America Sucks and Why

Raeven0 said:
You can't win the Aluminum "debate", because the IUPAC has already chosen the etymologically accurate spelling "Aluminium", whether America likes it or not.


So, shall we pronounce it "Al-oo-min-ee-um" from now on?

:LOL: :LOL: laugh
sinkoman said:
So you're basically saying, "here is my argument, but you guys aren't allowed to analyze it because I said so. I'm so totally right".


Please point out where I said this. My end comment expressed that I think the problems with them are glaringly obvious.

If you're actually defending the current drug laws in the United States, then perhaps you should be careful as to who you're calling an idiot. In either case, I suggest you do the same as Dreadlord.
Ludah said:
Please point out where I said this.

If you're actually defending the current drug laws in the United States, then perhaps you should be careful as to who you're calling an idiot.

Not defending the drug laws (which I don't understand why you're bashing, they're all illegal), but i'm just saying you're an idiot.

You presented an argument, and told us nothing about it, stating that it's just right.

That's idiocy at its finest.
sinkoman said:
You presented an argument, and told us we couldn't contest it because it's just right.

Please point out where I said anything remotely like this. This is the second time I've asked you.

If you wish to contest something, then do it.
Ludah said:
Please point out where I said anything remotely like this. This is the second time I've asked you.

Reworded it to make more sense.

Read the edit.
sinkoman said:
Reworded it to make more sense.

Read the edit.

I thought that most people on this forum, having had numerous drug topics already that have gone on for ages, were aware of the issues surrounding them. Your insult was still unwarranted.
Ludah said:
I thought that most people on this forum, having had numerous drug topics already that have gone on for ages, were aware of the issues surrounding them. Your insult was still unwarranted.

I suppose the insult was out of preportion, but it was not unwarranted.

I apologize if you took it personally, but your argument and its presentation wasn't very well thought.

If you're going to present an argument, you must have some sort of reasoning behind your argument. It's why near every European who's posted in this thread looks like a dumbass. It's just that you even said "Nope, not going to explain myself", so I pointed it out.
Ludah said:
I thought that most people on this forum, having had numerous drug topics already that have gone on for ages, were aware of the issues surrounding them. Your insult was still unwarranted.
Most people will never get it, even if you have explained the situation to them in depth, because they have been well and truely brainwashed by the propaganda.
Dalamari said:
You really should have been aborted etc
Well, that or they're idiots.
sinkoman said:
I suppose the insult was out of preportion, but it was not unwarranted.

I apologize if you took it personally, but your argument and its presentation wasn't very well thought.

If you're going to present an argument, you must have some sort of reasoning behind your argument. It's why near every European who's posted in this thread looks like a dumbass. It's just that you even said "Nope, not going to explain myself", so I pointed it out.

No, your insult was still unwarranted. If you wished for me to elaborate on something, you could have asked for me to do so. Perhaps it was my mistake to assume that people were aware of the bizarre legal status drugs have in the United States, but that didn't require you biting my head off. =\
sinkoman said:

So, shall we pronounce it "Al-oo-min-ee-um" from now on?

:LOL: :LOL: laugh
Yes, and you shall spell it with an extra i.
Dalamari said:
Because they butchered the english language
It's called slang, not every version of every language is the same everywhere
Not slang, dialect.

Dalamari said:
Because they invented slavery
omfg...I really hope you die, Romans, no they didn't invent it, the world didn't know slavery until the Africans sold their own people to the british who sent it to their colonies, but yeah, that's our falt
Why does everyone say the Romans invented slavery? Slavery existed before civilization.
15357 said:
America is awesome. The only place better than it is the Great republic of Korea.

lol, dont forget


etc etc etc ..all have higher Human development indexes, you're # 28

interesting side note from HDI survey of 2002:

"The world’s richest 500 individuals have a combined income greater than that of the poorest 416 million"
A better essay would be "why every country in the world sucks."

Or "why living on earth sucks."

Or "why being a carbon-based lifeform sucks."

Gizorknids of planet Hoozerblak FTW.
The world really isn't that bad though. If you compare now to a thousand, a hundred, or even 60 years ago, the state of things today is very preferrable.
CptStern said:
lol, dont forget


etc etc etc ..all have higher Human development indexes, you're # 28

interesting side note from HDI survey of 2002:

"The world’s richest 500 individuals have a combined income greater than that of the poorest 416 million"

Uh..... um...

Who cares about human development? Its all about civilization! And Anti-Communism! :p
Mr Stabby said:
using other nationalities as prefixes
Hmm... In the same vein, the automatic labelling of black people as African-American, regardless of whether they actually live in America or originated in Africa. Pisses me off.
Why the hell are you letting some obviously far left teacher force you to write a paper on the negatives of America? If I was you I'd stick it to the person and write only about the positives.
Stieffers said:
Why the hell are you letting some obviously far left teacher force you to write a paper on the negatives of America? If I was you I'd stick it to the person and write only about the positives.
The thread starter said its just a paper on the state of America. He wants to make it about how America sucks, I believe.

Man, sinkoman, you are just f*cking classic. I can't stop smirking :D
Stieffers said:
Why the hell are you letting some obviously far left teacher force you to write a paper on the negatives of America? If I was you I'd stick it to the person and write only about the positives.

...and fail because of you didnt do what the teacher asked you to ...also fail in life because you're easily brainwashed into believing everything is just peachy keen
CptStern said:
...and fail because of you didnt do what the teacher asked you to ...also fail in life because you're easily brainwashed into believing everything is just peachy keen

C'mon Stern, any moron teacher that would assign a report on "Why does America suck?" is just begging for a nationalistic neo-conservative psycho rant about how America is better than air. :E

That's not even the case.

You're right. The only reason I made this third post was so I could say:

Oh god Sinkoman HAHAHAAHAHA :D :D :D
Jeebus...nice thread. Do your own work. One of the many problems you can mention: America's lousy work ethic! (Yourself included, of course.)

That said, any developed nation these days deserves their fair share of criticism. America just happens to be one of the bigger players, so they are more visible and consequently under more scrutiny than many other (far worse) examples of nation states.
Erestheux said:
C'mon Stern, any moron teacher that would assign a report on "Why does America suck?" is just begging for a nationalistic neo-conservative psycho rant about how America is better than air.

That's not even the case.

I really dont think any teacher would ever phrase an essay as "does america suck"
CptStern said:
I really dont think any teacher would ever phrase an essay as "does america suck"
But if they did, they would deserve a helluva lot of mockery :stare: And that's all that dude Stieffer was saying, I think.

Four times four times go go Sinko! DOOD ODOODODO!
Erestheux said:
But if they did, they would deserve a helluva lot of mockery :stare: And that's all that dude Stieffer was saying, I think.

Four times four times go go Sinko! DOOD ODOODODO!

he lost me as soon as he said "far left" if that somehow has something to do with it
Reaktor4 said:

a. It's not noticable if it even goes on.
b. We don't care (Which is the actual problem).

Reaktor4 said:
I doubt the accuracy of those numbers. Australia only has 15m people?

Quite accurate.

Ludah said:

I suggest you stop rubbing so much sand in your vagina.

Again, I must recommend you piss off. Notice how twice in this thread you've been taken for being serious when you were not. Maybe the problem is not with the amount of sand in our vaginas, but with the way you speak? kk.

bbson_john said:
Call them to find China of France on a world map.

I love this. A few internet videos are released and/or aired on late night TV, and the rest of the world thinks America is a bunch of ignorant slobs. Here's the deal. We are just as well educated, if not better educated than most of the world. We have our population that certainly doesn't shine (read: virginia and heading south) in the educational spectrum, but every country does.

Sparta said:
Its insane amount of capitalism. See "Net Neutrality" to know what i mean.

Agreed. The net neutrality debate put me over the edge as well.

Sparta said:
Its law/judicial system. You guys sue each other way too ****ing much over the smallest ****ing detail.

Agreed, and in turn it's why everything in the entire country has to have 500 pages of fine print, warning labels, etc..

Sparta said:
Not as much as some Brits slaugther the language, but at least their Top 20 isn't full of spelling errors. "Dem Franchise Boyz" with "Lean wit it, Rock wit it". What the ****. Come on, what the ****. You can spell "with" properly if you can spell "Franchise" properly. ****ing up grammar on purpose doesn't make you cool.

Agreed to a point. I think the Brits are just as bad as us in this case. Can't speak for Australians, never been there.

Sparta said:
Thanks to everyone suing each other over malpractice, and pharmaceutical companies trying to earn a few thousand dollars of every possible thing, in America it cost $28,000. In Australia, thanks to the national healthcare program, it cost nothing.

Definately true.

Sparta said:
Oh, and George Bush. You guys elected him, twice. Once i can excuse. He didn't seem to have a bad track record at that time. But twice.

There's some speculation to how many of us actually voted for him. But agreed nonetheless.

High-fives around the table for Sparta, who get's it pretty much dead on.

Erestheux said:
Hey guys, America really sucks. I hate America. Its so dumb. I wish I lived somewhere cool like Hawaii or something. Yeah, plus Anarachy is f*cking sweet. Anarchy is so f*cking cool. I like that shit man. America sucks. F*ck.

CptStern's AIM profile? Lol. :LOL: JK, <3 ya Sterny.

Ludah said:
Electing Bush twice in a row despite his glaring incompetence.

See above.

Ludah said:
Tied to that is the general complacency of the American people. It seems like most couldn't care less about a reduction in their liberties, violations of their rights, or the severe mistreatment of others.

Yeah def. Can be attributed to tons of larger problems we have however.

Ludah said:
The growing anti-intellectual mindset that sees science and secular humanism as dangerous. The same mindset that harbors an abhorration for homosexuality, evolution, and has managed to fool a not insignificant portion of the population into thinking that Intelligent Design is a credible theory.

I think a major portion of the fear towards science and secular humanism is the current administration's fault. We'll be fine in the long run.

Ludah said:
The administration's hypocrisy when it comes to human rights. We don't tolerate the violation of such rights on our soil, but we'll be damned if we can't send our prisoners elsewhere to do it for us.


Ludah said:
Fox News is actually a leading, popular source of information. This goes beyond "lol Faux News sux". It's scary that so many people will willingly listen to a pandering source, completely aware of what a sham it is.

I don't think the people that are willingly listening know what a sham it is. We don't have a single trusted news media. The BBC:America or whatever it's called doesn't count!

Ludah said:
There seems to be a general disregard for all things foreign. I don't just mean in terms of Bush's cowboy motif when it comes to his foreign policy. I mean that the public itself is very insular. I've met many Europeans, Asians, Africans, and so forth, and most have a vastly greater recognition and understanding of the world as a whole. You ask Average Joe down the street in your suburban neighborhood about East Timor and he'll have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

I think it's because most of the world's problems are blamed on us, and our news and such only reports on us, and Iraq.

Ludah said:
As much as some people like to whinge about the left, politics as a whole has largely taken a shift to the right ever since Reagan. The supposed major leftist party - the Democrats - are at best a bunch of middle-of-the-road pussyfoots. Trying hard not to offend anybody, waffling about all over the place, abandoning ideals so as not to rock the boat. They need some balls, and soon.

So true. They need to step up soon.

Ludah said:
The entire MTV-inspired youth culture that thrives is sickening. Gut-wrenchingly, eye-****ing stupid.

Which is apparent in other first world / English speaking countries as well.

Ludah said:
Obviously, somethings pertain more to certain states than the country as a whole. And there are certainly countries that are far worse off than we are.

I say we let the south secede again. 90% of our problems come from there. No offence anyone from the south.

RakuraiTenjin said:
Why are you doing only negative things?

Because the thread is called America Sucks, and is notorious for America bashing.

Ome_Vince said:
Also, its totally hilarious if there are Brits who are pointing fingers, as they were amongst history's Nr1 world-****ers

So true.

Bull Goose Loony said:
Sometimes it's like they live on a different planet for all they seem to know or care about what's going in the rest of the world.

And i'm allowed to generalise because all we really see of America here in New Zealand is loudmouth overweight douchebag tourists. Any signs of intelligence/normal human being and we quickly and conveniently forget they're american. Also every night the news is filled with your whacky government, or, my favourite, the people that sent clean underwear to new orleans. I mean seriously, wtf? people are starving and have no medical supllies, clearly new y fronts is the first thing on their minds. also, yes, i am ignoring all the scientific and medical breakthroughs, and the fact that you saved our asses in 2 separate wars :D Your accents are also incredibly annoying.

I would say don't generalize based on tourism. Any American that's been to Disney World comes out with a little more hatred for Brits and the Japanese. I'm English. My parents are both from London, and I live in Boston. However, Disney World can make you hate your ancestors. The Brits there are just as loudmouthed and annoying as the fat porker American right next to them. And the Japanese seem utterly fascinated by everything, which is annoying in itself. However I'm not generalizing anything about them, based on what I see in tourism, because I know it's not a true example of their culture, it's merely that; tourism.

ríomhaire said:
The Russians won world war 2, I'm not great on world war 1 though, :\

Explain how the Red Army can be attributed with the "win" in the European theatre on its own. Please.

gick said:
Going from what my uncle tells me (he's travelled a lot) you can walk into a bar in the middle of nowhere and everybody is like 'WOW YOUR ENGLISH HERE HAVE A BEER DO YOU KNOW THE QUEEN!!!????!!!!' If an American tried that in the middle of Manchester he wouldnt last 10 seconds. Also, my cousins are ace.

Sounds about right haha.

bbson_john said:
Because bush called the US army the crusader.

Excuse me? Stern, care to linkify?

Raeven0 said:
You can't win the Aluminum "debate", because the IUPAC has already chosen the etymologically accurate spelling "Aluminium", whether America likes it or not.

Fine, we win colour and honour though.

CptStern said:
etc etc etc ..all have higher Human development indexes, you're # 28

He's actually 11th..
Wait, he is Japanese right?

CptStern said:
interesting side note from HDI survey of 2002:

"The world’s richest 500 individuals have a combined income greater than that of the poorest 416 million"


theSteven said:
because they can't spell colour.

Can to.

Erestheux said:
C'mon Stern, any moron teacher that would assign a report on "Why does America suck?" is just begging for a nationalistic neo-conservative psycho rant about how America is better than air.


This post is too long. I give up. :LOL:
Dude, you couldn't have possibly taken Ludah's post any more seriously than



And good point, Stern, I glanced over that. :p
America isn't bad at all. I mean cut out the last 50 years and what have we done that was so bad?

We torture people? I've never tortured a person in my life! You can hate out government, but don't hate America as a whole for that.

Our government is spying on me? No they do not spy on everyone. They spy on people who they are suspcious of with terrorism.

Yeah right we own the world. Cuz if we did we wouldn't be in Iraq, Wouldn't worry about Iran, and everyone would speak english. I don't ever see that happening.

I play soccer. Sorry it was renamed it, I didn't do it don't hate me.


Were shallow? And you arn't..... ok....


Not everyone thinks porn is worse than guts and blood. Infact when this upcoming generation kicks in, that will change.

OMG we care about money? Maybe because in our Capitalisitic society Money is very important.

Yeah we consider them Drugs. I'm from Wisconsin. Wisconsin is one of the biggest drinking states there is. It's just that Tabacco and Alcohol have become so big that there out of control!! Someone kill them!!

We started all wars with good reason. Iraq would be the latest war. We started it because of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Yeah we didn't find any... but it was a good reason to start a war. lol lol lmao

I'm not fat. I'm not big bone. At my school, most people are not fan. Most people are athletic.

Country Music can suck my balls. Rock FTW!!

omg we say something different get over it.

America invented slavery.... Your breaking my balls here.....

I'm not chrisitan. Im Athiest. Although what does this have to do with anything?

Yeah well were use to gas prices being lower than yours. Don't blame us!!

Wow you really think America is stupid? You really think that everyone America is that stupid. Wow maybe you should go **** yourself.
sinkoman said:
Because they pwnd the natives (Hawaii and the mainland).

If I remember correctly, it was the Spanish that started the trend of abusing the natives, they weren't Americans yet.

And when we were supposedly giving out small pox blankets to the natives, England was funding the moral and social decay of China with opium with the intent to destabilize the country. And don't get me started on what England was planning with India...

And on another note, he doesn't have to bash America and can still get a good grade. By the sound of it, he just needs to talk about what has changed since the founding of the country. Both bad and good.

IE:No slavery, women's rights, powerhouse economy etc...
DreadLord1337 said:
Again, I must recommend you piss off. Notice how twice in this thread you've been taken for being serious when you were not. Maybe the problem is not with the amount of sand in our vaginas, but with the way you speak? kk.

No, I've been mistaken for being serious once (by you) over a ridiculous comment that I thought was quite clear was in jest. I didn't realize that American Idol could actually fuel anti-American sentiments, so my apologies.

Aside from that, however, I pretty much agree with everything else you said.
DreadLord1337 said:
We are just as well educated, if not better educated than most of the world. We have our population that certainly doesn't shine (read: virginia and heading south)

The entire southeastern quarter of America can't identify Portugal on a map of the world and doesn't know the title or origin of our own national anthem, yet we're smarter than the rest of the world?
Raeven0 said:

The entire southeastern quarter of America can't identify Portugal on a map of the world and doesn't know the title or origin of our own national anthem, yet we're smarter than the rest of the world?

Again, the people in this thread are pure entertainment.

Stern said:
works for me ;)
Me too :)
Raeven0 said:
The entire southeastern quarter of America can't identify Portugal on a map of the world and doesn't know the title or origin of our own national anthem, yet we're smarter than the rest of the world?

Leave out the south (as I said), and yes.