America Sucks and Why

*Dadum tsssh*

You have to understand, hated of commies doesn't come out of nowhere. You don't suddenly out of the blue start hating commies. In number's case his country is loomed over by the angry spectre of communism by north korea backed by china. In my case my entire family moved from Cuba to Miami back in the 60s because they were losing everything to the commies.

We see the commies for what they are, we don't idolize them by painting a romatisized picture of them.
I don't support communism for essentially what Pi's comment insinuated. Communism destroys individualism. We are all the "same." We have no passion to do anything without a reward and if a garbage man and a doctor are making the same amount of money, then what? Communism can work in a small community, but never anything bigger. Communism essentially makes a person's life meaningless. We need to be different. Unfortunately, we can't have just a Middle class of people who aren't too rich or too poor.

Democratic socialism, I believe, is the only thing that could branch off communism and succeed.
Being totally socialist isn't healthy, just as being totally capitalist isn't either.
Another reason why I hate communists: "The entire peninsula will be set afire by the flames of war that the US has set, if the Grand national party gets power"

Hmmm.... the last time I checked, it was they who invaded, they who threatened to destroy seoul in a sea of fire every few months, they who crossed the line and sunk a gunboat.....

The GNP got 80% of votes. Then the commies have gotten their Taepodong-2 missle fueled.
15357 said:
Another reason why I hate communists: "The entire peninsula will be set afire by the flames of war that the US has set, if the Grand national party gets power"

Hmmm.... the last time I checked, it was they who invaded, they who threatened to destroy seoul in a sea of fire every few months, they who crossed the line and sunk a gunboat.....

The GNP got 80% of votes. Then the commies have gotten their Taepodong-2 missle fueled.

numbers, both of your political parties suck. It's really sad when your only real options are between communism and fascism(which is what the GNP is) and neither one is very good at all.
We have the same dilemma. Do we vote for the idiots who do too much or the idiots who talk too much.
theotherguy said:
numbers, both of your political parties suck. It's really sad when your only real options are between communism and fascism(which is what the GNP is) and neither one is very good at all.

Uh.....noooooo.... Communism is banned by law. (Anti Communism Law/act of 1956, National Security Law/Act of 1989) Therefore its not a choice. (Although there are some libertarian and leftist parties.

I prefer fascism.
sorry I misread your post.

Communism would work with two prerequisites:
A)perfect people

B)perfect leaders

sadly that is never the case.
15357 said:
Uh.....noooooo.... Communism is banned by law. (Anti Communism Law/act of 1956, National Security Law/Act of 1989) Therefore its not a choice. (Although there are some libertarian and leftist parties.

I prefer fascism.
Libertarian is as FAR from Communism as one could get without there being anarchy. It is almost perfect on an economic scale. The problem is it's a bit extreme. The basic tenets are good but there are some situations where some government funds are useful on public projects. For instance- highway systems/roads, transportation, and subsidization of ESSENTIAL industries (For example dairy is subsidized in the US, not to an extreme amount but to help farmers out because it is necessary that mothers can afford milk products for babies, etc)

Libertarianism with some common sense alterations = PERFECTION. Down with socialism and those who would strip away freedom.
I meant civil libertarianism, not neo libertarianism. :p
I don't feel liberatarianism protects the consumer from harmful things like monopolies and extreme price gouging.
A totalitarian government. Oh yeah, drink it up -- it always goes down smooth.
You have to understand, hated of commies doesn't come out of nowhere. You don't suddenly out of the blue start hating commies. In number's case his country is loomed over by the angry spectre of communism by north korea backed by china. In my case my entire family moved from Cuba to Miami back in the 60s because they were losing everything to the commies.

there are different types of communism. What you're talking about is Marxist Communism found in Lenin and Stalin.
Stalin and Lenin had two differing personalities, even beliefs. Stalin didn't really care much for the people.
AçкяØñ said:
there are different types of communism. What you're talking about is Marxist Communism found in Lenin and Stalin.

Same thing. Either you are a communist or you are a good person.

Black-white logic Ftw
I think it was reagan (though i'm not sure) who said something to the effect of

The biggest problem with communism is that the system does not allow a person to fail.

I believe i agree with that. Because the alternative is that you tolerate and encourage failure and mediocrity.
Communism is very much a utopian ideal. It's a good idea, but people never carry it out correctly.
the problem with communism is that it's a system based on confrontation rather than compassion. i read that in a book by the dalai lama and i wholly agree... it makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
Dalai Llama is forbidden to enter south korea, so he must be one.
99.vikram said:
If the Dalai Llama is a sack of shit, is Gandhi one too? :rolleyes:

Oh hell no. Gandhi was a great guy who did a lot of good.

I'll admit that my post regarding the Dalai Lama was made in part to be provocative. So no, he's not really a sack of shit. He is not, however, the great man people crack him up to be. Before China invaded, Tibet was a squalid and exploitative theocracy run by the Lama class while everybody else got the shitty end of the stick. People like to bitch about China's human rights issues, but Tibet was just as bad, if not worse. Tenzin Gyatso was a part of that of that theocracy, and although he's said he'd be willing to make reforms, his sincerity in pursuing such things seems token at best.

Along with his wishy-washy messages and his funding of guerilla activities, I don't see a lot to admire about the man.
That's true, Tibet was a feudalistic society with landowners and serfs.

Living conditions are supposed to be vastly improved for the average Tibetan, but there's still Chinese suppression of "seperarists" and "usurpers" lingering.

It should also be noted that the Taiwanese Republic of China government also lays claim to Tibet, as well as Mongolia and some of the Korean peninsular.
It should also be noted that the Taiwanese Republic of China government also lays claim to Tibet, as well as Mongolia and some of the Korean peninsular.


kirovman said:
That's true, Tibet was a feudalistic society with landowners and serfs.

Living conditions are supposed to be vastly improved for the average Tibetan, but there's still Chinese suppression of "seperarists" and "usurpers" lingering.

It should also be noted that the Taiwanese Republic of China government also lays claim to Tibet, as well as Mongolia and some of the Korean peninsular.

I won't say that Tibet is better off in the hands of China or the Lama class. I'm just saying that neither could be considered good. Many people hear about the Dalai Lama and think "OMG NONVIOLENCE! KICK OUT CHINA!", but he does have his issues.

But this is all OT, so never mind.
Judging from the BBC documentary on the subject, the general quality of life in terms of healthcare, education and distribution of wealth has improved in Tibet. However, there is a great deal more political repression, most of the businesses are owned by Chinese and not Tibetan people, plus the Chinese are trying to gradually erase Tibetan culture. All the roadsigns are in Chinese too, which makes life hard for the Tibetans who can't read or speak Chinese.

If Tibet ever gained independence, I wonder if it would revert to its previous fuedal state, or convert into a modern democracy?
Reaktor4 said:
Theyre ****ing easy to wind up.

That seems to be your recurrent excuse for acting like a complete douchebag. You do realize no one likes you?