America Sucks and Why

DreadLord1337 said:
If it were, we'd have a lot less problems though!
Fo rly.
Just pick up the entire Southeast and move it somewhere else. Say, Mars. Then you get rid of rednecks, a lot of stupid people, Mississippi, and most Jesus freaks in one collective movement. I bet you it'd be a lot harder to find reasons America sucks. ;)
You're a f*cking idiot. :LOL:

Lincoln wasn't that stupid, he was just kind of not very nice :)
Raeven0 said:
Fo rly.
Just pick up the entire Southeast and move it somewhere else. Say, Mars. Then you get rid of rednecks, a lot of stupid people, Mississippi, and most Jesus freaks in one collective movement. I bet you it'd be a lot harder to find reasons America sucks. ;)

Can we move Texas along with them? :)
Ome_Vince said:
Also, its totally hilarious if there are Brits who are pointing fingers, as they were amongst history's Nr1 world-****ers :)

During the colonial era Britian never claimed to be spreading freedom and democracy, besides the colonial era is over, you can't justify US actions by taking a moral high ground with history.
Ludah said:
If you want to hold onto the South, go for it. I need it like I need a tumor.

Beh, there are many people far far more meaningful, influencial and important than you and me in the south. An area is not defined by its majority, and especially not by its most extreme citizens :p
Don't close it, some of these people are too stupid to be harmful :D
Omg America Sux Becuz Da President Is Stoopid And Gose 2 War Wid Iraq 4 No Reshun N They Dun Lik Footbal So Thy Suk
Raeven0 said:

The entire southeastern quarter of America can't identify Portugal on a map of the world and doesn't know the title or origin of our own national anthem, yet we're smarter than the rest of the world?
I love it when people generalize. /sarcasm
In spite of america's many terrible qualities in this day and age, I'd rather live here than in many countries in the world, if only because America is currentley the richest and most militarily powerful. I know that living in america I can purchase high quality goods at a relatively low price, that (although my expensive) the treatment I will get out of medical centers will be better than say in Africa, that I have the opportunity to go to excellent universities within my own country rather than travelling to a foreign country.

Sure, america currentley has alot of religion/opinion/political issues that I detest, but the beuty of America is that I can do my part to change that, by speaking out against the government or religion, voting for the candidates of my choice, and being politically active without fear of opression. Should that ever change, I'm getting the hell out of here and moving to sweden :)
Tr0n said:
I love it when people generalize. /sarcasm

actually recent studies from newsweek show that this is true. 30% of americans studied aged 18-25 could not point out the entire subcontinent of india.And even fewer of them could remember the words to the national anthem.
Dalamari said:
Omg America Sux Becuz Da President Is Stoopid And Gose 2 War Wid Iraq 4 No Reshun N They Dun Lik Footbal So Thy Suk
Do you mind if I put this in my signature as my favorite post?
You know what, guess who is ****ing HOSTING THIS GOD DAMN SITE. Yeah thats right you idiots.
Erestheux said:
Beh, there are many people far far more meaningful, influencial and important than you and me in the south.
Like me. And, uhhhh... er... hm... just give me a second...

Tr0n said:
I love it when people generalize. /sarcasm
I live in Arkansas. I think I know a thing or two about how stupid most of the people are.
theotherguy said:
actually recent studies from newsweek show that this is true. 30% of americans studied aged 18-25 could not point out the entire subcontinent of india.And even fewer of them could remember the words to the national anthem.

30% =/= "The entire southeastern quarter of America" said:
gen·er·al·ize (jĕn'ər-ə-līz')

a. To reduce to a general form, class, or law.
b. To render indefinite or unspecific.
a. To infer from many particulars.
b. To draw inferences or a general conclusion from.
a. To make generally or universally applicable.
b. To popularize.


I also fail to see why anyone would give a shit about the national anthem. I don't care about it nor know all the words. This detracts from my intelligence? That's one of the stupidest things I've seen anyone mock Americans for.

reactorguy said:
Like me. And, uhhhh... er... hm... just give me a second...
No, sorry, you're just an idiot. :E
America used to be great. America used to be made up of hard working, blood/sweat/and tears kind of folks, who had values, morals, and knew how to get things done. We had great ingenuity, drive, and know how. We had people willing to make personal sacrifice, we had checks and balances. We've never been perfect, and never will be. We also had such harsh realities as slavery, opressive theocracy (that has made a sharp comeback today), and an iron handed approach to free thought. You take the bad with the good.

But today, America is a pale imitation of what it used to be, and of what it could/should be. Take everything that was great about this country, the spirit, the ingenuity, the hard work ethic, the motivated people, and throw all that out. Replace it with lazy, fat, sheeple, and keep the theocracy, destroy all checks and balances, rewrite laws/amend constitutions, and spoon feed proganda, and pop bullshit until everyones hebetude gets the best of them, and thats what remains.

A battered, beaten, bloody, piss poor excuse of a country that clings to "what used to be" as if any of these shits did anything to deserve their spoiled lifestyles, and claims all these spoils as their own production, all the while to be trodden over the rest of the world, for greedy, outlandish reason, justified by lies.
theotherguy said:
actually recent studies from newsweek show that this is true. 30% of americans studied aged 18-25 could not point out the entire subcontinent of india.And even fewer of them could remember the words to the national anthem.
Of AMERICANS. Not the entire south/southeast/southwest. Damn idiot.
Tr0n said:
Of AMERICANS. Not the entire south/southeast/southwest. Damn idiot.

Tr0n just put out some southern ownage there

Mr Stabby said:
During the colonial era Britian never claimed to be spreading freedom and democracy, besides the colonial era is over, you can't justify US actions by taking a moral high ground with history.

Uhm, read the post. I'm refering to "pointing fingers", i'm not talking about justifying America's actions AT ALL...
As for the "morale highground" there are historical comments made at "why America sucks" regarding to America's slavery etc, hence me pointing at the British "beautiful" history (even during that same period..).
Also even AFTER ww2 the Brits did some "nice jobs" in India, and Africa.

And, yes, indeed, back then they werent claiming to be spreading "freedom and democracy" -> lol just conquer and make the world British...

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone", and sorry dude, but the Brits have one of the bloodiest fingers around...

So pointing fingers at the US for slavery doesnt work, or more recent things like Iraq for... the Brits are part of that "party" too :)...
Aside from some of those already mentioned....

Obsession with firearms.

Insistance on behaving unilaterally in international affairs (imo born out of a superiority complex coupled with a complete lack of modesty).

Can't really think of too much else atm.....particularly as i'm currently willing the USA Football (soccer) team on in the World Cup (though i have to admit there are monetary motives!!).
I love firearms. :D

Hell, yesterday after playing bf2 at a friends I kinda got gun happy, so I shot his 9mm ruger, pump shotgun, .22 revolver, and .357 mag revolver. Tis was fun. ^_^
DreadLord1337 said:
a. It's not noticable if it even goes on.
b. We don't care (Which is the actual problem).
So people 'hardly' breathe because you usually dont notice it?
I dunno why you people downplay this stuff. Its YOUR freedoms that are being eroded my friend.
And to you ****ing yanks, probably the fat, stupid ones, who apparently dont have the mental capacity to work out the blindingly obvious, despite me practically spelling out in my second post that the previous one was a joke:
It was a mother****ing joke, k?
But if you dont think there was more than an element of truth to it you are seriously deluded. And lastly, because i know some of you yanktards are too thick to see it yourselves, the insults in this post are also tongue in cheek. I do not hate america.
Griz said:
Aside from some of those already mentioned....

Obsession with firearms.

Insistance on behaving unilaterally in international affairs (imo born out of a superiority complex coupled with a complete lack of modesty).

Can't really think of too much else atm.....particularly as i'm currently willing the USA Football (soccer) team on in the World Cup (though i have to admit there are monetary motives!!).

dont forget Jack Thompson, Pat Robertson and Richard Simmons
Tr0n said:
I love firearms. :D

Hell, yesterday after playing bf2 at a friends I kinda got gun happy, so I shot his 9mm ruger, pump shotgun, .22 revolver, and .357 mag revolver. Tis was fun. ^_^

You live away from....people though, right?

And you know people don't re-spawn when shot, right?

OK, then go shoot something!!!! (preferably non-living!!) :thumbs:
Reaktor4 said:
So people 'hardly' breathe because you usually dont notice it?
I dunno why you people downplay this stuff. Its YOUR freedoms that are being eroded my friend.
And to you ****ing yanks, probably the fat, stupid ones, who apparently dont have the mental capacity to work out the blindingly obvious, despite me practically spelling out in my second post that the previous one was a joke:
It was a mother****ing joke, k?
But if you dont think there was more than an element of truth to it you are seriously deluded. And lastly, because i know some of you yanktards are too thick to see it yourselves, the insults in this post are also tongue in cheek. I do not hate america.
You were definitely being serious. Shut upz.
Griz said:
You live away from....people though, right?

And you know people don't re-spawn when shot, right?

OK, then go shoot something!!!! (preferably non-living!!) :thumbs:
Well my friend and I both do. We live out in the country side as you brits would say.
Griz said:
*shivers* I was actually too scared to click on your link. The mere mention of that man freaks me out!!

ya me too ...he's like a sugar coated cartoon character who's just asking for a kick in the ass
Ludah said:
The world really isn't that bad though. If you compare now to a thousand, a hundred, or even 60 years ago, the state of things today is very preferrable.
Yes! It's certainly true that America's a better place to live than a lot of places in the world.

That doesn't mean it doesn't have many, many problems. Most of them have already been listed by Sparta, Ludah, Gick and other smartypantses. So there isn't much point repeating them.

My dad's a bit weird about it though - here's a quote: "Gay marriage? It really isn't relevant. Look, America's a rogue state. It's literally destroying the world. As far as anyone outside it is concerned, the question of whether or not they can eat each other is pretty much academic."


I hope to go on a road trip across America at some point. :D
Sulkdodds said:
I hope to go on a road trip across America at some point. :D

a heck of a lot of roadside billboards ...I mean damn there's a lot ...also some of the interstates are in horrible disrepair ..oh and dont speed, most people drive at the speed limit ..which is weird cuz in canada the norm is drive 20km above the speed limit's just ****ing courteous
CptStern said:
a heck of a lot of roadside billboards ...I mean damn there's a lot ...also some of the interstates are in horrible disrepair ..oh and dont speed, most people drive at the speed limit ..which is weird cuz in canada the norm is drive 20km above the speed limit's just ****ing courteous

Come to Massachusetts. :-D Worst drivers in the country. We'll run you off the road at 100mph+ :D

Sulk, stop by Boston. I'll treat you to a nice beer and a Sox game. You too Stern, bring the family.
yay! I'm there!

buffalo has horrible roads fact the entire city is in a horrible state of disrepair guys should just push it into the niagara river, no one will notice
Have fun going to a Sox game and hearing so many racist remarks your ears bleed

I love Boston, but it's full of a bunch of lunatics who would kill a baby for the Sox to win the pennant