• AMD

    Votes: 75 57.3%
  • INTE:

    Votes: 56 42.7%

  • Total voters
intell all the way

overpriced, undeperforming, but more reliable
I'm running on an AMD at the mo, it seemed a good choice because they ran alot faster than intel. Also it was within my price range, and it runs great. My only beef with AMD is their overclocking thing, mines a 1.8 that runs at 2200, but like their newest processor is a 2.2 running at 3200. Is this even possible? I've read in some reviews that they've been overexagerrating the power of em lately.

[edit] - It's even :) oooohohohoho~
I hate AMD... too much noise and it's always clocked at 2GHz so it sucks with applications. Screw AMD. I hate it specially because my bastard ex-friend had one and his comp literally sucked balls. Please don't quote me if you disagree. You can't change my opinion on the fact that AMD sucks compared to Intel, sorry.
actually the mac g5 is the most powerful pc in the world. gg they win, not me.
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
intell all the way

overpriced, undeperforming, but more reliable

Overpriced? A little, but more, "priced higher" than "overpriced". Underperforming? Not true at all. Reliable? Sure.

I prefer Intelly.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
actually the mac g5 is the most powerful pc in the world. gg they win, not me.

yeah according to mac.

funny that.

real world i doubt thats true. macs are shite the new base unit without monitor costs 2000 dollars and it aint much more powerful than a p4 3.0 gig.

you pay for the designery look with macs. bang per buck? pfff:afro:
Depending on your case, you can take a Intel 2.4c and overclock it another gig easily. I mean with stock cooling easily. If you want to spend 40 bucks on some thermal paste and a better heatsink, you can overclock it to 4ghz. A STABLE 4ghz. That is price performance.

Intel all the way.
lol stock cooling +1 ghz
then thermal paste and heatsink 4 ghz???
LOL kid please do some research before your random overclocking tips.
I'm straight AMD from now on. Intels are expensive.

It's amazing that a 3200+ clocked at 2ghz can almost beat a Pentium4 clocked 1ghz faster. :thumbs:
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
I'm running on an AMD at the mo, it seemed a good choice because they ran alot faster than intel. Also it was within my price range, and it runs great. My only beef with AMD is their overclocking thing, mines a 1.8 that runs at 2200, but like their newest processor is a 2.2 running at 3200. Is this even possible? I've read in some reviews that they've been overexagerrating the power of em lately.

[edit] - It's even :) oooohohohoho~

of course it's possible they are doing it and its clock rating is so low because its a barton core which gives it more power per clock cycle.......much more than intel.
Though if i could get any processor at the mo it would be the p4 3.06.
And a 2.4 p4 at 4 ghz, lol you're dreaming mate.
Amd Does not need to advertise to have a fan following. :cheers:
Heh, a 2.4c P4 can do 4ghz with LN2 cooling heh, but who wants to deal with that? I'd have to go with AMD here, because they are cheaper and my XP 2400+ outpeforms a P4 2.4ghz.
Currently I have an XP1800+ but my next CPU will be an Intel 2.6C. 800mhz FSB and Hyper Threading plus most overclock to 3.4ghz.
AMD, cheaper, and performs just fine. I dont need a CPU that "lasts" because i dont play on keeping it for 4 years, ill upgrade. And Isnt this the wrong forum? There is a HARDWARE DISCUSSION
I favor intel over amd, despite the price difference.

Bah, my new g5 will blow them both away. :cheese:

could someone explain to me the AMD system of clockspeed? the whole 3500/2000/4000/etc?

I only speak in ghz :/
im not sure how it all works out but i think the 2700+ is 2.0 gighz and the 3200+ is 2.2 gighz. even though the 3200+ clock speed is 800mghz slower then the p4 3.0 it still performs just as fast if not a little faster
Im an amd man myself but only because i cant afford the generally higher priced (and faster) intels.
Intel.. AMD overheats too easily, then you have to get a big fan that sounds like a vacuum cleaner
Hey Everyone i'm new here, I'm Barney666 from Sierra's Forums.

Anyway i'm using Intel P4 2Ghz and it works fine
I would say an xp3200+ is closer to a 2.4ghz p4 in performance then a 2.8ghz. However the AMD chips are cheaper and in terms of reliability they seem to be just as good as a p4. I was just saying if i had the cash i would buy the p4 as its faster but unfortunately alot more expensive :( all my pcs at home are AMD's and ive never had a problem with them and with adequate cooling (doesent have to be loud or expensive either) they wont overheat. Clock for clock AMD are better ie a 2ghz Athlon is better than a 2ghz p4 unfortunately AMD have had a lot of problems getting there mhz up there with INTEL. Hopefully this will change and we can see more competition in the higher end systems with the soon to come release of the new chips by AMD and INTEL
AMD. I'm actually surprised AMD is winning the poll.

My first good computrer was a AMD, but it really made those years a living hell, it broke al least every 6th month, it was slower than the old MMX 166 computer and one day it refused to start up... Now i got a P4 2.4 ghz and its a dream working with this computre....:bounce:
I currently have an Athlon, but i think i will be getting a P4 when i upgrade my pc next month.

I built a pc for my friend and we got his 2.8Ghz to run at 3.4Ghz out of the box with Intel's own cooling. I have even read that the 2.4Ghz can clock to the same speed.

Ohh and i will be getting the 800Mhz FSB of course, and a big shiny gig of Corsair XMS3700 in matched pairs, :bounce:
lol stock cooling +1 ghz

I have a cool case and nice placement. Your mileage may vary.

Have you actually READ about the 2.4c? For the price, it's the overclockers new darling.

It really, really is just that good.

And that's c, the new one with hyperthreading and all that good shit.

You don't seem quite smart enough to figure that out on your own.
Intel 3.0c with 800FSP

This CPU is Slightly better than AMD3000+ and even can be pain in the ass with AMD3200+.

Intel 3.0C is cheaper than AMD3200+ and very good for latest games.

Intel 3.0c + CORSAIR DDR3200 (Dual CHannel) == A beast.
The latest Intel (3,0GHZ) is better than the latest Athlon (3200+), though the "middle-range" Barton processors are a very good choice for those who are quite adept at overclocking. For around 120 dollars, you can get a Barton 2500+ and a cooling system enough to overclock it quite alot. My 2800+ is running 100% stable at 2400mhz (12x200mhz), and that's for a significantly lower cost than if I would have bought a 3200+. Intel is not as good for overclocking, even though they can overclock more if you're good enough. I'm talking, of course, of the fact that the nForce2 boards unlocks everything on the latest Barton core so that even "noob clockers" can get they're system up to a faster level. As some of you may know, the multiplier is locked on the P4, but it's not on the Barton core. Though it should be noted that the graphics card often takes alot more part in games than the processor. It will have the biggest hand in HL2, but since it has its own physics system and many other "high-tech" effects, you will need quite alot of processing power, also, if you want to run the game smoothly at higher detail and resolutions. But then again, a good graphics card need a good processor if you want to use all of its power. For an example, you would need atleast 2GHZ (or even more) to "harvest" all of the power of the latest high-end cards from nvidia and ATI.
one question......

currently which AMD is faster than the Intel P4 3.2 800fsb with HT????
You'll just have to wait for AMD's next round of processors, and they'll be kicking some ass again.
Currently no AMD is faster than the 3,2GHZ 800mhz HT. The I saw some very intresting results the other day. The new Athlon64, going by the name of Opteron, got only 300 points less in 3d mark 2001SE than the latest intel processor, though the Opteron is only clocked at 1,8ghz!