girl. When I was a year 7 all the lasses had tiny boobs except this one girls who a bloody massive ones.

Yarr!, except it was only a week. IMPLANTS!!!!!! :p

Pamella bewbs lolz!!!111oneone.
Alyx indeed cries "Gordon!" and "Come back!" if you leave her in the dark too long.
And no, her boobs didn't get bigger, your perviness did.
And in Lowlife, i think it was, when you crawl through the shafts to find a way to open the door for alyx, when you finally open it, she says something like: "I almost thought you forgot about me..."

And for such an agile character, she easily could've comed with 'me' (Gordon) in the shafts. Maybe she's afraid of tight spaces :rolleyes: , but i'd rather think it was too chalenging to design and implement.
And for such an agile character, she easily could've comed with 'me' (Gordon) in the shafts. Maybe she's afraid of tight spaces :rolleyes: , but i'd rather think it was too chalenging to design and implement.

She's smart enough not to stick her head somewhere where a headcrab may be waiting to zombify her, especially since she has her loyal slave to do all the dirty work, around. ;)
Haha, i bet she'll be very surprised to see a Gordon zombie emerging from the shafts :laugh: