Amazing primitive tribe discovered!


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score

Trying to shoot down a helicopter

you're ****ing kidding. wow, so they have no clue that we have high tech tools now? it's also very creepy.
it's kind of stupid that they'd be better off not knowing about what the world really is right now. but I don't like the idea that people are treating them like an endangered frog species or something.
Foolish tribesmen. They'd quickly find that metal bird is not edible! Only the internal parasites are.
I find it strange that the article continuously refers to them as 'indians'
I find it strange that the article continuously refers to them as 'indians'

Found that a little peculiar myself.

There is no reason however, that uncontacted/isolated tribes should be assimilated into the modern world, and I think should be left to their own devices. First of all, if they're not harming people who aren't in their territory, then they should be just fine to stay there to live life as they want, and second... any argument put forth that they are in the way of progress is ridiculous, because these people are often in deep jungle areas and butchering the jungle and displacing these people is a two-fold catastrophe.
Incredible, always find things like this fascinating.

And I agree with all of Raz's points.
Trying to modernize them would be terrible, leave to their own rulings... they're really not bothering anybody.
lmao at them trying to shoot down the heliocopter, my god this could be the birth of a new religion for them.
Found that a little peculiar myself.

There is no reason however, that uncontacted/isolated tribes should be assimilated into the modern world, and I think should be left to their own devices. First of all, if they're not harming people who aren't in their territory, then they should be just fine to stay there to live life as they want, and second... any argument put forth that they are in the way of progress is ridiculous, because these people are often in deep jungle areas and butchering the jungle and displacing these people is a two-fold catastrophe.

QFT. They look straight out of Apocalypto :D
Let's try to guess how many good intentioned modern explorers/people who like to make contact with tribes they have killed and eaten.
Let's try to guess how many good intentioned modern explorers/people who like to make contact with tribes they have killed and eaten.

Well, whatever the number is, you can count one more-

savages they should join the rest of the world.

Hmm... you know, you should go out there and try to do that... yeah. Have fun!
yes of course all the liberals want to keep these people like pets in a zoo. god forbid they join the world community.
Wow, I didn't even know there were still tribes out there like that. How very The Village-like.
Except the truth doesn't suck in this situation.
Just because there weren't any pictures of someone dressed up as Little Red Riding Wolverine doesn't mean they're not there!
do you guys think they were trying to kill the people flying the chopper or trying to kill the chopper itself, as if it was a mythical beast?
They should at least be introduced to the rest of the world. Leaving them alone in their naivety of the world takes away their ability to choose their lifestyle for themselves.
I say leave them alone. It's kinda fascinating.
I say we do something really technologically advanced, see what they do. Like build an airport like half a mile down the road or just drive past with cars and trucks and shout 'Morning...' as they drive by.

They'd be like :|
Hopefully they're not into human sacrifice, because they probably think they have angered a invincible metal bird god and will have to repent.
LOL at them trying to shoot down the helicopter with spears. Also, why is two of them red and one of them black. Has a negro snuck in from the plantation, praytell?
I don't get what the problem is with informing them of the way the world works now. They're still people and they deserve to know where the rest of the world is at. While it wouldn't be right to force them to do anything, it doesn't seem fair to leave them in the dark.
I can almost guarantee you, just like the bushmen of Southern Africa, these people would prefer to live their life the way they always have.
Are they legit?

I have heard stories of explorers from the 90's paying dudes to set up 'remote indian tribes' in the jungles of the amazon.