Alyx's Comments

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Crowbar-at-hand said:
During the Final Moments of Episode One, When Gordon & Alyx were escaping City 17 on the train, During the Dark Matter explosion....Me(Gordon) Junped ontop of alyx while saying "Take Cover" while shielding alyx from the bright light of the explosion......Alyx see's Gordon ontop of her and She smile's while giving him "the Look" (the look she allways gives Gordon) then strokes her hair with her finger, then Gordon Realize's that he's ontop her then he gets up, helps her get back on top of her feet..Then its off to EP2.

Damn I wish that was the ending for ep1, that would ROCK!!!!

Something like that is probably bound to happen in one place or another, but.. you know... it might be better if it was the other way around because Gordon is probably like, 250 or more pounds in his suit, and it probably isn't too comfortable being under one, let alone with a dude inside it. If Gordon jumped ontop of her, she would be screaming in pain as a result of her skeletal structure being crushed rather than acting sexy.

Yes, I love all the little lines they put in for Episode 1. There's probably a bunch I havn't heard yet. I went to hear one that someone mentioned on here where the headcrab rocket comes down on the stairwell, and if you go back to the rebels she says "I'd avoid the stairs if I were you". And I think some of them confirm that Gordon is infact saying things, but we can't hear him. Like one where you press your use key and she's like "Yeah" and nods, almost as if Gordon were to ask "You alright?" or something. Yep.

Me likes teh Half-Lifes.
Dude Crowbar, you need to stop fantisizing about video game characters. Its alright for a little bit but at the rate you post your Alyx fantisies its starting to be strange.
Ok im not even going to tell you to stfu, we all have our own opinions. and when was the last time I fantisized about alyx, READ MY LAST POST, idiot.

Also.........Zoidberg can

For being an ass and a serious sam.

And because of your flaming Zoidberg, this topic will be locked by Samon if we keep this up, probably.
Yes we all have our own opinions but you are being a little to vocal with your "opinions".

And I posted my comment becauee I had not been here in a while and read DannyC's quote and replied to that, should have used the quote button.
Infact I think for the first time I had a change of heart and I think there should NOT be a ROMANCE in HL.....EVER. HL is about the killing, Also I think it would be cool if gordon Got headcrab'ed and became zombie, then GO all mad and Kill ALYX. Why? because She loves Gordon that Why I want her to die because she'll ruin the HL story.

Gordon can take care of himself, I dont need a side kick, And since I am Gordon I dont Contest and I dont like the idea of there being a Romance in Hl, and getting married to a Woman.........Why that'd be just plain Gay.
He got my thread locked.

I worked hard on that thread too…
Yes, yes... "The Look"... Gordon being headcrabbed... death and ass flying every which way... It all adds up.

You're nuts, Crowbar.
The Main character Should be Gordon, AND Gordon alone, I think alyx should die, It will ruin Half Life. VALVe do the right thing, KILL ALYX.
God knows crowbar is the leading reason any thread about Ayx gets locked…

You can kiss this thread goodbye.
Oh by the way, I think Alyx is whats considered a co-star.

I would rather not kiss the thread as I have OCD, but you can always make a new one with a similar subject matter (Alyx) if this one gets locked.
I do suppose so.

Alas, He’ll simply post there too with his ludicrously ignorant flights of fancy storytelling.
Neko, and Zoidberg......Shut Up for once will ya.

Im not the reason The threads get locked, its because it leads to a flaming contest inwhich I become the Poor victim, I guess.

Half Life, Should always be about GORDON FREEMAN!!!!!

And about alyx being a Co-star......Actually valve did a good thing, It is said that one character will die in one of these episodes, and it will be layx as seen in the trailer.

And Quite Frankly about my Fan-Tah-see's...Thats None of your business, NOR your concern.

Also Zoidberg & neko........
Crowbar, they get closed because people eventually get creeped out by your "fantasies". Which, by the way, should be kept to yourself if they're your business and none of our concern.
I said I have change of heart, Let me quote my last Post becuase you guys were obviously not paying attention--------> "Infact I think for the first time I had a change of heart and I think there should NOT be a ROMANCE in HL.....EVER. HL is about the killing, I want alyx dead because she'll ruin the HL story."

Also If guys want to know, I am NO perv....I do NOT do sex poses in Gmod with "Certain" characters.
That only heightens our suspicions you do.

And to my defense, I never started an argument in my thread. You ruined it all by your lonesome.
^^You may not be making sexual related poses but you still seem to find the time in your day to make other sorts of poses illustrated here: (<-GM beach whores?) which came from this thread thread: The motive of the poses creation is the real issue that I have with your post(s).

Your John-Kerry-worthy-flop, what you seem to call a sudden change of heart, suspicially coincides with accusations of posting your fantisies of Alyx and or Gordon on threads including but not limited to this one.
i agree, crowbar should stop posting things that do not contribute to the thread
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Also If guys want to know, I am NO perv....I do NOT do sex poses in Gmod with "Certain" characters.

This is like the guy who denies committing murder even though nobody's accusing him of it, and subsequently blows his cover.
How am I being rude to him? I calmy asked him why he kept posting his "stories" about Gordon and Alyx. At first hey I didnt mind, but he kept posting more and more of them and I found them to be little disturbing. So a few pages back in this thread I asked him why he persisted, and he got on his soap box and decided to make that image his trade mark.
Anyway, I had no intention to be rude, but I will defend my self if a argument is commenced. And crow I had no idea you didnt make those pictures, after all they are on your photobucket site, and you posted them.

I guess I sould try and make this conversation formal agian. Crowbar, please cease your posting of your stories involving the characters Alyx and Gordon.
Though judging by your "Change of heart", I think we wont see those stories anymore.
Crowbar, blame those ****ing vortigaunts for the romance! Gordon Freeman has only been in sleep stasis for so long, and just happens to wake up to a futuristic slavery. Let the man get some pussy, jesus christ.
I’m sorry Crowbar, but your rather large image proclaiming me to get out of the immediate vicinity will have no effect on my continuance to mock you and your B rated tales of stupidity.

To be honest with you, I quite surprised he even understand half of what we’re saying given his apparent English illiterateness.

And can you blame us for our rudeness? I myself wont often act in such a manner unless provoked, and Crowbar seems more then able to provoke a negative response from just about everyone and everything he replies to.
Alas, I may still only be somewhat bitter about him getting my Alyx thread locked…
Neko Im only going to say this once........Can you Shut up for once will ya, JESUS F***ing Christ. Damnit is it really that hard, is it impossible, lol......What Do i have to do to have peace.

Also Please do me a few favors: 1) Stop being such a Grammar Nazi. 2) Quit Crying about your Locked topic all you can is blame your selves after all... you guys just going at it, and at it, and at it, and would not stop, stop being such a baby.

And can I blame you for your rudeness? Yes, I can because 2 wrongs do not make a right. About my stories, if you dont like it Shut up, if you do not have anything constructive to add, do not say anything at all...Please.

Are you an English Teacher/ Proffesor, or did you get your Masters because you seem so Grammar naziish, idk.

EDIT; OK OK, I apologize if I seem rude, Lets stop this petty Flaming before this gets locked.
Wow, what a worm and fuzzy atmosphere we've got here.
So, guys, how about that Alyx character??
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Neko Im only going to say this once........Can you Shut up for once will ya, JESUS F***ing Christ. Damnit is it really that hard, is it impossible, lol......What Do i have to do to have peace.

Also Please do me a few favors: 1) Stop being such a Grammar Nazi. 2) Quit Crying about your Locked topic all you can is blame your selves after all... you guys just going at it, and at it, and at it, and would not stop, stop being such a baby.

And can I blame you for your rudeness? Yes, I can because 2 wrongs do not make a right. About my stories, if you dont like it Shut up, if you do not have anything constructive to add, do not say anything at all...Please.

Are you an English Teacher/ Proffesor, or did you get your Masters because you seem so Grammar naziish, idk.

EDIT; OK OK, I apologize if I seem rude, Lets stop this petty Flaming before this gets locked.
Personally, all that told me is your an IDIOT
You, Neko, and Zoidberg have been harassing Crowbar for three pages nonstop. At this point, he can hardly be blamed for starting to get a little pissed off.

EDIT: Could someone lock this please? It seems the only things left to do in this thread are: vomit bile at each other, or laugh about how we're all being massive dicks.
Alyx's Comment, such a nice thread, have been spoiled by you guys. ;(
I know, don't we suck?

trying in vain to get back on topic:
bbson_john said:
I can see from the voice-over files that Alyx would actually list the Combine regulations. However, I don't know how to trigger it.
I've heard of stuff like this. Is it possible to extract these files? If so, how?
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