Alyx's gun dissolves SMGs?


Dec 27, 2006
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I noticed this during the rollermine vs. Combine sequence at the end of Direct intervention. If one of the Combine soldiers manages to slip past the rollermines and engage Alyx in a gunfight and if she then fatally shoots the guy, his SMG disintegrates a la dark energy grav gun. What's the rational behind this? I can sort of buy the blue grav gun disitengrating Combine weapons, but a pistol? Are we supposed to assume that the Citadel has some kind of universal weapon disposal system that kicks in whenever a gun is dropped on the floor?
I dont know. Come to think of it, their weapons disintegrate no matter how they die. Other than the obvious possibility of making the level Gravity Gun exclusive, I dunno how that could be worked into the story...
Here's how I think of it. You know when you first get caught in the weapon stripper, the announcer goes "Unregistered weapons detected"? Soldier's weapons are "registered" until they drop them, which is why killing them there disintegrates them in a sort of Citadel-wide version of the confiscation field. As soon as you leave the Citadel, though, the effect stops.
Thats a decent explanation, but what about in HL2, before your guns get confiscated. They dont dissolve. One possibility could be hightened security in Ep 1...
you didn't drop them, though. However, I don't remember if you fought any combine before you reached the confiscation field.
wow, i never thought of that. i think it is a citadel wide confiscation field.
Oh for gods sake. It's just the developers way of making sure you don't pick up any weapons that they don't want you using at that time, to force you to just use the grav gun, because that is how the level was designed to be played. Make up whatever explanation for the disappearing guns you want that helps you sleep at night. It's just a game. Don't take it so seriously.
I bet the guns dissappear because there's a stick wedged firmly up stucco's ass.
Yep, I noticed this, it actually got on my nerves whenever I played through.
Oh for gods sake. It's just the developers way of making sure you don't pick up any weapons that they don't want you using at that time, to force you to just use the grav gun, because that is how the level was designed to be played. Make up whatever explanation for the disappearing guns you want that helps you sleep at night. It's just a game. Don't take it so seriously.

Well yes, obviously it's a design decision, we're trying to justify it in the game world. Duh.
Technically, a single entity is controlling this, known as "env_global".

While there's no exception (Alyx's weapon), it also prevents the player from getting weapons like someone else said above.
Well yes, obviously it's a design decision, we're trying to justify it in the game world. Duh.

Oh for gods sake. It's just the developers way of making sure you don't pick up any weapons that they don't want you using at that time, to force you to just use the grav gun, because that is how the level was designed to be played. Make up whatever explanation for the disappearing guns you want that helps you sleep at night. It's just a game. Don't take it so seriously.
Here's how I think of it. You know when you first get caught in the weapon stripper, the announcer goes "Unregistered weapons detected"? Soldier's weapons are "registered" until they drop them, which is why killing them there disintegrates them in a sort of Citadel-wide version of the confiscation field. As soon as you leave the Citadel, though, the effect stops.

That's a pretty damn solid theory.
Or maybe the combine soldiers weren't meant to get past that doorway and attack you or Alyx.

So the weapon was programmed to dissolve when a rollermine killed the soldier so the game thought the ROLLERMINE killed the combine not Alyx.
Or maybe the combine soldiers weren't meant to get past that doorway and attack you or Alyx.

So the weapon was programmed to dissolve when a rollermine killed the soldier so the game thought the ROLLERMINE killed the combine not Alyx.

No, no and no.

I could never understand how people though that the gravity gun was destroying the weapons. If you hit them over the head with a screen or even their fellow soldiers the guns disolve. If you kill them with a manhack their guns disolve. If they kill eachother through friendly fire their guns disolve. Nothing else disolves when the gravity gun is used on it. It was obvious back in HL2 that it wasn't the gravity gun doing it and in EP1 you have rollermines and fire and Alyx killing them with their weapons disolving.

To extend on Planetary's theory: Perhaps the citadels defences can disolve objects of relativly low mass (The unregistered weapons) but not of larger mass (Gordon). Which is why the guns had to be pulled away from you in the confiscation field before they could be disolved.

Edit: Or maybe it's just a new security measure that the Combine brought in in light of the rebellion. All weapons are registered to the soldiers using them. Once the soldier dies they destroy themselves to prevent rebels getting them. But it was only just brought in and only the soldiers within the citadel had been given the new weapons.
Or maybe it's just a preset configuration triggered by a env_global that dissolves any weapon on any level :LOL:
Speculation is unecessary when you know about the world editor :thumbs:
Speculation is unecessary when you know about the world editor :thumbs:

To the Source Editing & Development section with you. We don't like your kind in the Half-Life 2 Forums :flame:

Manhacks don't dissolve, dudies.

Therefore Chewbacca is innocent.


Therefore, the gravity gun is not the problem.
Man hacks don't dissolve since rebels can't throw them at Combine Soldiers.
So the real question is: who is this "env_global" and what is their agenda? They clearly seem to be anti-Gordon because it dissolves the weapons he might want, but does it work for the G-man or the Combine?

Moar leik, it's a entity containing several preset game configurations.

(Gordon Pre-Criminial, Antlions like Gordon, Super Gravity Gun allowed, Weapons being lowered in Black Mesa East and Alyx not being able to see in the dark)

All games are obviously using entities and sequences. The stuff that happens in your games aren't magically happening. Except for the dynamic assets.
Moar leik, it's a entity containing several preset game configurations.

You're not smart enough to understand people here know all that and are just trying to have some fun explaining stuff in a game world?
You're not smart enough to understand people here know all that and are just trying to have some fun explaining stuff in a game world?

No, I simply enjoy being a smartass on many levels.

Deal with it.

The average gamer/forumer doesn't even know what a brush is, actually.
At the start of Episode One we've got the blue gravity gun. Why would we need a smg or pistol?