America Sucks and Why

Dalamari said:
Have fun going to a Sox game and hearing so many racist remarks your ears bleed

I love Boston, but it's full of a bunch of lunatics who would kill a baby for the Sox to win the pennant

Indeed. Although you're safe if you're not a New Yorka.
Ome_Vince said:
Uhm, read the post. I'm refering to "pointing fingers", i'm not talking about justifying America's actions AT ALL...
As for the "morale highground" there are historical comments made at "why America sucks" regarding to America's slavery etc, hence me pointing at the British "beautiful" history (even during that same period..).
Also even AFTER ww2 the Brits did some "nice jobs" in India, and Africa.

You didn't say what you meant, you just said britons shouldn't point fingers, and showed a map of the british empire, implying imperialism?

I don't deny Britain has a terrible past, but America does aswell.

And, yes, indeed, back then they werent claiming to be spreading "freedom and democracy" -> lol just conquer and make the world British...

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", and sorry dude, but the Brits have one of the bloodiest fingers around...

In recent times America's fingers are a lot bloodier... while spreading freedom and democracy.

So pointing fingers at the US for slavery doesnt work, or more recent things like Iraq for... the Brits are part of that "party" too :)...

The guy who mentioned slavery does need to learn history, but when it coms to the 'War on Terror' America has a far worse track record then Britain when it comes to mistreating civilians and other illegal activities
CptStern said:
...why is a billboard advertisment company advertising morality in that one nation under god billboard? that's just crazy ..religious billboards are extremely rare in canada

Pretty rare here too since I've seen...0 my whole life...
well on my road trip to south carolina I saw a ton of jesus saves billboards and a million and one smaller road signs saying stuff like "next exit for salvation" etc ...the closer I got to SC the more prevelant the billboards
Dalamari said:
Pretty rare here too since I've seen...0 my whole life...

Same. Not to mention, there's hardly any billboards in the north east I guess, because the only place I've really seen them is if you head down towards Hartford CT, they're on the highways there.
CptStern said:
well on my road trip to south carolina I saw a ton of jesus saves billboards and a million and one smaller road signs saying stuff like "next exit for salvation" etc ...the closer I got to SC the more prevelant the billboards

It's South Carolina. Seriously, what did you expect :|
well it was in NY too but nowhere near as much started around Pennsylvania
The US claim they are a Democratic country, even though their governmental system is more akin to a Republic
Pure democracy can be a horrible, horrible thing. On a tangent: I find it funny that there are people who support anarchy. All anarchy eventually transforms into a pure democracy, and it's usually not a pretty sight. On par with fascism in terms of its power abuse.
DeusExMachina said:
Never seen any in NY. Pennsylvania I could see, Quakers and all.
That, and the Mason-Dixon Line. Amazing the power of an imaginary boundary...look at the borders between nations for instance! How many people have died for these??? Crazy!!!
Well, I'm sad to say that I missed this thread.

Also even AFTER ww2 the Brits did some "nice jobs" in India, and Africa.

But it was Winston Churchill who was against Indian independence. Incidentally he was also an honourary American citizen.

Ah, fun times.
Last i checked the rest of the world has plenty of their own problems, so why don't some of you guys start fixing those before screaming about ours?

I mean jeez. Some of you people have some ridiculous standards for the good ole US of A. Like we have some obligation to be this perfect place. We got issues, you got issues. no place is perfect. So suck it up and quit whining so much.
But many of the worlds problems are/were caused by us.
Tr0n said:
But many of the worlds problems are/were caused by us.

Not even remotely nearly as many as have been caused by Europe. And even now, most of the major problems with the US are internal.
While we're at it lets make this a American cars vs European cars debate. Of coure Euro cars win hands down.
correction, many of the worlds problems are BLAMED on us. But we haven't really screwed up that much more than any other country.

Plus the only countries that i can think of having clear consciences are tiny little island nations
well you know that trinidad and tobago, they're pretty shifty over there.
well lets see.

As near i can tell australia has some significant racial tension issues with the native aboriginies

England still has a load of problems left over from the imperial days

I recall there was a peaceful protest over in africa on the ivory coast that was cut short by French soldiers opening fire on the crowd, France of course swept this under the rug fast

Columbia has got problems with guerillas

Venezuela is being taken over by commies

Brazil has a huge divide between the rich and the poor as well as a severe aids problem

Most of central africa is screwed up beyond everything

Russia's economy is in shambles

China has craploads of human rights violations and doesn't care

Cuba is still a commie craphole

etc etc

There's enough problems to go around without having to try to pin the blame on us all the time
But then, that lowers the other countries morale. If they can somehow find a way to blame us for their problems, then society can continue functioning!
Flyingdebris said:
There's enough problems to go around without having to try to pin the blame on us all the time

I believe in giving credit where credit is due :E
the real reason America sucks is because the rest of the world needs someone to pick on to make our own problems seem less insignificant. unfortunately for you guys america is an obvious target because you government makes you seem like a bunch of arrogant ****s who think you're the greatest country ever, and anyone who challenges that is either unpatriotic and/or a terrorist.

New Zealand ftw :D
It's karma for how we turned Russia and communism into the "bad" guys. 50 years later, everyone will be blaming China or...Canada if we're lucky :p
Ome_Vince said:
I'm sure there are plenty of hypocrits here willing to help you with that essay
As opposed to the consistently pro-US members, all of whom are entirely devoid of hypocrisy?
Not trying to start an argument - just saying.
The major countries of europe have done far more than the United States, individually and collectively. Started more wars, involved themselves in more countries with oppressive intent, had more to do with slavery, etc, etc. America is just picked on because it is the most recent of a LONG history of wrongdoing by the western world.
Danimal said:
Around that, yeah.

Plus another 5 mil and your closer. I think Australia is pretty much considered to be at 20 million. And we still won't let immigrants in despite our large land space. Anyway that's another topic.
I think everyone talking about history is missing the point. Never before were common people able to follow international politics like we do today. So recent recorded history is much more accurate (and sensational) than anything we've had before.

I've met quite a few Americans over the years. Some were really cool, others were just plain stupid.

An anecdote: me smoking at a 5€/pizza place and the Americans sitting at the table next to me asking me to stop smoking. There is no smoking ban in restaurants over here but they acted like I was immoral or something and were rude and seem to threaten me. I stood up and told them to shut up. It was fun seeing them expect other customers to agree with them, but instead, nobody cared. I spend the rest of my 15 minutes there throwing olives at them (on their head). Man, I don't laugh that hard so often.

Anyway, I think it's true that everyone is pointing fingers at the USA and criticizing them while ignoring what's going on in their own kitchen. Still, that doesn't mean Americans should change the word 'football' to 'soccer'. You guys should change your football to something that reflects it better, call it something like 'pussyrugby'. Yeah, much better.

America bashing is really fun. I'm glad I participated.


edit: also, what's up with Jerry Springer? Who are these people? We tryed doing a show like that over here, but all we got were lousy people who cheated, but they'd never fight and always remained civilized. Jerry Springer retards WTF?
You threw olives at them? That's pretty immature, no matter what they did. <chuckles> Kind of weak too, though.

By the way, I am no american football fan... but the name football comes from games played on foot, I believe. It has medieval roots or something. One sec, let me find it on wikipedia.

EDIT: wikipedia
While it is widely believed that the word football, or "foot ball", originated in reference to the action of a foot kicking a ball, there is a rival explanation, which has it that football originally referred to a variety of games in medieval Europe, which were played on foot.[1]
Element Alpha said:
Mindless crap

God you're an idiot on so many levels.

So an American asked you to stop destroying your lungs, and everyone's around you.. You stood up and threatened him, and everyone else agreed with you, and starting throwing olives at him. I can see how the American is at fault here.

Jerry Springer was popular with rednecks in the early 90's. You've mentioned it twice now, I don't even know if it's been aired in the past few years..

And enough about football and soccer. Seriously.
el Chi said:
As opposed to the consistently pro-US members, all of whom are entirely devoid of hypocrisy?
Not trying to start an argument - just saying.

Hey, you need to have ppl on both sides of the fence aye :) Also dont tell me the Anti-US members dont have hypocrits among them...

Its funny if you read this thread, almost all the ppl "defending" the states from often rediculous arguments are Yankies themselves :)

And its especially funny to see how many ppl like to "attack" americans using all kinds of generalising arguments, reminding me of what i left behind in the toilet-bowl this morning.
Especially when the historical argumentation pops up, its just like Triumph said: "thats like poop telling vomit it stinks.."

I'd be more than happy to explain the dingdongs who were throwing historical arguments at the US, their own countries "colourfull" history and how that sucks...

Also whether the US has more bloody hands in the Iraq war than the Brits makes no difference, they're part of it, just as we Dutch are :( .

But all in all this topic is alot of fun to read though :)
Hence this guy can get all the inspiration for his essay right here :)
DreadLord1337 said:
God you're an idiot on so many levels.

So an American asked you to stop destroying your lungs, and everyone's around you.. You stood up and threatened him, and everyone else agreed with you, and starting throwing olives at him. I can see how the American is at fault here.

Jerry Springer was popular with rednecks in the early 90's. You've mentioned it twice now, I don't even know if it's been aired in the past few years..

And enough about football and soccer. Seriously.

He threatened me. I replied to his threat by standing up and saying "shut up". Mind that I was a teenager back then. Also, coming into a 5€ pizza place clearly filled with people who smoke and asking them to stop is something you just don't do.

I haven't mentioned Jerry twice because my previous post was my first post in this thread.

Also, I'm not worried in the word that I'd be an idiot. You're the one getting angry at a stranger for joking about America on a message board :dork:

Lastly, the 'rival' theory about football is exactly that: a theory. I have a theory were we all evolved from ..erm.. fire. Yes, we're all made out of fire. I don't believe this theory to be true though.

Anyways, relax, it's not like anyone's saying your hitler or something. I suggest someone makes a thread about how much Europe sucks and you guys have a go at it. I really don't mind.

I really laughed hard with the olives. And those people really deserved it. What a bunch of arrogant tourists coming in the restaurant I eat in every week telling me how to behave. I hit one of them on the forehead and then the olive just bounced into his plate. LOL.
DreadLord1337 said:

It just seems a little odd that that's all you have on your mind lately.

The sheer amount of stupidity on that show left its mark on me alright.

Are you going somewhere with this or are you just trying to find a relation between me and Mr.Springer? I don't see how something I say in another discussion has impact here.

Anyhow, people on that show (including the audience) are freaks of nature and I was pointing that out. Self righteous idiots.

Too bad there are so few good listeners out there.

I wish all Americans and other world citizens a very nice and pleasant day.
