AMFG Wheres website!

Not a clue. In Munros knickers? ;)
Thought it might be a quick temp site, so I didn't bother making a thread...
But I know I saw it before you! :p
This is the new site, you not like?
This is the Best frontpage ever! don`t change it!!!!!!! :sniper:
It is ruined forever!!

*Shamrock kills himself with a Nerf gun..
It is truly amazing. The exclamation mark really gives it that extra umph!
yeaa, we both love her. if we could, we would love her all night long.
breasts aswell ??

i reckon u should just have the domain forward to the forums imho thats all the is site is rele along with the news....
it's reminiscent of the one that used to say "Site will be up on January 1st, 2004. For now go to the forums."

What a long time ago...
slinter said:
It's good to have land

haha! amazing! :)

I hope this isn't Munro joking about while he uploads the new site, I hope it's Munro pissed off and fed up of people asking about it! :)
I'm actually deleting the site at the moment.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
haha! amazing! :)

I hope this isn't Munro joking about while he uploads the new site, I hope it's Munro pissed off and fed up of people asking about it! :)
Well, he said on mIRC:
<Munro> I need someone to have a quick look through the new site and check for mistakes
So I guess it isn't going to take long :)

Edit: Never mind, he's deleting the site :(


Thats better in the sense I never use the site newho.... much easier to get to the forums now :p

But eh?! Whats replaceing it!!!? :rolling: :O
Is it a pron site? Is it?

/me tries not to get his hope on it
Munro said:
I'm actually deleting the site at the moment.

Omg are you serious! You guys have the best hl2 site. Whats going on!
Beerdude26 said:
www.AlyxPr0n.comGod, that looks good.
/me throws himself on the floor and starts to cry

There is a God!

/me stands up and gets back serious

So when is the site going to get up, Munro?
It's coming...

We Are Half-Life 2
Yes, I just saw that version before it rapidly disappeared again ...
I've been moving house and now I'm back to kick everyone's arse!
Chris_D said:
I've been moving house and now I'm back to kick everyone's arse!
lol...well its needed i assure you.
If the new site sucks Big M i'm coming after you with my rusty screwdriver!