Alyx was designed to be sexy, and a sex symbol (duh) read on..


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a penis-like wrench, glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.
i recognized this instantly the first time i saw her "gordon you're staring at me again tee-hee-hee"

big deal
Sh4mp00 said:
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a giant penis like wrench glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.

And how does that make you feel?
Sh4mp00 said:
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a giant penis like wrench glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.

A very freudian analysis there..

but you're right I'm sure to some extent, they did have a couple of experts on human movement behaviour (you know... the face guy) and all those flirting things she does are pretty textbook
Wraith said:
i recognized this instantly the first time i saw her "gordon you're staring at me again tee-hee-hee"

big deal

so maybe they will **** and then she will die, pretty classic used shtuff thur.. oh well they will make it interesting.
i think its kinda lame....and now shes ugly..../shudder
If you can read women like this in a game, you'll do great in the real world.

I agree with you... she's got those hip-hugger jeans that emphasize her curves. I think they did a good job with the character; making her look sexy without playing to the usual stereotypes of women in action games.

But for me... I think it's her voice that REALLY shows off her flirtatious nature towards Gordon. Fine voice work with a polygon butt to match -who could resist??
Absolutely, and this makes me love the "You're Gordon" position. I hope that the game ends with Gordon getting to see more of Alyx... ahem :).
WTF people this is weird she is sooooo ugly arggggg....ewwwwwwwww

what is with people and alyx if you want more of her go to a anime porn site...ewwwww.......its just....arrrrgggg....its just plain weird 0_o
Well lets see he is probably a "hero" and the closest thing to a "normal" man (not tainted by the combine aliens) she has "seen" in awhile. Being older "helps" Gordan as he also someone to look up to.

Sorry its pretty normal.
no im talking about you guys thinking of her as a figgen porn star.
Duh its all so obvious, Gordon is Winston Smith and Alyx is Julia :cool: .
I read in a review that when Alyx first meets Gordon, she really turns on the flirting.
Solver said:
Absolutely, and this makes me love the "You're Gordon" position. I hope that the game ends with Gordon getting to see more of Alyx... ahem :). know...they could always mod it in.

1/100th of the crap they say that about will never be modded.

Naked Alyx has a good chance of being created some member of the masses, but I hope I never see it.
naked Alyx has a good chance of being created some member of the masses.
I guess that mod must already be in version 0.4
I wouldnt be suprised if someone did it.. *remembers jk2/cs*

And knOx, stop spamming, please... :hmph:
You lost me, and as I suspect - most of the forum - at "phallic wrench".
MetalliMyers said:
I read in a review that when Alyx first meets Gordon, she really turns on the flirting.

And what review was that?
Yeah and thats why I dont believe the Alyx dies supposed spoilers, why create such a strong character to take her away in the first game, wouldnt make sense. guys are...disturbed....shes not REAL..and you wanna see her naked.....and i thought I was a nerd *rolls eyes*
I can just see people posting pictures of her bending over to pick something sad people! I thought there was a mass movement in the newer pictures labelling her 'ugly?'
I really don't think she's that pretty but that's just a personal preference. THey modeled her after her voice actor:

Honestly i don't think she's really that pretty but i'm glad they didn't made her a typical video game character. Ie.. unreal2, TOMB RAIDER, far cry (overaccentuated big boobies since i can't sy the other)

and she's wearing more "normal" clothing... i think she looks kind of ugly in the game but i dunno if it will look a lot better in game.

I just REALLY hope it doesn't turn into a gay love story... like "gordon save me!"... but maybe just more of a underlying kind of "spark" just don't make it a big plot point or anything... i really really really don't want half-life to turn into a big ball of gay love story
PyroGurl said: guys are...disturbed....shes not REAL..and you wanna see her naked.....and i thought I was a nerd *rolls eyes*

Yeah I know I thought I was nerd enough by posting at until I saw some people who would get turned on by seeing a nude bunch of polygons walking around a lab.
Sh4mp00 said:
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a penis-like wrench, glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.
I've alwase noticed this. It is so damn obvious, she would do Freeman. Did you know that communication in person(or with girls at least) is 90 something percent body language and the rest actual speech?
To be fair Freeman is a hell of alot better looking now.

Theyd have beautiful kids.
winston smith and julia as in orson wells' 1984?

I was gonna read 1984 but i figured HL2 is gonna be a lot like it so i'll play HL2 first so some of the story will be somewhat a new idea instead of me saying "oh that's just like 1984"

then read 1984

I really hope it isn't verbatim of 1984 and have maybe a couple of similarities... but other than that be totally original (of course its really hard to be completely original nowadays... everythings been done)
aeroripper said:
THey modeled her after her voice actor
Actually, they didn't. She just bares a resemblence. They modelled Alyx of some other girl.. I don't know if they gave us her name. Anyway-

Guys, keep your own damn opinions to your self. There is nothing "wrong" with finding a video game character attractive.

Look at internet pr0n! It's just a bunch of pixels!

It doesn't matter that it's not real. If your imagination is good enough, you don't need it to be real.

So just shutup, no one wants to hear you pretend you are better than other people because your imagination sucks.
Look at internet pr0n! It's just a bunch of pixels!

In defense of internet porn, the girls in those pics are REAL girls not synthetic polygons... there's a difference

Well only part of them are synthetic in the real porn :-P
Sh4mp00 said:
but she has curves holds a penis-like wrench.. .

your mind is very perverted, I must say, because I don't even think the most pereverted person I know would think of that.
i use socket wrenchs all the time at work an nobody messes with me about it ;)
Sh4mp00 said:
Tight Jeans, a very phallic wrench, a sassy dashing look. And if you re-whatch the binks you realize she is a huge flirt with Gordon.. not only when it is recognized in the labs but in general like near the hydra the way she moves is as if Gordon is an sexual interest. I was raised by two shrinks so I may be over analyzing this but Alyx is quite obviously interested in Gordon and not only that but shows off her body and but quite a bit. As we all play i'm sure we'll realize that. I'm looking at my signed framed poster of Alyx and I see a total babe, not in the steryotypical sense of the word but she has curves holds a penis-like wrench, glares with beutiful eyes and holds onto her pant line with one leg extended showing off her toned physique. As far as game characters go she is definatley not bad, i'd give her a spin.

holy shit this is by far the funniest entry i've ever read, even though its not meant to be. we've come to analyzing female animated characters... by god.. the new low... lord have mercy
aeroripper said:
In defense of internet porn, the girls in those pics are REAL girls not synthetic polygons... there's a difference

Well only part of them are synthetic in the real porn :-P

You are a complete bonehead.

"What is real?" A bunch of atoms and photons bouncing around? Really, looking at something virtual verses looking in real life is very much the same, be it a female, a cube, a tree, whatever (as long as ratios are near-correct, the mind will react the same, although you can use your consciousness to override this, like in your case, by thinking its not real).

But really, thats quite stupid, there is no such thing as 'fake'.

And: 'Real' is not absolute.

(Alyx is 'pretty' looking; had she been real, i would be interested.)
vegeta897 said:
It doesn't matter that it's not real. If your imagination is good enough, you don't need it to be real.

Oh that is sig worthy....