America Sucks and Why

I'm gonna take the high road, say that all of you suck, then give you all lobotomies when I control the world government.
Sulkdodds said:
It's true! I was there! >:O

My point is, I don't believe the purpose of this thread is to talk about any country other than the USA...


"I hate the USA. I hate hate hate the USA. It's so crap."
"Yeah? What about the UK, fag?"

Plus, by saying the history of the US sucks, you automatically include the history of Europe, which sucks. You can't not.

You do realize though that in order for something to suck it would have to be worse in comparison to other things? Which is why people compared other countries to the USA in the first place-- people said "ZOMG US INVENTERED SLAVES LOL AND HAVE LOKE A MILLON LOL" and other people said "NO OMG OTHER COUTNRIS HAVE MORE SLEVES OMG JERK" Although it seems people overlooked the fact that the US was one of the countries that took a while to illegalize slavery...

But what the hell is there to discuss? This thread is about America "sucking." The hell does that even mean? Does the country's past effect it? How far back into the past? Only present day actions? Who are we talking about, the government or the citizens?

It doesn't mean anything, and there is nothing to discuss. This thread was a bit stupid joke from the beginning :p
Erestheux said:
It doesn't mean anything, and there is nothing to discuss. This thread was a bit stupid joke from the beginning :p

The best part of the joke was the people who got wound up too easily.
Sulkdodds said:
It's true! I was there! >:O

My point is, I don't believe the purpose of this thread is to talk about any country other than the USA...


"I hate the USA. I hate hate hate the USA. It's so crap."
"Yeah? What about the UK, fag?"

Plus, by saying the history of the US sucks, you automatically include the history of Europe, which sucks. You can't not.

*sign, let me explain it [again]
Its not like:
"USA is crap"
"O yeah? what about the UK fag?"

Its more like:
"USA is crap because they had slavery and did nasty things to the indians" ( = historical argumentation)
"O yeah? Check your own history dude, Briton is amongst worlds Nr1 world ****ers"

I mean by that same logic the English would "suck" as would the Dutch and French and Germans (oe and the Belgiums). In general, any country without a clean history would suck.
I just thought it was a bit idiotic to be pointing at historical screw-ups of the US, and using that as an argument as to why it "sucks" :) (and "forgetting" we have a nice big book of historical screw-ups..)

Hope this finally explains it :)
Because They Had Slavery And Did Bad Things To Indians!
Because its going to take another big manufactured terror attack for people to wake up.
If we are talking present day, i'd say china sucks the most.

You see Here in the good ole USA. We do asshole type stuff, but we feel bad about it most of the time.

Over in China, yeah we took Tibet from the Tibetans, HA HA HA.
Human rights violations? Pssh.
Flyingdebris said:
If we are talking present day, i'd say china sucks the most.

You see Here in the good ole USA. We do asshole type stuff, but we feel bad about it most of the time.

Over in China, yeah we took Tibet from the Tibetans, HA HA HA.
Human rights violations? Pssh.

China is a ****ing heaven on earth compared to somewhere like North Korea or especially Burma. Incidentally, Burma has probably the most violent and opressive dictatorship on the planet. Sadly, the guy in charge was wise enough to become chummy with several big western corporations (mainly Apple, and Pepsi) so nobody gives him any hassle.
ríomhaire said:
Because They Had Slavery And Did Bad Things To Indians!

oe, allright, you as Irish can yell such things :p... :LOL:

Here's one for Ireland :p -> Ireland sucks because the beer there sucks :)
ah yes, almost forgot about N korea, i don't know anything about burma though, other than burmese pythons live there.

but i do know that N. Korea sucks cause they all have the same haircut let alone all the other james bond type supervillian stuff that goes on there.
gick said:
China is a ****ing heaven on earth compared to somewhere like North Korea or especially Burma. Incidentally, Burma has probably the most violent and opressive dictatorship on the planet. Sadly, the guy in charge was wise enough to become chummy with several big western corporations (mainly Apple, and Pepsi) so nobody gives him any hassle.

I don't know much about Burma but I don't think that its really on the same level or a few hundred underneath as N. Korea's human rights. And still, from what I read in TIME, Burma's leaders seem to be understanding the need for state capitalism to succeed in rapid growth. They'll probably be overthrown after the people become prosperous though. The people, while reaping from the benefits that a good economy has, will then look for political change. Idiots, imo.
15357 said:
I don't know much about Burma but I don't think that its really on the same level or a few hundred underneath as N. Korea's human rights. And still, from what I read in TIME, Burma's leaders seem to be understanding the need for state capitalism to succeed in rapid growth. They'll probably be overthrown after the people become prosperous though. The people, while reaping from the benefits that a good economy has, will then look for political change. Idiots, imo.

On the contrary Mr Numbers, the Burmese economy is one of the worst in the world:

CIA World Factbook said:
Burma, a resource-rich country, suffers from pervasive government controls, inefficient economic policies, and rural poverty. The junta took steps in the early 1990s to liberalize the economy after decades of failure under the "Burmese Way to Socialism," but those efforts stalled, and some of the liberalization measures were rescinded. Burma does not have monetary or fiscal stability, so the economy suffers from serious macroeconomic imbalances - including inflation, multiple official exchange rates that overvalue the Burmese kyat, and a distorted interest rate regime. Most overseas development assistance ceased after the junta began to suppress the democracy movement in 1988 and subsequently refused to honor the results of the 1990 legislative elections. In response to the government of Burma's attack in May 2003 on AUNG SAN SUU KYI and her convoy, the US imposed new economic sanctions against Burma - including a ban on imports of Burmese products and a ban on provision of financial services by US persons. A poor investment climate further slowed the inflow of foreign exchange. The most productive sectors will continue to be in extractive industries, especially oil and gas, mining, and timber. Other areas, such as manufacturing and services, are struggling with inadequate infrastructure, unpredictable import/export policies, deteriorating health and education systems, and corruption. A major banking crisis in 2003 shuttered the country's 20 private banks and disrupted the economy. As of December 2005, the largest private banks operate under tight restrictions limiting the private sector's access to formal credit. Official statistics are inaccurate. Published statistics on foreign trade are greatly understated because of the size of the black market and unofficial border trade - often estimated to be as large as the official economy. Burma's trade with Thailand, China, and India is rising. Though the Burmese government has good economic relations with its neighbors, better investment and business climates and an improved political situation are needed to promote foreign investment, exports, and tourism.

Regarding human rights, it is almost as bad a North Korea. They both have a fondness for politcal repression, concentration camps, forced labour, state sanctioned torture and rape, etc etc. The Burmese government is also in an ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide, as well as kidnapping children for forced military conscription.

Anyhoo, since when have you cared about human rights?
Hey, he's human too.

Just brainwashed. :D
gick said:
On the contrary Mr Numbers, the Burmese economy is one of the worst in the world:

Regarding human rights, it is almost as bad a North Korea. They both have a fondness for politcal repression, concentration camps, forced labour, state sanctioned torture and rape, etc etc. The Burmese government is also in an ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing and genocide, as well as kidnapping children for forced military conscription.

Anyhoo, since when have you cared about human rights?

Oh. Nvm then.

I've always cared about human rights. Human.
Flyingdebris said:
everyone knows commies don't count as human, they are more of a fungus
In Soviet Russia, fungus is YOU!!
Exactly. To quote Lieutenant General Lee Gun Ho:

"Communists are not human. Never were human. Never will be human. They are the scum of the Earth, and it is our mission to defeat them with constant vigilance and anti-communism."

People seriously say that?
Could you tell me why communists are so evil?
(I don't agree with the ideology, nor the system).
Sulkdodds said:

People seriously say that?
Could you tell me why communists are so evil?
(I don't agree with the ideology, nor the system).

Its because of their never ending thirst for world revolution, defying peace and stability for idealogies that can be said at best to be stupid.

And they give you a penny and then punch you and then take your $20.

15357 said:
Its because of their never ending thirst for world revolution, defying peace and stability for idealogies that can be said at best to be stupid.
Not like your never ending thirst for the world to be crushed in a government vice, defying rights and freedom for ideologies that can be said at best to be stupid, ten.

I've never been punched by a commie before, personally.
By writing "America" in the thread title, do you regard to the USA only or to other countries, too?

Has not much to do with the recent discussion here, I know, but I have to know anyway. :E
*Does not get joke*

Not like your never ending thirst for the world to be crushed in a government vice, defying rights and freedom for ideologies that can be said at best to be stupid, ten.
Actually, I'd fight to the death any one-world goverment. I'm only for capitalist-authoritarianism and also only when it benefits the nation as a whole, advancing the economy and protecting the heritage of the people via military might.

Communists are people too

Nooooo...... However, you are a socialist so you're kinda Ok. :p
Tony Blair and John Reid used to be communists!

They've both written extensive documents on Karl Marx and why they thought he was great.
Karl Marx was great, absolutely.

His fashion sense was totally righteous.